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Grid spacing is not what it should be

I have a map of Ireland and I want to create a 10km x 10km grid over the whole country. I used the 'create grid' feature from the toolbox and put 10km as my horizontal and vertical spacing. However, ...
Emily's user avatar
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Trying to create a map with co-ordinates

I'm trying to create a map with the co-ordinates for the location but if i select map units it creates black boxes in the corners of the map instead of a line of co-ordinates. If I used centimeters it ...
Birchy's user avatar
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Fill out irregular grid with polygons

I'm using QGIS 3.10.0 A Coruna. As you see in the picture, I have an unregular grid with some buildings on them. I would like to fill out all the other rectangles between the points with a polygon ...
rtaani's user avatar
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RunTimeError w/ for row in cursor

Every time I execute this, I get a runtime error pointing to my "for row in cursor," stating that A column was specified that does not exist. Any ideas how to fix this? import arcpy import os gdb = ...
Stephanie Lysy's user avatar
3 votes
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Map Graticule in UTM projections (openlayers)

I'd like to know if there is a way to display the Graticule labels on a different projection like UTM. Visit this link and search for EPSG: "31982" (UTM 22s SIRGAS2000) projection to understand the ...
Leonardo Camargo's user avatar
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Zoom level issue with openlayers 5 and custom tile generation using gdal2tiles

Now i have changed my code but the output is still not what is expected, because the resolution provided is of 0 - 8 zoom but my minZoom starts from 12 itself, will i get my tiles rendered ?? how ...
Manoj Sawant's user avatar
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Changing shapefile longitude from -180-180 to 0-360 in ArcGIS?

I have a world shapefile. The shapefile which I have has Greenwich as the prime meridian. I got the world shapefile from this link. I have to convert this shapefile into a similar world shapefile as ...
Prasad Thota's user avatar
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Graticule will not display in layout view

Problem: I am trying to create a graticule for a map in ArcMap 10.7.1. When I create the graticule and hit "apply", the graticule does not display in layout view or when I export the map. Steps to ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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OpenLayer's graticule doesn't properly work

I am making a map of Krasnoyarskiy krai subject of Russia. I have defined a custom projection that should be used for this area using proj4 string. I need to show lat/long grid only for this territory....
Kerbl4's user avatar
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How to convert a QGIS Composer Grid to polygons

I really like the cartographic aesthetics of the QGIS 3.10 Composer Grid, especially the border created by using the "Zebra" style and "Fit Segment Length" option. Because of its design, I'd like to ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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Merging cells automatically in ArcMap

I want to merge the cells[green] in ArcMap as shown in picture below. Is there any way to do it automatically instead of manually? There are 200 classes and every time I need to merge the cells for ...
Sam's user avatar
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Querying County Open data endpoint and filtering by radius

I'm using python's requests and arcgis libraries for to query an open data endpoint for my county GIS data. I'm trying to query the recent sales data within a 2 mile radius of an address. I've ...
leeprevost's user avatar
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String field being populated with a 0 when field calculating

I am trying to field calculate a text value into a string field and when the process is completed, a 0 is being placed in the field as opposed to my text value. Is there something that I am ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Projection to create a grid in km

I am trying to create a 1km2 grid of Kenya but I'm struggling. I have changed the projection to EPSG:32337 but this makes Kenya about 10 metres long which is obviously not right and leads to an error ...
Birchy's user avatar
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Overlaying Landsat 8 (raster) and shapefile using ArcMap

I would like to know what I can do correct such problem, those images are not overlaying while they have the same projection system. I used even the extent of the shapefile to change the one for the ...
Clovis Camarade's user avatar
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Framing argument for insert cursor when writing geometries using ArcPy?

I am writing polygon geometries and I have points holding the geometries that represent vertices of the polygon. When I run the code below I get: TypeError: sequence size must match size of the ...
Alex R's user avatar
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Symbolizing layer with graduated colors by a field in Excel File

I have a field in Excel file called percentage, I want the governorates colored by the percentage value, so the more value is the more red become darker in the governorate. So how can I do it in ...
user3429946's user avatar
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Remove layer assertion error

I am using below code to remove any layer if it has zero features in it. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") aDF = mxd.activeDataFrame namE = ["No_Work_Done"] if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(...
Keshav Sharma's user avatar
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How can I get township and range edge labels in QGIS 3.4.13-Madeira

I've created PLSS edge labels before with ESRI and older QGIS and don't remember this being all that hard, but for some reason I'm lost trying to get it done with the newer version. The PLSS data is ...
Davesaddle's user avatar
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Using S2 Geometry as a grid for earth-wide processings [closed]

I am looking at options concerning the processing of raster data (sentinel, landsat, etc.) at a continent scale (for example, north america and south america), with respect to discrete global grid ...
Thomas Coquet's user avatar
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QGIS 3.4.12 print composer, cm distance

In print composer, I would like to syncronize the scale of the map with the Grid scale. For example, in print composer I am making a map in 1/1000 scale, so I go to grid,and insert "map units" x=100 y=...
Pitheas's user avatar
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QGIS Graticule at Print Layout starting at from 0

I would like to add a graticule with coordinates to my map. However, when I add a new grid and modify it the graticule appears but it always starts at 0 and not from its real value. How could I fix ...
QGIS's user avatar
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Create a grid in R, change in cell size displaces position of grid

I'm writing R script which will allow users to overlay a grid on their data in a new projection with the option of defining the size of the grid cell. This seems to work fine, however, when I plot two ...
bfin's user avatar
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Creating a hexagonal grid of regular hexagons of definite area anywhere on the globe using shapely

I have a geojson file describing a polygon. I want to create an hexagonal grid on top of this polygon, with regular hexagons of area 90000 square meters. Right now, I can either guarantee the area, ...
Borbag's user avatar
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What projection to use to create aligned GB and Ireland OS Grid map

I would like to create a map like the following: It displays the 100km grid square systems used by both UK and Ireland. I have created the 100km grid squares using the TomBio tools plug in, however,...
ferus89's user avatar
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Electrical Distribution - ArcGIS

I am currently developing a project for which I need to make the preliminary design of the electricity distribution network topology for a population. For this I have the location of the consumers (...
Julian Moreno's user avatar
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QGIS export DEM to SAGA grid - no coordinate system

I have created a DEM using survey points from a GNSS system. Works like a charm so far. I can extract elevation lines etc. However, when I export it as a SAGA grid it looses the coordinate system. I ...
Johannes Hedtjärn's user avatar
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Add legend with ArcPy over my interpolated map

I have created an interpolated map with arcpy.IDW_ga and I am exporting it to PDF with arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF. How can I add a legend to the map with ArcPy? In the end, I want to apply the code to ...
IceBelt's user avatar
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Pyproj projection 0.5 meter differnce from official results (IGD05/12,IG05/12) Israel Grid

I'm trying to use those parameters and I receive a difference of ~0.5m ALON and BSHM APN Points: coords = [ (dms2rad([31,42,28.5694]), dms2rad([34,36,23.92196]), 55.671), (dms2rad([32,46,44....
Sasha's user avatar
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GPS coordinate of center of a grid

I am working on a project to identify weeds. I used the grid to separate the area. Each cell is marked weed or no weed. I would like to get the GPS of the center of each cell with a weed in it. Does ...
Dan Olson's user avatar
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Measured grid labeling in ArcMap

Can the grid labels be written along the ends of the grid lines within the data box without Cartography tools and with E / N at the end? I've been playing with offsets and other options. The only ...
Eva's user avatar
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Grid to Matrix in QGIS

I generated a rectangular grid using the vector tools available and added a attribute in this grade (sum of lentghs of a line). Now I want to convert this rectangular grid to a matrix (if possible in ...
CaD's user avatar
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QGIS Print Layout - Rotation of Grid Coordinates to match map rotation

I have a layout in QGIS where 3 map views are rotated to 35 deg. The grids automatically rotate to match the maps rotation, however the labels do not. Does anyone know a way to make the coordinate ...
Matthew Le Maitre's user avatar
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Performing IDW for multiple Z field from attribute using ArcPy?

I have data with multiple columns as 1996_1, 1997_1, etc. I need to perform IDW for each column values and save it. I am a beginner with arcpy. Please help! The code is as follows: import arcpy, os ...
Parimita Saikia's user avatar
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214 views giving parsedpath or unparsedpath error

I am using rasterio to get elevation values from a raster. I am using arcpy module and rasterio module and I have published this script as a geoprocessing service. I am able to run it properly as a ...
PyVad's user avatar
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Equal geographic coordinate grid intervals

Is there a way of creating an equal geographic coordinate grid interval in QGIS print composer? I tried editing the interval and offset but it does not give equal interval like 121°14'0" then 121°14'...
KCP's user avatar
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Authenticating ArcGIS Server Feature Service in QGIS?

I am trying to add a protected Arc layer to a QGIS project and have had no success. What I have tried so far: 1) Generate token using the token service url... 2) Create a QGIS authentication ...
OGmaps's user avatar
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QGIS, Grid, and CRS [closed]

I'm totally lost after some manipulations to add a grid in QGIS. The projection of my project is WGS84 3857. It's a map of UK. I tried View>Decorations>Grid option. Everytime I get a perfect squared ...
Foaly's user avatar
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Setting the correct grids in QGIS 3.8 map composer?

My area lies between E 92.25-92.50 and N 24.50-24.75. When I tried to draw the coordinates on QGIS 3.8 map composer, it showed the co ordinates as E 8.00-E 24.000 and N 0.000-16.000. I used the ...
A Salim Khan's user avatar
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Map gridded rainfall data to lat-longs and extract daily rainfall data? [closed]

My objective is to create a dataset, wherein for certain locations (lat-longs) I need to report daily rainfall from 1950 to 2017. Rainfall data source: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) daily ...
Nivedita Mantha's user avatar
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Attribute Error when trying to run a script with Zonal Statistics

When I run my script I get the following attribute error: Traceback (most recent call last):", line 31, in <module> AttributeError: '...
Reed's user avatar
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Stop Grid Coordinates Overlapping in Print Layout

I have created some data driven pages in the print layout (controlled by atlas) using QGIS 3.4. The grid spacing is set to a fixed interval (20m). This works fine until one of the pages is located in ...
Frank Brown's user avatar
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R gdal_grid interpolation results in null values for elevation

I am trying to grid point cloud data. I created a csv with coordinates x,y and elevation z-values. The first lines of the .csv file look like this: "X", "Y", "Z" 666578.24179169,5747856.3361029,-0....
judith's user avatar
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Dynamic oriented grid using QGIS 3 layout view (grid borders parallel to paper borders)

I use QGIS 3 to create maps with coordinate grid. Often, when I change the extent of a map, my coordinate grid tilts and becomes not parallel with the paper borders. This looks very awful, and I have ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Custom formatting coordinate grid using QGIS

I am custom formatting my coordinate grid. Is there a way to change the following formula so that the output comes with a decimal and suffix? substr(@grid_number, length(@grid_number) -6,5) The ...
Sophia's user avatar
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Selecting Polygons of one layer with information from table using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two 2 datasets: A shapefile with many polygons. They all have an ID. A table (.csv) that has one column with IDs. I need to select all Polygons in 1) that are mentioned in the column of ...
Canna's user avatar
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How to get a grid 500m x 500m on map composer

I need to make a map on map composer, with a grid layed on it which is 500m x 500m. however the only way I could find of doing this was by adding a grid to my map, found within item properties. This ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Arcpy 'Append_management' much slower than ArcMap Tool?

Basically I have a script that grabs data from a web service, parses it, stores it in an intermediary local fgdb, then appends that data to the feature class in the enterprise gdb. The portion of the ...
user146474's user avatar
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00068 Script Script contains broken project data source: CURRENT

Can't share my script as geoprocesing service. The warning message: 00068 Script Script contains broken project data source: CURRENT Here is the script: # Import arcpy module import arcpy arcpy.env....
Jack's user avatar
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Python- Make use table from a MDB with name changes every week (name+date)

I have been trying to make a script to automate some steps in a process that uses tables from different databases. One of them changes its name every week - name+date eg: "MegaDataBase_16062019.mdb" ...
FTeixeira's user avatar

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