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Tracking progress of running geoprocessing tools in ArcPy?

I am looking for a way to access a GP tool running in a Python script to be able to see how much of the job has already been done. I have found SetProgressor function, but this one is available only ...
Alex Tereshenkov's user avatar
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Making shapefile Read-Only to ArcGIS for Desktop?

How do you make the shapefile a Read-only so the client can not make any edits using 10.2.2 ArcGIS. It is not within a geodatabase, just a stand alone shapefile. I am using Windows 8
Zoran's user avatar
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Converting 12-hour time to 24-hour time using Field Calculator

Does anyone know how to convert string time formats in ArcMap v10.2 from 12-hour to 24-hour using a simple query in the Field Calculator? i.e. NO Python, NO editing in Excel, NO changing my Windows PC ...
Kathryn Wesson's user avatar
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Can I compile an addin developed in ArcGIS 10.3.1 for use with 10.1 and 10.2?

I made an update to one of my addins mainly because users requested new features. I made the changes and compiled the addin in 10.3.1. Although I specified that the addin is compatible with 10.3 and ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
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Combine raster values for overlapping cells of multiple rasters

How do I combine the values of cells for 3 rasters for cells where they overlap. I want the output raster to cover only the area of the overlap for the 3 rasters and the output cell values to be a sum ...
veesilouette's user avatar
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Is there public OGC Catalog Service (CSW) available which lets ArcGIS for Desktop with CSW Client Add (WMS) To Map?

This is a follow on from a Question that I asked last year entitled Is there a public OGC Catalog Service (CSW) available?. That Question has an Accept-ed Answer but I would now like to expand upon ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Cost Attributes- Network analyst for Arc GIS 10.2

Can anyone tell me whether Network analyst can consider multiple cost attributes? I am looking for most ecologic route (not shortest), therefore I have assigned a value of pollution to each road ...
Lucie's user avatar
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Event layer to feature class - fastest method?

There are three methods to convert the output of a Make XY Event Layer to a Feature Class: Copy Features Feature to Point Feature Class to Feature Class Which one is the fastest method? I need to ...
Manuel Frias's user avatar
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Appending polygon feature classes with already repaired geometry => WARNING 000442: self intersections from Check Geometry?

I have an ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop process which: Uses the Data Interoperability extension and the Feature Class To Feature Class tool to convert 88 MapInfo TAB files (with the same schema, ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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4 answers

Using Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM) tool from ArcScripts at latest version of ArcGIS for Desktop?

I need to use the Vector ruggedness measure (VRM) tool available from However, I am using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop and these tools are made for 9.0, 9....
jc22's user avatar
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2 answers

Checking if layers in dataframe using ArcPy?

I working on mxd (I work with ArcMap 10.2.2 & python 2.7.5.) that have 100 layers. I'm trying with python script to add layers to dataframe and check if the layers are within the dataframe. if it ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Does Avenue equivalent of pointPosition exist in ArcGIS 10.2?

There were a couple of awesome methods in Avenue for ArcView: point=polyline.Along(percentage) percentage=polyLine.pointPosition(point) Don't laugh, but one of the reasons I updated to 10 from 9, was ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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Creating a ValueTable with a column that has dependency

I am creating a python tool which looks like the figure below. Input feature: It asks for a input feature class. Valuetable(Lookup tables): It has two columns - one for look up tables and another ...
Jio's user avatar
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Integrating DEM within kriging and other interpolation methods?

I would like to see the difference of including DEM in interpolation from without. Some studies on climate data interpolation suggest that interpolation performs better with DEM. How do I do this in ...
user2543's user avatar
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Opening PDF generated by Python AddIn using Report (*.rlf) file automatcally?

As a test I have: Authored a test.mxd with one layer called Localities in a single data frame called Layers Authored a test.rlf using View | Reports > Create Report of ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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3 answers

Custom Tools not Saving in Toolbar on Startup/ Normal.mxt?

I am trying to save some tools that I have created into the default toolbar layout that is present when ArcMap 10.1 is launched. It is possible to change the arrangement of toolbars, add new ones and ...
Eyrofire's user avatar
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Connecting to Oracle database with ArcGIS for Desktop?

I installed ArcGIS 10.2.2 ,oracle 11g R2 personal edition and it's client.I try to connect to the database using database connection in ArcMap but the error Failed to connect to the specified ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Grouping or Clustering Points that are within 45 miles of each other using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a project in ArcGIS (ArcMap 10.2) where I want to identify naturally occurring dense spots of points and then form groups in that dense area, where points are within 45 miles of each other. ...
ZiaW's user avatar
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Concatenate multiple string / text fields some of which may have NULL values ArcGIS

I am trying to repeat the behavior of this code from the ESRI website. I want to replicate the output example in ALL_Type field, so that it concatenates a field but it deals (ignores) any that have ...
user21053's user avatar
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Create a buffer in decimal degrees

I am working with data that are unprojected (they are in lat/lon) and for every point I want to create a buffer of 800 meter. How can I construct a buffer of 800m. but give the distance in decimal ...
Maria Karypidou's user avatar
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How to count point shp inside polygon shp using Python?

This is my first time here, so I'll try to be as specific as I can. What I'm trying to do is found out which polygon contains the most points and write the result in a text file. Here is my script : ...
gissos's user avatar
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Reducing size of KML file (after converting from Shapefile)

I have a shapefile of size 224 MB. I am using ArcGIS to convert it to a KML file. The process involves converting the shapefile to a feature layer and then converting the layer to KML. An ...
user52932's user avatar
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How to create multiple buffers around line at equal intervals without typing in every value?

I have a line in ArcMap 10.2, and want to create lines to the right of it at 100 m, 200 m, 300 m etc. up until 1.7 km. Obviously typing in these values under 'multiple ring buffers' will take too much ...
Megan Schofield's user avatar
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Performing water valve isolation trace using ArcPy?

The utility that I am working with for a couple of weeks has access to the ArcFM Water Valve Isolation tool which enables them to point from ArcMap at a location on their SDE Geometric Network and be ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Using Python script as precondition in ArcGIS ModelBuilder?

I have a model that has two preconditions, in which I need to figure out if there is a way to prioritize one precondition to 'run' prior to the second. Is anyone aware of any built-in ability to do so ...
JumpInTheFire's user avatar
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Calculating average data of neighbour grids based on location and returning data to grid in QGIS

I have generated a grid layer from a vector layer in QGIS, and merged the point attribute into the grid layer by "joint by location". I now need to: calculate the average of some ...
TigerLily's user avatar
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Changing which python ArcGIS uses?

I have a couple of python installations on my windows 7 machine. I have the one that was installed by ArcGIS, in a folder called "ArcGISx6410.2", and another I recently installed myself directly from ...
EddyTheB's user avatar
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Averaging large number of raster layers using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a large number of rasters (300+) I would like to average using Raster Calculator as is explained at Averaging set of rasters using Raster Calculator of ArcGIS Desktop? I know I can manually ...
monastical_HA's user avatar
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Clip for each feature

I want to clip a polyline feature class by a polygon feature class (buffers created from points). Several polygons overlap, so I want to get each polygon feature clipped with each polyline feature. ...
superrache's user avatar
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Densifying polyline to generate points at set distances using ArcMap? [duplicate]

I have a polyline, that I wish to create points along using ArcMap 10.2.2. I used the methodology suggested in Creating series of points along polyline?, but I do not seem to be able to generate the ...
traggatmot's user avatar
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Troubleshooting pythonw.exe has stopped working with Trace Geometric Network? [closed]

I have not yet pulled this down to a code snippet that has just enough in it to reproduce the error below that I am getting when I run my code in IDLE. pythonw.exe has stopped working Windows is ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Rotating Chart symbols with ArcMap dataframe?

I am using ArcMap 10.2 and want to represent a layer in a rotated dataframe with chart (graph) symbology. The problem is that the charts do not rotate with the dataframe: I thought I could convert ...
Elena Wimmerwuchs's user avatar
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Batch save symbols for each category of a layer as style in ArcGIS

I have a soiltype layer with 50+ categories and corresponding symbols. I need to save this symbols with the category as name in a *.style file. Is there a way to batch save symbols for each category ...
EikeMike's user avatar
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Using If Then Else statement in ArcMap ModelBuilder?

I have a model that adds several fields, two which are manual inputs (County Name and User). I am manipulating several parcel layers (approx 90 counties). In my model, one field takes the state and ...
Zack's user avatar
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How to label using just numbers from start of text field?

In ArcMAP 10.2, I am trying to format the labels on my map. If the label is 1402 Bowie Road But I want only to display numbers: 1402 What is the expression to create this?
slivingston49's user avatar
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Changing raster resolution using ArcGIS for Desktop? [duplicate]

My raster is displaying at a very low resolution so it is almost useless. Last time I used this file it was at a much higher resolution, so I know the information is there. To change it I first ...
remarkableearth's user avatar
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Cannot get 2 raster files of same cell size to align ArcMap 10.2

I have two raster files that are the same cell size but I cannot get them to align properly. (I want the black to line up with the pink) When creating the black raster file (from using polyline to ...
poly_to_ras's user avatar
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Creating laps in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have one layer of roads(polylines) and another one that marks the intersections(points) of those roads. The task is to create laps(one circuit of a racecourse or track) of 2000m, 5000m and so on. ...
gerjas's user avatar
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How to get X,Y coordinates of all vertices from polygon in shapefile as Excel spreadsheet using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I need to extract data from a shapefile using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2. The data needed is all the vertices (x,y coordinates in geographic WGS 1984) that construct the polygon below. I need to get ...
Enas Ali's user avatar
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Using Zonal Statistics As Table for overlapping polygons in ArcPy?

I'm using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop and would like to calculate the population within a specific distance from bus stops. My input layers are: census block (polygon) with population undissolved bus ...
GGT's user avatar
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Pyproj projection 0.5 meter differnce from official results (IGD05/12,IG05/12) Israel Grid

I'm trying to use those parameters and I receive a difference of ~0.5m ALON and BSHM APN Points: coords = [ (dms2rad([31,42,28.5694]), dms2rad([34,36,23.92196]), 55.671), (dms2rad([32,46,44....
Sasha's user avatar
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Shrinked Travel Time Contour

I'm relatively new to service area analysis. I use ArcMap 10.2 I made the following travel time contour maps by performing service area analysis.I made the first one first. It looks good. Then I add ...
12B01's user avatar
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Extension for COGO for ArcGIS 10.2

I can't seem to find an answer with regards to obtaining COGO for ArcGIS Basic 10.2. Does COGO fall under any of the extensions currently offered by ESRI or does it only fall under the higher level ...
rspencer38's user avatar
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Tabulate intersection of ArcGIS for Desktop returns empty output?

I am using a US federal lands polygon layer ( I downloaded the layer, reprojected as Albers Equal Area, and then ...
user44796's user avatar
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Adding Vertical Reference in Python to ArcGIS feature dataset

I am creating a python script to generate a terrain. In the process I am creating two feature datasets. However, in order to successfully create this FD, i need both horizontal and vertical datums. I ...
user40720's user avatar
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ArcGIS Raster Calculator error 000539 ImportError: No module named numpy?

I am running ArcGIS 10.2.1 on Win7 64bit. I have finished doing an NDVI, and after defining a vegetation presence threshold at 0.05, opened the Raster Calculator (via Map Algebra in the Arc Toolbox) ...
ewenardus's user avatar
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How to Compact geodatabases in multiple directories using ArcPy?

I am trying to write a script to walk through all folders in my workspace and find and compact all geodatabases in my workspace. I feel like I'm on the right track but I am stuck. import acrpy, os ...
kejad's user avatar
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Testing point in polygon overlay performance of Intersect, Spatial Join and Near in ArcGIS for Desktop?

In answers and comments to Select points within a polygon and update attributes I think it is being suggested that Spatial Join (Analysis) and/or Near (Analysis) may be faster than Intersect (Analysis)...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Snapping points to crossroads using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have some points (370 points) in a layer . These points must snap to crossroad layer . I could'nt find any tools in arcmap to snap points to crossroad layer. Is there any way to snap these points ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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ArcPy function works in ArcMap Python window but not from standalone script?

So I think I'm running into a data/schema lock issue, but I have no idea how to tell, or how to fix it for that matter. Here's the setup: I have this chain of gp functions: #extract elevations to ...
GISUser9's user avatar
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