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Questions tagged [html5]

HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It was finalized, and published, on 28 October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This is the fifth revision of the HTML standard since the inception of the World Wide Web.

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3 votes
1 answer

removeLayer or removeFrom(map) not working on betterwms layer from leaflet map

I have this HTML checkbox: <li> <input type="checkbox" id="bairroCENTRO-checkbox"> <label for="bairroCENTRO-checkbox">Bairro</label> </li> ...
Mr. Vilela's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Filtering GeoJSON layer on Leaflet map based on date selected by user

I want to filter the data on map based on the user selected date, i have a simple dataset with attributes as id,color, date (displayed in image below) I worked out partly how to filter the data by ...
Vikas Kunduru's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Retrive WMS layer info in a geoportal using Open Layers

I've created a viewer using Open Layers 6. Within the script, I've got the following code to retrieve the info of a WMS layer, and it works fine, added directly into the html file within the section. ...
jpinilla's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Does QGIS support HTML5 and CSS3?

I know that I can put HTML and CSS, and QGIS will render such code but some CSS styles like grid and pseudo-selectors are not working. Thus I wanted to know what level of support is there especially ...
Cap.Auh3b's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Showing a specific sound file as a pop up in ArcGIS Online based on a variable

I am trying to configure a pop up on a webmap in ArcGIS Online (Organisation). I want the pop up to show a small audio player pointing to an mp3 file. I want the mp3 file to change depending on what ...
Dan_h_b's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adding multiple Dom Nodes in Content

I am using a popup on my mapView from arcGIS API for Javascript 4.17. When the user opens the popup, I have set the following attributes:{ // Set the popup's title to the ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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0 answers

Connect pg routing to HTML webpage for routing application

I am trying to create a web based routing application for my final year project. I am currently trying to connect my web page with pg_routing. I have all my features loaded in GeoServer and PostgreSQL....
Mohid's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Set center on Mapbox GL map

I have a form HTML, e.g. like this: <form id="form" method="post" action="#"> <input class="sidebar__input" type="text" name="lat" id="latitude" /> <input class="...
mikilinux's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Creating popup forms with Leaflet (L.Draw). How to implement listeners for radio buttons and other input groups?

I am attempting to create a map-based survey using Leaflet popups and specifically L.Draw, because I want users to be able to insert markers where ever they want to and then answer certain questions. ...
Vesanen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Dragging and dropping images into Leaflet map to create image markers?

I am using Leaflet. I need to make custom, draggable, resizable icons for the map, using custom images that are set inside a sidebar as such: <div id="mySidebar" class="sidebar"> <a ...
Nylak's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

External GPS feed for HTML5 geolocation API in django-leaflet?

My goal is the following: I'm developing a Django project. The goal is to locate places with a form. I'm using a CreateView generic view (maybe I should create it manually for more customization. 3 ...
jlSta's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Using Python to publish a JavaScript webpage

I am building a series of HTML web maps for a client (5000 location maps all HTML). I have a python script to execute a basic set of HTML tags to build a specific web page (Call this page 1). The ...
Robert C's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Tooltips are not captured by leaflet-image

I am trying to capture my map with leaflet-image, but the tooltips are not captured. I enabled preferCanvas in the mapOptions and everything except from the tooltips is captured. Each one of my ...
GrafixMastaMD's user avatar
2 votes
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Web App Builder and browser caching

At the request of my superiors, I'm having to make 1, sometimes multiple changes, to Web App Builder Developer sites throughout the day that include (searches, pop-ups, custom widgets, etc). Upon ...
DaBears's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Off-screen canvas rendering technique in Leaflet

I'm looking for an open source implementation of the off-screen canvas technique in Leaflet. This technique is useful to speed rendering of many thousands of like images to an HTML5 Canvas: The image ...
Chris Krahe's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Creating GUI for an arcgis project with python [closed]

I am new to Python and been putting my hands around ArcGIS for a while. So I am wondering if it is possible to create a GUI for an ArcGIS project I did and compile it to a desktop application or web ...
Adebayo Ore-Oluwa's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Unable to execute WPS GET request in OpenLayers 3

I am working on a Web GIS development application and using GeoServer 2.11.1, OpenLayers 3 and WPS extension v1.0.0 on Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux 14.04. Objective: My objective is to use buffer for ...
Priyanka's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to convert web-map website to mobile phone [closed]

I created simple web-map application,It works perfect on Desktop,but when I open on mobile or tablet then their is size problem. When I open web-map in mobile then all the web-map content size are ...
Seema Barate's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Serving a map completely offline?

What is the easiest way to deliver a map completely offline? E.g. like if I wanted to package it up and put it on a mobile device that is not in range of wifi. How would one serve up map tiles w/o a ...
Rob Shortley's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Javascript HTML web maps

I am very new to javascript and html. I am trying to display a web map, which works, but my issue is trying to figure out how to add a local geojson file to my html code. Here is what I have so far: &...
Michael McKeever's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding multiple points to the GraphicLAyer in aRcgis API for JavaScript 3.18

I am using ArcGis API for JavaScript 3.18 and I wanted to make a simple map with multiple points that display a short description when I click on them but I have issue with defining multiple points on ...
Bartosz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Customizing map layers in Esri Javascript

I'm working on creating an outdoors-app-thingy where I'm required to divide up parts of 3 different rivers where the app is focused around into different "zones".   After a lot of calling ...
Dixos's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Adding own logo to the bottom of the cesium application

I would like to add my own logo at the bottom of the cesium application. I would like to know which file in cesium should use to make this possible.
User123's user avatar
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1 answer

Loading Leaflet raster layers asynchronously before adding them to the map?

I am working on a web application where users can view sequences of 5-10 GeoTiffs overlaid on a map, and played like a slideshow - show the first Geotiff, wait a few seconds, show the second, and so ...
Btz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Ol3 Boundless - layer selector placement

I recently started playing around with ol3 + boundless. I created the edit application using > suite-sdk create myApp ol3edit. I am trying to move the layer view/selector from the map to a .col-md-...
Albert van Niekerk's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom styling for cluster images in OpenLayers 3?

new with OpenLayers 3. While it is possible to generate simple polygons and circles (like in the cluster example) I wish to generate a more complex Cluster style that varies depending on the features ...
0x6adb015's user avatar
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OpenLayers 3 WMS layer to canvas

I am taking the context and taking it to a canvas which was asked here and the answer can be found in this JSfiddle example. However, I am looking to load a WMS layer from geoserver and extract only ...
iblasi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to save a Polygon in an integrated Google Earth

I created a Polygon in Google Earth which is integrated in my Website. Now i have to get the KML File from this Polygon. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
Avanger12's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to add a polygon in Google Earth on a Website

As it is said in the title i have to add a polygon in Google Earth which is integrated in a website. I managed to integrate Google Earth in the Website, so i can view the world but i can not use any ...
Avanger12's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Input a number for user's number entry

The following code works fine. When I click the "Test Play/Stop" button a series of points from the 'geojson' list are drawn with popup attributes one by one. The time interval is defined by the ...
Suresh Man Shrestha's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Reading values/attributes from external *.txt file

The following code works fine. When I click the "Test Play/Stop" button a series of points from the 'geojson' list are drawn with popup attributes one by one. How can I put the list 'geojson' as ...
Suresh Man Shrestha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to introduce variable time interval in "window.setInterval(function() {..." segment?

The following leaflet codes draws a series of markers one by one. How to introduce variable time interval in "window.setInterval(function() {..." segment?. I want to display each marker for the time ...
Suresh Man Shrestha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to break markers drawing which is in progress

The following leaflet codes draws a series of markers one by one. I don't want to wait until all points are drawn. How to break the drawing process before it ends and clear the screen? <!DOCTYPE ...
Suresh Man Shrestha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to protect the loaded json file name and location using html5 and javascript?

The data of markers (not the map) is stored in a json/csv/js file. We want to show all data as markers on the map. But how to protect the raw data file from public access? Following the example on ...
Osiris's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Raster overlay with different projection in Google Maps

I have a map created with Google Maps. I want to overlay over some data I am downloading dynamically, covering the whole world. That data is a matrix as follows: 1024 values for the longitude (fixed ...
Jose Gómez's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Read position from windows tablet GPS

I have a Lenovo Miix 2 tablet and I am developing a project with a Java servlet. I want to read GPS data in my project. Can I read this data using Java? and/or HTML5? update: In this project, I can't ...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Explaining ${z}/${x}/${y}.png for offline map?

Im trying to build map with OMS under Linux (Ubuntu) to made an offline apps. Im working with Ionic and building just for Android for write now. I have the base code: var map; function init(...
Ignacio Nieto Larrain's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to set scale range for a Graphic Layer in ArcGIS API

I am trying to set a Scale Range for a graphic layer using ArcGIS API in HTML5, so that the graphic layer is not visible on zooming beyond that particular ScaleRange. For the same I have googled and ...
abhinavgoyal02's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers 3 measure example

Here is my fiddle, which is exact copy of Openlayers 3 measure example. What am I doing wrong when my fiddle isn't working? I can't see the blue dot to start measuring my path or area (same problem ...
dkocich's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

HTML5 Geolocation with ArcGIS for JavaScript API?

My organization would prefer to use its own basemaps rather than those provided by ArcGIS Online due to the accuracy of information that is represented in them. The area we service is rapidly ...
Damon Myers's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Drawing WMS layer with Attribute-Based Dynamic SLD to HTML Canvas?

I'm working on an app using GeoServer and OpenLayers 2.13.1. I have several WMS layers and I need to export whatever in my openlayers map div as an image. After researching, I found this blog: http://...
ariespranata's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Create simple buffer or circle graphic against one point

I am stuck, trying to figure out how to create a simple graphic for adding a circle based on one point in my web map. I need the circle to be centered on my single point, with a radius of 5 miles. I ...
Bob C's user avatar
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Show Geometric Network Topology data in the web

I am trying to locate any API's for JavaScript (or other) that will help me to display current linear Geometric Network Topology and add multiple point/line geometry from JSON in HTML/JS. I ...
Bob C's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Adding Point(s)

I need to add a single point, I am new to JS and ArcGIS API. I was looking for some code examples on how to create a point and/or a few other points (as needed) I can't use any additional pages/...
Bob C's user avatar
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0 answers

Converting Google Maps API to DOJO/ArcGIS API for JavaScript? [closed]

I have a GIS webpage in HTML5/JavaScript using the Google Maps API. I found out we can no longer use the Google Maps imagery provided, and I need to switch to ESRI Imagery (free). Can someone help ...
Bob C's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Pure html based indoor navigation

I would like to locate (position) people inside buildings without forcing them to download a native app. I'm focusing on iOS and Android devices. I therefore thought about wifi triangulation (...
Flavien Volken's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Load Leaflet map in canvas element

I am working with leaflet tiles loading tiles to a map div I am now playing with some html5 canvas distortions like below It would be cool to ...
jotamon's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How did OpenLayers 3 managed to export map from other domain?

As far as I know, you cannot use canvas.toDataURL() on a tainted canvas (i.e. cross-origin). Looking at this example it seems the tiles are coming from different origin ( How ...
Angelo Arboleda's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I zoomToExtent and then zoom out?

I use openlayers 2.12 I use HTML5's geolocation API to get the coords and then I insert them in a layer as feature (point). After that, I zoom in , since the layer has no other feature. map....
slevin's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to use Canvas element with OpenLayers?

I would like to use element canvas of HTML 5 in OpenLayers to render maps. I am searching some code or reference in which I can check it, can you help me in this?
Harshil Shukla's user avatar