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74 votes
7 answers

When to use ModelBuilder over Python scripting and vice versa?

I am new to Python scripting in ArcGIS but not new to ModelBuilder. I would like to know the benefits of Python vs ModelBuilder. When should we write Python script for GIS automation rather than ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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66 votes
3 answers

Layers with same coordinate system should align/overlap in ArcMap but do not?

I put 4 different layers into my ArcMap document, but only one of them will show up on the map! I should be seeing the other 3 layers as well. When I do a Zoom to layer, I can see one layer, but I ...
CaliforniaGirl's user avatar
65 votes
5 answers

Building effective heat-maps?

Using ArcGIS, QGIS, Grass, and/or GVSIG: What are some of the tools and processes involved in building effective heat maps? What are the plugins involved? What are the major data requirements? What ...
63 votes
7 answers

How to remove Esri basemap credits?

As you can see from the attached sample map, the Esri basemap credits are overpowering and reduce the cartographic design of the entire map. These credits appear to be new to 10.1 and essentially ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
60 votes
11 answers

Removing small spaces (slivers) between polygons

I have a set of polygons representing administrative districts. The districts were digitized by hand, and there are small spaces (slivers) between polygons where the polygons should be touching. How ...
zoo's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Calculating average width of polygon? [closed]

I'm interested in examining the average width of a polygon that represents the road surface. I also have the road centerline as a vector (which is sometimes not exactly in the center). In this example,...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
43 votes
7 answers

Choosing File Geodatabase (*.gdb), Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb) or shapefile format?

Previously, I have used geodatabases as an easy way to keep all files together rather than having dozens of shapefiles all over the place, and it is easier when finally exporting all the relevant data ...
42 votes
18 answers

Why do you use ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm new to GIS, having only dabbled with ArcGIS for Desktop for about 4 weeks in 2007. The business I am at wants to target writing complete solutions that involve GIS as it would benefit their ...
40 votes
15 answers

Converting MapInfo TAB and/or MIF to SHP using free tools or ArcGIS for Desktop core product?

How do I convert MapInfo TAB and/or MIF files to SHP using only free tools or ArcGIS itself? I've not had much luck trying to do this in the past and I don't want to have to shell out for the ArcGIS ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
40 votes
12 answers

Exporting feature class into multiple feature classes based on field values using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a feature class with over 2,000 features, and I need to make them all individual feature classes based on a field. Is there a way to do this?
Sophie's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

Creating square buffer around point feature using ArcMap

I would like to create a square buffer from a point feature but I do not understand the code that goes into it. Similar questions have been asked on the forums.esri website but that was over 10 ...
Kimball's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Using directional shading on boundaries for cartographic effect in ArcGIS Desktop?

The attached screenshot of a National Geographic map shows some beautiful directional shading of boundaries. I'm trying to reproduce this sort of shading for a burn perimeter map, as I want to ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
40 votes
9 answers

Creating shapefile showing footprints of Rasters?

I have around 1,000 satellite images in tiff format, and I want to create a shapefile which will serve as an index to the rasters. This is something similar to a raster catalog, but I do not want to ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
39 votes
4 answers

How to migrate from ArcGIS for Desktop to QGIS? [closed]

Our lab has about 10 projects in ArcGIS 9 (a couple are made in ArcGIS 10) that includes the following in each: A georeferenced (WGS1984 geographical projection) raster seafloor image, representing ...
hpy's user avatar
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38 votes
21 answers

Connecting to PostGIS database from ArcMap for display and query without ArcSDE?

How can I connect to a PostGIS database from ArcMap using ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 and later? I would like to be able to perform spatially enabled queries and receive the results back (e.g. spatial and non-...
fmark's user avatar
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38 votes
14 answers

Getting boundary of raster image as polygon in ArcMap

I have a rectangular raster image in ArcMap. How can I produce a polygon which is just the extent of the raster image? That is, I want to have a polygon layer with a single quadrilateral which is the ...
robintw's user avatar
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38 votes
11 answers

Performing reverse clip in ArcMap

Is there a way to perform a 'reverse' of the clip function in ArcMap? I am not exactly sure how to explain this so here is a diagram:
Alan Carr's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

Fastest way to count the number of features in a feature class?

With the introduction of the Data Access module in arcpy (30x faster search cursors), I want to know if counting features matching sql criteria is faster than the traditional MakeTableView + GetCount ...
Michael Markieta's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Extract Raster Value into Polygon Attribute

I have Raster Data for a State which has Elevation Data in its pixels. I also have Vector layer which has the 300 divisions of State. what I need is, I want to get the average elevation value of ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

What is the proper syntax and usage for ArcGIS "in_memory" workspace?

I am unclear how best to use the in_memory workspace in ArcGIS. The best resource I have found on the subject is from ESRI on Using in-memory workspace. Unfortunately, the help section is not very ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
37 votes
6 answers

Difference between map layer and spatial dataset (e.g. feature class, shapefile)?

What is the difference between a feature class and a feature layer? To me they seem very similar in concept.
user's user avatar
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35 votes
9 answers

Adding GPX files into ArcMap?

What is the smoothest route, the easiest user experience, to add gpx files to ArcMap? Ideally, I'd like to interact with .gpx with the same facility as .shp, being able drag'n'drop onto the map ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
  • 28.3k
35 votes
2 answers

LAS to DEM conversion [closed]

I regularly come across LiDAR (.LAS) files with elevation data. When I do, I always struggle to find a way of converting them to a DEM for hydrological analysis. I have developed several workflows, ...
Martin's user avatar
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35 votes
0 answers

How to use PostgreSQL/PostGIS with ArcGIS for Desktop? [duplicate]

Has anyone used PostgreSQL with PostGIS successfully? I am a semi-experienced ArcGIS user and want to build out a database and connect it to ArcCatalog. I've scoured the internet for resources but ...
dgrubman's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Windows security warning (ActiveX) when clicking into fields in ArcToolbox tool?

I have been running ArcGIS 10.5 on my PC (Windows 10 Home) since December with no issues. This past week I have started to get ActiveX Security Warnings when I click into a parameter field in any ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

Citing ArcGIS Desktop when writing papers?

When writing papers, is there a standard style that should be used for citing ArcGIS, specifically ArcMap? In particular, how do you reference a specific tool that you used in your analysis. I'm not ...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
33 votes
5 answers

Does ArcGIS for Desktop support SpatiaLite?

SpatiaLite is playing an increasing role in my organization. As it stood in 2012, using SpatiaLite alongside ArcGIS Desktop required an amount of importing and exporting of data that was not always ...
Roger D.'s user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How to hide "internal" polygon boundaries?

Our task is to draw a lake with a solid outer perimeter line and no lines between internal wetlands, shoals and shallows? 'Tis a relatively straightforward process with Arcinfo coverages and Regions, ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
  • 28.3k
32 votes
6 answers

Creating Centrelines from Road Polygons/Casings using ArcGIS Desktop?

I want to create center lines from road polygons. Are there any automated tools in ArcGIS for Desktop to do this? I am including a Screenshot of my vector file below.
Binoy's user avatar
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31 votes
9 answers

ArcCatalog says spatial references don't match between feature dataset and feature class with same coordinate system?

I have a feature dataset that is using the GCS_WGS_1984 as the geographic coordinate system. It includes a few feature classes. This feature dataset is itself in a file geodatabase that contains a ...
mindless.panda's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

How to buffer raster pixels by their values?

The pixels to the left represent tree locations and their associated crown radii (i.e. pixel values ranging from 2 - 5). I would like to buffer these raster pixels by their crown radius value. The ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
31 votes
5 answers

Converting ArcGIS layer style to Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) file?

I am putting together a GIS server using GeoServer and need some help with importing my layer styles from ArcGIS 10 to SLD format. I have one layer in ArcMap properly symbolized and labeled, how ...
Furlong's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Coloring thousands of polygons so each is distinct from its neighbors?

I am using ArcGIS 10, and I have layers of the 2010 Census blocks, block groups, and tracts. There are thousands of polygons in these layers. I want to color them so that each is distinct from its ...
Carl Raymond's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Dividing polygon into specific sizes using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have several thousand irregularly shaped polygons in a shapefile. I want to be able to split each polygon into three areas, and to specify what the size of those areas (they sum to the previous ...
djq's user avatar
  • 16.3k
28 votes
8 answers

Extracting coordinates of polygon vertices in ArcMap?

I've got about a dozen polygons in a feature class loaded in ArcMap 10, all in geographic WGS 1984. How do I easily obtain the coordinates associated with each vertex of each polygon in that feature ...
hpy's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

When Versioning with ArcSDE can posted edits be cancelled or rejected? [closed]

I am using ArcMap 9.3.1 and attempting to work with an ArcSDE geodatabase (with one polygon feature class) that has already been registered as versioned. I'm new to versioning and am still trying to ...
Sole23's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between Coverage, Shapefiles and Geodatabases in ArcGIS?

I was wondering about the difference in spatial data storage methodology used by Coverages, Shapefiles and Geodatabases in ArcGIS. Coverage was the initial format, followed by Shape Files and now ...
Abhishek Potnis's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS for Desktop on Linux?

Will ArcGIS 10 work properly on Linux using wine or crossweaver?
dassouki's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

The simplest way to uninstall any and all ArcGIS products?

What it is the simplest and most straightforward way to uninstall any and all ArcGIS products more or less in one go that might be present on a Windows machine? perhaps scriptable? Add/Remove ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Packing Polygons within polygon using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a Boolean raster. In the grey areas of the raster I would like to fit a given size polygon within a contiguous extent. Basically, I have an irregular polygon, and i would like to "fit" a ...
Thad's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Calculating Flow Direction and Delineating Basins from Projected vs. Unprojected DEM Data [closed]

This is somewhat of a theoretical question stemming from some discussions with colleagues on the topic of implications with delineating basins with projected (e.g., Albers Equal Area) vs. unprojected (...
MapBlast's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Creating Thiessen (Voronoi) polygons using lines (rather than points) as the input features?

I have a set of line features inside a particular polygonal boundary. For each line, I'd like to generate a polygon inside which every possible point is closer to the given line than to any other line ...
Dan C's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

What makes a MXD file size larger and how to decrease its size?

I know that MXD contains information about layers, symbology and configuration of default tools. I have a few that are exceeding 50 MB and are starting to take a while to load up. What are some of ...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Major bug in ArcGIS Zonal statistics?

Update: The bug has been fixed in the ArcGIS 10.4 release I am using ArcGIS 10.2.2 to determine zonal statistics for a number of zones. If there is any NoData in the value raster, I want the zone ...
G-wizard's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Hand drawn sketchy symbology styles for GIS software

Often times in planning projects, a hand drawn, sketchy look is desirable in order to convey the preliminary nature of a project. Is anyone aware of any utilities/plugins for desktop GIS software (...
25 votes
1 answer

How to get size of file geodatabase feature class on disk?

Is there a simple way to determine the amount of hard drive space a feature class takes up? I feel like I'm missing something simple, but I don't recall a method that does so. You would think that ...
Tanner's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Counting consecutive pixel values for set of rasters using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst?

I'm using ArcGIS 10 with Spatial Analyst. I have a set of rasters (8 in total) that only every contain a 1 or a 0 for each cell. Each raster represents a different years worth of data. For arguments ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Finding distance of point along polyline using ArcGIS Desktop?

We need to find the distance of a series of point along a given polyline. We have a polyline dataset repsenting rivers in a catchment, broken up into river reaches (FID 1 through 35 for example). We ...
user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Adding PDF (especially GeoPDF) to ArcMap as data?

I receive a lot of PDF maps (vector, image, with georeference and without) and I am having to convert them to an image file before I can add them to ArcMap and georeference. I can't see any obvious ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Exporting table to XYZ ASCII file via ArcPy?

I'm looking for a way to export an ArcGIS table (created with the Sample tool) to a text file via ArcPy. I can do this in ArcGIS via the context menu by right-clicking the table, but have not found ...
Toni's user avatar
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