Questions tagged [integer]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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gdal_warp with huge tif: integer overflow

I retrieved the SRTM 1" data and merged it in one huge tif. Now I want to warp it. It's working fine for low resolution (eg 5000, 1000, 500), but it doesn't for 90m resolution. I'm using this command: ...
Tim Autin's user avatar
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GRASS r.stats.zonal help

I am following this tutorial but redoing it with more current data: I am recieving the error: ERROR: The base map must be an integer (...
megmac's user avatar
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Data type gets converted from "qlonglong" to "int" when creating Virtual Layer

I have a source layer with ID column as qlonglong. When I execute a query in DB Manager the types seems correctly preserved. The problem is that if I "Load as New Layer" the resulting ...
begem0t's user avatar
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Easily convert multiple attribute columns from text to integer?

I uploaded a CSV with WKT polygon coordinates. Each polygon was displayed spatially and I re-saved the file as a shapefile. The problem is most attribute columns are being detected as text, and they ...
csft306's user avatar
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QField auto-numbering

A simple need but no success in default auto-numbering an integer type field in QField. Have tried $id, $row_number, etc., but no default value is entered on point digitization. An expression such as ...
Drew's user avatar
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Integer representation of textual value (as unique ID for query layer)

I have an Oracle 18c non-spatial table that has textual IDs as the unique ID: The table doesn't have a ObjectID or numeric ID. I'm not able to add new columns to the table. The table isn't registered ...
User1974's user avatar
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Converting float raster to integer failing in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to convert a 32 bit floating raster into an integer type using the 'int' spatial analyst tool within ArcGIS Pro (2.8.3). I have used the raster calculator to remove the decimals (in my case,...
Laura Caldwell's user avatar
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Converting large value float value to integer using ArcGIS Desktop

I have a raster with 32 bit unsigned values that I want to convert to a polygon shapefile. I ran the raster calculator in ArcGIS to remove the decimals by multiplying by a constant and then running ...
user3462098's user avatar
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File Geodatabase: storing text in an integer field?

I recently downloaded a FGDB from NOAA at The FGDB contains a point feature class with ship locations. One of its attribute fields, named [Status], is of type Long ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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