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Sampling points in R with both distance constraint and group

I have a spatial point data frame with categorical variable as a column named "type", I would like to draw a random sample from these points (let's say 100 points) with maximum and minimum ...
Es_a's user avatar
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How to make analyzeGPS distanceGPS group by trip?

I have a dataset with id, lat, lon and time, where each trip has a unique id. When I try to use mutate with the distanceGPS function in the AnalyzeGPS package and group by trip using this code: gps%&...
pochi's user avatar
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r - Can dplyr::group_by work with sf::st_intersects

Trying to combine dplyr::group_by and sf::st_intersects to see which of the objects within groups in a sf dataframe are intersecting with each other but in the end all objects are compared with all ...
adl's user avatar
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Clustering of events within a space-time window (R)

I am relatively new to clustering methods and am trying to determine the best method for clustering (or merely grouping) events that fall within a space-time window using preferably R. My goal is to ...
Phil's user avatar
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How to group different values of a variable so that they plot with same shape?

I have a table with two columns of number X and Y, and one column of strings called crystals. crystals A A B C B D B C Using ggplot2, how can I make a scatter plot of X versus Y with two ...
céline mandon's user avatar
18 votes
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Clustering geographical data based on point location and associated point values

Given data points with longitude, latitude, and a third property value of this point. How can I cluster points into groups (geographical sub-regions) based on the property value? I searched by google ...
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