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Georeferenced labeling

I have a problem with ArcMap that somehow affect georeferencing. I have three layers, two with .lyr and one is a raster data. The two .lyr datatypes are a border and cities with names. I georeferenced ...
Daniel's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Adding PDF (especially GeoPDF) to ArcMap as data?

I receive a lot of PDF maps (vector, image, with georeference and without) and I am having to convert them to an image file before I can add them to ArcMap and georeference. I can't see any obvious ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to georeference an existing, un-georeferenced pdf?

I was wondering if there was anyway to georeference a pdf directly without first converting it to an image. I have access to ArcGIS 10.1 but haven't been able to find any information that would ...
Sarah's user avatar
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