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QGIS: Label angle and offset based on line symbol applied to point geometry

I have a line layer which is my project axis (red line in the picture). Along that layer I have created points with a spacing of 100 meters. Those point geometries are represented as line symbols. ...
Markus Lang's user avatar
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Draw a line separating north and south quadrants passing through the centre point

I have a layer with irregular polygons. I use the expression point_on_surface($geometry) to calculate the centre of gravity: I would like a Geometry Generator expression to draw a line separating the ...
Nil Aspinall's user avatar
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(QGIS) Creating a rule to hide labels based on their appearance on a list or array

I'm creating maps for a project, and I'm handling sensitive data. I have a list of species I can't display on maps. I would like to create a rule that checks if the value in column "species_name&...
Niles's user avatar
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QGIS Define fixed label placement offset from symbol bounds

I have the graduated-styled objects in QGIS by size. Now, when I want to place the label always next to the symbol on the bottom right, some labels appear partially inside of the symbol, and the other ...
Geographos's user avatar
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QGIS how to prevent label text from wrapping

I have a polygon layer and am using single labels with an expression that creates a three line label using three fields: Label expression: "name" || '\n' || "report" || '\n' ||...
Tom Mackie's user avatar
5 votes
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Display only one label for overlapping points in QGIS

I have a point layer with some overlapping points but I want to display only one label per symbol. For line and polygon symbology there is the "Merged features" option to agglomerate ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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QGIS: show attributes of different colums in legend

I'd need to classify and display on a map different land cover symbols by its Corine Land Cover codes, but in the meanwhile I'd like to show them in legend as symbol (based on UDSCOD) + code (UDSCOD) +...
SirB1's user avatar
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Can I create leader lines in ArcGIS Online?

I have scripted labels in ArcGIS Online that display various attribute values. I have a box around the labels but also would like a leader line that points to the feature. Is this possible? I have ...
Bear's user avatar
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Labeling with comma as in QGIS Attributes table

In QGIS 3.22 I would like to label an area with decimal values. In the attribute table, the values are displayed separated by commas, but the areas are labelled separated by periods. After converting ...
stefan's user avatar
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Labels automatically changing position from main view to Print Composer

I am working on a basic river map and when switching to the Print Composer, many of my labels are randomly moved. And not only they are changed on the default view on the Print Composer, but they keep ...
Trikelians's user avatar
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QGIS 3.30 organize labels with callouts for point-features in a circle around the map center

My hope is to get labels with callouts for a point-layer spreading towards the edges of the canvas. I thought about make_line ( $geometry, closest_point ( overlay_nearest (make_circle( ...
René's user avatar
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When creating layout using vectored map the text containing place names disappears in QGIS

Zooming past 112% in the layout view kills the text containing place names. The same happens on export. I'm using QLRs from Lantmäteriet. Topografi 50 Vector, to be specific. I also need my eventual ...
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Dynamic SVG Parameters yields only "?"

I have a folder with SVG files, which have the same name before the .svg extension as objects in a corresponding field of the attribute table of a point layer (place_town). I want to add specific city-...
Schorsch's user avatar
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Insert label in layout with expression QGIS

I'm using the following expression that works correctly and labels a layer of points with the count function: case when "GRUP" = 1 then aggregate('points','count', "VAUEX", "...
emblematica's user avatar
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QGIS labels missing when creating XYZ-tiles and using "offset from point"

I have an issue with some of my labels missing when I generate XYZ tiles in QGIS. I have tested a lot and it seems like they disappear when I use the label placement function "offset from point&...
Pia's user avatar
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QGIS expression to label the highest value that is nearest or within a polygon

I have a points geometry layer 'POINTS' with the field "ALTITUDE". And I have a polygon geometry layer 'POLYGONS' with the field "TERRITORY". I would need a labeling expression to ...
emblematica's user avatar
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Changing a raster format and coordinate system: GeoTiff in WGS84 to ASCII in UTM 35N

I have a DEM in GeoTIFF format in EPSG 4326 - WGS84 that I export from WindPro. I want to use the same DEM as input for another wind software that accepts only ARC/INFO ASCII GRID (ascii) format and ...
rasvan.manea's user avatar
6 votes
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Drawing radius for minimal_circle and diagonal for oriented_bbox in QGIS

Based on the expressions: minimal_circle(collect($geometry)) oriented_bbox(collect($geometry)) I would like to use two expression that: For the minimal_circle draw the radius and label its length: ...
emblematica's user avatar
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Overlapping labels from two layers. Looking for rule that labels from one layer overrule labels from the other

I am not a developer and I am asking for help to create a rule on label hierarchy across two layers. Specifically, I have a layer with rivers and a layer with towns. In case of an overlap of labels ...
Schorsch's user avatar
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Extracting GPS Coordinates for Grid Square Centers

I'm relatively new to GIS, and I'm currently using QGIS version 3.32.3 Lima. I'm encountering some challenges as I don't have a solid foundation in using GIS, so I'm reaching out for your help and ...
fterranova's user avatar
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How to change graticules to eastings and northings in ArcGIS Pro

I've seen them represented as eastings and northings before, but I can't figure out how to change them over in the Element tab.
Krissy Ellis's user avatar
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Basemap rotation - keeping labels facing down

I'm using QGIS Hannover 3.16.3. I often use Google basemap layers from the XYZ tiles. When rotating the maps the place names rotate with them. Is there a way of stopping this? Perhaps an alternative ...
Tom 's user avatar
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Border background of label wrapping individual letters

Using Qgis 3.28.14 I am trying to visualize labels with a background and setting the border of the background. The result I am having is wrapping each letter instead of the entire label How do I get ...
geotyr's user avatar
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Point shapefile has duplicate labels in QGIS

I have a point shapefile with a attribute table which has many rows. In the 'Location_Names' column there are occasional duplicates since some people live in the same location. Consequently, there are ...
Lina's user avatar
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QGIS Text Italics parallel with longitude

I'd like to italicize text labels in QGIS such that each character's vertical lines are parallel to the longitudinal line in a Robinson projection. I can't find a good example of this online to ...
Andrew Brysiuk's user avatar
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Labelling a Map

I have a map I have made using python, matplotlib, cartopy and shapely. It has a coast, county borders, lakes and rivers. I also shade in districts, in the form of polygons, on the map in order to ...
Baz's user avatar
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Rebuilding labeling from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online

I have multiple layers in an ArcGIS Pro project with vbs scripted labeling. I have created a Web Map on ArcGIS Online that uses these feature classes. I wish to rebuild the labeling in ArcGIS Online ...
Bear's user avatar
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Create label expression that sums an attribute for features in a group?

I have pipes that have been assigned to a group (1, 2, 3, 4, etc). Each pipe also has a "Length" attribute. I am working in Pro 3.2.0 For each pipe group, I want to have a single label that ...
Zipper1365's user avatar
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Existing Algorithms for label placement with callouts

I am thinking to answer the question here: Label placement with callouts in QGIS. I want to implement a kind of algorithm in python that will create 2 different columns [X and Y] that will be the ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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QGIS rule-based labelling based on active symbology

I have a layer with rule-based symbols and rule-based labeling. Only one symbol group is supposed to be active at a time and the corresponding label should be activated. Can I link the labels to the ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Calculating label size with calculateLabelSize of QgsPalLayerSettings in PyQGIS

I want to calculate label size for specific features in the layer. I found calculateLabelSize function in QgsPalLayerSettings. When I use it QGIS crashes. Here is my code (I run it from the code ...
BlackTesta's user avatar
7 votes
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Defining extent to limit labeled area in QGIS

I have a road layer and "NAME" field. I activated labels, but I don't want to show the labels outside the raster in map canvas (not layout). The raster area is my study area (you can see a ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
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QGIS layout; Sum values in layout attribute table only in map window

I have produced a layout showing the polygons of grass verges to cut, and have placed an attribute table listing name and area (in m2) on the layout. I have selected 'show only features visible within ...
Jex's user avatar
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Label placement with callouts in QGIS

If I create point data and label them with callouts, I have the following problems: The callouts will cross each other The Text is over the points It seems quite messy I want to automate this ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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GeoServer SLD : Labels only showing in partial polygons

I have a GeoServer with a layer that is an SQL View containing a few polygons and a value. I made the SLD and I don't get why the label only shows up once in a while when the circle is partially out ...
James McGrath's user avatar
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How to force all labels to show but change distance from point in QGIS?

I'm hoping to set-up layer styling in order to show all labels but without overlap. I'd ideally like to do this where label move further away from the symbol if there is no space close to the symbol. ...
Anomalous Exploration's user avatar
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How to Label Every Corner of a Polygon Layer

I have a township and range polygon layer on my map and I want the section number to be labeled in every corner (4 labels per feature). I've gotten the labels to generally place in corners by using ...
Nahotnoj's user avatar
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QGIS data defined labelling using attribute fields in shapefile

I usually override automatic labelling by storing the X and Y coordinates of labels in manually created fields in my shapefile. I find that when using auxiliary storage in the project file, QGIS tends ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Label points in QGIS with centre position preferred, but other positions acceptable

I am labeling points in QGIS without displaying a symbol. The preferred position for the label is centred over the point, but otherwise, any placement around the point is acceptable. Is this possible? ...
Tom Brennan's user avatar
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Labeling name with CSS in GeoServer

I want to publish a map labeling road's name in GeoServer, but it failed. I give a screenshot about this error. I haven't any idea to solve it, so I don't what is the key information. Style CSS code: ...
huang lu's user avatar
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Bottom layer keeps labels on top in QGIS

I have a small map saved in a GeoPackage file, that includes multiple layers. I added a new csv layer, exported as shapefile, saved and included in the GeoPackage file. No matter what I do, although ...
Catalin Alexa's user avatar
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Using label placement via PyQGIS

In QGIS 3.28 I am trying to align my labels along line features but cannot get them in curved mode. I tried: layer = iface.activeLayer() layer.placement = Qgis.LabelPlacement.Curved settings = ...
UngerFGIS1985's user avatar
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Setting a layer's Raster Image Marker X/Y location based on the X/Y coordinates of the feature's label in QGIS

Using QGIS, I'm trying to make a map with Label Callouts that show both the name of the feature, as well as display an image of the feature. I'd like the position of the image to be based on the ...
Lost Mapper's user avatar
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QGIS 3.4.1 How to symbolize based upon characters of a 12-digit HUC code

I'm trying to group and then symbolize polygon shapefiles using HUC 12 codes. Field name is "huc12"; field type is integer. more specifically, I want to be able to group polygons according ...
user233078's user avatar
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Making gridded map where each grid cell shows the share of points of certain category in QGIS

So, I have a dataset of many points across Europe. For illustration purposes see this image below: Each of these points has one of four categories attached to it, so the dataset I am working with has ...
starski's user avatar
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Multiple QGIS labels depending on field

I want to make an label expression to label with "pHole_ID" if the "Status" is 'Planned' and label with "ActualHole_ID" if the "Status" is 'Completed'. I have ...
Antyant's user avatar
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Add text to vector image and export to JSON

I have a map created with QGIS. I am able to export it to geojson. However when I test with, all the "label" disappear. I understand the "labels" are stored in JSON ...
Mark L's user avatar
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Setting decimal places in coordinate-grid in QGIS Print Layout

I have a grid with coordinates on my map in the Print Layout of QGIS. But in one map I have decimal coordinates that look like this: 12.500°E / 52.300°N And sometimes they look like this: 12°E / 52°...
desputin's user avatar
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How to label the number of points within a concave_hull avoiding duplicate counting

From a layer of points with the "CLASS" field reported with 3 different values, I apply the following expression to draw the concave polygon for each different value: concave_hull( ...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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Avoiding repeating labels with the same value in QGIS

I would like to know if is possible, maybe with some of the code, to avoid repeating labels of different elements of my layer if these have the same value. I have attached this example: These are two ...
ANDY AGUIRRE's user avatar

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