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QGIS Vector Grid tool differences in Apple and Windows?

Seeing a different Vector Grid tool in Apple and Windows OS. Apple is using 2.14.8 and Windows is using 2.16.3 Is this due to different versions of QGIS or is it an OS issue?
sirgeo's user avatar
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How to produce a finer resolution spatial grid from coarser grid in R?

I have a spatial grid of an image. Now I want to use this grid and make a finer resolution grid out of it. For example an image structure in R is given below: str(c) Formal class '...
Raja Raghudeep Emani's user avatar
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Transforming lat/lon from displaced-pole grid to regular WGS84 lat/lon

I previously shared my problem on StackOverflow (as Incorrect or shifted longitude in netCDF data, how to fix?), but I was pointed here, because my question is not really about coding, but more about ...
schnurstracks's user avatar
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How in QGIS to place the signature of the latitude and longitude of the map corner in the layout?

It must be done as in the example.
GisMan91's user avatar
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Grid is not showing exact Lat-Lon of the map image in QGIS Printcomposer?

I am trying to print a map using QGIS 3.6. My study area is situated within 23.55’42”N 89.27’43”E to 23.55’47”N 89.95’01”E. I am using a Landsat image as map image, The map projection is EPSG 32645 (...
tawhid hossain's user avatar
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Creating a Grid in WGS 84 in Feet

I am using Using QGIS 18.16 to try and create a grid measured in feet. I am having some issues with the best way to create a accurate grid in a project projected in WGS 84. I know that it uses ...
lowsparked's user avatar
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Create triangles from points on ArcGIS

I'm using ArcGIS 10.3. I need to create a grid where all the points are vertexes of triangles that do not overlap themselves. I want this to be done by only using the points location, no elevation ...
Rebecca H's user avatar
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QGIS grid not displaying

I'm making a world map in QGIS 2.18 Las Palmas. The data came from Natural Earth using the WGS84 CRS, however I want to use a Robinson projection for my map. I reprojected the data, by clicking 'save ...
Ben's user avatar
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Calculate centre point of SpatialGrid object

I am using R and have a SpatialGrid object similar to the example from this question: Overlay a spatial polygon with a grid and check in which grid element specific coordinates are located ## read ...
M. Hilton's user avatar
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Creating thematic map where individual points are basically grid in MapInfo?

I want to plot a heat map which shows the different usage in different areas. But the thing is, in my original dataset, the data got truncated, which means that each point represents a small area ...
Surah  Li's user avatar
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Why is the QGIS map composer grid showing unreasonable lat/lon?

I need to print a map with coordinates in the format of Degree, Minute and second. CRS is set to WGS 84 (EPSG 3857) for both layers and on the project properties it is set to enable transformation on ...
Alan Alves's user avatar
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Automatic / Parametric Grid generation across multiple polygons in QGIS

I have a following problem: I have a layer with numerous polygons inside (Over 400). I need to generate grids inside every polygon. When using the Grid process over a layer, the generated grid covers ...
WindTim's user avatar
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ArcMap - How to create a grid in acres

In ArcMap, I need to depict points per acre as a layer on my map. How do I create a grid layer with the grid cells equal to one acre? My resolution is 1 meter. I've been working with Fishnet and have ...
Jen's user avatar
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Adding decimal degree reference grid in ArcMap

How do I add a decimal degree reference grid to ArcMap that is multiples of 2? See attached photos for what I have vs. what I would like. I have tried changing the interval under data frame properties ...
Programmer888's user avatar
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How to get rid of the transformation grid in st_transform?

I use the last versions of R -4.0.3- and sf -0.9.6- (thus relying on PROJ version 6.3.1). I want to transform a layer from one system of coordinates (EPSG:27572) to another (EPSG:2154). This can be ...
Jean-Luc Dupouey's user avatar
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Make numbered grid overlay with different colours showing the frequency of data in QGIS [closed]

I would like to create a grid overlay. Each grid cell should be numbered and showing frequency of some data using different colours. The grid is over a shapefile of an area.
Beryl Makori-Okoth's user avatar
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Which of XYZM-coordinates match the result of grids algorithm in QGIS? [closed]

When you create a grid in QGIS, in the attribute table for each square, you have a corresponding column left, right, top, bottom in coordinates. Which of these four correspond to the X, Y, Z, M ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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How can I label the coordinate position of the grid coordinate lines

I need to display the coordinates of the grid lines. I saw this article 'Fun with Graticules', which has much common with that I want to do. But I still have a question. How did you create the new ...
asker's user avatar
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Rotating labeling of grid in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a doubt I would like to know if you can rotate the labeling of the grid. Look at the image 1, the grid is rotated but the labeling is still perpendicular, I need the labeling to be parallel to ...
Pershu21's user avatar
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How to choose the grid node that falls in Germany from gridded estimated climate data in R? [duplicate]

I am newbie to deal with climate data, so let me go straight with my question. I downloaded data from climate data which asked me to register first before accessing their dataset, and those data are ...
Hamilton's user avatar
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Intersects without clipping input vector layer

I have two layers, one with a fishnet grid of a country, and then the borders of the country. I would like to get a shapefile with all the features of this grid that intersect with the borders of the ...
B.Quaink's user avatar
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QGIS - Calculate Highest Elevation within 1 degree grid

I have downloaded country raster elevation data from Diva-GIS and added 1 degree grid from "View >> Decorations >> Grid" as seen in the image below. Now, I want to know the highest elevation within ...
userPyGeo's user avatar
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Drawing a grid over a Map in R

I am a newbie to R and I want to divide a country map into grids so that I can come to a decision according to the latitude and longitude values which grid am I residing. I am looking for an example (...
joker's user avatar
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Place Labels on the Grid

I am stuck with placing Label on the Grid lines. Below is the data grid on the map. I created the grid using data driven pages. After I turned on the Label, the labelling appeared inside the grid. I ...
saviour123's user avatar
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Converting grid co-ordinates to GPS co-ordinates

I need to convert grid co-ordinates from an old document to GPS co-ordinates that I can plot into Google Earth and ArcGIS. Here are the instructions: 'It was unfortunately not possible to produce ...
Tim Forssman's user avatar
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Graticule label orientation

I have a lat/long graticule set in my data frame. All looks good, except that the labels on the right and left read horizontally, when I'd like them vertically. I see them on other maps, so I know it ...
recurvata's user avatar
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How to change default Measured Grid letters (e.g. to E, N) in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I want put the letter N and letter E and the end the number of coordinate, for example: 105608.00 E
Camilo A Garcia's user avatar
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QGIS Print Composer producing angled graticule lines that look like rectangles instead of squares?

I just tried to create an extremely simple map made of one layer loaded as WMS layer from Croatia's geoportal ( I successfully loaded the necessary layer and created ...
Teo Bartulovic's user avatar
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how to permanently add raster to satellite image in qgis

As mentioned in the title i need to integrate a raster to a satellite image but have no idea as to how to do this. I tried the add grid function and it works nice but is not permanent. I insert it ...
kwai's user avatar
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Dealing with overlapping grid (and graticule) labels using ArcGIS Desktop?

I do have 3 grids made by Grids menu in data frame properties. I do need them to display in certain layout and also to behave accordingly to couple of rules (overlapping issues), so I can automate my ...
Tomek's user avatar
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Creating grid left to right not top to bottom

I'm fairly new to QGIS having used mainly ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro to do things. I'm trying to create a grid and label A1, A2 A3...B1, B2 and so on. I've created the grid ok and worked out the labelling ...
Beejay's user avatar
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Drawing lat, lon grid over UTM project not working in QGIS 3.32

Goal I want to draw both an UTM coordinate grid as well as a geographic coordinates grid (lat, lon) on a map in the QGIS print layout window as shown here. Setup GeoTIFF layers with tfw files as .zip ...
Pedr Bergfalk's user avatar
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QGIS layout, split grid coordinates from A to Z

I have been using the layout manager to make coordinates for this map. I am fairly new to QGIS so my knowledge is a little limited on how to do this. I have used this code if ( @grid_axis = 'y' , ...
3eternus's user avatar
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Creating an irregular point grid with provided row and column numbers in PostGIS

I am looking to create an irregular grid of points via PostGIS, using the four provided corner (point) coordinates, and number of point-rows, and point-columns. Four corners may or may not be ...
Alper ALT's user avatar
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ArcMap 10.5 graticule incorrectly displays positive long tick labels

In ArcMap 10.5 I created a map of my study site and added a graticule. I realized that the longitude tick labels are missing the "-" sign e.g., displayed label 79°19'W should actually be -79°...
FlyingDutch's user avatar
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Grid UTM coodinates in Google Earth Engine [closed]

I am trying to use GEE to make maps intended for use on trails with compasses. I have already managed to place the contour lines but I couldn't put the grids with UTM coordinates.
Mailon Figueiredo's user avatar
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Save MapContent issue with latitude/longitude lines

All labels for longitude lines at bottom and latitude lines on left and right of the map look fine when viewed in JFrame like the one used in
Isidora's user avatar
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How to convert a QGIS Composer Grid to polygons

I really like the cartographic aesthetics of the QGIS 3.10 Composer Grid, especially the border created by using the "Zebra" style and "Fit Segment Length" option. Because of its design, I'd like to ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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QGIS export DEM to SAGA grid - no coordinate system

I have created a DEM using survey points from a GNSS system. Works like a charm so far. I can extract elevation lines etc. However, when I export it as a SAGA grid it looses the coordinate system. I ...
Johannes Hedtjärn's user avatar
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GPS coordinate of center of a grid

I am working on a project to identify weeds. I used the grid to separate the area. Each cell is marked weed or no weed. I would like to get the GPS of the center of each cell with a weed in it. Does ...
Dan Olson's user avatar
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Defining grid-names: Setting up a 1m2 grid over a 100x100 meter area

I'm working on an old archaeological field-survey dataset from the 1960's. I'm trying to create a polygon grid (fishnet) over a specific area where I can give the individual 'tiles'of the grid an ...
Marten's user avatar
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Using ArcObjects in ArcPy to change map grids in Data Driven Pages

I'm a newcomer to Python and have been working on using ArcPy scripts to automate Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS. I would like some help please to use ArcObjects in ArcPy and change map grids in DDP with ...
Chars's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Pro Graticule Ticks and Labels?

I want to display my Latitude ticks and labels along the left and right of my data frame and the longitudinal ticks and labels along the top and bottom of the data frame. In ArcGIS Desktop this has ...
JamesW's user avatar
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breaking road segments based on another shapefile in QGIS [duplicate]

I am using QGIS 2.18 and have a road celterline and a grid shapefile which I am using to create an atlas book. What I want to do is break each road at the edge of each grid that it crosses but I have ...
Ed Hawkins's user avatar
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Cluster points of a layer into a grid [duplicate]

I have a layer with many points on a country, for example, Peru, and I have done a grid grouping all the country. Each hole of the grid has an ID so it's easy to differentiate them. My idea is to set ...
Victor's user avatar
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Aligning dataframes to exactly match information in another dataframe when sizes of 2 dataframes are different?

I have a dataframe which is using data-driven attribute (say zone). Now this layer has grids with specific numbering but since it is data driven, each time the zone changes, the grid numbering will ...
Sudhir Pathak's user avatar
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Formula to create representative-sized rectangular map cell grids from degrees

I'm a novice user in R. I have a dataset consisted of coordinates of some "kind of centroids" of grid cells and my question is if any formula exists to create representative sized grid cells using ...
NickAth's user avatar
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Sample values from a grid by points in RQGIS

I need to sample values from a grid by points. In RSGA, there is a function called "pick.from.saga.grid" to sample raster data set using points. Is there something similar in RQGIS?
Frauke's user avatar
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Remoteness Measurements or Accessibility Models in Rural Areas in Africa

I have a points shapefile (villages) that are located in remote areas in Africa. I need to give each village a measure of "remoteness." I dont just want to do a "as the crow flies" calculation from ...
user32636's user avatar
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Print Composer Grid Coordinate Buffer

Is there a way to create buffer for grid coordinates in Print Composer? I prefer to add the grid co-ords inside the map but the coords are often overwritten by map data which makes them impossible to ...
Bill C's user avatar
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