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Assign grid squares to polygons that most contain them

I have a featureclass that is a grid of the countries of the world (88,110 squares). I am trying to assign all the grid cells to the country that each cell MOST contains (from a shapefile of country ...
emwtg2's user avatar
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Generate essential grid covering polygon with OGR & Python

I'm trying to come up with a method to recreate the type of grid shown below. The grid is using a custom projection measured in meters. each cell is 256 x 256 meters. Ideally I'd like to easily use ...
Steven Lutz's user avatar
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Setting up lat/long graticule with 1 min output in QGIS?

I would like to set up a lat/long graticule in QGIS with output being a line shapefile with values in Degrees and Minutes, and grid lines shown at every even 1 minute (e.g. 13°23' W, 13°24' W, 13°25' ...
Granko's user avatar
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Creating fishnet using Python? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a fishnet of x by x miles for all USA, same as this basically: However, I want to do this with python. My ...
Dnaiel's user avatar
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Create triangles from points on ArcGIS

I'm using ArcGIS 10.3. I need to create a grid where all the points are vertexes of triangles that do not overlap themselves. I want this to be done by only using the points location, no elevation ...
Rebecca H's user avatar
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USA national grid shapefiles

Where can I find shapefiles for 1kmx1km grid (UTM grid) for the entire USA? It seems everywhere that I looked at there were shapefiles for states separately or for some particular UTM zones. I don't ...
Lianna Hambardzumyan's user avatar
4 votes
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Import grid text file to shapefile in QGIS

I'm working with the Climate Change forecasts from the Hadley Center Climate Model (HADCM3) available here: They have many different forecasts and ...
Francisco's user avatar
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Define cellsize from spsample in meters

I use a shapefile to create a regular grid using spsample, from sp package. Two problems here: (1) I would like to define the size of my grid cells in meters, but I've checked the documentation of sp ...
rafa.pereira's user avatar
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Add information from a cvs/text file to a raster shapefile based on latitude and longitude information

I have an empty raster shapefile that only contains the latitude and the longitude of the centroids of each grid. I now want to add an extra variable to each grid cell coming from a cvs or txt file. ...
user33125's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Divide grid in smaller cells

My dataset: a shapefile containing squares of 1km size. It's huge, this is just a sample: My aim: divide each cell so that the end result would be the same grid with 500m each cell. Something like ...
Manuel Frias's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are British National Grid (BNG) 1km grid shapefiles displayed accurately in ArcMap?

I have downloaded the UK Ordinance Survey's 1km grids in shapefile format for ArcMap. If you need to download them to have a look first you can find them here look for link in the first Answer to the ...
user26450's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Generating shapefile containing UTM grid (graticule)?

I'm looking for a shapefile containing an 1000m or 2000m UTM grid ("graticule"). All I was about to find on the web is a 10000m UTM grid (here: and I am aware that a ...
Name's user avatar
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