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Lines disappearing when creating them in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

I’m having an issue with ArcGIS Pro where every time I create a line using the "Create" tool and finish it, the line disappears. The only way to make the line reappear is to hit "Save&...
Ilias Thanos's user avatar
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Loading in public ArcGIS online into R Studio using arcgisbinding

I'm trying to load in a large, publicly available imagery raster (found at into R using a combination of the arcgisbinding and ...
sobo's user avatar
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White patches on exporting band composite landsat 8 level2 image

I am using google earth engine and want to export landsat 8 (band- 2 to 7) composite but in earth engine image is clear but when i export and open image to arcgis its appear white patches there. What ...
Raja Usama's user avatar
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Selecting by location within same layer without just selecting everything using ArcMap [closed]

I have a city full of disparate parcels and I'm trying to select the parcels that share a border, but I can't use the select by location feature, as it will just end up selecting the entire layer ...
Christopher Nelson's user avatar
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Specify input for raster function in ModelBuilder [closed]

Inside my model I want to generate a raster from a raster function. Where and how do I specify the input raster for the function? I assume you write something in the value next to raster, but the ...
ThatMikaTho's user avatar
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Generating grid from polyline feature

I'd like to create a polygon grid based on polyline features, but I'm not sure which geoprocessing tools I need to use. In the attached image I selected 3 different groups of polylines (each group has ...
doronwen's user avatar
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Syntax for adding values in one column of attribute table based on value in another column ArcGIS Pro

I have several shapefile layers with census tract data in ArcGIS Pro. There are two types, layer A, with only the tract number - therefore statistics (count, percentage, etc) are based on the entire ...
user19326505's user avatar
-1 votes
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Making link between ArcGIS and geodatabase in Access [closed]

I am working on ArcGIS and I used it to create a geodatabase on access. How can I link between both data so if I do any changes on ArcGIS it will automatically reflect on my data in access so it will ...
eng . Krid Nawel's user avatar
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Adding metadata of specific layer as legend to map in ArcGIS Pro

I have multiple feature layers, each associated with specific properties. I have added these properties as descriptions in the metadata of each layer. I would like to know if it is possible to display ...
Windy Day's user avatar
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QGIS 3.34 How to avoid this coordinate overlap in the layout composer

I'm using PolyStrip and Atlas to generate some maps from a canal project, then using the angle of the plugin to orientation to the map in layout composer. But some grid coordinates just overlay ...
delkx's user avatar
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QGIS The grid line did not show in the layout

I'm currently working on a project using QGIS 3.38.2-Grenoble on windows 11. The data come from a DTM raster file that I exported to QGIS CRS: EPSG:3824 TWD97. The CRS for the grid I'm also using the ...
Johnny Song's user avatar
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Export projected coordinate in ArcMap

I have some points with EPSG=4326. I saved it as EPSG=3824 and imported it into ArcMap again. Then I used Data Management Tool > Features > Add XY Coordinates to add x and y coordinates to the ...
Polly  Wu's user avatar
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Project tool in ModelBuilder not recognizing inline variable geodatabase name (%Value%.gdb) in Output Dataset. Keeps adding .shp extension

I have created a model to create a projected feature class from a KML/KMZ. The reason for this is that once I get the model to work, I will be adding a script at the end to create attributes from the ...
GISVAI's user avatar
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Changing the pixel value of Copernicus Browser raster data from RGB to the displayed ones in Copernicus Browser

I have a raster data of Moisture Index downloaded from Copernicus Browser, the problem is the pixel value is the RGB value not the moisture index value. Then i tried the stretched symbology and its ...
Garish Setyamarta's user avatar
2 votes
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gdal_rasterize giving different pixel values

I want to count the number of polygons (in this case, protected areas) within a raster cell grid of a specific resolution. To do so, I have tried different approaches in R but, due to the database ...
LT17's user avatar
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How to identify upstream/downstream flow of streams with respect to a point?

I have water streams data and point data of certain treatment plants along those streams (two separate files). I need to know whether the stream is upstream or downstream from each of those treatment ...
user21088819's user avatar
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Exporting feature to shapefile using ArcGIS Pro

According to a third-party YouTube video from 2021 named Exporting to Shapefile with ArcGIS Pro, to export a feature to a shapefile, using a version available at that time, you right click on the ...
neubert's user avatar
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Using intersection point shapefile to create geocode locator in ArcGIS Pro

I have a shapefile of all intersections within our city. It contains a intersection name (i.e. street 1 / street 2) and the individual streets listed as separate attributes. I have an excel list of ...
user270157's user avatar
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Using viewshed to determine how much of wind turbine can be seen in ArcMap

I would like to know how much I can still see of a wind turbine 10 km (point shapefile) away from my observer point (point shapefile). The viewshed analysis only tells me whether I can see the wind ...
sebbehr's user avatar
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Fix the differing color of two mosaiced band images of Landsat in ArcGIS

I am trying to apply Mosaic to new raster tool in two band 1 images, But after doing so, the final raster is being generated with a different color from the previous rasters and with an overlap too. ...
Suzana Mehzabin's user avatar
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Unrealistic standard deviation in Zonal Statistics of ArcGIS Pro

I'm using the Zonal Statistics as Table tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.2.0 to calculate the average raster values for each polygon feature (I have 4 polygons in total). While the mean values seem reasonable, ...
Maisumai's user avatar
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Are latitudes and longitudes the same in WGS84 and NAD83 system?

I am processing some drone data. I was provided ground control point's location information. The CSV file provides the latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes of those points. The projection system is ...
Sourav's user avatar
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ArcMap Layer properties of personal geodatabase: activate field doesn't work

I'm working with a personal GDB in ArcMap. When I go to Layer Properties -> Fields not all fields can be activated. I can set the marker for the field but the attribute table is not updated ...
geofee's user avatar
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Create range rings with varying radii based on column in standalone table around point feature described in same standalone table in ArcGIS Pro

I'm importing CSV data to have a visual representation of my data. In the CSV I have 4 columns (Name, Latitude, Longitude, range). I can easily plot the different points by displaying XY data, but can'...
Gertrude Gertjan's user avatar
3 votes
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ArcGIS Pro editing tool divide only allows for 50 graduations of a line segment?

I have an 2,047 foot line in a WaSPN(ft) CRS. I want to divide this line into 30 foot segments. I am trying to use the Divide option in the Modify Features Tools pane. The tool only allows for no ...
GBG's user avatar
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Generating line parallel to polyline scheme using ArcGIS Pro

I am working on a forest edge map. What I currently have is a polyline that describe each forest patch (each segment is different based on its exposition) and a soil map (soil map underneath). I ...
Cédric Paës's user avatar
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Displaying layers using WFS in ArcMap

I have connected to a WFS feed in ArcMap 10.7.1 using Interoperability Connections but when I drag the layers from the WFS list onto my map/contents it displays the following error: Error Reading ...
Molly's user avatar
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Transfer from QGIS to ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to transfer my data from QGIS to ArcGIS Pro: In QGIS I have .gpkg file (GeoPackage from QGIS) which has coordinate system EPSG:27561 (using prime meridian Paris) and spatial reference of ...
Adam Kovalčík's user avatar
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Raster does not appear rotated and does not match its footprint

I'm trying to georeference raster images to open them in ArcGIS Pro and make annotations. I've used the Oriented Imagery toolset in ArcGIS Pro to get the footprint of each image based on camera ...
Timelate's user avatar
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How do Area Solar Radiation in ArcGIS account for the solar intensity?

I read that the Area Solar Radiation accounts for the position of the sun throughout the year and at different times of day, obstacles that may block sunlight such as nearby trees or buildings, and ...
Marianne Lagan's user avatar
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Find Red Pixels on a Georeferenced .png (Raster) and Convert To Polygon

I have a .png which has been georeferenced. There are rectangles on the png that are a particular shade of red. I would like to convert the raster data (.png) to polygons so that I can find the ...
killerllama's user avatar
4 votes
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Execute 'Iterate Feature Selection' in ModelBuilder only if Features are Selected

I have a feature layer, and with ModelBuilder (ArcMap 10.8) I'm trying to ensure that the "Iterate Feature Selection" tool is carried out only if there are selected features; if no feature ...
PaolaB's user avatar
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Snap lines to grid using ArcGIS Pro

I have a lines layer that I need to snap to a generated grid from the same layer: The lines are pipes and the target is to simplify the lines to create a "diagram" following a grid: I can ...
Papu's user avatar
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Relation assessment of different variables on small species occurance data

I have 21 points for a species location (13 for presence and 8 for absence) within an area. Also, I have collected (road (distance from spp will be calculated), water bodies (distance from spp will be ...
Mohammed7's user avatar
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Iterate raster calculator operation over a pair of previous raster outputs

I am trying to create a ModelBuilder model that has to iterate a raster calculator operation over a pair of raster. I have 2 series of rasters for different sub-locations, like ...
ED8's user avatar
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Alter the text size of a modelbuilder label in modelbuilder, ArcGIS Pro

I have an ArcGIS Pro v3.3 model in model builder. I would like to add some text to describe the steps for the user. I can add a label to the model but as shown below but the text size is too big. I ...
GBG's user avatar
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Representation based on attribute value in GDB feature class

I use ArcMap. I have one shapefile and it was in symbology categorized based on TWO attribute values: So shapefile looks like this: Then I saved as LAYER FILE to have symbology. But I need to have ...
Piskota's user avatar
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ArcGIS single band raster: how to calculate number of clusters of one type

I have many single band rasters (.tif), with one per year for each site of interest. These show land use classes at 10m resolution, with values ranging 0-9. For each raster, I want to calculate the ...
AJD's user avatar
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QGIS Layout Template - Draw Coordinates Buffer

Is there a way to create a buffer (e.g. 2cm) to prevent the coordinates drawn around the edge of a map from overlapping with each other or other features in the layout? I have experimented with ...
James's user avatar
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Aggregating by geometry using ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to get the sum of an attribute for overlapping features that have the same geometry yet they are individual features. In QGIS I could use the Sum Line Lengths tool. In ArcGIS Pro this tool ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Reorganising Data layers in Catalog pane without breaking data links using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. When I open my project and reorganize my data layers in the Catalog pane, it breaks the data links and the layers disappear from my project. Is there way that I can re-organize ...
user240982's user avatar
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Facing error while adding web maps in Exp Builder Dev 1.15

We have recently installed offline version of ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.15 Dev edition. Error: "Item does not exist or is inaccessible" Surely the item exists, what permissions can this be ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
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QGIS showing extra vertical lines when using Natural Earth graticules

3.36 and trying to use the graticule shape file from natural earth for the area around the United Kingdom using the CRS EPSG:27700 I filtered the built in world shape file for the UK and then changed ...
jason millington's user avatar
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Calculate distance between numerous points and one specific point using Point Distance in 4326 projection In ArcMap

I'm using the WGS1984 projection since it's the required projection in my class, as a result, I can't accurately calculate the distance between one point and other points since the output data will ...
GIS_Student's user avatar
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Getting rid of the light grid lines when exporting map as SVG/PDF in QGIS

I have already tried changing the layer grid options in the Layout Settings and enabling the "Disable tiled raster layer exports" Setting in the Export Menu. In the screenshot, you can see ...
Tom Börsch's user avatar
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Calculating distance between point and polygon center using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a map of several counties with lots of different points for air monitors. I also have the center of each county marked with a point. I want to calculate the distance ...
Amber Shuman's user avatar
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Method to offset stroke outline when varying thicknesses by an attribute in ArcGIS Pro

I'm attempting to create an electoral map where an inner glow of the state boundaries vary in thickness by the amount of electoral votes for the 2024 US presidential election. I want a gradient stroke ...
blpeters's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS - Create layout grid with lines at specified coordinates [closed]

I am using QGIS 3.34.7 (LTR), my project and layer CRS are EPSG 4326 (WGS84). I have a need to create a 0.5 x 0.5 degree grid in a layout, one each of the x and y grid lines should intersect a ...
acs's user avatar
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Removing Labels from LV95 Swiss Topographic Layer

I’m looking to modify the background layer named "LV95 Swiss Topographic (with Contours and Hillshade)" in ArcGIS Pro by removing the labels. I came across a suggestion in the metadata to ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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Identify larger diameter pipe flowing into lower diameter pipe in Geometric Network

I have a sewer geometric network and ArcGIS 10.8. Is there a way to identify where larger diameter pipes are flowing into smaller diameter pipes? I can identify connected pipes that have a different ...
Steve's user avatar
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