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Questions tagged [indoor]

for questions related to the application of GIS for navigation, position fixing, and mapping inside buildings

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-1 votes
2 answers

Automatically navigation graph creating [closed]

I am recently intrestring in Indoor Mapping, and I came across Mappedin, whose innovative work particularly their data format and SDK impressed me. One of the features of Mappedin is its capability to ...
giser's user avatar
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Wayfinding for indoor map without route network data

In general, to implement path planning, we need to create a road network beforehand and then use algorithms like Dijkstra for pathfinding. Meanwhile, the A* algorithm has been widely used in scenarios ...
giser's user avatar
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Making indoor navigation by using regular Network Analyst

If i have indoor data such as (details, levels, points of interest) but I don't have the Indoors extension. Can I navigate between ground floor and first floor by using regular network analyst ...
Mahmoud Soliman's user avatar
2 votes
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Under which condition(s) does geopositioning precision infer accuracy?

I am not sure whether this is the right forum for this question but I reckon that since it gathers experts in GIS, the odds of someone having valuable insights is higher than anywhere else. So here's ...
Serge de Gosson de Varennes's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a floor selector control or widget when displaying indoor floorplan with OpenLayers

I need to provide a Floor picker for showing different floorplan for a building. I am using OpenLayers 6, Mapbox in my GIS application. I need something similar to the attached image Currently I am ...
Gini's user avatar
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1 answer

Hierarchy Attribute Evalutors in ArcPy (ArcGIS Indoors)

I am trying to edit the Thin Indoor Pathways tool to take into account pathway rankings when solving the network. I have built the network dataset from the Indoors template, edited it to use hierarchy,...
bbenak's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Azure map indoor root navigation

We successfully show the indoor map on Azure Map .We getting a problem route navigation in indoor Azure map. can any one help me how to root navigation in Azur Map. Is there any way to show indoor ...
user1056388's user avatar
2 votes
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Searching styles for indoor maps

I have data that represents Airport floor plans stored in GeoJSON format. Are there any standards, guidance, or good practices for Indoor Maps Styling? Any references or resources would be useful.
Angie's user avatar
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How to get a 1m precision coordinates?

I'm working on a project which examines different approaches for indoor positioning. All of these approaches return coordinates (lat/lon). What I need to do is create a digital map to compare returned ...
JoeDoea's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate a position based on nearby sensors with weights

I'm working on an indoor-positioning project where the users are carrying phones which can detect beacons located throughout the facility. The phone app only knows the IDs of the beacons, and can ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Using 3D imagery in ArcGIS Pro?

I have a Lidar Scan from the inside of a building, in the program Leica Cyclon (.ptg .ptz .xyz) and/or Autodesk ReCap (.rcp .pts .rcs .e57). I need to import this data into ArcGIS Scene for 3D viewing....
Zach's user avatar
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GML/SVG for indoor map in OpenLayers 4?

I am new to GIS world and trying to incorporate OpenLayers with GML or SVG. I am building a map engine and one of the features should be support of indoor maps. It can be accomplished with a static ...
SunDay's user avatar
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draw path on indoor map using geoJSON avoiding obstacles

I'm a CS student and right now I'm developing an android app that uses google maps API, the problem is the map I'm working on is indoor and I'm facing problems when I want to draw a path from user ...
ooooo's user avatar
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Dynamic indoor mapping in Native android

I'm about to work on a project, in which we have to create an indoor map to locate articles inside our store. I have created different layers in QGIS (store, showrooms, articles) shapefiles and ...
soufiane elhilali's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create Mapbox Tileset from PDF

I've the floor plan for a building in PDF. I'm trying to upload this into Mapbox as a tileset but I'm having a lot of confusion regarding the conversion. How should I approach this? P.S. since I'm ...
Can Sürmeli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Overlay .mxd file to ArcGIS in Android Studio

I'm trying to overlay a floor plan of a building to the app I've built using the site: I have path segments and nodes ...
Will's user avatar
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Indoor mapping data structure

I wanted to know, are there any formats/data structures made specifically for indoor mapping? I have looked at OpenLayers + GeoJSON however: How will I sync up the coordinates of my local map and the ...
RidableCthulu's user avatar
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How can I position gps point on svg (or any other special type if exist) scheme of building?

I have an indoor map of a building in svg and this is an only scheme of a building, there is no google maps or any other maps. But I need positioning (navigation) by gps coordinates in this scheme. ...
pronevich's user avatar
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1 answer

Indoor routing using GraphHopper

I have just been introduced to GIS and GraphHopper. I am trying to create a route plan for indoors which I can feed to GraphHopper. I am trying to figure out how GraphHopper selects the best route for ...
341008's user avatar
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Is it possible to set points without coordinates onto a map?

I have the following Situation: csv-file with 1000 lines of measurements. These measurements were done indoor in a building without GPS. The measurement-system allows to set "markers" at any time. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do I make the indoor svg drawing for OSM Buildings?

How do I make the indoor svg drawing? I could not find the source. Can you tell me how to do?
Ptsx Me's user avatar
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Creating indoor map in GeoServer?

I'm trying to create an indoor map(from floor plan) in GeoServer and display in via OpenLayers. The only way that I found is to create a Store in GeoServer(in my case, using ImagePyramid) from ...
ar4ers's user avatar
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pgRouting with multiple floors [duplicate]

I am doing indoor multi-floor routing using pgRouting. At the moment, I have a dummy network system created to analyze shortest routes between locations with the results served as a WMS layer in ...
wayoutwest's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Mapping datapoints over several floors of a building

I'm new to web mapping and am planning and investigating ways on how to best plot and visualize user flow through a building across several floors. We are planning on tracking users location based ...
Trevor's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Difference between Positioning and Localization

I would like to know what are the differences between Positioning and Localization. In most papers they are used interchangeably. Are they the same? Does one come after another? I always thought ...
Eduardo Briguenti Vieira's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to convert an image of a floor plan into data that I can work with?

This is more of a research question. I'm looking for aways of converting an image of a floor plant into data that I can work somehow. The end goal is to something similar to this: http://indoorosm.uni-...
cap7's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Pure html based indoor navigation

I would like to locate (position) people inside buildings without forcing them to download a native app. I'm focusing on iOS and Android devices. I therefore thought about wifi triangulation (...
Flavien Volken's user avatar
1 vote
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pgrouting unexpected output

Thats my ways.shp file. I loaded this to PostgreSQL DB using PostGIS shape file loader. I ran pgr_anlayzeGraph() on it and found it had a lot of isolated segments. Next I ran pgr_nodeNetwork() to ...
0aslam0's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating/drawing map (especially indoor)? [closed]

I'm currently developing an indoor map/room plan for an university project. I've already searched through Stack Exchange to figure it out but I couldn't find anything similar. So what I currently do ...
zeekrey's user avatar
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What graph traversal algorithm should I use?

I would like to write an algorithm which can traverse a graph and hopefully later I can implement it to use for an indoor navigation system. The graph would come from floor plans of a building and the ...
NKK's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What web mapping libraries are suitable for indoor maps? [closed]

I am looking for a custom mapping library but not to display an actual geographical area but to display a custom floor-plan. I have been looking for a while but most of the solutions that I found are ...
Tamas's user avatar
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2 answers

How may I compare two indoor maps?

I have a few indoor map construction algorithms and the ground truth map. I am trying to compare their construction accuracies w.r.t. the ground truth map. Like any other scientific evaluations, mere ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Mapping elements in a warehouse

I am new to GIS. For a small project I want to map elements in a warehouse and want to find the location of the elements later (e.g. nails are located at x,y). Now I am wondering what kind of ...
rintimtim's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Heads up digitizing of rooms and doors using ArcMap

I am digitizing the floorplans of various schools in our county. This is for the Fire Department so they want to be able to see where doors are within the building. The doors do not necessarily have ...
Kyle Shepard's user avatar
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Displaying Highrise Delivery Routes

I have a geocoded address table for High Rise buildings in New York. If i'm trying to map delivery routes to a number of these locations, what would be the best and most clear way to display the ...
Maksim's user avatar
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4 answers

How does WiFiSLAM work?

Apple recently acquired WifiSlam. How does their technology work? Their website doesn't go into much detail. Allow your smartphone to pinpoint its location (and the location of your friends) in ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar
3 votes
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How to add Custom data (like for Indoor floors) and find routes using open source software?

I am a newbie to GIS platforms so maybe whatever I am asking is very simple or obvious. I have read documentation/tutorials and as a last resort I am posting here, so any help is appreciated. I am not ...
Gaurav Verma's user avatar
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How to connect door nodes using a polyline

I am working on an indoor positioning project which need to transform CAD drawings to GIS shape files. I have transformed the file from CAD to ArcMap 10.1 already. My current problem is that how ...
isxhy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to create accurate indoor maps?

I'm currently developing an indoor positioning system for a college project. I searched for a good mapping platform and I found that openstreetmaps would suit me best, but now I'm stuck in generating ...
a.u.r's user avatar
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Indoor Navigation Robot using OpenCV

I'm trying to work on a project which is based on navigation of a robot which is equipped with a web camera and the robot will have a ARM based board like Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone or BeagleBoard (...
Kishore Kumar's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Seeking a GIS for indoor mapping and direction finding

I've seen a few options for indoor GIS platforms such as Google's indoor mapping, implementations of OpenLayers, Open Street Map, and many other plausible solutions. There's even a post on here asking ...
jak119's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

Are there any Indoor GIS platforms? [duplicate]

What sort of infrastructure is needed to allow me to write a simple mobile app for indoor navigation? Professor Mike Goodchild said: the average American only spends 13 percent of the time ...