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Questions tagged [gpsbabel]

GPSBabel is cross-platform, free software to translate between the myriad of GPS and spatial file formats and to down/upload from files to GPS. It can perform a number of spatial and management operations on GPS data, including simplification and trimming by geographic area.

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1 answer

Converting MapSource gdb files to CSV with GPSBabel - stop waypoint names being replaced by waypoint comments

I have multiple .gdb files that I convert to CSV files using a .bat file in Windows. A simplified version is below: FOR %%i IN (*.gdb) DO "C:\Program Files\GPSBabel\GPSBabel" -w -i gdb -f %%...
Bobneedshelp's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Uploading GPX Files to GPS (Garmin) in QGIS

I am fairly new to QGIS and GIS in general so it's hard to tell what I'm doing wrong. I am using a GPSMap 64st and can't seem to successfully upload any GPX files to it through QGIS. I am able to ...
MsLarry's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can't simplify track with gpsbabel

I have a MultiLinesString layer in a geopackage that I want to import to a Garmin GPS as a track. I exported the layer from QGIS as a .gdb. However, it's too long to import to the GPS (~2500 points, ...
Llaves's user avatar
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2 answers

Fail to upload gpx to Garmin GPS (GPSmap 60CSx) from Linux using gpsbabel CLI

I am trying to upload some gpx data (GPX XML format) to a Garmin GPSmap 60CSx unit using the gpsbabel (v.1.5.4) command line interface for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04). I followed instructions from the ...
nass's user avatar
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1 answer

How to extract speed from gpx with "track points badly ordered"

I'm trying to convert gpx (without speed information) to csv (with speed information). I have gpx file that contains multiple <trk> tags, each one contains one trkseg with track points. All ...
user224348's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Calculation between Raw GPS data to latitude,longitude points?

I am working on the GPS related project. The objective is to understand the calculation process of the raw GPS data (server side calculation). It means " How did we get the latitude and the longitude ...
Vivekanandan Pazhanirajan's user avatar
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GPSBabel KML document has incorrect name

I'm using GPSBabel to convert GPX tracks in a directory to KML linestrings using the following: @ECHO OFF setlocal for %%i in (C:\Users\...\*.gpx) do ( gpsbabel.exe -t -i gpx -o kml,points=0 %...
tomfumb's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Merge multiple GPX files, only keeping tracks?

I need to merge 20-40 GPX files into a single GPX file, while removing waypoints during the process (I only need tracks). I looked around the GPSBabel GUI application, but found nothing obvious, and ...
Gulbahar's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert NMEA to GPX in GPSBabel

I have received NMEA data stored in an excel file. Sample data: DOS_TXT GPS_WS NMEA D 1530000114 379550,0702 $GPGGA,092550.000,6311.7019,N,01429.1063,E,1,09,0.88,357.2,M,33.6,M,,*6B,5567,5567736,...
Alexejevitsch's user avatar
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Parse GPS track data into 10 sec intervals

I have a GPX track containing latitude, longitude and elevation data. The recordings are done by a Garmin device and have been recorded in varying intervals (between 1 and 44 seconds). I would like to ...
birgit's user avatar
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1 answer

How to extract the speed from a .gpx file?

Sometimes the .gpx file that you obtain from your GPS-Device does not deliver the speed. The file looks like this: [...] <trkpt lat="59.4179482758" lon="3.6870684847"> <ele>518.38</...
coding_bird's user avatar
1 vote
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How to send GPX file to a GPS device [duplicate]

I'm using QGIS 2.0.1 and want to send a GPX file to a GPS device, Garmin Astro 320. When using the GPS Tool in QGIS and click the OK button I get the message Can not start GPSBabel! What's ...
Johan's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

QGIS live GPS tracking /recommended hardware (GPS USB stick) [closed]

Is there a list or any other recommendation of certain GPS hardware (esp. GPS USB sticks) working with QGIS? I have been off this topic for far over a decade, and i remember that in former days not ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

NMEA to CSV with timestamp using gpsbabel

I tried to convert a file in NMEA to csv using gpsbabel, $ gpsbabel -i nmea -f GPS_20160204_092027.log -o csv -F GPS_20160204_092027.csv I get a csv file with only latitude and longitude, but was ...
Annex's user avatar
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1 answer

GPS Babel and shapefile output?

How can I use the mother of all gps conversion tools, gpsbabel, to create shapefiles? It reads and writes almost everything. Shapefile is conspicuous by it's absence. A bit of research turns up that ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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Why does GPSBabel turn a short GPX route into a big KML with waypoints? [closed]

I read the online help file before asking but didn't find what's wrong with the following command to convert a small GPX file from to a KML that I can use with a smartphone ...
Gulbahar's user avatar
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1 answer

GPSbabel: how do I define the layout of my input data

I have collected GPS data on a journey by extracting it every second from the $GPRMC NMEA sentence, with each reading saved in the form: time,latitude,longitude,speed,direction a typical couple of ...
Harry Weston's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Add waypoints to ArcMap using GPSBabel

I've been trying to add waypoints to Arcmap for some while now. I have a Mac OS X 10.6.8 and have finally found GPSBabel that is compatible with mac. My current problem is to convert the waypoints ...
Marli van Rooy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to render GPX files in TileMill?

I want to show a number of GPX files in a TileMill map. Here's the process that I thought would work: gpsbabel -i gpx -f "$myfile" -o kml,lines=1 -F "$myfile.kml" Add as layer in Tilemill, style with ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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gpx conversion tools in qgis keeps asking for GPSBabel

I want to perform a simple task: show the waypoints of a GPX "track" as dots, not as a set of connected lines in QGIS ( Conversion -> Waypoints from a track ). I use files, not any particular USB ...
Fabrice Marchal's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I get timestamps from Garmin's .gdb files?

I have got the some Gps data in the form of Garmin's .gdb files. I have converted it to CSV files using GPSBabel. The CSV output contains Latitude, Longitude, and some kind of free form text remarks. ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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2 answers

I can not download gpx from GPS through GPS tool with GPS babel on QGIS

I have already install GPS tool plug-in and GPS Babel. Garmin GPS map 62s is connected my PC through USB cable. I changed device setting according to below site.
Jermain Marthin's user avatar
-2 votes
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Problems with upload waypoints to GPS unit

How can I upload waypoints from QGIS to my Garmin GPSmap 62 by using GPS Tools in plugins? I only manage to do it with an older Garmin GPS.
Kaja's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Simulate (Mock) Large GPS Tracks

I have the following scenario: 1) I need to create GPX files for use in testing of a mobile device. 2) The tracks to be described within will span large distances over long time periods (i.e. it's ...
nick-scott's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Importing waypoints from OziExplorer wpt files

I do not succeed in importing waypoints from Ozi files (extension .wpt). I tried both converting through GPS-Babel to XML (.gpx) and importing in QGIS with the GPS-tool. Both times set to WGS 84, as ...
Jan Buys's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How to get an elevation profile for a gps track?

I'd like to get a reasonably accurate elevation profile for a track recorded with a GPS (which often has very unreliable altitude data and occasionally none at all, depending on the model.) Does ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to read a .GPB file in C#?

I have a .GPB file, I need to extract the common GPS data from it but I don't find a clear structure that specify the contents of that file. as a sample record from file 00000260 02 11 A9 61 E7 96 ...
m.sai's user avatar
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1 answer

How to read multiple .gpx files in R [closed]

Suppose I have a number of .gpx files (these contain GPX waypoint data from a Garmin eTrex). I want to load them into R with different names and manipulate them. I can read one file thus: library(...
Fred's user avatar
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2 answers

Find GPX files which contain tracks located in a specified bounding box

I have a bunch of GPX files and I want to find out which files contain tracks located in certain geographic extent, e.g. files containing tracks in Pennsylvania. Also, the inverse is also useful too, ...
ejel's user avatar
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