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Attaching old archive table (_h) back to original feature class on re-enabling geodatabase archiving?

I'm trying to figure out a way to update the schema of an archived feature class. There was a lot of discussion about this from 2012 and prior. < -- ...
Emily's user avatar
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Wrangling precision in QGIS with a hypothetical planet

I'm a tabletop roleplaying gamemaster wanting to use QGIS to help organize my notes according to place. GIS addresses my need to store notes and other data that may be anywhere from a few feet from ...
MadEmperorYuri's user avatar
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Local grids with rotated north in QGIS

Like many people in geology and archaeology I need to work with local grids that have eastings and northings from a specific reference point, and typically have a difference alignment/direction of ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Stop Grid Coordinates Overlapping in Print Layout

I have created some data driven pages in the print layout (controlled by atlas) using QGIS 3.4. The grid spacing is set to a fixed interval (20m). This works fine until one of the pages is located in ...
Frank Brown's user avatar
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Capturing ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of Python script

Is there any way to capture ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of a Python script? Through Python, I would like to iterate through each layer inside of an MXD, make the layer visible, refresh the table of ...
cvandenberg's user avatar
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How to hide system tables of oracle in sde connection?

I connected to oracle 11g r2 with ArcGIS 10.2 using SDE connection. The connection is ok but in the connection i see system tables of APEX_030200 and other schemas. Same question is in the Geonet ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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QGIS grid doesn't fit

I downloaded the German 1km grid and also create a 100m grid with the same EPSG code EPSG:25832 - ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N but the created grid doesnt have the same coordinates. Why did this happen? ...
strech's user avatar
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Breaking up existing watershed polygons by flow to individual tributaries

I have an existing hydroshed dataset (HydroBASIN lev12 basins from the HydroSHED dataset) that I would like to split up further, so that each tributary has its own basin delineated (see below). I ...
Dana's user avatar
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2 answers

Graticule will not display in layout view

Problem: I am trying to create a graticule for a map in ArcMap 10.7.1. When I create the graticule and hit "apply", the graticule does not display in layout view or when I export the map. Steps to ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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Custom formatting coordinate grid using QGIS

I am custom formatting my coordinate grid. Is there a way to change the following formula so that the output comes with a decimal and suffix? substr(@grid_number, length(@grid_number) -6,5) The ...
Sophia's user avatar
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Centroids of each grid cell

I have a grid created by mean the following script: # My grid [using package 'sf'] worldGrid <- st_make_grid(x = worldMap, what = "polygons", cellsize = 10) worldGrid <- st_sf(idcell = ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to undo/redo drawing polyline

I want to draw a custom polyline using mouse click events in an AddIn.Tool project without esri's build-in interfaces eg. Rubberband, IDisplayFeedback or IShapeConstuct. I got problems pushing caches ...
Jason.Young's user avatar
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QGIS clip grid frame to shape?

I am working in QGIS and would like the grid frame to align with the edges of my conic projection region. Is there a way to do this? In arc it is very straightforward but I have yet to find a method ...
jrowley's user avatar
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ESRI Workspace Domains sometimes not implementing ICodedValueDomain2

I am attempting to use the .SortByName() and .SortByValue() methods of the interface ICodedValueDomain2. I use the same extension methods from an IWorkspace, however if I open the IWorkspace from an ....
Ehryk's user avatar
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Exporting ActiveView to Jpeg using ArcGIS 10.2.2 fails

I have some legacy VBA code that exports the activeview to a jpeg, which needs to be updated, so it can be used in ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2. The application uses the following code Option Explicit ...
MapMan's user avatar
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gdal_translate to get full vector extent of geo spatial referenced PDF

I am creating GeoTif images from a USFS geospatial referenced PDFs using gdal_translate. I turned off all of the layers that I did not want and it produces a GeoTif of just the center window of the ...
bakerjw's user avatar
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ArcMap - Export raster symbology to a raster function template programmatically

I would like to programmatically export symbology for a raster dataset as a raster function template xml file, as can be done by clicking the export button in the symbology tab of the layer properties ...
pjbarrs's user avatar
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How to correctly uncompress and re-compress an msd file using 7zip from command line

I am trying to uncompress and recompress both the msd and sd file so as to tweak some things I want. In fact I want to get inside the layers folder and for each layer.xml file to string replace the ...
Smalis's user avatar
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How to edit a service definition file (SD) so as to change the Data source (User in oracle)

I am using Oracle 11g ArcGIS 10.2 Considering I have an enterprise geodatabase and I am connected as user1/mypass@myIP/xe I create a map from my table "mylocations" I choose share as service-->...
Smalis's user avatar
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Get Unique Field Values Within Python Script Tool

Using ArcGIS 10.2.2 and Python. I have a script that currently counts the number of points (representing crimes) in each zip code area, and writes that value to a new column in the FC that contains ...
ge0m3try's user avatar
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Add WMS Layer into map using Arcobjects

I am going to add a wms layer to my existing map.I use this code: public load_wms(ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.AxMapControl mapcontrol) { // Create an WMSMapLayer Instance - this will be ...
Majid's user avatar
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Row ID Column Type : User Maintained - Insert using IFeatureBuffer - ArcGIS 10.2

I am trying to insert a record in SDE feature class (which is not registered with SDE) using Arcobjects 10.2 using IFeatureBuffer.InsertFeature functionality. This throws an error message "The current ...
iamlaksh1's user avatar
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Why does compressed & zipped/unzipped file geodatabase give Open Failed Error opening feature class Cannot access secured data?

In ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop, a colleague compressed a file geodatabase and then zipped it and sent it to me via email. I unzipped it and was unable to add any of the feature classes into my map ...
user28611's user avatar
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Why does the right side coordinate does not appear?

I was working on QGIS 3.28 and the CRS is WGS 1984 Web Mercator. Apparently my right side coordinate doesn't appear in scale 1:750.000. But it appears when I change the scale to 1:2.000.000 or above. ...
romeoalpha00's user avatar
2 votes
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Making gridded map where each grid cell shows the share of points of certain category in QGIS

So, I have a dataset of many points across Europe. For illustration purposes see this image below: Each of these points has one of four categories attached to it, so the dataset I am working with has ...
starski's user avatar
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Select features that share the same value in a certain column but also have different values in a different column

I have a dataset of plants, they are many different plant species that are given a numerical code in a column in the attribute table, but they are located in different land types which was also ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Points interpolation on a polygon geometry

I would like to know how to interpolate point data on a polygon geometry. I have two PostGIS tables: the first one contains hourly rain values evaluated in the nodes of a regular grid (specified in a ...
Sara's user avatar
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Randomly filtering points in unevenly distributed point dataset?

I have a vegetation plots dataset which has unduly high concentrations of plots in certain parts of the dataset. I want to even out the concentrations of points so that there is a more even ...
Ecofuego's user avatar
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OpenLayer's graticule doesn't properly work

I am making a map of Krasnoyarskiy krai subject of Russia. I have defined a custom projection that should be used for this area using proj4 string. I need to show lat/long grid only for this territory....
Kerbl4's user avatar
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Create a grid in R, change in cell size displaces position of grid

I'm writing R script which will allow users to overlay a grid on their data in a new projection with the option of defining the size of the grid cell. This seems to work fine, however, when I plot two ...
bfin's user avatar
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What projection to use to create aligned GB and Ireland OS Grid map

I would like to create a map like the following: It displays the 100km grid square systems used by both UK and Ireland. I have created the 100km grid squares using the TomBio tools plug in, however,...
ferus89's user avatar
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Arcpy 'Append_management' much slower than ArcMap Tool?

Basically I have a script that grabs data from a web service, parses it, stores it in an intermediary local fgdb, then appends that data to the feature class in the enterprise gdb. The portion of the ...
user146474's user avatar
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Strip Map Index Feature cuts off map parts?

I am using ArcMap 10.2 on Win 7 SP1. When I use the SMIF-Tool for creating a mapbook at a fixed scale it seems to have an issue with overlapping the bounding areas correctly in order to get a proper ...
mapcat's user avatar
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Fixing ArcMap colour palette?

My ArcMap 10.2 colour palette seems to be glitching out. What I think are the 'base' colours (those which are always available even when you don't have any style references) keep getting added. I ...
scott_c's user avatar
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Extrapolating raster to specific area?

Can I extrapolate a raster with the extent of North America (current geography) to the shape of the continent during the Last Glacial Maximum? I would want to extrapolate pH-values to the additional ...
Julia LD's user avatar
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Describe FeatureClass shape type, can't get past error (object has no attribute 'shapeType')

My code: import arcpy, csv, os # Create a Describe object gdb = r"Database Connections\GISUSER.sde" desc = arcpy.Describe(gdb) full_path = False # Specify whether dataset name should be full or ...
Molly Vey E's user avatar
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Support materials and shaders in ArcGIS when importing model from 3D Max?

Does ArcGIS support materials and shaders when importing a model from 3D Max? Can I change the texture of the model when it is already added to the scene? How to do it? Esri::ArcGISRuntime::...
Ivan Triumphov's user avatar
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Choosing bandwidth and scaling factor for Kernel Density Estimate in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have some points that represent animal locations over the course of a few months at the scale of ~20 sqkm. I am emulating the work of previous researchers in this field, but I'm having trouble ...
PIJA's user avatar
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Issue with vector grid and calculating area QGIS

I'm trying to determine the area of occurence from a large polygon superimposed onto 2km x 2km grids. The goal is to have a slightly coarser answer then a straight area of the original polygon as the ...
Blyth J's user avatar
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Best format for GDAL to ESRI

I'm trying to create a 30 meter, Int16 raster covering the entire continental US using Python/GDAL. This raster will ultimately be used to do raster algebra in ArcMap by downstream users. Ordinarily ...
triphook's user avatar
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Creating grid in ArcGIS Pro that looks exactly same as Corner Label Grid in ArcMap?

When creating a grid in ArcMap I would choose the Label Style Format of Corner label in the Grid Properties dialog box. I am attempting to create the same grid in ArcGIS Pro, I understand you have to ...
Jas's user avatar
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Symbolizing lines based average value of point (start, middle, end) in ArcGIS Desktop?

There are three points in each line of road network, each point has weight and I want to give the average weight of these three points to corresponding line and symbolized all the lines accordingly. ...
Farhad's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 - how to plot a new point a certain distance and az from another point

I'm trying to figure out a way to plot a new point (or series of points) along a given az and a fixed interval. Essentially, I'm trying to build a grid for soil sampling. ty
Mark Ralph's user avatar
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Cost back link tool

I am trying to use cost path analysis to create a least cost path from ports around the UK to various offshore locations. To do this I have created a cost raster grid with values of 0 for land and 1 ...
Lisa Conlon's user avatar
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Not able to load mbtiles in ArcGIS runtime SDK

I'm not able to load mbtiles in any layer using arcgis runtime sdk version 100.1 for iOS. Is it possible to do that in new version of run time sdk. In old runtime SDK, I have used AGSTiledServiceLayer ...
Muruganandham Kuppan's user avatar
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Trigger AutoUpdaters in Stand Alone Python Script ArcFM

I am trying to insert records from an FGDB featureclass into an "ArcFM-ified" SDE(Oracle 11g) feature class with a stand alone python script. I want the AutoUpdaters on that feature class to fire. I ...
bighill's user avatar
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Automation Error while running Geoprocessing tool using VBA in ArcMap?

I am trying to run a geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS 10.2 as a part of a VBA GUI (kind of) that I'm trying to create - unfortunately it gives me an automation error. I'm new to VBA and ArcGIS. The ...
Prieston Lobo's user avatar
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ArcGIS - OD matrix: Quality of results with a fragmented rail network

I have a question about the results of an OD-matrix. I have data of harbours (destination and origins) and want to determine the distance between them. I will use a road network. It seems that not all ...
AS1990's user avatar
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Display feature length in legend in ArcMap

Using ArcMap 10.2, how can I show the total feature length instead of feature count in the legend?
hari gis's user avatar
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Merging multiple polygons in ArcMap?

I'm searching for an ArcMap (10.2) Tool that merges multiple polygons over a given distance (in the end term I want to select all polygons with an area greater than 7ha). To illustrate my use case ...
petrochelli's user avatar

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