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Questions tagged [geonode]

An Open Source Geospatial Content Management System

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Configuring geonode proxied by nginx on webfaction

I'm trying to install geonode on webfaction. Webfaction doesn't provide root access, so it needs installation from source. I'm struggling to get authentication working. Webfaction works like this (...
Jean Jordaan's user avatar
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How to update the layers in Geonode with cascading WMS from Geoserver?

We began a project in my office in which we would like to have all our geographical data in a central repository where we can search them, insert and edit metadata and view them on a map, so our ...
Stavros K.'s user avatar
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Geonode to harvest metadata from Geonetwork-like services?

I am in charge of setting up a gis web portal and one of the functionalities would be to harvest some metadata from metadata servers like Geonetwork. I have been thinking of using Geonode because I ...
Pierric's user avatar
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Geoserver configuration for large layers

I'm having problem with geoserver configuration. Currently I'm running geoserver 2.4 on CentOS and Tomcat 6 with 24 cores CPU and 48 GB RAM. I have uploaded 4 layers to PostGIS (PostgreSQL 9.3/PostGIS ...
krizas's user avatar
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Comparison of SDI frameworks

What are the main differences between these SDI, especially in the level of geospatial features and ease of integration with existing CMS? Cartaro Geonode GeOrchestra EasySDI I wonder for the ...
geogeek's user avatar
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Need help adding OpenLayers to Geonode

I just installed GeoNode and really love the manner in which it helps me arrange the contents related to the map but I am not sure about adding OpenLayers to it. Well here is where I am faltering, I ...
Sam007's user avatar
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What is Geonode ? What all can be achieved using it?

Ok i have searched the site and did not find enough information concerning regarding what is a Geonode so i really thought i may ask everyone who has used it to give their opinion. I am trying to set ...
GeoH2O's user avatar
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What tile/tiling strategy should I use with GeoNode/GeoServer?

I've got a wicked GeoNode instance running, loaded with some basic vector data. I want to be able to serve our local-County aerial imagery as a basemap within GeoNode. I am thoroughly overwhelmed with ...
oeon's user avatar
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