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Questions tagged [image-mosaic]

A mosaic dataset is a collection of raster datasets (images) stored as a catalog and viewed or accessed as a single mosaicked image or individual images (rasters).

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Does Tomcat user have to actually own the GeoTIFF files in order to create an image mosaic with it in GeoServer?

We have a server that has our GeoServer data directory on it, but also an NFS mounted to the server to hold large directories of GeoTIFFs for making image mosaics. We are having difficulty making ...
MKF's user avatar
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Regex failure despite valid regex when creating GeoServer Image Mosaic

I'm attempting to create an ImageMosaic on GeoServer with various custom regex files. I am letting GeoServer create a shapefile index for me. I'm using the example GeoTIFFs from this GeoServer ...
MKF's user avatar
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Image Mosaic Creation Fails in GeoServer

I am trying to make an image mosaic using REST and I’m only getting 500 errors. My goal is to copy the configuration files and tiffs for the mosaic to the GeoServer data directory and then tell ...
jencoston's user avatar
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Mosaicking Image Collection by Date (day) in Google Earth Engine whith 'properties'

That code is very good. I can mosaic all the images (tiles) in my area. But my problem is that I lost all the properties in each image list after Mosaicking. In order to analysis time series, I need ...
amelzouari's user avatar
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Why is GeoServer wanting the key "Levels" in my files when trying to make Image Mosaic?

Geoserver 2.25.3 Java 11 Linux/RHEL 9 Tomcat 9.x PostgreSQL 15 w/ PostGIS I have am really struggling to get an Image Mosaic store published; every time I attempt to do so I get a message back where ...
MKF's user avatar
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How to batch import geotagged photos into QGIS?

I did some flights with a DJI drone over an area a few kilometers long, and I would like to batch import the hundreds of geotagged photos into QGIS. I have tried the ImportPhotos Plugin but the photos ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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When publishing an ImageMosaic, there is a failure to properly recognize Null Values for multiple rasters and no data area's gray value is 0

I am attempting to publish a batch of rasters as an ImageMosaic WMS service, with each individual raster having a No Data value set to 255. The raster details(gdalinfo tool get) are illustrated in the ...
苏云明's user avatar
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When WMS renders grids, areas with no data are rendered in the color corresponding to the '0' value

2024/6/25 Rephrasing the original question I have published some single-band rasters as an ImageMosaic and exposed them through a WMS (Web Map Service). When I load this WMS service using OpenLayers (...
苏云明's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Orthomosaic Workspace empty

I am attempting to process drone imagery in ArcGIS Pro for the first time following this ESRI tutorial. However, after I go through the 'Create an ortho mapping workspace' steps and click the 'Finish' ...
ia200's user avatar
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The raster generated through ArcGIS in TIFF format exhibits black areas when published as WMS where raster data sources using an image mosaic

I have created a four-band raster dataset (true color surface data) using ArcMap 10.8.1, wherein the fourth band serves as the alpha band. The dataset includes external pyramid files (.ovr), as ...
苏云明's user avatar
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What does the "-1" in GeoServer "Maximum number of granules to load" / "MaxAllowedTiles" mean?

I'm trying to set an ImageMosaic layer in GeoServer. The default value of the field Maximum number of granules to load is -1. Is it the same with the MaxAllowedTiles found in some examples in the net? ...
GregStef's user avatar
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Creating orthomosaic from UAV image

I was provided with UAV data consists of *.JPG and *aux.xml files. I tried to create an orthomosaic using ArcGIS Pro following this tutorial
Sher's user avatar
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GeoServer: border of granules using imagemosaic

I'm building an image mosaic from reprojected data. As data is reprojected the image has a slight rotation, filling the "void" at the border of each image with a nodata value. The image ...
Larry's user avatar
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GeoServer ImageMosaic for scanned maps with input and output color configuration

I would like to publish scanned maps using GeoServer. Creating of data layer as well as publishing is working like a charm but when it comes to preview of published maps, I am getting result below. ...
salihy's user avatar
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Geoserver ImageMosaic with Postgres store instantiation

I am trying to set up an ImageMosaic store on a local instance of Geoserver. I set up a postgreSQL DB with Postgis extension for managing the images' info and tried to follow this documentation: https:...
Andreas Scalas's user avatar
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GeoServer ImageMosaic resampling method

I want to publish orthophoto images as a WMTS service in GeoServer. I have approximately 4000 ortho images in *.TIFF format without pyramids. How can I change the resampling method of the resulting ...
Peter's user avatar
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Producing image depicting number of days to value > 0 at each pixel in an ImageCollection with daily values of NDVI for North America

New to GEE but excited to learn more about it. I have produced NDVI values from the 'LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2' ImageCollection including every available day in 2022. I fitted a harmonic regression to ...
Charles's user avatar
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Inverted latitude axis only for mosaic image in GeoServer

I have a dataset that I want to serve in GeoServer as an image mosaic. Currently, everything works fine except that the data have the latitude inverted. Here is the link to the preview of that said ...
JulienRobitaille's user avatar
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Imagemosaic configuration GeoServer

I created an imagemosaic store from 1000x1000x1m rasters Levels = "Represents the resolutions for the various levels of the granules of this mosaic." LevelsNum = "Represents the number ...
Tomppeli's user avatar
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How to create a gdal_retile pyramid from a irregular shaped mosaic?

I'm trying to use to create a pyramid and retile the source mosaic of .goetif files. The problem is the source files are cut to the shape of a specific property and the first tile ...
jdog_thethird's user avatar
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NullPointerException in ImageMosaic Preview

Description: I am encountering a NullPointerException when attempting to preview an ImageMosaic layer at a zoomed-out level. Interestingly, the issue does not occur during WMS requests. Environment: ...
Vahe Karamyan's user avatar
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Modification of my image when doing a mosaic

I'm trying to assemble a bunch of images with the mosaic method but I got some transformation in my images. Here's the code I use in Python : import os import datetime import rasterio from rasterio....
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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GeoServer Mosaic in Production Environment

I am using mosaic plugin to publish an image dataset with about 200 images(800MB each). The OOM(out-of-memory) errors show up after a period of time when tiling this mosaic layer. I follow the ...
Tommy's user avatar
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GeoServer Image mosaic not rendering newly harvested granules

I'm currently working with GeoServer version 2.23.2 and utilizing the Image Mosaic plugin to manage geospatial data. I harvest granules via REST following the steps outlined in the plugin's manual. ...
Vahe Karamyan's user avatar
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GeoServer's ImageMosaic and GeoTIFFjs

I have a selection of DSM/DTM data saved as smaller GeoTIFF files with an XML, proj file. I'm currently using the ImageMosaic feature on geoserver and serving them with WMS to a JavaScript/TypeScript ...
Paul's user avatar
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Doing average mosaic on image in Google Earth Engine

I have been working on a project requiring me to work with Sentinel-2 data on cloud and shadow masking. I have used the following code for masking clouds and cloud shadows using Google Earth Engine. ...
Raj Bajaj's user avatar
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Projection error in Google Earth Engine when exporting 30x30m global image to asset

Context I downloaded .tiff files at 10x10 degree tiling (~280 tiles) with a resolution of 30x30m and datatype float. I uploaded each of the 280 tiles to an Earth Engine (EE) asset folder and mosaiced ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Extract additional domain attributes from full file path of GeoServer ImageMosaic granules

I'm setting up an ImageMosaic store with GeoTIFF granules. My store is located in a root directory having granules distributed in a UUID-based subdirectories structure like: root_dir/ |- 6ea93852-4cd8-...
giob12's user avatar
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Feed pixel type of tiles into MosaicToNewRaster()

I am automating the creation a mosaic raster dataset from thousands of individual elevation tiles and am tying to extract the pixel type metadata from the input tiles and specify this pixel type in ...
ENIAC-6's user avatar
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Geometric median image compositing in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to make an image composite from Landsat 8 collection 2 based on Geometric Median (GM) algorithm. This is another option (like median or medoid) for creating a composite for time series ...
rez's user avatar
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GeoServer generated Image Mosaic properties missing TimeAttribute

I am using an ImageMosaic store with a granule index stored in a PostgreSQL database. Adding granules and updating the index is done manually and not through GeoServer. GeoServer is accessing the ...
Giannis Tsimarakis's user avatar
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Adding ImageMosaic - Failed to create reader from file

I'm using Geoserver 2.21.1 on local and trying create a new store for ImageMosaic type. Then I'm receiving the below error. Failed to create reader from file:coverages/GNC and hints Hints: ...
Kishor's user avatar
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Mosaicking NDVI Image Collection by PATH and ROW in Google Earth Engine

I have an image collection of Landsat 7 filtered by a date and PATH and ROW of interest, and I want to know the best way to mosaic all the images (tiles) that have same PATH and ROW into one image. ...
user207655's user avatar
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Geoserver S3 Imagemosaic sidecar files and overviews

The geoserver documentation is a little bit off on that topic, but with this example was able to make the imageMosaic from S3 working with this example:
user3333942's user avatar
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Unable to use dimensions with WMTS

I am setting up an image mosaic in GeoServer and I can't seem to figure out how to get custom dimensions to work with WMTS. My WMS requests work well when I include custom dimension parameters, but ...
cjohnson221's user avatar
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GeoServer - render ImageMosaic footprints

Does GeoServer have the ability to query and return footprints for an ImageMosaic? Usually the sidecar vector files defining the clipping boundary are I was hoping to be able to render ...
WolfOdrade's user avatar
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GeoServer REST API - curl example for creating ImageMosaic

Does anyone have a curl example for using the GeoServer REST API to create an ImageMosaic? The rasters (granules?)that I want to use local on the GeoServer file system. It work through the UI ...
LisaStillwell's user avatar
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GeoServer ImageMosaic OpenLayers strange layer duplication at Scale = 1 : 34K [closed]

I have made a simple ImageMosaic out of 2x GeoTIFF (+ .ovr +.msk for each). In the map preview at Scale = 1 : 34K, the TIFFs are duplicating as per the image. This only happens at this zoom level. ...
tuatara's user avatar
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Sort granules using provided list of featureids in WMS request to GeoServer

Quick question on GeoServer image mosaics (using ImageMosaic plugin) with overlapping rasters: I’m filtering the WMS query by featureid and ideally the order in which the rasters are ‘stacked’ would ...
Shane L's user avatar
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Merging multiple image collections into one in Earth Engine without losing image properties

I have 4 different image collections and I am trying to merge them into a single collection. Further I want to mosaic them based on the date of acquisition. I tried this code, var Res_collection = ...
Chandra Prabha's user avatar
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Iterate over raster images and mosaic images based on same dates using Model Builder

I am trying to mosaic images with same dates in a folder. As there are images with different dates in the folder I have looped through the images with just SR_clip.tif extension using wildcard that I ...
vasudha chaturvedi's user avatar
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SEPAL creating Optical Mosaic get following error message "ServerException: The specified location constraint is not valid."

When creating an Optical Mosaic on SEPAL I get the following error message ServerException: The specified location constraint is not valid. After selecting an area of interest, the date and the ...
JasonH's user avatar
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Preserve GeoTIFF Metadata tags in GeoServer

I have a bunch of GeoTIFF files that I'm putting into an ImageMosaic in GeoServer. Each image corresponds to one day, and I have been able to successfully import the images into GeoServer such that I ...
Scott Lewis's user avatar
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Zoom dependency of GLAD alerts raster layers visualization in Google Earth Engine?

Please see the simple EE code below, which basically displays 2 different layers of information, selected and masked from the GLAD alerts image collection. var all_alerts = ee.ImageCollection('...
Lollo's user avatar
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Fetch all values from all granules of an ImageMosaic click event

I have sucessfully implemented a time series for an ImageMosaic in OpenLayers, using Geoserver as my processing tool. Additionally, I have implemented an onClick event to fetch values when a user ...
Nikola Krlovic's user avatar
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Getting Image with highest max Scene NDVI from Image collection using Google Earth Engine

I have a code that computes NDVI but I want help on how can I get the image and date with the highest NDVI within the collection. I am still new to GEE I saw a couple of codes but I failed to ...
Simba's user avatar
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Dependency issues when executing gt-imagemosaic-jdbc-23.5.jar to import tiles into postgres db

After creating tiles, I'm trying to insert these tiles into postgres db which I had created earlier. Here's the procedure. Now when trying to import these tiles to database, I have to execute this ...
Umang Kalra's user avatar
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GeoServer Image Mosaic time dimension is disabled

I am trying to create NDVI map for 100 tiles. For each tile I have more than 10 TIFF files belonging to different dates. To do that, It appears that the Image Mosaic module can be useful with the time ...
Burak Işılar's user avatar
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How can I fix "nodata gap" of landsat multispectral band-set in SCP plugin of QGIS v 3.16?

Two Landsat images of the same date same path but the adjacent row has been atmospherically corrected using DOS (in QGIS) and mosaicked afterward. But this is how I am getting no data value. How can I ...
Utkarsha's user avatar
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Processing and Mosaic Sentinel 2 Data with Python [closed]

I already found this manual for processing Sentinel-2 Data: Now I'm searching for a way to mosaic ...
Mart1999in's user avatar

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