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Questions tagged [graphhopper]

GraphHopper is an open source road routing engine.

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Looking for a EUC custom model for GraphHopper

I am trying to setup a "good" EUC custom model for EUC (electric unicycle). Here is my first try: { "priority": [ { "if": "road_class == PRIMARY", ...
lalebarde's user avatar
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How to match GraphHopper's roads against TomTom's roads?

Currently using TomTom’s real-time traffic data in the form of Vector Flow Tile to update the values of GraphHopper’s graph’s edges. TomTom’s lists of coordinates, or the geometries, representing ...
Kevvv's user avatar
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Collect points (nodes) along the route via GraphHopper API in Python based on distance or real time tracking

I am currently working on the vehicle routing problem. I managed to find the shortest route between OD pair via GraphHopper API in Python. Besides, I managed to get the points along the route based on ...
IRIS0714's user avatar
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Routing difference between GraphHopper and ORS

I know that ORS (openrouteservice) is developed under GraphHopper routing library, but comparing those two heavy truck queries, I found the same distance but with a difference of two hours driving! ...
hamzarh's user avatar
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What are some self-hosted alternatives to Graphhopper's Geocoding API? [closed]

I have a self-hosted instance of Graphhopper. However, it doesn't come with autocomplete like the web demo; from doing some searching, it looks like the autocomplete comes from the Geocoding API, ...
spillthrill's user avatar
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How to do a Closest Facility Analysis using OSM?

I have locations of about 1100 Branches across the country, and I want to find the closest branch for any user-provided point. I'm looking at OSM data, and supporting tools to do this, since I don't ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Querying highways with Overpass QL for calculating routes

I want to query highways with Overpass to calculate routes with Graphhopper. With some trial and error I came to the following query and it seems to work (tested in overpass turbo): ( ._; way[...
Tao's user avatar
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Converting GPS track to turn by turn directions

Working for a client on a tracking package for delivery vehicles, I've been given an interesting requirement. Over the past several months, we've been collecting telemetry from the vehicles, ...
alzee's user avatar
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Find closest target in a network using GraphHopper

A person is somewhere in a city and wants to know the network distance to the closest supermarket. Is there any way I could solve this problem with the GraphHopper program/library (not the API)?
coding_bird's user avatar
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GraphHopper and PostgreSQL [closed]

I store my geographical information in PostgreSQL database. I want to use GraphHopper for my routing propose, but GraphHopper can read information in shapefiles or OSM format. I now convert my ...
sh.attarha's user avatar
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Fire department coverage (voronoi equivalent)

I have a dataset of fire stations within an area. I would like to divide that area up into segments whereby each fire station covers a segment. This should be based on driving time. e.g. if I have 2 ...
Chris Evans's user avatar
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Indoor routing using GraphHopper

I have just been introduced to GIS and GraphHopper. I am trying to create a route plan for indoors which I can feed to GraphHopper. I am trying to figure out how GraphHopper selects the best route for ...
341008's user avatar
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Graphhopper Map-Matching looses time attribute

I try to use the Graphhopper Map-Matching. My GPX source file looks something like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gpx version="1.0" creator="GPSBabel -" ...
nik's user avatar
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Turn restrictions in GraphHopper

Short version Turn restrictions don't seem to be taken into account in GraphHopper's routing, although their GitHub issues say it is implemented. Does anybody know the state of this? Is it ...
mastov's user avatar
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Getting time taken for the edge using GraphHopper map matching

Here is the GPX data I am giving to GraphHopper Map matching library: private List<GPXEntry> getList() { List<GPXEntry> sampleEntries = new ArrayList<GPXEntry>(); GPXEntry ...
Spiralarchitect's user avatar
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Getting route segments from OSM data and assigning ETA for them

I have a problem of assigning possible ETA for a route. So far, I have the following: OSM data for a city. I have open source data of taxi trails for the same city. Now, I am planning to divide the ...
Spiralarchitect's user avatar
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How to add GeoJSON layer with GraphHopper?

I have a GeoJSON file containing some POI that I would like to be able to display within a separate layer with GraphHopper. But after several tries and search over internet, i can't manage to get a ...
M-Rick's user avatar
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