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Summing up values of polygons within bigger polygon in QGIS

I have buildings as polygons with a lot of data in the attribute table. My goal is, to sum up the values selected for a table column of all building polygons within the building blocks (here in purple)...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Centroid of multiple polygons based on value in attribute table

I have a (polygon) shapefile with multiple zones. Now, I would like to calculate the centroid of groups of these zones. The zones have to be grouped based on a value in the attribute table: AreaNr ...
Rogier's user avatar
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AcrMap- How to use the dissolve tool with large amounts of polygons?

I am a college student working on an independent research project and I am trying to figure out how many points fall within a polygon. I am examining the impacts of zoning in the Great Barrier Reef ...
Keanah Turner's user avatar
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Merge n number of adjacent polygons [closed]

I have over 17,000 individual polygons. I want to merge two adjacent polygons so that I finish with approximately 8,500 polygons. The polygons need to be merged based on location, merge two adjacent ...
GISWIZ's user avatar
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postgis: cluster/group points based on distance

We have a set of thousands of points and want to group all of those which are within 100m distance from each other (to get the centroid from each group). A first idea was to build 100m buffers around ...
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