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Questions tagged [germany]

for questions which are specific to the country of Germany

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Seeking open data for land parcels in Germany [closed]

I am looking for open data regarding land parcels (cadastral data) in Germany. I have found such datasets for other countries, like France, but I haven’t been able to locate similar data for Germany. ...
Roman Dryndik's user avatar
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Adding NTV2 transformation for Bavaria to QGIS

I have a .gsb file for the conversion but even after a lot of searches I am not sure about what to do with it or how to incorporate it into QGIS, I tried adding it to proj.db but I don't know about ...
Salman's user avatar
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Fixing unreadable coordinates in QGIS

I am using UTM 32 for Germany and want to add some coordinates but when I do that they are thick, overlapping and not readable. I tried to adjust the size and font but that did not fix the problem. I ...
amelie's user avatar
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Loading Web Feature Service (WFS) takes too long in QGIS

I am trying to load WFS (URL for Cadastral data of a federal state in Germany) in QGIS LTR but it is extremely time-consuming. I know, it is a big dataset. Whenever I try to load the layer, it shows ...
Amin's user avatar
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DXF with incomplete Gauß Krüger Zone 4 Coordinates [closed]

I have a DXF file (dwg originaly). The Coordinates in said file are set in Gauß Krüger Zone 4 (wich was used in Bavaria, Germany around 20 Years ago. While loading the File in QGIS (3.28.15) the ...
Koronus's user avatar
-1 votes
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List of districts of Germany

I am working on a system where I need shapefiles for districts in Germany. However, there is a lot of confusion around the exact number of districts. Wikipedia entry says there are 401 districts - ...
treecoder's user avatar
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Query to extract addresses in several parts of Germany is not working via QuickOSM

I a trying to extract addresses from the OpenStreetMap as polygons via QuickOSM using the keys: addr:street, addr:housenumber and addr:city. That works quite well, but not in every part of Germany. ...
Arne Kagermeier's user avatar
4 votes
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Adding Vector Tiles results in 'Network request timed out' in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28 Firenze on my Windows, I am trying to create a connection to a vector tile server to request contour line tiles. As the data are open source I can post the server address: The server has ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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How to get all parcels of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to GeoJSON? WFS export in QGIS seems to export part of the data only

I am aiming to download parcel boundaries of the German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I found this geoportal, where this data seems to be available:
zabop's user avatar
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Seeking polygon data for Germany's urban areas (metropolitan areas) [closed]

I am currently working on a project where I would like to showcase trend differences between rural vs. urban areas in Germany. I am wondering if anyone in this site is able to point me to a resource ...
obkmrk's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Seeking parcel boundaries data for Germany or Sweden? [closed]

I'm trying to find parcel data (property boundaries) in a GIS format. I tried googling and nothing is coming up. I would pay for a vendor like CoreLogic or ReportAll that have parcel data only in the ...
AdamGIS's user avatar
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Accessing INSPIRE cadastral data through QGIS

I am at the Germany specific Cadastral parcels page on INSPIRE Geoportal, here: I click on the first entry, ALKIS Berlin. Then Download Options. I am presented with a list of "Get Data Set" ...
zabop's user avatar
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Choosing projection in Germany and Switzerland for buffer in metres [duplicate]

I am using QGIS. Which projections / CRS are best to use for Switzerland and Germany, which I can use to buffer points and lines in metres rather than degrees?
Shona Guthrie's user avatar
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Making flattened shape of map right using QGIS

When I opened in QGIS the shapefile of Berlin, which I downloaded from the Berlin government website, the shape of map is flattened. I wonder how I can make this flattened map right? I attached the ...
H.Y. Cho's user avatar
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Using if statement with evaluators in Overpass

I am trying to query all the nodes which are in Potsdam city and with postcode 14480. I know that it can be coded as follows: area["ISO3166-1"="DE"][admin_level=2]->.germany;...
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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Datum transformation not working properly [closed]

I want to create a map with 20 coordinates (UTM), that I have loaded as a CSV-file into QGIS 3.12. The area is located in UTM zone 32 U (northwest of Munich). As a background I want to use an 80 cm ...
Victor's user avatar
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9 votes
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Determining CRS from given point coordinate set

I have a set of coordinates (X, Y) and I do not know which coordinate system they are actually in. They are definitely in a projected coordinate system since they are not in decimal degrees. However, ...
Jio's user avatar
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Difference between UTM CRS with 6 digits and 8 digits

In my area in Germany we use the CRS with the EPSG:25832 code. These are UTM 32N coordinates with a false easting of 500,000. Thus, it is a 6 digit coordinate system. I read this means that the middle ...
DGIS's user avatar
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Extracting lat lon of points from list of postal codes

I have scraped a list of postal codes for which I want to extract (lat, lon) data. extracted postal codes In Postal Codes Germany, I was able to extract lat lon for the postal code by is there a way ...
ujwal kandi's user avatar
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Shifting on the X-axis while reprojecting Gauss-Krüger zone 3 to UTM zone 33N

I'm having trouble converting geodata from Gauss-Krüger Zone 3 to UTM 33N. See attached image. I don't know why, but there seems to be a shift on the X-axis. I found a similar question here but am ...
desputin's user avatar
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Transform Gauss Krüger Zone 3 data into WGS 84 / UTM 33N in QGIS [duplicate]

I would like to transform this data: (it is Gauss Krüger Zone 3) into WGS 84 / UTM 33N in QGIS. How do I do it? ...
desputin's user avatar
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Seeking Berlin groundwater shapefiles

I would like to know if any of you has shapefiles of Berlin? I have been using but it doesn't allow the layers in shapefile format and also https://...
Alexander Auris's user avatar
-1 votes
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Seeking database of all German cities with latitude and longitude [closed]

Does anyone know a service that provides this or has advice how to obtain it myself? Ideally free.
OWL PR's user avatar
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Integrating NTv2_SN.gsb grid in QGIS

I want to integrate the NTv2_SN.gsb grid in QGIS. I have a dataset in CRS EPSG:31469 and want to transform into CRS EPSG:25833. Therefore I want to integrate the NTv2_SN.gsb into QGIS. But I have some ...
joe_gerner's user avatar
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Identifying cities from shapefile that showcases functional urban areas (FUA) of Germany

How do I identify which FUAs do certain cities belong to (ex. which FUA does Worms belong to) from the FUA shapefile I have (see image)?
Jaya Jain's user avatar
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Population centroid of irregular-shaped German counties based on a population density grid

I'm new to QGIS and stuck with this task. Here's the data I'm working with: 1-square-kilometer grid Shapefile of Germany (
flx_adam's user avatar
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Reprojecting a Raster in QGIS

I have a .asc file from the german DWD, which displays the sunshine duration in Germany. through an older post I already figured out that in order to be able to work with the .asc file i have to ...
Philip Gatzlaff's user avatar
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Converting Excel into shapefile (keeping encoding and data type)

I am trying to create a "perfect" shapefile from the Excel data. "Perfect" means that it should match several factors: proper encoding and original data type. Excel file basically contains ...
Taras's user avatar
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Georeferencing Old German Map in ArcMap that uses Ferro Meridian and very uncommon projection

I am trying to georeference an old map of the German Reich from 1930's. The map is based on the topographische Übersichtskarte des Deutschen Reiches 1:200000. The coordinates depicted on the map, ...
Radost Holler's user avatar
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Seeking map of communes for Bavaria region before 1930 [closed]

I am looking into data for an article, and I am missing a pretty important map. The map relates to this question. I need a map of Bavaria communes, the so-called Gemeinden divisions, either to buy or ...
alecsx's user avatar
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Opening shapefiles without prj-file (one of Gauss–Krüger CS) in QGIS

I'm trying to open a shapefile in Gauss–Krüger coordinate system, which comes without any .prj-files, in QGIS. These files are not really up to date but they're the only data i can get. Is it possible ...
Ma Fo's user avatar
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retrieve coordinates of all weather stations that falls in Germany in R [closed]

I have a historical temperature and precipitation observations in each individual txt file for the globe by year (I have total 35 txt file for yearly temperature/precipitation), and in my research ...
Jerry07's user avatar
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Listing every street name per postal code

I would like to export a list of all street names per postal code for Germany. More specificly, I have looked at OpenStreetMap/the Overpass API. With [out:json]; ( area[postal_code="31061"]; )...
Manawyrm's user avatar
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Projection for Germany that preserves distance?

I have a point A (EPSG 4326) in Berlin, Germany: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 13.394994735717773, 52.514849775310154 ] } I want to create point B that is 500m to the east ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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Detect coordinate system UTM 32 North or UTM 33 North

I am getting database tables (dbase) from customers with geo coordinates either in Gauss-Krueger (zone 2 to 5) and UTM 32 North or UTM33 North, usually from within Germany. Sometimes there is no ...
dummzeuch's user avatar
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Public shp file showing Berlin subway entrances?

I was inspired by someone else's work to try finding the Berlin property farthest from a subway station. In order to do that, I will need two things: First, I need a shapefile of all the building ...
Mayor of the Plattenbaus's user avatar
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Crop data for Europe / Germany

I am currently working on the effect of land use on streams in very small catchments (<30km²) in Germany. We have accurate data (ATKIS) on general land use patterns (forests, agriculture, urban ...
andschar's user avatar
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Which EPSG setting when georeferencing German maps from 1880s?

I'm trying to georeference a map from 1881 that was created by the Preußische Landesaufnahme. When using Gauß-Krüger (EPSG:31467), my map section always ends up way too far in the east. I've found out ...
KathrinL's user avatar
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Seeking historical (pre-war) data on cities and towns in Germany? [closed]

I'm trying to find and merge German city-level data from various time periods: ~1900, ~1930 and ~1990. What's difficult: Obviously some cities merged, new places were founded after 1900, and again ...
sheß's user avatar
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10 votes
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Where can I find state borders for Germany?

I'm looking for free state border layers for Germany. Are there any free sources for such data?
MrSalamikuchen's user avatar
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German Census Demographic Data @ zip-code level

The US Census has an API to pull Census/ACS data at the ZTCA (zip-code tabulation area) level. I'm looking for the same functionality with German data. So far I've identified several websites such as ...
user2105469's user avatar
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Source for multipolygon data?

I have a PostGIS database where I would like to store multipolygon data of certain cities. The type of the table column is geometry(MultiPolygon,4326). I'm now looking for a source where I can get ...
Niki's user avatar
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7 votes
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Seeking urban area shapefiles for France, Germany and Belgium?

I'm trying to make a map like this for the Low Countries/Rhineland, where I basically show how spread out all the urban areas would be there if the urban areas had similar densities to American urban ...
user68150's user avatar
14 votes
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Which projection is this data in?

I received a shapefile for my project from an agency and was told that they always use UTM. However, the values have too many digits for being projected in UTM. min max x 32507319 ...
Kathrin's user avatar
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Free address data providers for Germany [closed]

I am looking for comprehensive address data (incl. house numbers) for Germany. Is there some kind of government agency that provides free downloads? I know that the BEV (Bundesamt für Eich- und ...
Chris's user avatar
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Coordinate Reference System with units in meters for central Germany?

I found several questions in regard of reprojecting data into a CRS with unit of meters and what CRS to use. Usually the counter question is, "for what region, on what scale" and there the discussions ...
user2532323's user avatar
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Conflicting boundary information

When I query, for example, the Germany Boundary Commission, and the Austrian Boundary Commission, for boundary information, I am getting conflicting data sets. Is there a resolution method for this?
JMP's user avatar
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EsriLeaflet - Problem with special german projection

I got a service with EPSG:3068 ( My test code to diplay this service on an Leaflet Map with Esri-Leaflet is as following: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head>...
Matthias's user avatar
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Shapefile of Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate with district boundaries

Can anyone help me find shapefiles of German states Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate (including their districts)?
user343's user avatar
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Geocoding German Gemeindeschlüssel

Do you know a source where I can get a table for geocoding the numbers from German "Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel (AGS)" (
Gere's user avatar
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