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Questions tagged [inkscape]

Inkscape is a vector graphics editor. It's goal is to implement full support for the Salable Vector Graphics 1.1 standard (Wikipedia).

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Schmidt Lambert and Wullf svg reticles [closed]

Where Schmidt and Wullf stereonet reticles in svg format to be edited with Inkscape can be downloaded?
SirB1's user avatar
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Getting jagged lines when exporting SVG/PDF and importing into Inkscape/Affinity Designer

I'm having a lot of issues with exporting contour maps in QGIS. Once extracting contours from my SRTM data, I've tried cleaning up my lines in multiple ways before exporting as either .svg or .pdf. I'...
Nick's user avatar
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Converted lines to one feature using Dissolve but exports as multiple features

In QGIS, I've taken all of my lines/features and "dissolved" them into one feature, but after exporting as a SVG or PDF, it imports into Inkscape as 1231 features (the amount I originally ...
Nick's user avatar
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Converting Lines (Strokes) to Paths like in Inkscape before exporting as PDF

I'm having a very hard time exporting line maps that end up looking and working correctly when importing into Inkscape/Affinity Designer. What I am trying to do in QGIS before exporting is basically ...
Nick's user avatar
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Export object id in DXF from Inkscape

I have to integrate Inkscape drawings into QGIS. In order to do so, I export the drawings in DXF format from Inkscape. There's no problem to georeference them in QGIS, but I would like to know if ...
Arn's user avatar
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DXF overlay problem in QGIS

I need to import and overlay in my QGIS project some geometries from a PDF (definitely not georeferenced). I ran the PDF cleanup procedure on Inkscape and exported it as a DXF file.Next, I started a ...
Matt Marston's user avatar
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Fixing placement of SVG marker in QGIS

Currently, I'm trying to apply the things I've learned from this GIS.SE question to include an SVG marker of a looped arrow in my map. Here is the code for the SVG file in question: <?xml version=&...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Getting polygons from PNG images for the QGIS Shapefiles

I would like to have ready polygons (borders) from some .PNG image and use them in QGIS as a shapefile. My file looks like this: which is crude raster PDF. My goal is to execute all borders (marked ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Creating ArcGIS markers (North Arrows) for QGIS? [closed]

I came across a PDF containing dozens of north arrows used in Esri's ArcGIS. QGIS doesn't have many fascinating north arrows, to be candid. I thought of creating SVG icons of these north arrows and ...
SpatialNasir's user avatar
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Import Illustrator/Inkscape svg into qgis

I tried to import lines from svg into qgis 3.x by using dxf format. The problem is that the scale of dxf is of course not the right one (a few centimeters whereas my map is kilometers long). I tried ...
kogexo's user avatar
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USGS/FGDC SVG geoscience point symbols for use in QGIS [closed]

I have over 700 symbols created and tested for use on geological maps, using the USGS symbol documents as a source (, converting the original PDF using Inkscape. I am ...
Dr Richard Langford's user avatar
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Adding two vector shapefiles together (one on top of the other) in QGIS [closed]

I understand how to merge two vector shapefiles together but I don't know how to layer one layer on top of another one and export it to make it permanent? I would like to add the GreaterMan shapefile ...
tastatham's user avatar
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Is the ArcMap Spatial Bookmark feature or something similar available in Inkscape?

When editing text in maps in Inkscape I wish I could have view/spatial based bookmarks as is available in ArcMap. For example: Quickly zooming into the text at various parts of the map.
GeekyPete's user avatar
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How do I reduce the size of a giant SVG file in QGIS

I'm using windows 10 X64 and QGIS 2.18.1. My goal is to create detailed large wall prints using high density contour layers. When I export from print composer as an SVG, I create files from 10 MB to ...
Stephen Engley's user avatar
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SVG fill patterns not displaying

I have created several custom SVG symbols in Inkscape to use in QGIS. I have several that have fill patterns, but these patterns are not displaying in QGIS. I also am having this problem with symbols ...
William J. Hansard's user avatar
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SVG markers made in InkScape appear transparent in QGIS

Using QGIS 2.14.3 on Ubuntu 16.04, I created a custom icon using inkscape for QGIS. You can find it here (Update: that icon is now fixed). In inkscape, in my filesystem, it displays as: However in ...
raphael's user avatar
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How to create high quality map with QGIS and Stamen tiles

I'm wanting to create a simple but high quality map in QGIS with two minimal vector layers and Stamen's landscape tiles as a basemap. When viewing my map in the QGIS print composer everything looks ...
haff's user avatar
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Create history map with inkscape with each country as a distinct object

I want to create history maps (maps showing historical borders) with inkscape and to have an object for each country. I want to draw borders between countries only once and have this part of a path ...
Simbian Glocy's user avatar
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How to render an SVG from PostGIS using ST_AsSVG

Speaking with a cartographer from National Geographic last night, my interest was again piqued (peaked?) in an open-source map publishing toolset built on PostGIS and Inkscape (as per his workflow and ...
Inactivated Account's user avatar
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Is it possible to export a PDF/SVG as raster with vector labels?

Is it possible (or will it be possible in the future) to export a PDF/SVG as raster with vector labels? I'm using effects (blending, transparency etc.) which I can not export as vector. So I have to ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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SVG Issues in QGIS API

I'm using QGIS-2.4.0 to developing an application. I created my own custom MapCanvasItem for showing SVG. It is great to load a SVG from symbol library that QGIS provides(such as d:\QGIS Chugiak\...
spartucus's user avatar
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What might slow Inkscape down when working with QGIS SVG or PDF output?

When I import an SVG or PDF exported from QGIS print composer (2.2.0) into Inkscape 0.48 the vector graphic has large black lines and squares. These change size when I zoom in and out, and the graphic ...
Dan's user avatar
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Create transparent background for svg marker in QGIS?

I have an image that I want to use as a SVG marker in Print Composer. I created it as a .png file in Inkscape and then saved it as .svg. But the background transparency does not come across from the ...
Johanna's user avatar
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Exporting from ArcGIS 10.2 to PDF for editing in Inkscape-Where are the layers?

I'm trying to export a simple street map with markers from ArcGIS 10.2 to PDF for editing in Inkspace (Note: I've tried this with exports to .ai and SVG as well with results similar to those recounted ...
maptastik's user avatar
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.svg georeference?

How would I go about taking a layer from AI or Inkscape and importing it into Arc? I've got a vector drawing I want to use and I know I need to georeference it but I'm lost as to how. I also can't ...
user26201's user avatar
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Converting map image to GIS

I’m very new to GIS, and I’ve been reading a lot of manuals and information, but I thought I’d ask a couple of questions here. One of my major hobbies is drawing maps of a completely imaginary ...
Robbie's user avatar
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QGIS layer in .svg or with a better resolution?

I have a georeferenced layer, built from a nice map drawn with Inkscape. But when I convert it to *.png, *.jpg or *.tif, there is a pixelisation of the map. After georeferencing, it gives a pixelised ...
catindri's user avatar
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SVG trouble in QGIS

I am having some issues using some SVGs that I have created in Inkscape. I am trying to use them in QGIS but they're not displayed properly. This: is how the SVG looks like in Inkscape and how it ...
alex667's user avatar
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What is the Typical Workflow from QGIS to Publishing Programs?

I have been playing with using Inkscape to combine my CAD title block and the map project created in QGIS. I was curious to understand what a typical workflow might be to Inkscape or another post ...
LandArch's user avatar
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Creating svg symbols that have modifiable fill color, stroke color and stroke width

I want to create some svg symbols for QGIS using Inkscape, those symbols must have attributes as described in the question. For the last two days, I have been experimenting as instructed by Sourcepole ...
Cao Minh Tu's user avatar
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