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Point Stacker GetFeatureInfo

I've got a sld globally inspired by those posts (and a lot of others): GeoServer – Creating Stacked Points GeoServer Point Stacker: does identify work on non-clustered points? Point Stacker in ...
FloCAD's user avatar
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Rounding values of a raster dataset in a GetFeatureInfo response

Is there a way to round decimals of floating values for a GetFeatureInfo request from a raster (geotiff) in Geoserver? I would like to round up values to 2 decimals instead of 15. Is this something I ...
user30058's user avatar
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Geoserver SLD string functions for GetFeatureInfo requests

I have several Geoserver WMS layers styled with SLD. I also run GetFeatureInfo requests against those layers. My understanding is that Geoserver checks the layer's SLD rules even for GetFeatureInfo ...'s user avatar
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Does WMS GetFeatureInfo takes into account the applied Style (SLD)?

As the title says, does WMS GetFeatureInfo takes into account the applied style to a layer? For example I have layer of all US States and I applied the following SLD: <PropertyIsEqualTo> <...
Angelo Arboleda's user avatar