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Questions tagged [gridsets]

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offset when zooming on tiles

I try to create a new gridset in geoserver/geowebcache with my own extent but when I zoom on the tile layer with the png or jpeg tiles there is an offset in between some zoom levels, I mean like if ...
PGeo's user avatar
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Displaying GeoServer Mapbox Vector Tiles with a custom Gridset

I'm trying to render Mapbox Vector Tiles hosted on a GeoServer instance. I followed along with the GeoServer Vector tiles tutorial without any issues (the demo uses EPSG:900913). Likewise, I'm able to ...
0x00's user avatar
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Vector tile points displaced on some zoom levels

I have a layer on geoserver with enabled tile image format: "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile" Since I'm using EPSG:3765 projection (HTRS96 / Croatia TM) in my application and my data in ...
Marin Leontenko's user avatar
2 votes
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GeoServer - Conversion formula between scale and resolution

I am trying to figure out what is the conversion formula between scale and resolution used by GeoServer, specifically when creating a new gridset for Tile Caching. One would expect that the conversion ...
J. L.'s user avatar
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How to add a GeoWebCache gridset to all layers in GeoServer

I have 300+ layers in my GeoServer layer library, I have just created a custom gridset I would like to use for all of my layers. I don't want to go through my whole library adding the gridset manually ...
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