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QGIS Grid not displaying correctly

I'm trying to create a map from a specific province in Argentina in QGIS 3.10. I am trying to create a map showing multiple coordinates showing hail fall data exported from a csv file and projected on ...
Anthony Bernal Ayala's user avatar
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Adding coordinate labels to vector grid lines using QGIS

I would like to know how I can add coordinate labels to the gridlines, created by the "Create Grid" function in the "Vector->Research Tools" menu, in QGIS 3.18? My goal here is ...
Ruan Booysen's user avatar
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How to draw and index "trial plots"

I've starting using QGIS to extract data from drone survey maps of agricultural field trials. One of my biggest hurdles is actually drawing the polygons and identifying them in a way that I can ...
S7ewie's user avatar
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Modify the format of grid coordinates

I am producing maps using OSGB references. However, I am using a 500m square grid, not 1km square. I would like to show the grid reference in a 3 digit format, the final digit being in a smaller font ...
Chris Pendlebury's user avatar
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Adding Grids in Project Manager of QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.12. I am new to QGIS after having worked with ArcGIS Desktop for a while. I am having issues with adding a grid to my project. I am using CRS ESPG:3587 WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator and ...
Josh T.'s user avatar
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QGIS 3.4.12 print composer, cm distance

In print composer, I would like to syncronize the scale of the map with the Grid scale. For example, in print composer I am making a map in 1/1000 scale, so I go to grid,and insert "map units" x=100 y=...
Pitheas's user avatar
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QGIS Graticule at Print Layout starting at from 0

I would like to add a graticule with coordinates to my map. However, when I add a new grid and modify it the graticule appears but it always starts at 0 and not from its real value. How could I fix ...
QGIS's user avatar
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Equal geographic coordinate grid intervals

Is there a way of creating an equal geographic coordinate grid interval in QGIS print composer? I tried editing the interval and offset but it does not give equal interval like 121°14'0" then 121°14'...
KCP's user avatar
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Dynamic oriented grid using QGIS 3 layout view (grid borders parallel to paper borders)

I use QGIS 3 to create maps with coordinate grid. Often, when I change the extent of a map, my coordinate grid tilts and becomes not parallel with the paper borders. This looks very awful, and I have ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Grid is not showing exact Lat-Lon of the map image in QGIS Printcomposer?

I am trying to print a map using QGIS 3.6. My study area is situated within 23.55’42”N 89.27’43”E to 23.55’47”N 89.95’01”E. I am using a Landsat image as map image, The map projection is EPSG 32645 (...
tawhid hossain's user avatar
2 votes
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Grid rendering in QGIS?

Rendering a grid in QGIS causes problems: The outmost grid line is not drawn on different zoom-levels: Here it is ok: While here it is not ok: I have tried to change these rendering-settings, but ...
Kurt's user avatar
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7 votes
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Setting grid in QGIS that automatically adjust its intervals?

I am setting a template for multiple maps in QGIS 3 Layout and i was wondering if there is a way of automatically adjusting the grid's interval as a function of the scale of the map? I did a bit of ...
Juan Ossa's user avatar
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Custom format for a grid with degrees, minutes, seconds with suffix using letter from another language

I am designing a map in French where West is "Ouest", and thus the map should read 45°23′67′′O instead of 45°23′67′′W. I am using a version of QGIS in English (update: in the French version of QGIS, ...
kl-higgins's user avatar
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