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Geoserver CQL file queryCollection limit

I'm using GeoServer 2.9.0 and I need to get some result using CQL_FILTER, intersects between polygon and line String layer, cql query is as follow: INTERSECTS(geom, collectGeometries(queryCollection('...
atanu's user avatar
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Intersect tool unable to find feature class in Python script

I keep receiving this error: from this piece of my script: # Process: Clip arcpy.Clip_analysis(Full_Grid, NAR_U9, os.path.join(Output_Folder, "Cruise_Grid_U9"), "") Cruise_Grid_U9 = os.path.join(...
S. Price's user avatar
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Finding overlay percentage between two polygon shapefiles

I have two layers that I am currently working with: 1. Parcels/property boundaries and 2. Wetlands I am trying to determine the parcels that have 0 wetlands and then for the parcels that do have ...
Laura's user avatar
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Finding number of links where buffer and link intersect using PyQGIS?

Created a buffer of 0.001 size at the beginning and end of each link. I want to extract the starting point and the ending point of which the number of the buffer and the link intersect is one. layer =...
OH.hong's user avatar
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Combining attribute table of polygon and point shapefiles using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am fairly new to using ArcGIS Desktop. I am working with two different types of data. The first is a large shapefile that contains small polygons that distinguish different types of vegetation. ...
Faith Olivia Hardin's user avatar
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Calculating total numbers of wells that fall into each county of table using ArcPy?

Directions: For each county calculate the total numbers of wells that fall into that county, and update the county table with the total count. This is the code I have so far. Problems: The ...
Amanda Young's user avatar
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Line and Polygons Intersect Results QGIS 3.0

Dark Green - Line Light Green - Buffer created from Line Pink Polygons - Parts of the black polygons that fall within the buffer zone I have this line going though a bunch of polygons. The result I ...
bkg73123's user avatar
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Using Intersect function gives error code Intersect [175528_07022018]?

I´m doing field selection studies for red deer in ArcGIS. I have several years of data and have made buffer polygons base on the red deer gps positions. The buffer polygons should be integrated with ...
user123401's user avatar
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Counting Block Group Populations in buffers using ArcGIS Pro?

I am trying to find the total population in 2-mile buffers to find the population 2 miles around primary care clinics. So far I have done this: Added block group outlines and joined the areas with ...
Marian's user avatar
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Calculating number of polygons or points that a set of polygons intersect with in ArcGIS

I have a set of ~100 polygons in ArcMap 10.2.2 that were generated using the minimum bounding geometry tool. I have a second set of ~800 polygons generated the same way. What I need to know is for ...
lostinGIS's user avatar
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Point intersect-setting tolerances in ArcGIS Desktop?

I need to find out which polygon a series of points fall in. Normally I would do this with an intersect so I can then export the data and process it externally. As the point layer contains some ...
user13641's user avatar
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Strange "inFeatures" value for Intersect tool

I am rather new to Python but I am trying to define a function that will take the output of one of my prior functions (5 buffered stream files) and intersect each unique streamBuffer file with an LULC ...
mgmcdiar's user avatar
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Selecting intersected lines from two common attributes in very big data set?

I have a layer with lines representing cables. The data set is huge, over 100 000 polylines. Some of these cables lies within the same shaft, some of them lies within the same shaft as an other cable ...
lgripenberg's user avatar
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Finding intersection point of point and polyline using ArcMap?

I have two shapefiles that looks something like this: One point file and one polyline file. I want to find the points where the points and line would intersect if you drew a perpendicular line ...
Linebeck's user avatar
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Intersect line with raster QGIS

I am looking to replicate a tool that is available in Geospatial Modelling Environment (GME) within QGIS, preferably not using GRASS. The tool is isectlinerst (Intersect Lines With Raster) http://www....
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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Raster intersect and gIntersection give different results in R

I'm trying to clip a polygon shapefile (species distribution) with another polygon grid. The goal is to calculate the area occupied by the species within each grid cell. I was able to do it with ...
FAmorim's user avatar
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4 answers

Using Intersect to find where line crosses itself in ArcGIS Desktop?

Can I not generate point features where a line feature intersects itself by using the Intersect tool? I try using it with just one line input but when I run it I get a warning saying the output ...
S. Price's user avatar
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Selecting polygons which contain majority of area from intersected layer by polygons using QGIS?

I have two polygons layers (a squares grid (blue in image) and a rectangles grid (green in image)). Because the different polygon sizes, different squares overlap with a single rectangle. I need to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Add an attribute to polygon layer based on if it intersects with another layer

I have a layer of buildings and want to give it each polygon an attribute of 1 or 0, based on if it intersects a flood extent. Basically, a flooded or not flooded attribute.
Gordon Huang's user avatar
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Intersect tool in ArcGIS merges output points if they intersect same line segment

I wrote a quick script to automate the intersect geoprocessing. There are 2 inputs, Polyline A & Polyline B, and 1 output- a point file with XY where the two lines intersect. Problem is if the ...
mmittal's user avatar
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Intersect outputs shapefile with null values

I have a model that iterates through a folder of field boundaries (polygons) and produces an intersect against a shapefile of points. The output is then a point shapefile for each boundary. Note: ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Using Intersect to combine multiple layers: correct and zero results

I have four rasters with cells of 5x5 arc minutes. I transformed the rasters to vectors/ shapefiles. The cells overlap, so I used intersect to combine the layers. It dawns on me that this was not very ...
user108014's user avatar
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Topology error in ArcGis

I am trying to intersect a large feature class (118692 elements) with a grid (58000 elements) but I get an error message. Traceback (most recent call last): File "Path/", line 24, in &...
Victor A's user avatar
3 votes
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Dynamic filtering based on selected Layer in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am not sure this is even possible, I have about 38 geographical polygon layers showing areas of the UK, I also have a query (point layer) that shows all of the offices around the uk. What I am ...
Simon Richardson's user avatar
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Intersecting linestrings with polygons in Python [closed]

I have two shapefiles, one is a 1x1 km grid displayed as polygons and the other one is a street network displayed as linestrings. I want to cut the linestrings where they intersect the boundaries of a ...
Gabba's user avatar
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Calculating common length of two lines using ArcGIS Desktop

I have a shapefile that consists of around 800 different lines. Now I have another shapefile which also consists line data. Is there a method which can help me calculate the shared length in the ...
Aaqib Khan's user avatar
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OGR - Error trying to intersect two layers

I'm trying to intersect a buffer with a point shapefile using OGR, but when I run it, I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\xxx\eclipse-workspace\xxx\", line 40,...
A.T.'s user avatar
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Calculating number of residents living within service areas using ArcGIS ModelBuilder? [closed]

I'm trying to build a Map of service areas of several facilities. In addition, I want to calculate the number of residents living within those service areas. Therefore I have a Layer of Census-...
Philip's user avatar
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turf.js intersect problem?

I have two geojson data sets. One of them is polygon feature "yolbuf" and the other one is a polygon feature collection "polygon". I want to calculate intersections of every feature in polygon feature ...
user51044's user avatar
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Buffer and intersect using turf.js and leaflet

I have 2 geojson feature collections in leaflet. One of them is road and the other one is parcels. I want to calculate buffer for road and then intersect this buffer layer with parcels. How can I do ...
user51044's user avatar
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True GIS clip of polygons + attribute table

How can a true intersection/clipping of polygons be done in R? Problem description: Shapefile1 contains only one feautre without attributes (or - at least - attibutes don't matter). Shapefile2 ...
Contemplavit's user avatar
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Calculate area of two intersecting rasters

I have two large rasters: One defining zones (private properties, with unique value for each property) and one of land cover change (deforestation data, with values for the year it has been deforested)...
Liz's user avatar
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Using Intersect and dissolve to divide district into certain regions with data of interest without losing spatial data in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am using an intersect/dissolve feature workaround in ArcGIS Desktop 10.5. I have a layer of districts of a city and another layer of parks in the whole city /layer of noise amount around big ...
phloose's user avatar
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Getting all Null when spatial joining lines with polygons (ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.1)

I'm trying to append the attributes of the lines (0 or 1) to all the polygons that they intersect (take the mean if multiple lines exist), as shown below. The polygons, lines and the DataFrame are ...
Julien's user avatar
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QGIS-- Find zipcode boundaries bisected by city boundaries

I've tried the intersect function but that also returns small zipcodes entirely within a city. Ideally, I just need zipcodes that extend beyond city lines.
atlasofcoffee's user avatar
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ArcGIS Intersect not showing on all street intersections

I have a centerline shapefile and have extracted a lane way feature class from it as I am attempting to show all intersections where these lane ways cross with public roads. I utilized the intersect ...
Chris Medyna's user avatar
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Using intersect/clip for polyline to polyline features resulting in Warning 000117 ArcMap? [duplicate]

I am trying to measure the length of a polyline from its origin to its intersection with another polyline. The application is to find out the distance from a meteorological station to the coastline. I ...
LonPo's user avatar
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Determine Los Angeles neighborhoods based on coordinates

I'm new to the GIS world. I've read several sites and previous posts but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. I have a data set of ~400k coordinates from Los Angeles and would now like to determine ...
Neicooo's user avatar
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GDAL Intersects() not working as it should?

Doing a topological analysis in GDAL/OGR returned an unexpected result. When I started investigating, it seems possible that the Intersects() method is badly implemented. Specifically, points along a ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
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Intersect Tool Input Order

To give context, I was using the Intersect Tool to find the number parcels that are located in multiple Sections of an STR. I tried both the Geoprocessing Tool, and calling the function in ArcPy. I ...
Mwspencer's user avatar
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Intersect error 000732

I'm trying to do intersect with 2 shapes, but it's not working because it can't read my shapefiles... I don't know why, because when i ran it with my other script, it works perfectly! Traceback (...
Charlera's user avatar
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Calculating length and area of habitat polygons within overlapping buffers in ArcGIS

I have a created 500 m buffers around a series of sampling points and want to know how much of a certain habitat is contained within each buffer. I used intersect and summary statistics to calculate ...
Julia's user avatar
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Using ArcPy for large intersect/loop?

I have two really large datasets, one with about 3 million hexagon features that span the extent of Pennsylvania being used as 'zones', and one with about 4 million features. I need to run a tabular ...
mmoore's user avatar
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How do you account for no geometry at location of overlay during Intersect Analysis?

I have a script that takes a user-provided lat/long, plots it as a point and performs overlay analysis using arcpy.Intersect_analysis() in order to acquire attributes of interest such as land ...
Edward's user avatar
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How to check if one polygon intersects with a feature class

I dynamically create a polygon from an array like this: import decimal lines = ['1|421474.904|4467629.2341','2|421590.35|4467592.7209','3|421611.5036|4467661.6442','4|421611.4173|4467661.7276','5|...
Panos's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Intersect Tool in ArcGIS gives empty output? [closed]

I'm currently searching for correlations between pavement conditions and crashes on highways. I created a 420ft buffer layer for my selected highways and now I am intersecting it with a layer for ...
Battansa's user avatar
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Easiest fix for polygon corner error in QGIS?

I am new to QGIS. What would be the easiest way to fix this apparent boundary error in a shapefile that I have downloaded? I believe it was intended for these lines to intersect as a 4-way corner, ...
LAttitude's user avatar
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Intersecting raster layer with grid to find average within each cell in QGIS

I have a raster of population density and would like to intersect it with a polygon layer and have each polygon carry the average for the underlying raster cells. How would I go about this? I feel ...
Simon's user avatar
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Clip/Intersect in QGIS 2.8.2 resulting in empty attribute table

I'm trying to clip two layers together (a layer showing the area of a city and a layer showing a political boundary running through that city) in order to show the location of the political boundary ...
suz's user avatar
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ogr2ogr sql - returning points from one sqlite dataset that intersect with another

I am having great difficulty with the simple st_intersect command when applied to two datasets containing points, derived from the same source. I am using osgeo4w gdal 2.1.3 at command line. My aim ...
ctlgeowp's user avatar
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