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What is the convergence threshold for ArcGIS Iso Cluster?

The ArcGIS tool Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification does not seem to have any documentation on the convergence threshold used in the tool. To compare, Erdas Imagine has all of the necessary ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Adding raster value with specific equation using ArcMap

I am trying to develop a raster layer with the interference of streetlight in this example: As you can see, there are multiple buffer rings around a point layer. I actually want to transform this ...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes
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ArcGIS project raster produces incorrect vertical coordinates

I have a DEM in UTM (meters) / NAVD88 (meters) and need to transform it to State Plane (feet) / NAVD88 (feet). Unfortunately, I do not have the raster calculator in ArcGIS, so I have to use Project ...
Lauren Alivia Morgan's user avatar
5 votes
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Wrangling precision in QGIS with a hypothetical planet

I'm a tabletop roleplaying gamemaster wanting to use QGIS to help organize my notes according to place. GIS addresses my need to store notes and other data that may be anywhere from a few feet from ...
MadEmperorYuri's user avatar
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Retaining subsecond time precision in date/time field in Geodatabase

I have a set of points (essentially tracks) with subsecond time precision, that would be useful to visualise/analyse. I have tried the "Convert Time Field" tool from string, float and double field ...
NickEl's user avatar
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Same LiDAR data but different results in ArcMap and eCognition

I have generated raster layers based on LiDAR Number of Returns in both ArcMap and eCognition but the results are quite different. I ArcMap I used LAS point to Statistics to Raster Tool, in the ...
ZhangYao Jiayin's user avatar
5 votes
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Preconditions not working on second iteration of ModelBuilder?

I'm working on a project where I have to iterate through geodatabases and handle some debug errors if they exist. For this I've created a ModelBuilder model, in ArcGIS 10.7. Essentially, what the ...
Eirik Osnes's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Creating pseudo-heatmap based on time spent in AOI using ArcGIS Desktop

I wanted to see if there was a way to create a heatmap based on time spent in a certain AOI. What I mean by this is a layer you can toggle on/off that would go from clear to red as you spend more ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Local grids with rotated north in QGIS

Like many people in geology and archaeology I need to work with local grids that have eastings and northings from a specific reference point, and typically have a difference alignment/direction of ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Creating individual routes from home to multiple destinations in ArcMap ModelBuilder with ArcGIS Network Analyst

I am trying to create individual routes from Homes to multiple Destinations. The unique ID is respondent in both the Homes and Destinations tables. I've created an iterative model in ModelBuilder ...
Mia's user avatar
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Check for mxd write access with python addin

I'm looking for a way to check for writing access to an mxd upon the initiation of a python AddIn tool. My tool should only be enabled if the user has writing access to the mxd. I thought there was a ...
Emil Brundage's user avatar
5 votes
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Relating tables in ModelBuilder of ArcMap

I am an intermediate user of ArcMap (version 10x), and the process that I do manually is: I relate the table of a feature class (representing parcels, cadastral division of a city) to another table ...
Robert Caraballo's user avatar
4 votes
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Classifying range of symbology classes

I want to create several dozen maps where all have a field with a range from 0 to 100. I need to classify these into symbology classes every 15 and make a legend out of this. However, the map I am ...
sploog's user avatar
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Collector App Offline Syncing issue

We are using the Collector for ArcGIS app for numerous inspections. I've been tasked to manage the GIS portion of it. Some locations lack data service so the inspectors are using the offline mode. ...
Phuntz's user avatar
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Stop Grid Coordinates Overlapping in Print Layout

I have created some data driven pages in the print layout (controlled by atlas) using QGIS 3.4. The grid spacing is set to a fixed interval (20m). This works fine until one of the pages is located in ...
Frank Brown's user avatar
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Capturing ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of Python script

Is there any way to capture ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of a Python script? Through Python, I would like to iterate through each layer inside of an MXD, make the layer visible, refresh the table of ...
cvandenberg's user avatar
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How to "mosaic" rasters and keep attributes

I have numerous individual 10m Raster files (with both quantitative and qualitative data) for each state and need to combine them into a national dataset. However, when using a mosaic it seems that ...
Steven Hunter Douglas's user avatar
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Measuring distance between discharge point, along river, until next intersection with another river?

i hope someone can answer me my simple question. I have two sets of data a river network --> line feature discharge points along those rivers --> Point Data The discharge points represent wastewater ...
Till Langrehr's user avatar
4 votes
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Is r.cost equivalent to diffusion interpolation with barriers?

I want to perform interpolation using cost distances rather than euclidean distances similar to Greenberg et al. (2011). In that paper they use r.cost in GRASS to compute cost distances for each ...
cpmanat's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro editing tool divide only allows for 50 graduations of a line segment?

I have an 2,047 foot line in a WaSPN(ft) CRS. I want to divide this line into 30 foot segments. I am trying to use the Divide option in the Modify Features Tools pane. The tool only allows for no ...
GBG's user avatar
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Setting valid input types in Python Toolbox

When adding a python script tool to ArcToolbox, you can specify valid input types using the dropdown "Data Types" on the parameters tab in the tool properties. In Python Toolboxes you can ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Population clustering from Raster using ArcMap

I have a raster image with different pixel values, each one representing the number of people living in the pixel. I want to cluster the pixels based on the sum of the pixel values equaling 1000 in ...
Sahan Sankalpa's user avatar
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Looking at exporting multiple shapefiles with corresponding input names

I am using ArcMap 10.6 and ModelBuilder. I have input points (LinepointS1) from a geometric network which contain sub 3000 points that I would like to trace downstream from and have the model spit out ...
l-mog357's user avatar
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Using the "System" database on Postgis -> ArcGIS

I've been evaluating ArcGIS at work as a possible sollution to working with some .kmv files coming from a supplier that seems to be incompatible with QGIS. QGIS thinks they are corrupt, I suspect due ...
Shayne's user avatar
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QGIS grid doesn't fit

I downloaded the German 1km grid and also create a 100m grid with the same EPSG code EPSG:25832 - ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N but the created grid doesnt have the same coordinates. Why did this happen? ...
strech's user avatar
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Automate Name-Based Merge

I'm struggling trying to use Model Builder's iterator tool. I'm trying to use the iterator to search through 6 geodatabases and merge each feature classes with the same name (BuildP, CisternA etc.) ...
user204335's user avatar
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What syntax is used for "Custom Parameters" in ArcGIS Pro

I have published to ArcGIS Portal a Map Image Layer containing 3 layers. Each layer contains some overhead and underground (UG) assets. Usually, I would just make a definition query to only select the ...
Clay's user avatar
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Identifying Source Date for Visible ESRI World Imagery in ArcMap

Using ArcMap 10.2.2 I want to identify the source data of the Esri Satellite Basemap 'World Imagery'. When using the identify tool you can select which layer of the World Imagery you want to identify -...
Amy's user avatar
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Selecting lines between two points using ArcMap

I have two layers: One representing intersections in a city; and the other representing the road network. As shown below, I'd like the ability to select road segments provided two intersections. That ...
John's user avatar
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What is function of .horizon files in file geodatabase?

What is the function of the .horizon files that are present whenever a file geodatabase is created in ArcMap, I understand it is all proprietary formats for Esri, but is there any explanation? I have ...
Deepitk's user avatar
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Adding easting and northing points in ArcGIS

I am trying to add coordinates into ArcGIS 10.6.1. Below are the Northing and Easting I have been given. I have added these Northing and Eastings into an Excel sheet and saved them as a CSV File (The ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Why is the calculated area different in the layer that was clipped with a mask

I have a mask that I created. I used calculate geometry in the attribute table to calculate the acres of the polygon (1,214,784 acres). I then used the intersect tool with the mask and another layer ...
hosta's user avatar
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Vertical datum conversion in ArcGIS Pro not recognizing vertical coordinate system

I have a GeoTiff surface model and the z values reference EGM96. I would like to use the vertical datum conversion capabilities in ArcGIS Pro 2.7 to convert the GeoTiff to reference the NAVD88 ...
GBG's user avatar
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Breaking up existing watershed polygons by flow to individual tributaries

I have an existing hydroshed dataset (HydroBASIN lev12 basins from the HydroSHED dataset) that I would like to split up further, so that each tributary has its own basin delineated (see below). I ...
Dana's user avatar
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Raster to ASCII tool in ArcMap returning different max and min values

I am using Raster to ASCII conversion tool in ArcMap 10.7.1, and the issue is reproducible in 10.6.1, and 10.8.1. I have two raster files in TIFF format. When I used the tool for one raster the output ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Routing with set of points and barriers individually using ArcGIS Network Analyst

I need to run network analysis routing (to calculate distance) on pairs of points with barriers. I have 3 feature classes: Origins Destinations Barriers All 3 of which share a common unique ID ...
cl3's user avatar
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"Zonal statistics" for two polygon layers using ArcMap

I have 2 polygon layers: one is a vector grid with attribute values for each "polygon cell" the other including administrative boundaries I would like to calculate the mean value of all ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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When generating WMS service in ArcGIS random numbers are added to the layer name

I have an mxd file. Each time I share/publish a WMS service to the ArcGIS server as WMS, random numbers are added to the layer name. For example here is added number 8950 at the end of the <Name>...
Mochi's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro SDK forcing process windows to be minimized?

I'm running a Process from my add-in, and even if I use P/Invoke to force the window to be open and in the foreground, the process windows that appear will be minimized. Weirdly enough, they are ...
JSaraco's user avatar
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How to stop ArcGIS Pro report from inserting cover page?

I have a simple report I've designed in ArcGIS Pro that outputs a handful of fields in a table for each selected feature in a point layer (see image below). Everything works as expected with the table ...
lambertj's user avatar
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How to make the display of a satellite image the same across users?

I have a group of users counting objects in a satellite image. To keep viewing conditions the same I wish each user to have the same display (e.g., the same scale). To do this, I have asked users to ...
Gulf's user avatar
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Issue with editing a feature class within ArcGIS

I have tried editing a feature class in an ArcGIS drawing which results to an error related to the specific geodatabase. The description in the error says "Check to see that you have the appropriate ...
PhysicsRuleZ's user avatar
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Proj4 string missing datum information for SAGA outputs loaded into R

I've produced a set of topographic derivatives using both SAGA and ArcGIS. They are all in the same CRS. When I load them into R, however, the proj4 strings are different: >arcRaster class ...
Nick's user avatar
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Graticule will not display in layout view

Problem: I am trying to create a graticule for a map in ArcMap 10.7.1. When I create the graticule and hit "apply", the graticule does not display in layout view or when I export the map. Steps to ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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Duplicate Global IDs within same feature class

I received a geodatabase from a contractor and I observed there are multiple feature classes with column of Global ID type. These Global ID type columns, when I checked data i realized there are ...
user4906240's user avatar
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Recreate a Local Custom Coordinate System from Survey Data in GIS?

I have a .DWG file of a series of survey points that has no associated projection file with it. The surveying group I received the data from states that the system they use is a local coordinate ...
BenW's user avatar
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Using Spatial Join/Merge/Table View in ModelBuilder

I have developed a model that spatially joins a series of line segments to line and point segments using the "One to One", "Closest" function and creating a "distanceTo" ...
TheNoviceCode's user avatar
3 votes
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ArcGIS Pro: Create polygons from outlines of unclosed lines

First a disclaimer: I have very little experience with ArcGIS, I usually use QGIS and only recently started using ArcGIS Pro. I have a River dataset from the Natural Earth Site, then made its ...
TheKutKu's user avatar
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Custom formatting coordinate grid using QGIS

I am custom formatting my coordinate grid. Is there a way to change the following formula so that the output comes with a decimal and suffix? substr(@grid_number, length(@grid_number) -6,5) The ...
Sophia's user avatar
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Raster statistics per latitude cross-section

I want a profile graph with biomass volume across a landscape's latitude. Im using ArcGis Pro 2.3.3. It's hard to explain so I'll provide a rough sketch of the desired result: The sketch shows a ...
Christian's user avatar
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