Questions tagged [google-earth-engine-javascript-api]

JavaScript client library for calling the Google Earth Engine API.

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Google Earth Engine Error: "ee.ImageCollection(...).subtract is not a function"

I'm getting the error 'subtract is not a function', when I try to substract two images from each other, and eventually get the difference in the NDVI. Both images have an NDVI band with an NDVI value. ...
Leonardos Leonardos's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine - Code won't run past September 2020

I have some code which can be found here. It calculates an environmental stress index coral reef regions using Google Earth Engine. I've tried to calculate some new data recently but I realised it won'...
mikejwilliamson's user avatar
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Get the number of elements of the longest continuous sequence in Google Earth Engine

I have a List/Array [1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0] and I want to get the number of elements in a sequence of consecutive ones. It should be easy to implement using ordinary JavaScript, but I don'...
user182760's user avatar
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Imported SoilGrid layer only returns black on Google Earth Engine

I'm running this code to export a layer to google earth later. When I Import it it only return black as per the image, here's my code for reference : var geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon( ...
Omar Mujahid's user avatar
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Getting Error: Internal error. (Error code: 13) Earth Engine when exporting to my cloud bucket

I'm using this to export a region to my cloud bucket in Google Cloud var convertedDataset ='constant').multiply(1000).int16() var visualization = { bands: "constant", ...
Joanna's user avatar
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Can't upload to cloud bucket due to image Band

So I'm trying to export the HM map to my cloud bucket with this code: var dataset = ee.Image("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GHM/ghm_v15_2017_300_60land"); // Convert the floating-point band ...
Joanna's user avatar
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ee.dictionary.get("gHM") not returning a mean value in server side

Here is my server side code:"/process-coordinates", (req, res) => { //const coordinates = req.body.coordinates; // Here you can perform any Earth Engine operation using the ...
Joanna's user avatar
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Failing to clip and then export chirps rainfall data as CSV in Google Earth Engine

I wish to export daily rainfal data as CSV in Google Earth Engine for a 40 year period and then export the result as csv. However the code first fails to clip the data to the study area, and also it ...
Aldridge Nyasha's user avatar
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Unable to Retrieve p-values in Google Earth Engine for Kendall's Correlation Analysis [duplicate]

This question has been asked previously: Significant Mann Kendall Tau. I am using the ee.Reducer.kendallsCorrelation function within Google Earth Engine's JavaScript API to compute the Kendall's Tau-...
ciranzo's user avatar
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Landsat NDVI Anomaly Google Earth Engine

I am interested in calculating Monthly NDVI anomaly using Landsat. My objective will calculate long term monthly NDVI with all Landsat collection 2 sensors. In this simpler example I am only using ...
pbaltezar's user avatar
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Resample v.s. Reduce Resolution in Google Earth Engine

When upscaling an image, Google Earth Engine provides two methods, Resampling and Reducing Resolution. I was wondering which one should I choose. Take MODIS LAI data for an example, if I want to ...
QRW's user avatar
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Why are my clipped images not appearing in GEE?

This is my first time using GEE, and I'm still a bit of a beginner at JavaScript. I'm using the NAIP dataset, and I'm trying to show two clipped images, one from 2012 and one from 2020 (the dataset ...
user241273's user avatar
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Extract, plot and export as a table a vegetation index time series from multipoint feature collection in Earth Engine

Reference is to a tread I posed years ago and was solved Extract pixel values from several bands of an image and export in a single table in Google Earth Engine The challenge now is to create S2 NDVI ...
Lollo's user avatar
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Using reducers in GEE to calculate mean monthly precipitation from hourly data

Using the Copernicus ERA5-Land Hourly dataset as an ImageCollection, I want to calculate average monthly precipitation data for 344 climate divisions in the US as a FeatureCollection. The climate ...
Summer Olsen's user avatar
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Extract ET by masking features

I have asked the question before also. My code is for extracting ET for odisha using mask of water and build up. So I write the code. But the value before and after masking is same. I don't understand ...
Tanmoyee Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Landsat Collection 1 to Collection 2 migration

2 I want to create the LST in GEE for my region. How do I fix the Land surface temperature error in the light of 'Landsat Collection 1 to Collection 2 migration'? I am receiving minLST: 4583.687; ...
MUHAMMAD ARSHAD's user avatar
-1 votes
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ImageCollection (Error) ImageCollection.fromImages, argument 'images': Invalid type

I want to extract ET for Odisha region excluding waterbody and build up area. For that I calculate MNDWI and NDBI and create mask. But when I am applying it for extracting monthly ET the error is ...
Tanmoyee Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Update FeatureCollection property values based on condition (without using ee.Algorithms.If)

I want to modify values in a specific feature collection. This collection comprises two properties: a land cover label and an elevation value. The objective is to replace features with label 13 and an ...
ciranzo's user avatar
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Median value within polygon of a data layer like NDVI- iterate over multiple polygons defined in map interface

I have a script below that will calculate the median NDVI for any polygon, store it, and chart it for export, over a range of dates. The script also performs some cloud masking prior to NDVI ...
SteveV's user avatar
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Analyzing time series data stored in an image collection with GEE [closed]

I have a time series of an index called "slope" from 2002 to 2022 stored in a GEE Image Collection, one image per year. I am analyzing only the negative values of the index. From that time ...
Isa's user avatar
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USGS 3DEP 1m issues with quality and Google Earth Engine

I have an issue when layering elevation data using hillshade with USGS 3DEP 1m DEM. Some areas in the US I get artifact lines(lower quality?) on my hillshade layer, while other areas in the US I get ...
Ben's user avatar
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Exporting an image collection as an asset

Is it possible to export each image from image collection as an asset? If yes how can I improvise this code? // set cloud threshold var cloud_thresh = 40; // Cloud mask function var ...
Bibek Haudi's user avatar
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Error: List (Error) Element.get: Parameter 'object' is required

I'm trying to calculate Rn however I'm getting an error. var geometry = geometry; Map.addLayer(geometry, {},"geometry"); Map.centerObject(geometry); var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('...
Tadiwanashe Nengomasha's user avatar
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LULC can't encode object in GEE for different sources

I am trying to get a LULC map for different periods. I am trying to check the differences year by year but I am getting the following error: Random Forest Classification 2018: Layer error: Can't ...
JHONNY_2178's user avatar
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Smoothed landsat LST time series with lineair regression function

I am trying to get a smoothed result in GEE from my LST time series but I get an error that the memory limit is exceeded. How can I make my model more effective? This is my code: var LLST = require('...
Eppez's user avatar
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Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index database export issues

I have tried to export it as GeoTIFF format as well as export as table. But the data of SPEI doesn't export at all. Why is this so? How can I export it? Here is the code given below. // Retrieve the ...
Mehedi Hasan Nayem's user avatar
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Get water Area from Dynamic World

I plan to obtain the range and area of water bodies from Dynamic World products. But the water area I calculated in GEE does not match the obtained water range. In other words, the water range ...
Holly's user avatar
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Maps and graphs not rendered for NDVI-based variable using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I’ve written the code below (sorry if this is a lengthy block) to calculate ESPI which is annual mean minus monthly average standard deviation of NDVI. Though the code ran without any problem, maps ...
rez's user avatar
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Mapping, Iteration and conditional selection on featureCollection in GEE

I want to make a function (possibly using Currying method) in GEE to do a modification of my featureCollection. In the code bellow I wrote a function_infunction to add a new property "label" ...
Sina NAKHOSTIN's user avatar
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Getting error in GEE while computing PAR from ERA5 insolation data

The error states: - Scaled Cumulative Max Insolation Bands: Tile error: Expected a homogeneous image collection, but an image with incompatible bands was encountered: First image type: 1 bands ([...
Gargi Upadhyay's user avatar
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Error "Image.clipToBoundsAndScale: Projection error when constructing output region: Can't transform (-180.0,-90.0)" When trying to export to drive

I have the following code in the Google Earth Engine. This code divides the earth into parts and then exports them to Google Drive: var dataset = ee.Image("COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V-C3/...
ojete_sucio's user avatar
-2 votes
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SMAP time series analysis error in code

Input are: NASA/SMAP/SPL4SMGP/007 NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_MONTHLY_V06 When I try to compute the time series I get the following error: ImageCollection (Error) reduce.mean: Error in map(ID=20200601_0130): ...
Eppez's user avatar
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ERROR while making a LULC map classification in Google Earth Engine

I am relatively new to utilizing the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, although I possess some experience in generating Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) maps using GIS software. Recently, I ...
Anindya Naskar's user avatar
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Exporting Large Classification Image on GEE

I am new to GEE. I am trying to export a large land cover classification map on GEE, derived using Landsat 5 data through random forest classification. The classified map has 7 classes represented ...
TG_'s user avatar
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Downloading daily precipitation and temperature data from ERA5 using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I tried using the code below to download the data. I have doubts about the correctness of the code. Can you help me correct it? I encountered errors, which may be due to the large size of the dataset. ...
N Satish's user avatar
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Earth Engine GFS: Calculating Hourly Precipitation

Any tutorial on the GFS model in Earth Engine describes filtering out the 6-hour precipitation intervals, to avoid double-counting the cumulative precipitation band. However, I cannot square the ...
Carl Churchill's user avatar
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Use the output of ui.Select widget as an argument for filtering an image collection (Earh Engine code editor)

I am trying to filter.Bound an image collection (in this example Dynamic World) with the 1st level administrative boundaries of Nigeria (I am using here GAUL by FAO) by using the ui.Select widget. ...
Lollo's user avatar
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Extracting drought values below -1 for at least three consecutive months

I am a novice with programming, and I can't seem to get around this issue, or if I'm even on the right track. The goal is to model land use change after periods of drought using precipitation data and ...
Felicia's user avatar
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Ingesting raster dataset to Google Earth Engine using manifest.json

I am preparing a pipeline to injest raster dataset (GRACE-FO data) to the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The dataset are already uploaded to google cloud storage bucket (gs://gee-ingest-); and I ...
hillsonghimire's user avatar
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Calculating intersect area in Google Earth Engine

I Have the following code in Google Earth Engine: // Add a 500 meret buffer to the gridpoints var gridpointsBuffered = { return feature.buffer(500); // 500 meter ...
FlyingKangaroo123's user avatar
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Dictionary.get: Dictionary does not contain key: EVI

I'm trying to write a script that calculates and retrieve EVI values from Sentinel-2 MSI in GEE then performs zonal statistics using points and export it .csv. I've written similar loop scripts for ...
Gaelle Tatiana Alexandrine Seh's user avatar
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GEE: Adding two properties into a new property

I want to add the values of two properties A and B (both of type string) into a new property A_B to every feature inside the featureCollection. I tried ee.Feature.get() and ee.Feature.getString() to ...
Sina NAKHOSTIN's user avatar
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Extracting seasonal maximum from smoothed MODIS NDVI time series in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to extract the seasonal maximum NDVI value (01st June to 31st October) from 2000 to 2023, i.e., total 24 NDVI images. For that I have imported the MOD13A2 datasets in the Google Earth ...
CESCRA IARI's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine exported TIFF file cell size in ArcGIS

I set the scale of my image to 10 when exporting from GEE. When I open the raster in ArcGIS Pro I get a cell size of 8.983152841195213E-05 instead of 10. Is there any way to make it 10 x 10 cell size ...
Raihan's user avatar
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Visualize the color of the point features from the variables that have been created

I have a 24 feature collection consisting of several point features. I've created color variables previously to define the graph and visualize the points. However, I was hampered by the problem that ...
Muhammad Aziz's user avatar
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Selecting image labels from list using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I have created an image of forest patches, where each patch is assigned a unique label. Then, using various points from a table, I created buffers to select the complete patches surrounding each point....
betlecag's user avatar
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How to export all Latitude - Longitude values of each pixel included in the area covered by geometry at specific resolution? - Google Earth Engine

I am able to add a band of lat - lon in my image in google EE with the code: var imgwithlonlat = meanImage.addBands(ee.Image.pixelLonLat()); Now I want to store all these values in a list and export ...
Charmi's user avatar
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Earth Engine Zonal Stats export table error message

I am trying to calculate zonal statistics of vegetation indices (Sentinel 2) for each week in 2023 and export the results in a wide table format (.csv). For the specific region, I am using points data....
Gaelle Tatiana Alexandrine Seh's user avatar
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Extracting forest patches using square Kernels around shapefile point data in Google Earth Engine

I have an image representing global forest cover named minArea. Pixels are valued 1 or 0 (tree cover or no tree cover). I also have a shapefile imported through my assets of XY coordinate data. ...
MrBeardo's user avatar
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Converting the output of a .map function into an image collection in Google Earth Engine using JavaScript

I am trying to retrieve monthly Sentinel-2 band data using zonal statistics (mean) and point buffer for further analysis. I have created monthly median composites from January to December of 2017 ...
David Appiah-Gyimah's user avatar

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