Questions tagged [google-maps]

Google Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google free (for non-commercial use),

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-3 votes
0 answers

Extracting json file data and normalizing it from Google Maps API using Jupyter Notebooks [duplicate]

Extracting and normalizing data from Google Maps API using Jupyter Notebooks I am working on a Geoinformatics assignment that involves extracting information from the Google Maps API and handling the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Strange stripes on Google Maps in the region of the October Revolution Island

On 2024-04-16 one can see strange stripes located roughly at 79.86317, 94.64563 in the region of the October Revolution Island. What could be the source of these stripes in an end product? I mean, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Retrieving position relative to a another on Google Maps?

I would like to SMS a URL with a call to the Google Maps API to visualize users' location relative to a location I choose, e.g.: chosen location:,+MA/@42....
0 votes
1 answer

QGIS 'go2streetView' plugin: error message (Qubuntu)

I work with Qubuntu. I installed QGIS 3.32.2-Lima. I have installed the latest version of the go2streetview plugin. I requested, got and set this Google API key into the plugin window. When I use the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Linking a Google Map to MS Access

So I have been doing a lot of research on this topic but I am new to working with online mapping. I have an access database and I would like to portray information in a google map. I have learned how ...
0 votes
1 answer

Reclassifying multiple bands in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to reclassify multiple bands from my raster. It is a land use raster of the Amazon basin by Mapbiomas. I need to reclassify all 36 bands at once. ## Reclassifying multiple bands raster ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting the geometric boundary of state of Telangana in India in Google Earth Engine

I need to use Google Earth Engine to get the geometry of the state of Telangana situated in the country of India. From the datasets available, the only dataset which has states clearly demarcated is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pushing Foursquare's Swarm Check-In Data into a Google Maps Service

I've been using FourSquare's Swarm app to track my travels. I'd like to be able to plot the check-in locations on a Google Maps service (or any other web-based service outside of the Swarm App). I've ...
0 votes
1 answer

Selecting edge of polygon in Google Maps?

How to correctly select a edge of a polygon in Google Maps? So far, I was able to create a simple demo here You can try the code to see that there's a bug wherein it doesn't select the last edge of ...
0 votes
1 answer

Google Maps API - .seticon size based on zoom level

I did look up this question on here but the answer used 'new google.maps.MarkerImage(' which has been deprecated, and I can't get anything else to work. I think it has to do with my array of markers, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Converting coordinates from Google Maps using QGIS

I have been sent a spreadsheet with coordinates that are linked to Google Maps, for example:'27.0%22N+4%C2%B037'43.6%22W/@53.307487,-4.6309757,17z/data=!...
1 vote
2 answers

Code in Python in GIS to download POIs within a specific radius

I want to make code in Python in GIS to download POIs within a specific radius. Can anyone check my code for the error? After running this code. The Result is only []. import requests import json ...
0 votes
1 answer

Hide Points of Interest on Google Maps using OpenLayers

I would like to know how to hide the Points of Interest on a Google map using OpenLayers. I will include my sample code below that I have tried to use to do this but the parameters don't seem to work ...
2 votes
3 answers

Can I get the coordinates of country borders from Google Maps?

I need to get the coordinates of a country's border (e.g., Iraq) from Google Maps. How can I do that?
2 votes
2 answers

Google Maps API extract elevation value along route

I am using the Directions and Elevation Service of Google Maps, in order to extract the coordinates and the elevation along a route between a start and end point. I could set my directions service ...
0 votes
1 answer

Grouping clustered points within 50 meters and export new data Google Maps

I have tracking device on our company vehicles. It records and track all vehicles movements. Also for every stops for more than 5 minutes it record the current location Lat, Long as "stop" the ...
44 votes
8 answers

Export Google Maps Route to KML/GPX

Since Google pulled the plug on Google Maps Classic, I'm reluctantly moving to its Google Maps New application. However, I didn't find how to export a route to a GPX or KML file so it can be copied ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to find all gas stations along the route with Google Maps

I would like to see all gas stations for my long trip, exclusively only those, which are along the picked route. I searched for my destination city, tap/click directions, and now I see the route. Then ...
0 votes
2 answers

Google Places Autocomplete Limit Suggestions to Local Area

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but can I limit the suggestions that Google Places Autocomplete find to say 5 km of a certain location? If I'm in Dublin I don't want to see suggestions ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to make a Google Maps URL to get both marker and terrain?

In the examples We can have a marker, Or we can choose ...
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0 answers

How to make a Google Maps Location Sharing URL for desktop?

On my cellphone's launcher, I have an icon I can press to see where family member 'Jeff' currently is in Google Maps. How can I do the same on desktop? I've reverse engineered it down to https://www....
0 votes
1 answer

I have difference between Oracle sdo_geom.SDO_Distance and Google Maps

SELECT sdo_geom.SDO_Distance ( SDO_Geometry (2001, 4326, SDO_Point_Type ( -34.59593955425856, -58.43453386049867,null), null, null), -- Parque Centenario SDO_Geometry (2001, 4326, SDO_Point_Type ( ...
0 votes
1 answer

Retrieve bounding box from a Google Satellite Photo

I have a bunch of satellite photos downloaded from Google Maps by a third party. The data looks like down below, where each row is a photo. I also have the resolution of each pic. photo_id zoom ...
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0 answers

Plotting XY coordinates obtained from Google Maps

I know how to plot XY coords in ArcMap—right click the table, plot XY, select geographic coordinate system (coords are in degrees), etc. My question is rather when selecting the GCS I always go with ...
1 vote
1 answer

Update Google Maps with GIS data

Several county residents have been contacting our GIS office to find out why they are not receiving packages or why the delivery person gets lost finding their address. I know it sounds like an odd ...
0 votes
2 answers

Realigning misplaced GeoTIFF

I have bought a few (30) GeoTiff maps from my country's Geo-department - South Africa. They all have a date in the filename and the newest one was created in 2004, I see one is dated 1977 - that old! ...
4 votes
2 answers

google maps V3 : in javascript api, render route obtained with web api

I have to obtain route directions with the Google maps v3 WEB (http request) api (computations are made server-side, based on this data, without client interaction, so no JS available). Then, the ...
1 vote
1 answer

What are the higher-resolution tracks on the ocean floor in Google Earth?

In Google Maps, the oceans are crisscrossed with what looks like slightly darker lines and patches. Zoomed in, they appear as thin tracks and whole tiles of higher-resolution imagery, with detailed ...
2 votes
1 answer

When importing coordinate data into My Maps (Google) layer I want to set the image path to Google Drive

I have a Google Spreadsheet with coordinate data and a path to an image in a Google Drive folder, I want to import the spreadsheet into a map in My Maps and tell the importer that the column [IMAGE] ...
6 votes
1 answer

Using Google Maps to track work per building and allowing users to manipulate that data [closed]

I work part time for a political campaign office, who are going door-to-door for several months at a time, all over a city. We need a system to track where we have been, and how long ago we were last ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to get route polygon

I have trying to find way to get google map display route polygon, so that i can filter data from my database(using polygon): Google directionsService.route There is some option I found but it is ...
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0 answers

How to know when Google Maps has updated their co-ordinates

I am building a Tableau dashboard where the user can click on a geocode and it redirects them to Google Maps and shows them the location. But there is an issue here because it takes them to a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Convert Google Street View coverage layer in QGIS to a friendly format

I have added an XYZ tile layer to QGIS with this address:|cb_client:apiv3&style=40,18&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} I want to export the ...
3 votes
5 answers

bathymetry (Ocean Floor depth) data - API or similar

I am looking to extract the ocean floor depth from a given lat/lng. Research has lead me to lots of sources. Does anyone have any words of wisdom or good sources or the best way to achieve this? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Querying PostgreSQL DB with Google "get.bounds()" coordinates

I am trying to only display markers on a Google Map that are in the current map bounds and then update the markers when the map moves. The difficulty I am running into is querying my database to pull ...
0 votes
0 answers

What are the ways I can use a map to scale or rotate the map visually while having a pattern over it? [duplicate]

I want to use a map for more things that just watch at it. (By map I mean Google Maps or OpenStreetMap or another if necessary) What I want to do is, once I have a location I want to move a drawing ...
1 vote
3 answers

Locating land title technical description on Google Maps

I am planning to buy a certain property but I'm too far away from where it's located to check it personally. The seller sends me a technical description of the property and I'm trying to locate it on ...
0 votes
1 answer

Extract coordinate data from KML path

I have a route defined by a series of waypoints - how can i extract as many coordinates as possible from that route as possible? I need to extract about 100-150 coordinates that lie along a route ...
1 vote
2 answers

Turn by Turn Navigation for Google Map on Laptop

How can I generate voice navigation for turn-by-turn directions for Google Maps on my laptop?
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0 answers

Embedding interactive Google Maps into a Google Form

I have a Google form with some questions. People can answer the questions about (future) trees they want to have in their neighbourhood. But there also must be the possibility that people mark the ...
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0 answers

Hyperlinking Google Map directions in AGOL arcade popup without losing DDMMSS N|S formatting

How do I hyperlink Google Map directions in AGOL arcade popup without losing DDMMSS N|S formatting? The link works correctly in ArcGIS Pro and goes to the centroid of the feature polygon. Example: ...
4 votes
2 answers

Decode Google Polylines in JS

I am a complete novice at coding and am trying to return a decoded polyline in array of (lat;lng) from an encoded polyline string. I found a similar post here Converting encoded polylines into GeoJSON ...
6 votes
3 answers

How to achieve an "inner glow" effect on polygons drawn using the Google Maps v3 javascript API?

Is it possible to produce an "inner glow" effect on polygons drawn using the Google Map v3 javascript API? If not possible using the vanilla Google Maps API, is there a 3rd party tool that can do it? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting GeoJSON data from Google Map lines

Can I get the GeoJSON data from this Subway line on Google Maps?
1 vote
0 answers

Trouble with clipping a GeoJSON polygon from a PNG raster tile in a Django Python app with rasterio

I am currently working with a Django Python app that is associated with a PostgreSQL database where PostGIS is installed. There's a specific table in the database with a column of the polygon type, ...
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1 answer

Displaying shapefiles in Google Maps Android

I want to develop an Android app which will display Google Maps and also display a shapefile (Esri shapefile with polygons, styled in ArcGIS, and having an attribute table). I want to be able to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Converting X, Y coordinates pixel of screenshot image.png from map to really Long, lat

I need to convert the x,y coordinate of the PNG image from the map into Latitude and Longitude. I took an image from google-map that map image is cut from the part of the city here is a sample image ...
1 vote
1 answer

Getting phone number of store from Google Maps

I want to extract some data from Google Maps, I tried before with OSM but the result doesn't satisfy me enough. What I need exactly, is there any way to take the data description from a feature on ...
3 votes
3 answers

Add/Use geolocation search function in QGIS

I am a beginner of QGIS. I am mapping several specific sites across the Netherlands, with polygons. In order to "locate" them to begin with, I am using Google Earth to mark them. There I can ...
0 votes
1 answer

Overlaying PDF map onto satellite image using Google Maps

I have a PDF map of property limits (black lines on white background). I'd like to overlay it onto a satellite image (google maps is fine, but really any that is precise enough) to show errors in the ...

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