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Questions tagged [google]

Google is a public American corporation invested in search technologies, which provides a number of free and paid geospatial and mapping services.

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Google Earth in the GIS Pro [closed]

Ineed to show elevations from Google Earth in the GIS Pro the status bar How to show elevations from Google Earth in the GIS Pro the status bar?
كمال جلال's user avatar
-2 votes
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Recover GEE repositories [closed]

I recovered my recently deleted Google account. However, I cannot see the repositories I had in GEE. There is a way to recover them?
Javier Martin DSM's user avatar
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Biweekly means of ERA5 data

I want to download the biweekly means of certain periods May-Sep of ERA5 data within a certain roi. (Mainly just Air/Soil Temp and Precip. The code I provided I just filtered for 2 weeks then applied ....
Ekkehardt Rosasee's user avatar
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Google Services in ESRI Applications

Our current situation: We are using ESRI technology (JS SDK on the frontend; ESRI Portal / Server on the backend). We want to implement Google routing and geolocation services (using our own API key ...
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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How to extract chirps data with gee?

When Im trying to extract chirps data with GEE, this happened to my code Does anyone know about "filterdate is not a function" thing? is it caused by CHIRPS website error? or perhaps my ...
Abdul Aziz Arramadhani's user avatar
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What criteria does Google use for deciding to traverse a road with StreetView?

Until recently I had always assumed that (in Europe, at least - I have no experience elsewhere) StreetView only covered hard-surfaced roads (ashphalt, concrete...). But recently I came across this ...
quilkin's user avatar
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Invalid datasource when importing from Google Drive

I am using QGIS 3.2 and attempting to import a layer definition file stored on a company Google drive. Every time I import the file I get an "invalid datasource" error and I am unable to ...
user234346's user avatar
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Basemap rotation - keeping labels facing down

I'm using QGIS Hannover 3.16.3. I often use Google basemap layers from the XYZ tiles. When rotating the maps the place names rotate with them. Is there a way of stopping this? Perhaps an alternative ...
Tom 's user avatar
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Export Sentinel RGB Image openable in Google Earth Pro

I'm trying to export a Sentinel RGB Image to open in Google Earth Pro. The resulting GeoTIFF image opens OK in QGIS but it shows blank when opening in Google Earth Pro. Does anyone knows how to ...
Leo's user avatar
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Trouble with Google Earth Engine - cannot identify why chart is not generating - no features contain non-null values

Having some issues in GEE - it continuously states: Error generating chart: No features contain non-null values of "system:time_start". However, there are plenty of images that it could draw ...
Robbe's user avatar
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Import tiles OpenStreetMap QGIS [closed]

I have a map in QGIS that is supposed to have multiple layers, a custom made map, and a google street/openstreetmap layer. The layers somehow don't work, and so I decided to make a new connection. I ...
cobdmg's user avatar
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ArcGIS Enterprise and Google GCE Hostnames/DNS Records

Has anyone installed ArcGIS Enterprise on a Google Compute Engine VM? I have successfully installed and configured it but am struggling with redirect errors when trying to log-in from outside the ...
Andrew Nelson's user avatar
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Google Maps in the app doesn't show correct location

I have a customer with a website with Google Maps embedded for school location tracking. Sometimes the school appears in far corners and not exactly where it should be. For example, I copy pasted the ...
kirti's user avatar
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Merging training points for classification (Random Forest) using L9 data in Google Earth Engine

I am not able to merge training points using Google Earth Engine code. I am very new to Google Earth Engine. The code which is tried is var dataset = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2&...
user28542's user avatar
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Display Landsat images on Google Earth Engine

I am working on a land use land cover analysis using GEE. I have written my code to visualize the area of interest imagery in my map. The image shows on my map layers but it is not loading one my UI. ...
Kelvin Nyabuti's user avatar
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Code in Python in GIS to download POIs within a specific radius

I want to make code in Python in GIS to download POIs within a specific radius. Can anyone check my code for the error? After running this code. The Result is only []. import requests import json ...
Eli Switzer's user avatar
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QGIS cannot read local Google Drive data on OSX Ventura?

I'm running OSX Ventura and store my GIS data on Google Drive so that my whole team can share. Problem is, Ventura just apparently implemented a change to move the location of the local storage for ...
Garlynn Woodsong's user avatar
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Is it allowed to use a different tile provider while using the Google Maps SDK?

I would like to use a tile provider different than Google, while using the Google Maps SDK for everything else. Essentially, I want to use the getTileUrl function to provide a tile URL coming from a ...
Nikita Kalpakovski's user avatar
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VIIRS and image export

I am trying to export a VIIRS night image, a clipped country but the result is just a black picture. How can I do this? var visualize = { min: 0.0, max: 60.0, palette: ['#303030', '#696969', '#...
apollon18's user avatar
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Import Google API layer into QGIS

I found this streetlight layer: and I would like to display it with other layers I have on my PC. I'm wondering how can I import the ...
DoTheMap1's user avatar
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Using ee.Reducer.percentile in Google Earth Engine

I tried to reduce the resolution of the land cover map from 100m to 1000m, by putting the condition that if for example, 60 percent of the same value can be found in 1000m, we do the aggregation. For ...
S AB's user avatar
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Select a single polygon in a FeatureCollection

I am currently trying to perform a supervised classification in Google Earth Engine (GEE) for which I have a set of polygons of areas with forest plantations. The FeatureCollection I have shows me, ...
Ivan Insua's user avatar
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How to calculate and export a table of mean of the maximum daily NDVIs over a particular period

I am using code from Nina Kattler to calculate the mean of max daily NDVI in particular districts in Mali over the growing season in 2019. The original code gives the mean NDVI over the growing season,...
Matt's user avatar
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If a GEE task is described as "Running on Sever", can I shutdown my computer and chekck its result later?

I'm new in using Google Earth Engine and today I tried to export an image into Assets, but it seems that the task will take a long time to compute a result. I noticed that it says the task is "...
FishMoyu's user avatar
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String splits on KML conversion [closed]

I am opening this file with Google Earth and I am supposed to to do a bunch of string splits on the KML conversion since it saves the folder structure in the “PATH” field iirc. How can I do this? Here ...
Abdul Asif's user avatar
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Sentinel 2 imagery not filling the whole square Google Earth Engine JavaScript

Sentinel 2 satellite should be able to display that region of the square too because of the way the satellite travels and scans each region. Why is this happening? var start_date = "2016-05-12&...
Eriz Y's user avatar
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Imported CSV data points showing in wrong location

I have vector points I have uploaded in a CSV file. The coordinates from the surveyor were in Map Grid of Australia (MGA2020). The base map I use is Google Maps which I also change the CRS to MGA2020 ...
Trish Jones's user avatar
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Is it possible to find the closest point that is on Google Street View

I have a program that outputs a coordinate (42.12576, 13.12356 for example), is it possible to find the closest point to that that is on Google Street View using the API, or something like that. I'm ...
WholesomeGhost's user avatar
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Getting location data from Latitude and Longitude

I am looking for some API that will return me the info of location from Latitude and Longitude parameters. I tried using Google Geocoding but it doesn't work well for anything water-related, like it ...
Chris K's user avatar
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Converting JavaScript to Python APL using Google Earth Engine: image is not defined

I installed geemap on Jupyter Notebook. I converted JavaScript to Python but it keeps show this error: 'image' is not defined How can I define an image and writing a function base on it, and then ...
Kimia Chenary's user avatar
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Loading WMS layer into QGIS Project through Python standalone script

I can load WMS layers by coding on QGIS Python console, those are the codelines: # Google Satelite URL wms url = 'type=xyz&url=http%3A//
ConsalterR-1988's user avatar
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Obtain clear and recent image from Earth Engine

How can I obtain images as clear as the default Earth Engine map satellite view for analysis of a given area? I am implementing a project to monitor a transmission line corridor using earth engine and ...
RICHARD DJARBENG's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: Button to Refresh App

I would like to have a refresh button on a GEE app that reruns my whole script. I want the user to be able to set a rectangle on the map that holds all of the analysis (the app is basically a ...
Jamie Sandison's user avatar
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Calculation of maximum and minimum and add in the same Image Collection

I want to calculate the maximum value for band 2 and 12 but also the minimum value for band 2 and 12, how can I generate these bands with the new statistics and add them to my ImageCollection to ...
Jack Pastrana's user avatar
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Get points from Google search query

Is there a way to save locations from a Google search query? I would want to have a points shapefile based on the results. For example: "hot spring in Laguna". Of course a geojson is also ...
Nikko's user avatar
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Extracting elements plotted on Google Maps API

I have the website about the planet occultations by Moon. There are "Occultation maps", which are very nice: I tried to use the Web ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Merge two training data to perform Supervised Classification in the Gooogle Earth Engine

I have problem with performing cropland classification for large areas. I have training data based on ESRIshapefile which represents crop type. Then next step in order to not confuse other landcover ...
Aidos Makhanov's user avatar
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Google satellite basemap license

Where (if anywhere) can we buy a license to use Google satellite basemap as input to machine learning algorithms?
Sam Murphy's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to style KML files on a graduated colour scale based on field values when uploading to a Google Map?

I am creating a Google Map which includes one polygon layer of census output areas and one point layer. Because the polygon layer is so large and there are limitations on the number and size of layers ...
Simba06's user avatar
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View streets with only 2019 Google street view

Is there a way to view the streets that have a specific year street view, or is there a way to find the routes the Google Street Car travelled in each year? eg. A layer that can show streets that have ...
Terisha Pillay's user avatar
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GEE copy system:time_start" to formulas

How can I copy "system:time_start" to other formulas from collection? Like EVI: var evi2020 = med2020.expression( '2.5 * ((NIR - RED) / (NIR + 6 * RED - 7.5 * BLUE + 1))', { 'NIR': med2020....
Kenobi Obi-Wan's user avatar
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Get DEM from Google Earth Engine

How can I get ASTER or SRTM DEM for years like 2016, 2020,... in Google Earth Engine? I can't filter date for SRTM DEM in GEE. It seems that SRTM DEM doesn't have multi-year data, it was captured only ...
mary19977's user avatar
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Calculating NDVI vegetation area in GEE generates error

I'm trying to calculate & extract the vegetation areas country wide (TZA) using Sentinel-2 imagery, and getting an error when trying to print that area. I'm listing the code below. var region =...
ahmed 's user avatar
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Google satellite XYZ tile layer does not display with QGIS 3.16.1

Since I install QGIS ver 3.16.1 the Google satellite XYZ tile does not display. The URL I use is the{x}&y={y}&z={z} I have no problem ...
Geo Sourvas's user avatar
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WMS and Google maps in QGIS

I use QGIS and I have a problem with WMS file. Since WMS maps are not overlapped to Google Maps, so to solve this issue I create a new shape file drawing the image from WMS maps but when I save this ...
Gio Vanni's user avatar
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Getting CURL error when using rasterio on Google App Engine

I'm attempting to get the pixel value of a raster that stored in an S3 bucket via a script that's using Flask and is hosted on Google's App Engine. If I run the script on my local machine, everything ...
JWB's user avatar
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How to decrease the size of a pixel in a collection of images?

How to decrease the size of a pixel in a collection of images? I need to take the PERSIANN images and reduce the pixel to the size of the CHIRPS. One has 0.05 ° resolution and the other 0.25 °
CLF's user avatar
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Using TLE data how would I create a KML file to look at a particular spot at a particular time

Let's say I have some TLE data as follows: REDACT 1 13337U 98067A 20087.38052801 -.00000452 00000-0 00000+0 0 9995 2 13337 51.6460 33.2488 0005270 61.9928 83.3154 15.48919755219337 I wish ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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Google API Geocoding in MS Excel for free

I am seeking a solution enabling me to do address geocoding in Excel using the Google Maps Geocode API. Basically, the task is possible via Google Sheets, like has been discussed at How to Geocode a ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Over Query Limit - Google Maps API

i have the following code to display dynamically generated addresses on google maps. var geocoder; var map; var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); function initialize() { map = new google....
user163501's user avatar

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