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2 answers

Create points with attributes from Cursor

I have a table imported from Excel that has three attribute columns (City, State, ZIP) as well as X/Y columns that have been added. I have a cursor that goes through the records in the table and ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Insert Geometry and update attribute using arcpy.da.InsertCursor

I'm trying to insert geometries from one feature class into another and then update an attribute associated with the geometry. Only inserting the geometry works fine, but I can't work out how to ...
chazer's user avatar
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Error when updating arcpy.SearchCursor to arcpy.da.SearchCursor

I'm trying to update a python script to use the arcpy.da.SearchCursor instead of the legacy arcpy.SearchCursor. The cursor searches for duplicate values in a field. I am getting an error: ...
Cort Wilson's user avatar
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Update row with next row's value

I am trying to extract the endpoint of a line with very fine scale and overlapping GPS data. I would normally just use the locn_id+1 but that doesn't work because the data were originally rarified. ...
Mel's user avatar
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Do I need to set arcpy.env.workspace at the beginning of my python code?

I am new to Arcpy and have been doing simple tasks such as AddField_management and updateCursor. However I have been getting error msgs, such as errors 99999 etc. The errors I get are related to ...
JrUser's user avatar
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Find max and min values from a table based on two fields

I have a geodatabase table with the following fields: County_Name, State_Name, Date_Time, Customers Example Alameda, CA, 8/1/2014 12AM, 6 Alameda, CA, 8/1/2014 1AM, 1 Alameda, CA, 8/1/2014 2AM, ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to use InsertCursor to add points to a point feature class?

I am struggling with a very simple task of inserting "SHAPE@XY" into a point feature class. Following is what I have: xy = [(361087.15436001675, 198747.07296730898), (361530.56426259346, 198976....
Ibe's user avatar
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How to search on values of a value list in python toolbox?

I developed a simple python toolbox that lists values of a table in the value table parameter. The user can rank each row using the Rank field drop down values.Everything is ok untill user selected ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Arcpy Insert.da.Cursor - Issues writing polygon geometry

Currently building a tool that automates the creation of some polygons that we need done quarterly. Below is just a set script I am using that is giving me a similar issue when I try to run the ...
HiMyNameIzMatt's user avatar
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How to extract certain values from a table using the SearchCursor Tool

I am trying to write a python script to extract certain values from a table: the table I am referring to is a big collection of nitrate values for different water depths, which are deposited in the ...
Teresa Heidemann's user avatar
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Getting count of like features types based on field attributes using ArcPy?

I'm trying to create an update cursor which will take the count of the number of like features in a field and then use that number in a random number generator. The field would look something like ...
standard's user avatar
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Requested operation is invalid on closed state using ArcSDE for Oracle?

I have a version on an Oracle SDE that I am working on using ArcMap / ArcPy 10.2.1. I started an edit session and inserted a row in to a feature. Saved the edit and stopped editing. I then tried ...
Bryan's user avatar
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ArcPy script with cursors running slow?

I've got 2 polygons layers (no gaps): IDUs and crops. What I want is to identify the 3 largest crops by % area for each IDU. This seems common enough but I couldn't find a way to do it all using tools,...
ShaneW's user avatar
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Field calculator or update cursor?

I have a feature class in which one field (let's call it "Field_A"), as yet empty, is to be populated by the contents of another field ("Field_B") multiplied by a certain number (I'll call it the "...
Mhoram's user avatar
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Insert.da.Cursor, Error - Sequence size must match size of row

I'm working on this script which creates a table within a geodatabase. It then grabs the unique values from a list and attempts to insert them into the table using an Insert Cursor. I get the Error ...
MikPM's user avatar
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SearchCursor() fails to read feature class?

I am very new to ArcPy and Python in general. I want write a script to read attribute table from a feature class and merge some data from a csv file into the table. Right now, I am just playing around ...
vandershraaf's user avatar
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Calling specific row using ArcPy search/update cursors

When working with search and update cursors, how do I call upon a specific row? In this example: import arcpy, os # I want to find a row where the FID is 10 # print value field in the row where FID ...
Ellie 's user avatar
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How to set NULL value by arcpy.da.InsertCursor on date column?

How to set NULL value by arcpy.da.InsertCursor on date column? I try insert "NULL", None, '', 0 dictIN= [{'field1':"test1",'date1':'01-02-2015','date2':''},\ {'field1':"test2",'date1':'01-02-2015','...
user7172's user avatar
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How to create a copy of a feature class that is vertically and horizontally offset by a given distance?

I want to duplicate a polygon feature class and offset all of the polygons by about 10 feet in both the x and y directions. Is this possible to do using arcpy, or are there any geoprocessing tools ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Using wildcard to find similar values between two fields with ArcPy cursor

I am using ArcMap 10.8. I have joined two street tables and am trying to correlate a couple fields. One field has a full street description ("FullStreet") and the other simply has the street ...
Olive's user avatar
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Not Able to Pass Where Clause in SearchCursor in ArcPy

Can you please take a look at this snippet and let me know why I am not able to properly pass the Where Clause ('"[NAME_1]" = Ohio') in SearchCursor? import arcpy from arcpy import env def ...
Mona Coder's user avatar
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Use updatcursor to replace values in multiple fields

I have spent a couple days digging through forums here, ESRI help and elsewhere and each variation of the codes I have tried has not worked. As best as I can tell this is due to my attempt to loop ...
Scott Fierro GISP's user avatar
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Arcpy Update Cursor (arcpy.da.UpdateCursor()) not saving changes to 'SHAPE@LENGTH'

Looked around and found other Cursor questions, but nothing dealing with updating 'SHAPE@LENGTH'. I am running ArcGIS 10.2.1 and have a multipoint shapefile that I am grouping into polygons based on a ...
sclarky's user avatar
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Convert cursor output to list of geometries

I want to convert all the geometries returned by search cursor to a list. import math import arcpy from arcpy import env env.workspace = r"C:\GIS Data\GIS data_for Maeenul vai" desc = arcpy....
user's user avatar
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Insert Cursor Having an Issue With Reading the Syntax of a List

In my code below, how do I get the Desired Output? # Get a list of all 'SITE_NFID' in the dashboard_site_summary table that don't have a match in the nfid_fqn_associations table ...
GIS_GOD's user avatar
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Comparing value with value from the next row

I have a table with two elements in this format: a b b a b c c b c d ....f g g f I have to analize if the second element is equal to the first element of the following row. If it's true, 1 is ...
Seb's user avatar
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'TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment' when iterating through the rows of a layer

I'm trying to assign a value to the attributes of each feature of a feature layer. To do so I am just iterating through each row using 'arcpy.da.SearchCursor'. #Import geoprocessing. import arcpy #...
Pitrako Junior's user avatar
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How to count rows of interest from a field in an attribute table using arcpy.da.Cursor?

How to count the number of records from a field 'COVER' that is neither 'woods' and neither 'orchards'? fileName = 'C:/gispy/data/ch17/parkCopy3.shp' fields = ['COVER', 'FID'] count = 0 . try: ...
DDragos's user avatar
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Which is the faster way to copy data to another feature class: Feature Class to Feature Class or Insert Cursor

I have a feature class with 1 million records. Which is the faster way to copy data to another feature class: Feature Class to Feature Class or Insert Cursor?
Astha Devra's user avatar
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Search for textbits in QGIS

Is there a way to search for only parts of text in QGIS. Imagine I have a field in my attributetable called myField and I have several entries there, something like This is awesome Even more awesome ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Update Cursor for automation of tedious data entry which keeps crashing ArcMap

I coded the Update Cursor for automation of tedious data entry where I am applying a previous Survey Company Identification Data to STRUCTURES_15096.shp from "OFFICIAL_STRUCTURES2015.shp" and it keeps ...
Beau's user avatar
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arcpy.da.SearchCursor accessing only selected row in attribute table

In ArcMap 10.2, I'm attempting to build a tool that, when run, will iterate through a network of pipes to locate an outfall point. My network is composed of polyline data representing pipe, with input ...
DonPineapple's user avatar
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Append List not working

Trying to create a list of well counts. In the code below, wellCntList only contains the current county count and not a list of ALL the counts. Sure I'm missing something simple. for cname in ...
BillTheCat's user avatar
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Adding values in X column to list using ArcPy?

My apologies if this question has been asked before. I've spent some time searching for a similar question with no results. Is it possible to add each value under X column to a list using ArcPy? I ...
cmartin616's user avatar
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Changing cursor shape in PyQGIS

I noticed that PyQGIS has QgsMapToolPan() and QgsMapToolZoom() functions, and the cursor shape on the canvas will change to a hand (for pan), magnifying-glass(+/-) (for zoomIn / zoomOut). I have a ...
Whospal's user avatar
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Python conditional on current and previous row?

I need to calculate a new field with a python conditional where some values only occur if a sequence in a separate attribute field (X) occurs. For instance my data set looks like this. Y is the ...
AlmaThom's user avatar
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arcpy.da.SearchCursor not work when run the whole scripts in IDLE

I'm using ArcGIS 10.3.1. The code is running in IDLE of winpython 2.7 64bit. Here is a very simple code which intends to read a shapefile. import arcpy from arcpy import env env.workplace = "E:/" ...
user109983's user avatar
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Identify duplicate attributes and keep value of earliest record

I have rows in a table that have duplicate ID values in one field. I would like to identify these duplicates, keep the ID value of the earliest entry, and null out the ID field for the other ...
saoirse's user avatar
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RuntimeError: A column was specified that does not exist

I have a script which reads a geodatabase table and calculate two fields based on existing fields. This is my code: import arcpy from arcpy import env #overwrite output arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = ...
AtlantisNaranja's user avatar
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Using searchcursor and updatecursor

I'm am trying to use a searchcursor to identify a list of ID's from a dataset. Using the list, I am now trying to delete those rows with the same ID's in another dataset. I'm not sure where I'm going ...
MacroZED's user avatar
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Replace geometry of polygon feature using UpdateCursor and SHAPE@ token - arcpy

Within a Python script, I would like to replace the geometry of all features in Layer A with the geometry of features in Layer B if their ID fields match. I am not sure how to do this, but the ...
mmoore's user avatar
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Print rasters count in Python

I'm trying to print raster batch count number in PyScripter and ArcGIS 10.3 I'm using the next code: import arcpy carpeta = arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Base_de_datos\Cuencas_raster" for raster in ...
jpdelped's user avatar
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Debugging TypeError: SearchCursor() got unexpected keyword argument in ArcPy script?

I tried to use SearchCursor(points, fields=fieldname) but I get this error: TypeError: SearchCursor() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fields' I'm not sure why this doesn't work. # Local ...
EmdyP's user avatar
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Insert Cursor Not Filling XY Field

I have a table with a set of original XY values and a set of new XY values. I want to create new points of the new xy's using the insert cursor. My code updates the ID and Sp row but not the XY row. ...
harry.p's user avatar
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Inserting field values in table?

I am trying to insert Field Values to an empty table. My code by so far: arcpy.CreateTable_management(r"C:\Users\esri\Documents\ArcGIS","test") arcpy.AddField_management("test","total","LONG") arcpy....
Velugoti Venkateswarlu's user avatar
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Float not iterable

import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/esripress/python/data" fc = "Hawaii.shp"     cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["OID@","SHAPE@"])   for shape in cursor:        print "Total area: {}"....
Gabe 's user avatar
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arcpy.da.UpdateCursor "iteration not started" when using pairwise iteration through cursor

Without getting too much into the context of this workflow, I'm trying to find whether a stream segment is flowing in the right direction. If the "FROM_NODE" or the "TO_NODE" values of two adjacent ...
tinyplanet00's user avatar
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Creating tables on ArcGIS with arcpy?

I'm using python scripts on ArcGIS 10.2 to read excel files with information and put this results on attribute tables of the ArcGIS. I know how to create a table, add rows, add fields and send ...
S.Rai's user avatar
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moving the objects in a feature class by a field within the table of that feature class

I have a feature class and I want to move its objects based on two fields in it I used the following code but get error: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc2,["SHAPE@XY","centerpo_4","centerpo_5"]) as ...
Khandan's user avatar
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Calculating one cell from dbf table to another cell in same table using ArcPy?

Am absolutely new to python programming for ArcGIS. How do I calculate one cell from one field in DBF table into another cell in another field in same table? Here is what I've got that doesn't work:...
Fox's user avatar
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