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Does GDAL 3.x/PROJ 7.x do some kind of bounds checking when doing a gdalwarp operation?

This is more of a question about how GDAL 3.x and PROJ 7.x work more than a question about how to do something. I have been experimenting with GDAL 3.4.2 and have noticed some things that are ...
Burrow's user avatar
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Calculating inverse polynomial transforms for pixel sampling when map georeferencing

In map georeferencing, one typically chooses a set of ground control points that represent pixel locations in the map image along with their real world geographic coordinates, which are then used to ...
Karim Bahgat's user avatar
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Georeference raster in WGS84 and project in North azimuthal in QGIS

I have a raster (JEPG) image from a full planet surface (in this case Jupiter). I use QGIS and its plugin Georeferencer to add control points on the image. I use the four corners. Then I use Gdal to ...
Elendil's user avatar
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GDALwarp HDF5 Image With Unknown Projection

I have a NetCDF file that contains a series of HDF5 bands. I am looking to project one of these bands contained within this file. I've attempted to use the following command to achieve this: gdalwarp ...
TornadoEric's user avatar
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Problem with reprojecting raster from MGI 6 to WGS

When I reproject a raster from Mgi 6 to WGS 84 using Warp in Quantum gis it makes mistake ( about 380m). Is there any way to avoid this?
Dejan Jungić's user avatar