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9 votes
2 answers

Computing dominant area in polygon using ArcGIS Desktop?

First, I have a shapefile consisting of square grids and each grid has an ID. Second, I have a shapefile consisting of different zones (with IDs). A grid ID in the first shapefile can contain many ...
GISnew's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Graph/Network building and analysis of linked polygons in ArcMap

This is more of a follow-up question to Dividing polygons into *n* number of groups of equal counts with ArcPy? and Grouping village points based on distance and population size using ArcMap, ...
Max K's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Grouping village points based on distance and population size using ArcMap

How do I group a number of villages based on their distance to each other and total cumulative population size? I have a vector file of say 100 village points attached to atable containing data on ...
Rassoul Mahiny's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Creating polygon feature class from area in one not covered by another using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am working on a project doing spatial analysis at a statewide level. I am looking at a form of transportation coverage in a state, and part of my analysis involves buffers and drive time polygons. I ...
rachel.passer's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Basic If/Then in Python Parser of ArcGIS Field Calculator?

I am using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop, and I've been looking through this site, and can't seem to figure out my answer yet. Very new to VBA and Python, but lots of years with ArcGIS. I know I can do ...
BenW's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Auto-incrementing field in feature class using ArcGIS Desktop?

So I'm relatively new to ArcGIS and ArcCatalog. I have created a field name of PROJECTID in a feature class in a Personal Geodatabase. The data type is TEXT. This will be a ten digit ID. The first ...
yams's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

How to randomly subset X% of selected points?

What methods are available in ArcGIS 10.2 to randomly subset a selection of points. For example, in the attached screenshot I am interested in keeping 20% of the selected points and deleting the rest....
Aaron's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Adding labels with symbols to legend in ArcMap?

I'm creating a map with ArcGIS Desktop v10.2.2, showing museums as points. The museums layer has no symbol and the labels are made of a circle filled with color with the ID inside, taken from the [ID] ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using ArcGIS Field Calculator to create classes in new field?

I first classified firstCol into groups and then I want to give the groups with different weighted values in another field, SecondCol. I will need to give different weighted values very often. I find ...
NewHere's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Dividing polygons into *n* number of groups of equal counts with ArcPy?

One of my tasks for work is to divide parcels into groups. These groups will be used by agents to talk to property owners. The goal is to make the agent's job easy by grouping parcels that are near ...
Emil Brundage's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Counting overlapping polygons from one Shapefile using ArcGIS Desktop

I have a shapefile with 16,400 polygons. Each polygon shows the expansion of a bird species for the whole world. Now I have to count the overlapping polygons. I tried it with union and dissolve (...
Nora's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Filling NoData gaps in raster using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a raster with gaps in it. I want to fill these in with averages of surrounding cells using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop. I have tried "Focal Statistics" but it averages EVERY cell and not just the ...
Steven Crisp's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Calculate line distances inside of polygons using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm working with two data sets: NHD polyline stream layer for my entire state HUC Watershed boundary Polygons for the entire state I am looking for a way to calculate the total length of streams ...
user28309's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How to Create a Grid Inside a Polygon that is Oriented with the Longest Side?

I have been using a process called "Create Polygon Graticule" to create a grid within a polygon with assigned row and column attributes. It is a SAGA tool which I have been running in QGIS. It ...
Kingfisher's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Creating fishnet grid with specified rotation angle in ArcGIS Desktop?

I'm working on this project and I need a grid with a certain rotation, at about 60 degrees, for example. Starting from that I need to make a block of 20mx50m, and the last thing is that inside each ...
Edixon Gutierrez's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Ordnance Survey grids - download or generate?

Does anyone know a source from which to download vector UK Ordnance Survey grids at varying resolutions? Or failing that, a tool that can create an OS grid at a specified resolution? There are plenty ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why isn't the service layer shape properly spread out?

I created a simple service layer polygon in network analyst (ArcGIS Desktop 10.2) with no hierarchies set in the street network. Now I don't understand why is this polygon created along some ...
Salman's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Splitting multiple polylines by distance in ArcMap

Is there a method to split thousands of polylines by employing a tool like the "Editor" - "Split" method and using distance, in ArcMap? When I utilize the "split" - &...
jeepin_gypsy's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Installing 64-bit geoprocessing of ArcGIS for Desktop?

I am trying to install 64-bit processing to ArcGIS 10.2, but the ESRI Patches and Service Packs website only has installations for Service pack 1 that goes with ArcGIS 10.1. One similar question on ...
Luke Macaulay's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Making Map Book of pages with same area shown but different layers turned on/off

In ArcMap a Map Book is best suited for a series of features that each get their own page. It allows you to pick a feature and generate a Map Book Page for each feature including any additional ...
randomblink's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Batch Georeferencing in ArcMap/ArcPy?

I have about 50 pdf maps that I would like to batch georeference and/or georectify. I've saved one as a jpg and georeferenced it manually and would like to automate the rest which are in the same ...
Codesurfer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Achieving Super or Subscript graticule labels in QGIS Composer windows?

It is quite common for paper topographic maps to label the map graticule with ordinate values in a mixture of superscript and standard digits, eg. ⁴123⁰⁰⁰ to emphasise the significant digits. The ...
Andy Harfoot's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Debugging ImportError: No module named arcpy

I have written a script and am trying to run it in Python IDLE 2.7.6. I first try to import arcpy, but I get an error message saying: ImportError: No module named arcpy Why does it not work? I am ...
model_help's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Changing color of symbol in UniqueValuesSymbology object using ArcPy?

I have an template mxd I reference with several pre-defined layers. The only variable I need to modify is the color of certain symbols in the layer. I have tried to modify and dig around the Symbology ...
msanchavila's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Creating custom coordinate grid using QGIS

I am using QGIS 2.14.2. I want to create a custom grid different from latitude / longitude, with letters and numbers on the axes. X = A, B, C, D, E, ... Y = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... A B C D E 1 2 3 4 ...
Carlos Pires's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Downloading ArcObjects SDKs for .NET?

Can anyone can suggest where I can freely download ArcObjects SDKs for ArcGIS? I am using version 10.2.
Arun's user avatar
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22 votes
9 answers

Changing Field Name in ArcGIS Desktop

How can I change the field names (not the alias) in ArcGIS 10.2? I already found this page on ArcGIS support: "Renaming shapefile fields (Defense Mapping)" but there is is not "Defense ...
user1106951's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Calculating area weighted average of attribute in one layer by shape in another using ArcGIS for Desktop?

For a project I am working on I would like to intersect fire station response districts with income data to determine the median income per response district. However the borders of the layers ...
Bryan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Exporting raster as .tif with "use renderer" and "force RGB" produces inaccurate colors?

In ArcMap 10.2 I have a DEM and my aim is to change its color ramp using ArcMap, then export this colored raster as a geotiff (8 bit). I checked "use renderer" and "force RGB" options but the results ...
GIStack's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Getting different results using Select by Location with ArcPy vs ArcMap?

I have two different layers. One layer contains features that are supposed to sit directly on top of features in the other layer. With ArcPy I'm doing a SelectLayerByLocation with "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO" ...
ianbroad's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What causes ERROR 000210: Cannot create output in_memory\AND from ArcPy?

The ArcGIS for Desktop "ERROR 000210: Cannot create output" has been reported on this site a number of times but an in_memory workspace seems to have been implicated only once: ERROR 000210: Cannot ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Adding MGRS grid in QGIS

I'm trying to generate a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid on QGIS (with polygons in a scale of 100m), such a grid will be similar to when importing a grid made of shapefiles (such as http://...
mapikn's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
1 answer

Counting traversed arcs on routes to write attributes using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have number of persons located on a road network and I have calculated their shortest distance to a particular location. From the routes output created from Closest Facility can I break the routes ...
user23142's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does Raster Calculator (RasterCalculator_sa) give ERROR 000539 in ArcPy?

I am getting a not executed error for a raster calculator. Here is part of the output: File "C:\projectTemp\FloodAnalysis\", line 107, in makeSeemless arcpy....
Ryan Bertram's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Creating Latitude Grid from DEM

I am trying to evaluate an equation in the raster calculator and I need latitude values. I have the DEM for the region and am wondering if it is possible to create a latitude raster based on the DEM?
Kassa's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Getting latitude and longitude raster from DEM using ArcGIS Desktop?

Could anyone provide with a way to calculate latitude and longitude from DEM, for each raster cell? In previous posts about this, I have seen that some suggest calculating lat and long in certain ...
Maria Karypidou's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Major bug in ArcGIS Zonal statistics?

Update: The bug has been fixed in the ArcGIS 10.4 release I am using ArcGIS 10.2.2 to determine zonal statistics for a number of zones. If there is any NoData in the value raster, I want the zone ...
G-wizard's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Documenting inability to Start Editing SQLite geodatabase layers in ArcMap?

I've recently started creating SQLite geodatabases using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop with both ST_GEOMETRY and SPATIALITE storage data types and was impressed by how easy this was to do. I then tried to ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Specifying field in attribute table with raster calculator using ArcMap

How can I specify the attribute field to use in the raster calculator of ArcMap 10.2? In 9.x, I used the dot notation. i.e. To use the "New_Value" field, I could do the following: [MyRaster]....
derelict's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Calculating percentage of overlap between two different layers using ArcMap

I have two different layers (Layer 1 and Layer 2) both made up of many thousands of polygons. Many of the polygons in Layer 1 overlap to differing degrees with Polygons in Layer 2. I need to calculate ...
John's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Increase each polygon area to the same area

I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10.2. I have many polygons (buildings) with various areas and I want the same area for all my polygons: 100m². The final goal is to aggregate them and build the urban ...
piero's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Adding UTM labels to grid in QGIS

I am trying to use QGIS to create a custom topographic map for outdoor use: UTM, 1:50000. What these maps usually have is a 1km x 1km grid, which at the bottom is labeled with a shorthand for the ...
Lagerbaer's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Installing pandas with Esri's python?

Trying to get pandas to import, but I'm getting what looks like an error caused by a failed dependency of the version of my Esri-provided numpy's compile, based on this stackoverflow posting. Here's ...
Roland's user avatar
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3 votes
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Using Label Expression with Text Formatting Tags and Ampersand

I am using a Label Expression to label a parcel layer. The expression is: "<FNT name=""Arial"" size=""12"">" & [Owners_Nam] & "</FNT>" This works correctly for some labels, but ...
Sara Barnes's user avatar
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2 answers

Specify geoprocessing service connection at publish

I have a geoprocessing service published from a tool written in Python and contained inside a Python toolbox. I need to be able to publish this service in multiple environments (production, staging, ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Creating symbol with size and color based on two variables in ArcMap?

In ArcMap 10.2, I have a layer that has two attributes: depth and magnitude. Depth should be represented by color: deeper points being lighter and shallower being darker. Magnitude represented by ...
user3357358's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Creating a Grid on a polygon and find number of points in each grid

How can I create a grid on top of a polygon and then insert the points onto the grid? As far as i know, i am using How to create a regular polygon grid in PostGIS? guide to created the grid. However,...
Derek's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Data Interoperability Toolset not working ArcGIS for Desktop?

The Data Interoperability Tools .tbx appears in my system toolboxes, however when I double click quick export or import, a red X appears. I have gone into the administrator settings and the tool ...
Geoffrey West's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Building attribute table in 3-band raster using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a 3-band (RGB) raster file from CORINE and the attribute table hasn't been built. When I try to execute the command BuildRasterAttributeTable I get an error that only single band rasters are ...
evaggelia pap's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Altering graticule intervals logically in varying map scales using ArcPy and/or Data Driven Pages?

This question appears on many sites and I was wondering if there was a script that is now available that resolves it? My workarounds have been to create multiple mxd's that just hold the same scale ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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