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ArcGIS Arcade Script - No Value Returned when using multiple intersect methods

In this original Arcade script below, room IDs are successfully pulled and populated in the 'room_id' field of a point asset based on the floor level polygon of the intersecting layer. In virtually ...
Nicholas Kunkel's user avatar
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Why the "Union" tool doesn't work as the "Intersect" tool, even though the two polygon are the same?

I am using QGIS for some basic activities with the land cover vector layer. I clipped the land cover layer using the mask of a polygon (administrative region) from another layer. Then I used the Union ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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Intersect operation giving Error 00840 (Value is not a Feature Layer) but only on certain inputs [closed]

I have a script tool in ArcGIS Pro v3.3 to loop through a geodatabase of polygon feature classes and intersect each of them with another polygon dataset and then do some additional processing. Of the ...
Paul DiGirolamo's user avatar
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Aggregating by geometry using ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to get the sum of an attribute for overlapping features that have the same geometry yet they are individual features. In QGIS I could use the Sum Line Lengths tool. In ArcGIS Pro this tool ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Change detection in ArcMap

I tried to do change detection using ArcMap. To do this I followed the following steps. Convert from raster to polygon via "value" field (aware as I have 7 classes) Dissolve through ...
Samuel Mekonen's user avatar
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Does geopandas overlay use spatial indexing

I have a general question about geopandas overlay method. I want to know whether it already uses spatial indexing or not. If not, how would I apply indexing? Background I do an intersection with ...
tetje's user avatar
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REST API: Find Point Features in one layer that intersect with Polygon Features in another layer

I have a point layer and I have a polygon layer. I am looking for a way, using REST API for an ArcGIS Map Service, to pull all point features that fall within (intersect) any polygon features in the ...
Tom Lewis's user avatar
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QGIS: Count points directly left/right of line using geometry generator

I have a line layer and a points layer. I am trying to count the points that are within 500 meters directly to one side of my lines. I have entered the following code into Value As far as my ...
Gregory C's user avatar
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Determining if feature occurs between single point and polyline using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I'm looking to perform an analysis that outputs whether or not something lies between two points. This specific example would be: does a stream occur between a point of interest ...
ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Extracting polygon features touched by a line feature

I have polygon features (like streets or fields) and a line feature over them. I want to have all the polygon features touched by the line in a separate layer. If I run clip or intersect it only ...
QGuy's user avatar
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Using ArcPy to Intersect Line and Polygon Features of the Same Name

I have a file geodatabase containing line and polygon feature classes of the same name. Below is an example: NATGAS_6IN_Line NATGAS_6IN_Polygon CAD_ARD_6IN_Line CAD_ARD_6IN_Polygon I have 20 line ...
BNew's user avatar
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Select By Location tools (intersect the source layer)

I want to find points are in the boundaries of polygons so I use Select By Location tools in a large area as country so I have many polygons (in shapefile) and the points (in shapefile) that is ...
coral's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro can't count overlapping polygons because of self-intersection

I'm trying to use the Count Overlapping Features tool in arcgis pro, but it keeps failing due to 'invalid topology'. Some research points out this has to do with invalid geometries, so I do check ...
Beardedant's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS: Clipping lat/lon points to raster file based on threshold value

Let's say I have an excel file that has a large number of lat/lon points that can be brought into QGIs such as: I then also have a raster layer that looks like the following: Each color in the above ...
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
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Intersect tool of polygons results in empty layer - QGIS

I have a shapefile with polygons and a line. They are in the same CRS and they do intersect. But when I run the intersect tool, it results in an empty layer (though there is no error message). I have ...
Beardsley's user avatar
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Intersecting polygon shapefiles - features not written (error) because value is not number or exceeds maximum length

I'm using QGIS 3.16 Hannover. I need to intersect two huge polygon shapefiles. They contain a big number of fields, values and objects. To simplify, I have to calculate habitat loss due to various ...
Margareta's user avatar
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How can I intersect two shapefiles without creating split features that have duplicated attributes in QGIS?

I am intersecting two shapefiles in QGIS: a city council map and the census blocks in the city's county with demographic variables (e.g., population). When I use the intersect tool in QGIS, the blocks ...
ericandrethegiant's user avatar
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R library or tool to do spatial apportionment

Please tell me there is a package to do spatial apportionment. I find spReapportion on GitHub that's 7 years old and this tutorial, which was made with R 3.0.1 (May 2013). I'm trying to script the ...
Mox's user avatar
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PyQGIS: .disjoint() and .equals() do not work

I have to clean a data set for research. It is just one layer, but I need to remove features that are registered several times or have a geometry that is somehow faulty. The dataset is too large to do ...
Homerun_'s user avatar
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Identifying major and minor road intersections using ArcMap

I’m trying to identify and capture the intersection of a major roads (in red) and the minor roads (in black). The blue circles in my snapshot are the spots I’m trying to identify. The problem with the ...
doronwen's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro: Select By Location with option Intersect returns features which are within the selecting feature

I try to follow the suggestion given in an equal case, however, I do not end up with the desired result. I'd like to select the filled polygons whose boundary crosses the red lined polygon. For this, ...
stonebe's user avatar
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Clip/extract the specific cells in a raster that are intersected by a line feature

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I have some trail data (line) and some slope data (raster). What I want is a raster layer that is only the cells of the slope layer that are intersected by the line feature. ...
geoPrice's user avatar
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Display only the features of a layer that are intersected by a dynamic atlas layer in QGIS

Is there a way for a layer (line) that has the symbology displayed dynamically by Atlas to determine ("filter") the symbology display of another layer (polygon) by intersection? Example of ...
Raphael Dias's user avatar
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GEE error: (feature).intersection is not a function

I'm trying to intersect the WCMC WDPA polygons with a self-loaded shapefile polygon asset converted to a feature. However, I got the following error message: GEE error: (feature).intersection is not ...
LD_bird's user avatar
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QGIS aggregate intersects points in polygon by filtering values

I have in QGIS 3.28 points and polygon layer. I want to create virtual field that SUM on the point layer all the specific values the points intersecting in the polygon that are filtered according to ...
Rii Pii's user avatar
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Setting a minimum overlapping area using overlay_intersect in QGIS

I want to use the overlay_intersects function to obtain a new column on a grid layer with 0,1 values. The binary results should come from the eventual overlap between my grid and the Shapefile of a ...
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
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How to automatically count intersecting geometries by excluding a layer and adding new layers with any layer name

I am using the following expression to count and label the number of geometries of a layer (POINTS1_TO_INCLUDE) that intersect with polygons of another layer (POLYGONS): to_string( round(array_length( ...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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SAGA intersect syntax for QGIS

I cannot find the exact python syntax for saga:intersect anywhere. The following throws "Could not load source layer for A: no value specified for parameter". It prints laender = QgsProject....
MoritzMoreira's user avatar
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Using the intersect function on pixel values from SampleRegions

I have a featureCollection of pixels (called "Pixel_values")from using sampleRegions and a feature collection of lineStrings (called "Hydro"), some of which intersect the pixels. I ...
Hutch T's user avatar
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4 answers

QGIS: Calculating the area of category overlay between 2 shapefiles

I have 2 shapefiles (A & B). The polygons in layer "B" are categorized into 8 categories (1-8) and I want to add 8 columns in layer "A" with the areal distribution of the ...
he_could_be_any_of_us's user avatar
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QGIS 3.6 on Mac: Extracting attribute value of polygon from another layer when it overlay

I have a layer labeled "Boundaries" with a set of polygons. I have another layer with a set of points labelled "Locations". The "Boundaries" polygons have an attribute ...
Toufik's user avatar
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Arcade expression to calculate field in point dataset based on whether its features lie within specified polygon dataset using ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder

Can anyone help with an Arcade expression to calculate a new field in a point dataset based on whether or not each point feature is within a polygon dataset in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder? I have a point ...
Rachel Sinclair's user avatar
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Assign grid squares to polygons that most contain them

I have a featureclass that is a grid of the countries of the world (88,110 squares). I am trying to assign all the grid cells to the country that each cell MOST contains (from a shapefile of country ...
emwtg2's user avatar
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QGIS Take the attribute from the intersection

How to make an intersection function condition for a field calculator?I have three layers-buildings, parcels_old, parcels_new.In the layer of buildings i need to move parcel number ("n_parc" ...
Ivan M's user avatar
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Select by attribute and location within a for loop? [closed]

I have dozens of feature classes in a project geodatabase. I have the code that will identify all the misplaced wells in each dataset, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the lines of ...
redleg_64's user avatar
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Select polygons that intersect points in QGIS using WFS data

How to select polygons that intersect points in QGIS using WFS data? I am trying to select polygons from a WFS remote database that intersect a local point shapefile. The selection by location does ...
Mael Jézéquel's user avatar
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R - Identify on which street a point is located based on geographic coordinates

Given a tibble s2map that contains street names and the geographical coordinates of points located on these streets, head(s2map) # A tibble: 6 × 13 # Groups: Street [1] Street ...
Nanami's user avatar
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QGIS overlay_intersects in geometry generator if points are in polygon

I have in QGIS v3.22 two layers: polygon hex layer points layer I want to create a dynamic view when the points intersect on the polygon layer and fill the polygon content with some color and ...
Rii Pii's user avatar
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Checking intersection between two layers with different projection using PyQGIS

I have a point layer and polygon layer polygon layer contains espg:6344 point layer contains espg:4326 project Crs is espg: 4326 polygon Layer contains rectangles and points are the centroids of ...
VSR's user avatar
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Line has been split, total line is different from unsplit line using ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, I've done a intersect on a line based on an area boundary. When I compare the length of the intersected lines, it should equal the length of the original line. However there is a slight ...
BobbyGIS's user avatar
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Selecting unclassified road line (One layer) that miss survey data (another layer)

I am working on QGIS 3.10. My goal is to select all the Unclassified road that do not have any scheme. For that I need to overlap the two layers (Unclassified road network and schemes) together in ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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Checking intersection between polygon and geometry in GeoJSON

I have a GeoJSON file with different geometries(polygons). I'd like to find if my polygon intersects with any of the file's geometry. I am not going to paste the file here as it is a long one, but can ...
Alin Fusaru's user avatar
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Why do clip and intersect give different results (geometry)?

I have a boundary (clipper) and street data (lines, clipee). I calculate the sum of the street length within the boundary for communities. From a performance perspective this is faster to do over many ...
Ben the bear's user avatar
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Attributes for points created by Intersect tool

Scenario: I am using ArcMap 10.3.1 to find the locations where an animal crosses a road from GPS data and the associated attributes such as X and Y (which I can calculate) and the date and time of ...
Joanne Moore's user avatar
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How to get a list of lines, with a list of polygons that they intersect? [closed]

I am a new user in a PostGIS environment and don't even know where to start. I have two tables, one storing lines and the other storing polygons. I to create a query that can be used to get a separate ...
Sergey Tymchenko's user avatar
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Using Intersect with arcpy.GetParameterAsText() and ArcMap

I'm trying to use the intersect tool, with one of my inputs being from a get parameter as text. As I don't have an advanced licence I have to iterate through the list to run the intersect on each item ...
Michael's user avatar
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Using intersect analysis within if loop as part of function

I'm currently trying to create a function for calculating an intersect of one of two shapefiles with another shapefile. I am later looping through the list of files and, depending on which one the ...
Mkn's user avatar
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Bring Line ID which intersect with a point buffer in arcpy

In ArcPy, I want to take each point buffer one by one and check which two lines intersect with it and bring the ObjectID in order to use those two lines ID in this script. import arcpy arcpy.env....
saraghafri's user avatar
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3 answers

How to prevent self-intersection when using Intersect tool in ArcGIS?

When using the Intersect tool in ArcGIS (Desktop 10.8): I have two inputs, a polyline FC and a polygon FC. I want to get the intersection of each polyline feature with the polygon features, so the ...
Matt Leonard's user avatar
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How identify if polygons from layer A are in same polygon from layer B in Python

I have two polygon layers, layer A and layer B. Layer B polygons are much bigger than layer A polygons. Now, some of the little polygons from layer A are located in the big polygons from layer B, and ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar

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