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Questions tagged [getfeatureinfo]

A WMS (Web Map Service) request that retrieves data, for a pixel location on a map.

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9 votes
5 answers

How to select fields returned by GeoServer WMS GetFeatureInfo request?

I'm running simple local mapping service based on PostGIS/GeoServer/OpenLayers stack. Following opengeo tutorial I've tied click events in OpenLayers to WMS GetFeatureInfo call using:
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8 votes
2 answers

Capture click while drawing a LineString in openlayers and query GeoServer WMS

While drawing a LineString in OpenLayers version 4.6.5, I would like to hook into the clicking of each point, and make an ajax call to a backend WMS service (geoserver). If a Feature on the Tile ...
user210757's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to make geoserver return JSON for WMS GetFeatureInfo?

I wish to get the results of a WMS GetFeatureInfo request as a JSON instead of the table that comes up by default. Out of the box, the only options for the response from a WMS GetFeatureInfo are the ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
7 votes
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How to view URL of GetFeatureInfo request in QGIS?

I have a WMS layer in QGIS. I am using the Identify Features tool to perform a GetFeatureInfo request. It retrieves the expected attribute data in the Identify Results panel. However I would like to ...
imre's user avatar
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4 answers

WMS GetFeatureInfo and CQL on Multiple Layers

I am having issues with querying CQL filtered layers with OpenLayers and GeoServer, using the GetFeatureInfo control. It is ignoring the CQL filter and just querying the entire layer (as evidenced by ...
James Baker's user avatar
7 votes
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Displaying feature info in a popup

I was able to "combine my shapefile and CSV data have made a lot of progress on my project. Now I want to display the attribute data in a popup when I either click or hover over a country... I've ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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How to select multiple Features from multiple Layers in OpenLayers?

Is there a way to select multiple features from multiple vector layers by using clickTolerance in click? I checked the documents of getFeature control and selectFeature control, seems not work in ...
Simon's user avatar
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Does WMS GetFeatureInfo takes into account the applied Style (SLD)?

As the title says, does WMS GetFeatureInfo takes into account the applied style to a layer? For example I have layer of all US States and I applied the following SLD: <PropertyIsEqualTo> <...
Angelo Arboleda's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

GetFeatureInfo for more than one layer using OpenLayers 3?

I am trying to work out how to get the feature information onclick for more than one layer, apart from variable etc my code is very simmilar to the openlayers example (
cmca's user avatar
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Use GetFeatureInfo with OpenLayers and a Bounding Polygon

I want to be able to draw a bounding polygon and have my MapServer WMS layer return every feature within that bounding box. I have it working for a single point, but I would like for the query to ...
Engineer2021's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Creating SqlView Layer with GeoServer Manager?

I would like to register a new SQL view layer to GeoServer through the REST API, I am using geoserver-manager. The registration is OK, the layer is working fine, except the WMS GetFeatureInfo, which ...
Kiss Miklós's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

OpenLayers custom request for WMS GetFeatureInfo

In OpenLayers, there is a WMSGetFeatureInfo control that can be attached to a layer and listen to click or hover events on the map, requesting info on the feature being currently clicked (or pointed) ...
Imp's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo Request

I am attempting to teach myself how to make a basic GetFeatureInfo request on a WMS (specifically from Geomet, GetCapabilities here). The following returns 400 Bad Request, and I'm not sure if it is a ...
phloem's user avatar
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How to add a WMS layer from GeoServer with OpenLayers?

After doing some basic OpenLayers examples where I used WMS layers from WMS providers like this:, I wanted then to add a WMS layer from my GeoServer. I ...
YossBen's user avatar
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Click event returning wrong Y container point in Leaflet?

I am using QGIS Server and Leaflet to display geotiffs on my website. I have created an onMapClick function which uses a GetFeatureInfo request to QGIS Server which returns the value of the geotiff in ...
agman's user avatar
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Change data source encoding of GetFeatureInfo response for a WMS in QGIS

How do I change the data source encoding of the GetFeatureInfo Request of a WMS-Layer in QGIS 2.18.x/3.x? I can't find any setting to handle the encoding. I need UTF-8 encoding for special characters ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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GeoServer GetFeatureInfo with time range

I've been building a WMS service for time series data following this tutorial: Everything is ...
Thomas's user avatar
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QGIS identify tool is not aware of all available INFO_FORMAT parameters in the WMS GetFeatureInfo capabilities

When using a WMS service providing the following GetFeatureInfo capabilities: Why does QGIS (3.32.3-Lima at the time of writing) only offer two formats (text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2.1 and text/plain) ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo on mouse hover on feature in OpenLayers 3

I am able to get popup onclick on the feature but want to get popup also on mouse hover on the feature (polygon,point). Can anyone help me out. For onclick I used below code - var feature_onClick; ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Is it possible to do a GetFeatureInfo request using WMTS?

I currently have an interactive map with multiple layers based on the WMS protocol, which has been working fairly well. I use GeoServer to serve the layers and OpenLayers for the front-end. My problem ...
Trashmonk's user avatar
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Querying multiple WMS layers in OL3 and adding to a single popup window

I've created a simple mapping application that shows a number of WMS layers (from GeoServer/Oracle) on a map, with check-boxes to turn them on and off. The layer list is generated dynamically from a ...
user29976's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

GeoServer cascading WMS, FeatureInfo is lost

I'm trying to cascade a WMS service in GeoServer ( I can view the cascaded layers just fine, but ...
Robin_K's user avatar
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Can ArcGIS Server 10.1 GetFeatureInfo return the geometry?

Using GeoServer I can make a WMS GetFeatureInfo request using the application/vnd.ogc.gml info_format and it returns the full GML of the feature, including the geometry. This is really useful as I ...
JohnOT's user avatar
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OpenlaRemoving FID field with WMSGetFeatureInfo function using OpenLayers?

I'm using the WMSGetFeatureInfo control of Openlayers in order to have a pupop in the map with the WMS layer info. Automatically Openlayers inserts a FID field at the beginning of the popup. Is there ...
Michi's user avatar
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GeoServer GetFeatureInfo Template

I have for now just used the standard Get Feature Template in the documentation. The first example should make all the returned data format into bullets instead of little tables. For some reason my ...
Environment's user avatar
3 votes
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Why doesn't Leaflet have cross-origin error when adding WMS layer from GeoServer, but GetFeatureInfo using ajax does

I am learning web mapping with Leaflet. I added a WMS layer and now I'm trying to get feature details using ajax to send getFeatureInfo request. I'm not finished yet, and right now I just want to log ...
Sara's user avatar
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Using JSONP with Leaflet and GetFeatureInfo request

Is it possible to use JSONP with the GetFeatureInfo request? I'm using a GetFeatureInfo function in Leaflet that works fine with JSON data but I'm really struggling to replicate this with JSONP and ...
Matt T's user avatar
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How does GetFeatureInfo work on a WMS?

What I know is that WMS is a tiled image of the layer, so my question is how does it get the attributes of the layer for queries and info-windows as long as it's an image? and why can't we edit them ...
Ibrahim Mohammed's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Expose only selective features/attributes of a shapefile while publishing on GeoServer as WMS

I am trying to use WMS GetFeatureInfo request to popup display the feature/attributes of multiple WMS layers in OpenLayers. The problem is there too many attributes in each layer. Is these any ...
rss's user avatar
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How to define propertynames for GetFeatureInfo

We make a GetFeatureInfo call to a GeoServer and expect a geojson return. Is it possible to define human-readable property names? something like: baujahr -> Baujahr or eigentuemer_organisationstyp -...
domiSchenk's user avatar
3 votes
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Prevent WMS GetFeatureInfo returning geometry in MapServer 6.4

When I send a GetFeatureInfo request to my Mapserver 6.4 WMS, the response contains the geometry. I want to disable this, as it is far too large in size. However, I am serving the same data as a WFS ...
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo returns "no layers queryable" [closed]

I'm not able to get information with "GetFeatureInfo" request. I'm getting following reply: "Either no layer was queryable, or no layers were specified using QUERY_LAYERS" I made sure that my WMS (...
Kumbria's user avatar
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How send Geoserver WMS GetFeatureInfo query to an area

I am using GetFeatureInfo query to WMS service. When I click a WMS object on the map, the response is coming. http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms? request=GetFeatureInfo &service=WMS &...
barteloma's user avatar
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OpenLayers GetFeatureInfo for GeoServer Layer Groups

I've created a GeoServer layer group. I'm using OpenLayers.Layer.WMS to retrieve the layer group, and this works fine. In addition, I'd like to pull feature info for the layer. For this, I'm using ...
okello's user avatar
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2 answers

Use OpenLayers WMSGetFeatureInfo on Mapserver Layer?

I'm able to use OpenLayers' OpenLayers.Layer.Mapserver declaration to generate a raster from GRIB data. I've read in the MapServer docs and on forums that it should be possible to get point ...
teknocreator's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Getting FeatureCollection id in Google Earth Engine

How can I get the 'id' field shown when I print a FeatureCollection in Google Earth Engine? I tried get('id') or get('system:index') but it didn't work (returns null).
Shahriar49's user avatar
3 votes
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Replace a character in the GetFeatureInfo response

I'm having a lot of floating point raster datasets in GeoServer. GeoServer automatically uses a dot (.) to separate the decimals of a value. Is it possible to change this into a comma (,)? Either ...
user30058's user avatar
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How to get GetFeatureInfoUrl from multiple layers in OpenLayers 3

I have multiple layers in a map with layer group now onclick I want to get the GetFeatureInfoUrl for the different layers on which I am clicking but the problem is that I am getting only the Info for ...
Neeraj Mehta's user avatar
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edit openlayers feature attribute and save in geoserver

I have a layer in geoserver and I want to get this layer with WMS in OpenLayers. population = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("population", "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/world/wms", {'layers': '...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
3 votes
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Lat/long values in a WMS GetFeatureInfo request

I have tried to send manual WMS GetFeatureInfo request to GeoServer with the parameter values X and Y (pixel values) taken from the map object of OpenLayers. I have got the response with the wrong ...
AshokDev's user avatar
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Failed to run GetFeatureInfo: precision cannot be greater than 7 or less than -7

I have an environment consisting in Geoserver 2.20 + Postgresql 14 + Postgis 3.1.4, in which I'm trying to run the following GetFeatureInfo request on a database containing geographic information: ...
Jucjon's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo request in Leaflet/Geoserver

It's my first webmapping application using GEOSERVER & LEAFLET. I have 5 overlay layers and i want to show features of each layer using this code : map.addEventListener('click', onMapClick); ...
O. Amina's user avatar
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Disable Leaflet WMS getFeatureInfo popup while using the Measure tool

I have a simple Leaflet map to which I've added two functionalities: measure tool using leaflet.measure plugin; WMS getFeatureInfo popup using the L.TileLayer.BetterWMS plugin; The default map ...
Ralu Bur's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo and Google maps api V3

Is there a way to request GetFeatureInfo from a WMS service with the Google maps api v3?
carot's user avatar
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If there are many overlapping polygons at the location of GetFeatureInfo, how can I populate a template with information about all of them?

I have a layer with water basins, actually subbasins. Some of these subbasins (polygons) contain smaller subbasins. If I click on a smaller subbasin, a GetFeatureInfo request is sent to mapserver, and ...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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QGIS - How to display item info on popup with a click

I have many items on different shapefile (parks, railways, buses...). Every shape as a join with an attribute table and each table contains data by line. How can I generate a pop-up by clicking on ...
Ale's user avatar
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Get Values from GetFeatureInfo in Openlayers 3?

I have a problem with my GetFeatureInfo, because I can not get the values back at me as if they were variables. Anyone know any way? I researched and what I have seen is Geoserver modify the template ...
Sergio_Az's user avatar
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OpenLayers - URL hyperlink in GetFeatureInfo table?

I am serving numerous WMS layers through GeoServer, many of which have URLs leading to extended data for any particular feature embedded in their attribute table. The URL, if present, is always ...
Scott Close's user avatar
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WMS: point "pointer" symbol with offset - getFeatureInfo search area slight mismatch

I'd like to ask what ways there might be to adjust a point's getFeatureInfo search area so that it matches a "pointer" (i.e slightly offset) symbol. We are running GeoServer 2.2.0 (part of an Opengeo ...
David I's user avatar
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Making WMS GetFeatureInfo request gives Invalidpoint response?

When I make a GetFeatureInfo request to a WMS service, I get an invalid point response. I wonder what is missing from my request. My Layer definition : var Parcels = new TileLayer({ name: '...
ePascoal's user avatar
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