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Questions tagged [getfeatureinfo]

A WMS (Web Map Service) request that retrieves data, for a pixel location on a map.

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QGIS - Identify Features Tool increase area of HTML response

Using QGIS 3.34.8 to connect to a WMS Server showing data of all registered geological boreholes in the german state of bavaria. Using the identify feature tool gives detailed information about the ...
Robert's user avatar
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PointStack styled WMS: how to understand if the clicked feature is made of points all with same lat and lng

I've a layer styled with PointStack and I want to know when I click on a stacked marker, if the cluster is made by point with all the same lat and lng or not. So I'm trying to use the countunique ...
user2880516's user avatar
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Get the pixel coordinates from a Longitude, Latitude coordinate pair for a GetFeatureInfo request?

Given a GetFeatureInfo Query: https://path/geoserver/data_store/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&QUERY_LAYERS=workspace_name:layer&LAYERS=workspace_name:layer&...
MigueL's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo request on a layer styled with Heatmap render transform

I created a layer in Geoserver (version 2.20.2) styled with a heatmap rendering transformation as in this example:
user445082's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo value_list converting long numbers to rounded exponents

I have a multiband GeoTIFF that I'm serving up as a WMS. Doing a GetFeatureInfo request works fine, except for the ID of the pixel, which is the first band. Somehow MapServer is converting the 10 ...
user1545897's user avatar
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ArcGIS Online WMS GetFeatureInfo request

At the moment I'm trying to add a WMS in ArcGIS Online and I can't seem to figure out how to make a GetFeatureInfo call. Using it in the URL does not work for me as ArcGIS Online does not accept this ...
spatialNB's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: wmsLayers.getSource is not a function

wms appears but when clicked an error appears like this and the popup does not appear I want to use WMS GetFeatureInfo (Tile Layer) whose info is taken from WMS Geoserver to display popup information ...
user238348's user avatar
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OpenLayers add features to vectorLayer from GetFeatureInfo query in TypeScript

Stack: OpenLayers 8.2.0, Typescript 5.3.3, GeoServer 2.22 Goal: Clicking on a map triggers a GetFeatureInfo request which returns feature info (correctly displayed) and geometries. I would like to ...
FloCAD's user avatar
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Leaflet plugin Leaflet-WMS.js Gives sometimes weird x-y coodinates [closed]

I am adding a Point-WMS-TileLayer to a Leaflet-Map. In addition I am using Leaflet-WMS plugin to get a onClick a Map-PopUp with the specific GetFeatureInfo for the clicked Point. If the Sites load and ...
jules2703's user avatar
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QGIS identify tool is not aware of all available INFO_FORMAT parameters in the WMS GetFeatureInfo capabilities

When using a WMS service providing the following GetFeatureInfo capabilities: Why does QGIS (3.32.3-Lima at the time of writing) only offer two formats (text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2.1 and text/plain) ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Extract/retrieve projection from a ESRI File Geodatabase (gdb) using QGIS

I downloaded a .gdb file (file size is 39Gb) from FEMA Harvey Flood Depth Grid. As I understand, the file gdb file is used to generate the 3x3 flood depth grid shown at the attached picture. k.imgur....
Sung's user avatar
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4 answers

Getting WMS GetFeatureInfo response with MapServer in JSON format

I use Mapserver with the Leaflet JS library and I want to display some attributes informations of a raster file by clicking on the map. Therefore I use the GetFeatureInfo WMS request in order to ...
Julien's user avatar
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Publish the band descriptions from a TIFF in a WMS service with GeoServer

I have a multiband TIFF, where each band represents a time slice of a dataset. The date of each band is stored in the Band Description. See the output from gdalinfo here: Band 1 Block=476x1 Type=...
staf's user avatar
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Getting WMS layer data using OpenLayers

I want to fetch WMS data but not for one feature. I want all the data fetched. I want all the table of attributes of the shapefile itself. const municipalitiesLocal = new TileLayer({ source: new ...
Sergio Merdani's user avatar
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Problem with GetFeatureInfo request on INSPIRE cadastre using Leaflet

Using Leaflet with the library, I have problems with GetFeatureInfo on the WMS INSPIRE cadastre. However the normal WMS works without problems. In the case of ...
paralosreg's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo not working in R with leaflet.extras2

leaflet.extras2 provides a working example for clicking on a feature and displaying its attributes; however, when I try to run it with my geoserver it doesn't display attributes, I assume there's a ...
Elio Diaz's user avatar
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GeoServer GroupLayer GetFeatureInfo returns wrong layer feature

I'm currently facing an issue with GeoServer and its GroupLayer functionality. I have created a GroupLayer named confini containing three layers: tutorial:Reg01012023_WGS84 (Regions), tutorial:...
stefano_rizzo's user avatar
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Point Stacker GetFeatureInfo

I've got a sld globally inspired by those posts (and a lot of others): GeoServer – Creating Stacked Points GeoServer Point Stacker: does identify work on non-clustered points? Point Stacker in ...
FloCAD's user avatar
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Calculating distance between two point layers based on matching ID using QGIS

I have two point vectors in QGIS. One contains several coordinates, which are grouped geographically by a reference in the field name PID. I also have a point vector of the centroids from each group ...
MrBeardo's user avatar
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Pick data from WMS layer

I have a cadastral map as WMS in QGIS. Using the QGIS tool "Identify Features" I can click at the map and view a HTML table showing the cadastral number: Is there any way I can pick that ...
Morten's user avatar
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WMS request response in GeoJSON

I am trying to fetch data from geoserver WMS layer in geojson. When previewing layer everything works fine:
user2727167's user avatar
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Get all info feature of layers within polygon from another layer

I found this example here - (question details for example). It allows to get all the features in the drawn polygon. It's almost what i needed, but instead of drawing, I want when clicking on the ...
Jayzz's user avatar
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How to set permalink for `featureInfo` in WMS layer

I'm using this example from openlayers to update browser URL with zoom level and center. It's working fine but what I want now is to update browser URL with featureInfo of WMS layer. And when the user ...
Jayzz's user avatar
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Openlayers WMS Info map.on function

I have some doubts when displaying the information of several wms layers in openlayers using the map.on function. I show the information in a div perfectly if I click on the layer on the map, but if I ...
user68481's user avatar
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GeoServer Error getFeatureinfo when I click to any geometry in preview layer

I have a layer on GeoServer in preview layer. I see geometry of my layer but when I click to display data, it shows me this error. Any idea how to solve it? Schema '...
resuk's user avatar
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Changing size of leaflet.wms plugin popup in Leaflet?

I've created a webmap viewer with Leaflet and used the plugin leaflet.wms to call the WMS GetFeatureInfo service to query a map layer and return information about the underlying features. My code is ...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Problem with Fetch API using URL built by GetFeatureInfo in Openlayers

I request the feature info URL from Spanish land register WMS service successfully using: const url = wmsSource.getFeatureInfoUrl( evt.coordinate, view.getResolution(), view.getProjection()...
geraldo's user avatar
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Get multiple FeatureInfo from multiple WMS layers stacked on top of each other

I have two layers of WMS layers stacked on top of each other and each contains its own feature information. Upper layer has style=line and bottom layer has style=color, and some lines of the upper ...
Jayzz's user avatar
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How to scrape data from WMS

I'm struggling with a problem which I'd like to solve. In general, when I use the "identify" tool on a WMS I can see, in the debug panel, the BBOX of the feature I clicked on. I suppose that ...
Danamaita's user avatar
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How to identify features from WMS in QField?

Does the function "Identify Features", from QGIS Desktop, to query data from a WMS service exist in QField?
joe_gerner's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo in Leaflet to get selected polygon

I'm using Leaflet with WMS layers served by GeoServer. The layers are displayed correctly on the map, also over a OSM background. I want to catch the user click on the map and by using the X-Y ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
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Retrive WMS layer info in a geoportal using Open Layers

I've created a viewer using Open Layers 6. Within the script, I've got the following code to retrieve the info of a WMS layer, and it works fine, added directly into the html file within the section. ...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Get multiple features from WMS

I am trying to retrieve more than one feature from a WMS service. I had success on some by using a combination of feature_count and setting the width and height to 2 with a x/y value of 1. But on some,...
DataKek's user avatar
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Change layer popup style of KML served by GeoServer WMS service?

I need to change the style of the popup page in the KML (network) file sent by the WMS server. I looked at the GeoServer documents for this, but I couldn't find a .ftl file on my Linux server. There ...
firstlord's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo in OpenLayers only if the layer is visible

I'm using the following code in Open Layers 6, and it shows the feature info, even if the layer is not visible map.on('singleclick', function(evt){ document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Expose only selective features/attributes of a shapefile while publishing on GeoServer as WMS

I am trying to use WMS GetFeatureInfo request to popup display the feature/attributes of multiple WMS layers in OpenLayers. The problem is there too many attributes in each layer. Is these any ...
rss's user avatar
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How to define propertynames for GetFeatureInfo

We make a GetFeatureInfo call to a GeoServer and expect a geojson return. Is it possible to define human-readable property names? something like: baujahr -> Baujahr or eigentuemer_organisationstyp -...
domiSchenk's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo request from GeoServer responds with empty array

I am using the vue-leaflet and axios plugin in vue.js to make a GetFeatureInfo request to WMS tile layers served by Geoserver/Geowebcache for a certain point on the map, defined as marker. I am ...
Naomi's user avatar
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Failed to run GetFeatureInfo: precision cannot be greater than 7 or less than -7

I have an environment consisting in Geoserver 2.20 + Postgresql 14 + Postgis 3.1.4, in which I'm trying to run the following GetFeatureInfo request on a database containing geographic information: ...
Jucjon's user avatar
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GeoServer - GetFeatureInfo GeoJSON - different precision in different workspaces

I've just set up my GeoServer and app to work with application/json GetFeatureInfo requests. One of the advantages of this is that it returns the feature in GeoJSON format along with the attributes. ...
giscoder12's user avatar
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GetMap Request WMS

I formulate a GetFeatureInfo request that returns the feature information of the centre point of the map. The GetFeatureInfo request for WMS is:
Walker's user avatar
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Get info for all features upon click with betterWms Leaflet plugin?

var layer = L.tileLayer.betterWms("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms", { layers: 'data', format: 'image/png', transparent: true, }).addTo(map); When adding this GROUP WMS ...
Shakil Hossain's user avatar
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GeoServer 2.20.1 doesn't respect multiple styles with query layers

I'm having a minor issue with GetFeatureInfo and I quite frankly don't know how to solve it. It's a bit of a long story but here goes: When I make the following request to our GeoServer it'll return ...
Benjamin Mikkelsen's user avatar
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GeoServer GetFeatureInfo request property ordering

I am attempting to transition from text/HTML to application/JSON info_format in my GetFeatureInfo requests. The issue I'm running into is that when I use a GetFeatureInfo request with a PostgreSQL ...
giscoder12's user avatar
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MapServer Template

I have a wms mapfile to publish routing data line. Some of the lines have the same position and lie on top of each other, but have different values. I filter the objects with the attribute "...
joe_gerner's user avatar
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GeoServer GetFeatureInfo Results Format - Without Geometries

In GeoServer, is there a way to only retrieve the attributes/properties of features, without geometries, using the GetFeatureInfo request? I need to use the GetFeatureInfo request to retrieve features'...
henrykodev's user avatar
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How do I set the root-layer of a MapServer WMS to queryable="0"?

Problem Problem Summary I want the response of all the MapServer WMS GetCapabilities requests to not show queryable="1" in the root layers XML node. Status Quo The GetCapabilities response ...
SvenTUM's user avatar
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Prevent WMS GetFeatureInfo returning geometry in MapServer 6.4

When I send a GetFeatureInfo request to my Mapserver 6.4 WMS, the response contains the geometry. I want to disable this, as it is far too large in size. However, I am serving the same data as a WFS ...
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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PyQGIS WMS GetFeatureInfo

How does QGIS do the GetFeatureInfo Requests when I select a raster layer (WMS Layer) and use the Identify tool on the map? And how do I implement this in my PyQGIS Plugin, so I can send ...
Steven Grether's user avatar
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Struggling to return GetFeatureInfo over QGIS Server and MapServer WMS layers [duplicate]

I have a HTML/Leaflet page utilising BetterWMS script ( The script returns GetFeatureInfo over WMS layers. Unfortunately it is not working with WMSs published ...
Melanie's user avatar
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