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3 votes
3 answers

Counting and merging features based on attribute field in QGIS

I have a shapefile with a number of features, each with a field called "region". I want to count the number of features corresponding to each region. Outputting a shapefile with one feature ...
Stuey17's user avatar
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Group by variable and create layers from that in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a large shapefile with one layer with several variables. The shapefile has US block groups that I'll use for analysis. However, as I want to use this for leaflet, I would like to create ...
FilipeTeixeira's user avatar
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Selecting features from grouped shapefile

I have downloaded some glacier outlines from the GLIMS database ( as a SHP file. This contains multi-temporal data, that is, more than one outline per glacier (more ...
user975296's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Grouping GeoDataFrame by column while comparing feature area and adding values to new column with GeoPandas

I have these columns: "index", "area_of_poly", "cad_admin" in my GeoDataFrame, the dataset is available here: Now, I ...
user122244's user avatar
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How to group different values of a variable so that they plot with same shape?

I have a table with two columns of number X and Y, and one column of strings called crystals. crystals A A B C B D B C Using ggplot2, how can I make a scatter plot of X versus Y with two ...
céline mandon's user avatar