Questions tagged [google-maps]

Google Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google free (for non-commercial use),

327 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using Google Maps images in Arcgis Online pop-up windows

I typically configure pop-ups in ArcGIS to show the image in the pop-up, by using dedicated URLs to the image which typically ends with .jpg or .png etc. But, I am having trouble getting ArcGIS to ...
hyrashi's user avatar
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Change google maps center & water colour

I have a website I've desigend and I would like to show a map under a contact form. Unfortunately the contact form goes over my map. I created it in Google My Maps. I tried changing the lat & ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Incorrectly render png tiles

I'm trying to generate png tiles to overlay them on Google Map. Genenriruyu using mnapnik. But the image of the tile after the 15 scale is not generated. Any ideas? Here is the script generator: ...
S. Kashin's user avatar
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Aligning Web Map Layers from Bing Maps and Google Maps in QGIS?

Why doesn't Bing and Google imagery "line up" in QGIS. Basic steps to replicate the problem: Open new QGIS project and set project CRS to EPSG 3857 (Pseudo Mercator). Open Bing and Google Satellite ...
eyerah's user avatar
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What address database does Google Maps use for United Kingdom?

When searching for a United Kingdom address in Google Maps, is the OS AddressBase or another address database being queried?
Theo F's user avatar
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JSTS Buffered Polyline in route Service (google maps V3)

I do not know if someone has already lived the same thing as me, I work with JSTS API to create a polygon that surrounds the route of the google services but the problem is that when there are ...
Karouani Yassine's user avatar
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Shapefile to GeoJson with Rails

I have a requirement to create a layer on map, Client have provided me only the shape files(.shp). As i am very new to GIS, i was reading about it and found we need to convert the shapefile into ...
Gourav's user avatar
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Google Map- Polygons

I construct three polygons in the google map using the help polygons in google Map API for developers site. They are look like one polygon inside an another polygon .When my page is loaded all three ...
ATHIRA K S's user avatar
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What WGS84 epoch date is used by Google Maps

I have some Nad83 data that I want to overlay on Google Maps. This article by explains translating from nad83 to wgs84 better than anything I have read. If I were to use a tool like the ...
benHill's user avatar
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Traverse all roads in a city or bounded region

Is it possible to provide a starting point(lat/long) to a drone and then simulate it to traverse through all the roads in a bounded region. What I currently have(using OpenStreetMaps) is a list of ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
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Download google tile layer maps

I am using google map in leaflet like this var osmUrl = 'http://{s}{x}&y={y}&z={z}', osmAttrib = '&copy; <a href="http://openstreetmap....
gaurav singh's user avatar
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Get lat/lon point of intersection a route and a polygon object on google maps

I have a shape (polygon object) and a route, such as on the attached google map. How I get waypoint (lat/lon, C point on map) where intersect the route and the polygon object?
Mirkan's user avatar
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How to ensure proper labeling from QGIS 2.18 to Google Maps layer?

I am having trouble with a misplaced label for my field in Google Maps after I imported the .kml file which was converted from a .shp file in QGIS 2.18. The file contains the ward districts for my ...
Dre's user avatar
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How find a given point is with in given distance to a route get from google map direction service

I have created a route with start point, end point and the optional stops points. I have to check if the given point is away with in a given distance from the route. I have to match the given points ...
vijay's user avatar
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View Cached Google Map in Open Data Kit's Collect Application

I am using Open Data Kit to collect data on an Android tablet. The ODK form was built using the ODK Build application on-line. The Build application allows the user to record a latitude and ...
GBG's user avatar
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Google My Maps integrated on own site

The My Maps solution from Google is great, especially for quick adding layers and styling. Is it possible to export the map to my own website as a full sized map and without the My Maps logo? There´s ...
CARTOS's user avatar
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Finding all line segments lying inside polygon and what % of line inside polygon using Google Fusion Tables?

I was practicing with fusion tables sample code and while playing with some dataset, I was thinking how to achieve this. So if you see attached image. Red blocks : These are SLA code or SLA areas. ...
Arjun Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to generate list of polygons that fall within radius circle using Google Maps API?

I have created a Web app using Google Fusion Tables, the Google Maps API and Derek Eder's Searchable Maps Template that allows someone to enter an address and distance, and then see which US ...
Sharon's user avatar
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Using local kmz files on google maps

I found a google maps api that allows me to overlay my map with a kmz/kml file however it must be hosted remotely. I have my kmz/kml files locally and would like to overlay them on my google maps, how ...
kabuto178's user avatar
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Why ol3 google maps is blurred?

I'm developing an application using GeoExt 3(Openlayers 3.15.0 and Extjs 6.0.2). I want to use Google map as base layer using ol3 google maps. I add ol3 google maps to my project as follow: index....
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
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Can we combine SVG Overlay with MarkerCluster v3?

I have searched here and there on how to prevent the overlapping circle (svg) layer created from json file. Poor me, no luck till now. Since I doesn't know how to prevent the overlapping circle I ...
lalalitamplong's user avatar
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Make openlayers embed map

I'm trying to do some kind of embed map and i see the way Google maps works. For exaple Google maps creates a URL like below :,-0.4569777,17z Where it takes ...
Jose Hermosilla Rodrigo's user avatar
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Using Google Maps API to dynamically display delivery-time zones?

I'm looking to replicate the functionality from the UPS Ground Map which will allow users to enter a zipcode, then dynamically show delivery times by region. I know I need travel times by state data ...
user3037790's user avatar
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Google maps Javascript API usage statistics does not show

I am currently using the google Geocoder service from the Google Maps JavaScript API in a few applications. For months I was receiving usage statistics in my API manager, but for the last 2 months it ...
CCantey's user avatar
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ggmap openstreetmap SCALE, no zoom necessary?

I am relatively new to map projections but believe I have understood how one could translate lat/lon to the map tile coordinates X and Y, which is nicely explained here:
Tim Seloh's user avatar
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Why do I get incomplete answers using google maps api in java?

I'm using google maps API in java to check wether some places are correct, but I don't get all possible responses: GeocodingApiRequest req = GeocodingApi.newRequest(context).address("Sydney"); try { ...
StackUser's user avatar
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Geocoding and SRID - can't get desired SRID

I want to geocode a set of addresses with GoogleMaps, store the results in a different SRID in a PostGIS table and then project it in QGIS over a layer with the identical SRID. So far, it has been a ...
lios's user avatar
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Caching Google Map markers/coordinates

I have thousands of markers - I need to cache them and use show-hide tactics to only show like 100 markers at once but I have trouble with caching. Adding all single markers/points to an array and ...
N00b's user avatar
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Google Maps fusion table with information window tabs

I am using to base my new google map off of. I need a tabbed info window. Right now I can't even get the pop up to work. ...
rockymountainmaps's user avatar
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How to add the geometry to google maps from geojson(retrieved as json) for a specified condition using javascript

I have a array called place_names which holds some place names. I have a GeoJSON layer loaded in CartoDB, which has three columns id, name and the_geom (which is a geometry object) that can be queried ...
User123's user avatar
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Same behaviour for minzoom for google maps api and leaflet

I need to implement the same behavior for leaflet and google maps for the case of minzoom. Google maps duplicates all the objects from the main map to the world`s copies, however leaflet doesn't since ...
cadmy's user avatar
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Centering & zooming on area of interest

For example, our subject of interest are coffeeshops, and user wants to lookup all coffeeshops located in Mitte district of Berlin. In order to do that he selects Berlin as city, Mitte as district and ...
lessless's user avatar
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Using .tif on data layer for Google Maps?

i have three files that i should use for a GIS application: map.aux, map.tfw, map.tif The .tif file is a "layer" that highlights some building over a map. How can i bring this information (and "...
Alberto Fecchi's user avatar
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How to get GPS coordinates of neighborhood polygon from Google Maps?

Does anyone know how I can find the GPS coordinates for neighborhoods like this:,+New+York,+NY/@40.7236448,-74.0006793,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!...
user3058197's user avatar
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ArcGIS/ ArcPy - XY coordinates of feature class does not match calculated geometry XY

Tested on: different workstations, different Windows versions; ArcGIS Desktop 10.3, different license levels Background: I use the Google Maps DistanceMatrix to calculate drive times between two ...
André's user avatar
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How mix 3D Data from Google Map and one's 3D object?

Is it possible to add some 3D object in the 3D maps from Google ? Which tools should I use (never used 3D modelling tools but I'm motivated :) Here is the picture that triggered my question :
Jean's user avatar
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Openlayers 2 and Google Streets

I don't know why since yesterday Google Streets baselayer is not displayed if Google Hybrid is not selected first. I thought it was my fault but the same happens with the example: http://dev....
AntarticMonkey's user avatar
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Buffering a polyline

I'm attemping to buffer a polyline that the user has drawn on a map (Google maps and OSM map). The user specifies a distance in metres and a polygon should be drawn around the polyline representing ...
Steve H's user avatar
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Can't properly map Lat/Long data on a googlemap

At the very beginning I should mention that I am a novice in spatial data handling. I am in it because I am recently doing a project where certain mining information needed to be embedded on a global ...
Tridib's user avatar
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How to credit layers fom OpenLayers plugin for pdf/printed maps?

Anyone who has some insight into copyright law, went already through the terribly long terms of use and able to describe how should be the layers from OpenLayers plugin referenced / credited in PDF or ...
Miro's user avatar
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Can't get the web OpenLayers plugins to work because of Mac 'Python error'

I'm trying to get a relatively small section of Google satellite/ Google Earth as a layer on QGIS on my Mac. When I go to 'web' and the 'OpenLayers' plugin it just comes up with Python error. I've ...
Katharine Davies's user avatar
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Importing Google Maps into ArcMap

Is there a way to import google maps into ArcMap as a raster, vector, WMS or other format layer? I need to use/manipulate the data within ArcMap as Googlemaps does not have the necessary tools. I ...
user32882's user avatar
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How can I access the array of predicted addresses from Google Maps once an address is entered?

The Google Maps JavaScript Autocomplete API mentions that autocomplete returns an array of prediction objects. How can I access this array without autocomplete? I have a standard HTML form with ...
Brandon Sherman's user avatar
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How to update kml file/layer dynamically?

I am using a kml file for displaying map with custom boundary lines. That kml file is downloaded from some website. In that file, inside the placemark tag there is no point tag for display icons. Eg: ...
Vignesh Bala's user avatar
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Polyline changes into polygon in google map drawing tool

I have been using google map provided tools where it can draw the polygon and polyline accordingly. I will first click on the polyline icon and start plotting and suddenly when I double click it turn ...
user4126382's user avatar
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How can I show a trip on a map, color-coded by how long the trip actually took?

I have a series of origin and destination addresses in a spreadsheet, with start times and arrival times for each. I'd like to plot them on a map, with a line between each origin and destination, ...
Jon Crowell's user avatar
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Why Haversine formula and Web Mercator give different length between two latlng points?

I am calculating the distance between two points given by latlng. However, Google Maps (i.e., web mercator projection) gives me a longer distance than Haversine formula. Which is the most accurate ...
pedromateo's user avatar
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How/Where to get reverse geocodes up to 5 decimal points precision for offline use?

I would like to have a simple text file(s) with following reverse geo-codes information for all the countries (i.e. world): Coordinates -- Address e.g. 12.96779, 77.65306 -- #7, Jeevan Bima ...
iammilind's user avatar
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Embed Google Fusion Table Map without setting it as public

I would like to make use of Google Fusion Tables and Maps to visualize sales data. The map will eventually be embedded into a webpage so that senior management can access it for decision making ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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How to draw small circles within a big circle(greater radius) on the basis of marker size on google maps?

I have more than 1000 markers at different location in my Map. I read Lat and Long from a xml file and render it in Google maps and create circle over them on the basis of city name within given ...
Nixi's user avatar
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