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Adding raster value with specific equation using ArcMap

I am trying to develop a raster layer with the interference of streetlight in this example: As you can see, there are multiple buffer rings around a point layer. I actually want to transform this ...
Mike's user avatar
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Counting nodata and data pixels using PostGIS

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2.4 and PostGIS 2.0.3. I have some raster layer and I'm trying to get the count of all pixels (including nodata), cliped by polygon. Raster was imported by raster2sql: ...
joe_dz's user avatar
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Dynamic filtering based on selected Layer in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am not sure this is even possible, I have about 38 geographical polygon layers showing areas of the UK, I also have a query (point layer) that shows all of the offices around the uk. What I am ...
Simon Richardson's user avatar
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Clip shapefile with shapefile

There are two shapefiles. One is a compilation of municipalities on the coast with borders extending into ocean. The second shapefile is a coastal border. I'm trying to clip the municipality ...
Hanna's user avatar
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ArcGIS Arcade Script - No Value Returned when using multiple intersect methods

In this original Arcade script below, room IDs are successfully pulled and populated in the 'room_id' field of a point asset based on the floor level polygon of the intersecting layer. In virtually ...
Nicholas Kunkel's user avatar
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Line has been split, total line is different from unsplit line using ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, I've done a intersect on a line based on an area boundary. When I compare the length of the intersected lines, it should equal the length of the original line. However there is a slight ...
BobbyGIS's user avatar
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Line and Polygons Intersect Results QGIS 3.0

Dark Green - Line Light Green - Buffer created from Line Pink Polygons - Parts of the black polygons that fall within the buffer zone I have this line going though a bunch of polygons. The result I ...
bkg73123's user avatar
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Need to find pair-wise intersection for multiple polygon layers?

I have 20 different polygons and I'd like all the pairwise intersection among them. I might be wrong, but I think Intersect isn't working because it's trying to find the intersection of all polygon ...
dwolf's user avatar
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How to project coordinates in spatialite using PHP?

I'm using a spatialite database in a PHP program and I need to simulate an "identify" on a polygon layer (EPSG 32632), using point whose coordinates are dinamically generated. I know that this query ...
Cesare's user avatar
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REST API: Find Point Features in one layer that intersect with Polygon Features in another layer

I have a point layer and I have a polygon layer. I am looking for a way, using REST API for an ArcGIS Map Service, to pull all point features that fall within (intersect) any polygon features in the ...
Tom Lewis's user avatar
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Intersecting polygon shapefiles - features not written (error) because value is not number or exceeds maximum length

I'm using QGIS 3.16 Hannover. I need to intersect two huge polygon shapefiles. They contain a big number of fields, values and objects. To simplify, I have to calculate habitat loss due to various ...
Margareta's user avatar
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How can I intersect two shapefiles without creating split features that have duplicated attributes in QGIS?

I am intersecting two shapefiles in QGIS: a city council map and the census blocks in the city's county with demographic variables (e.g., population). When I use the intersect tool in QGIS, the blocks ...
ericandrethegiant's user avatar
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Display only the features of a layer that are intersected by a dynamic atlas layer in QGIS

Is there a way for a layer (line) that has the symbology displayed dynamically by Atlas to determine ("filter") the symbology display of another layer (polygon) by intersection? Example of ...
Raphael Dias's user avatar
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QGIS aggregate intersects points in polygon by filtering values

I have in QGIS 3.28 points and polygon layer. I want to create virtual field that SUM on the point layer all the specific values the points intersecting in the polygon that are filtered according to ...
Rii Pii's user avatar
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List points from other layer where intersects with line

I want to make an easy script for QGIS calc. I have 2 layers (points, and line). Painting the line crosing by points. At end I want to automaticly fill fild (text attribute) with list of points. I was ...
Filip's user avatar
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Use ArcGIS to classify intersection types

I am using ArcMap 10.4 I have a shapefile of a road network. Each road has a functional class value in the 'FC' field. I'm trying to determine how often roads of each functional class intersects ...
Mox's user avatar
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Counting number of intersections for N linestrings

I have a database with D entries of polygons representing buildings. Each entry/row has the following information: id, min_height, max_height, geom (min_height is for buildings that have some kind of ...
mich_techie's user avatar
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QGIS: Intersect two polygons, one line layer as Output

I have two polygons that intersect, now I want to calculate the length of the outline of the new polygon, but only the outline it shares with one of the input polygons. Is there a way to enter two ...
Paula's user avatar
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Adding attributes to intersected polygons from corresponding columns R

In short, I have a set of 10 polygons in Pol_large, that I want to split to individual polygons by intersecting (intersecting areas become new polygons, and old ones get cropped). In result, I am ...
MIH's user avatar
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Clip/Make difference between line and polygon layers [QGIS]

I need to clip one layer out of another, both are vector layers (one of them i got from vectorizing a raster layer). When i try to clip out "LowNitro" out of "FlandersAgriculture" Intersect doensn't ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to clip polygon such that only regions in 'line of sight' from a point remain

I am using ArcGIS. My point represents a monitoring station and is located within a polygon representing a river catchment. I have created a buffer of 300m representing the detection range of the ...
Emily Winter's user avatar
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Joining attributes by location/intersect works for all but one polygon in QGIS?

I used the Join attributes by location and Intersect tools in QGIS 3.4 for my points layer to add a column with name of the intersected area into the attribute table of points. It works perfectly for ...
Marketa's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Unable to Pairwise Intersect Point with Polygon?

I am trying to create a point from XY coordinates then use Pairwise Intersect to determine the corresponding parcel. The intersect is not returning any values. Any thoughts on the error in this code? ...
David Seroy's user avatar
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Finding number of links where buffer and link intersect using PyQGIS?

Created a buffer of 0.001 size at the beginning and end of each link. I want to extract the starting point and the ending point of which the number of the buffer and the link intersect is one. layer =...
OH.hong's user avatar
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Add an attribute to polygon layer based on if it intersects with another layer

I have a layer of buildings and want to give it each polygon an attribute of 1 or 0, based on if it intersects a flood extent. Basically, a flooded or not flooded attribute.
Gordon Huang's user avatar
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Using Intersect and dissolve to divide district into certain regions with data of interest without losing spatial data in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am using an intersect/dissolve feature workaround in ArcGIS Desktop 10.5. I have a layer of districts of a city and another layer of parks in the whole city /layer of noise amount around big ...
phloose's user avatar
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ArcGIS Intersect not showing on all street intersections

I have a centerline shapefile and have extracted a lane way feature class from it as I am attempting to show all intersections where these lane ways cross with public roads. I utilized the intersect ...
Chris Medyna's user avatar
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Intersect error 000732

I'm trying to do intersect with 2 shapes, but it's not working because it can't read my shapefiles... I don't know why, because when i ran it with my other script, it works perfectly! Traceback (...
Charlera's user avatar
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Sudden errors intersecting NDVI raster data with overlapping polygons in GME

I am experiencing errors with Geospatial Modeling Environment (GME) that suddenly developed after things were working perfectly. Description of software installed: ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Desktop and ...
Anne's user avatar
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Batch Intersect Not Working

I'm trying to run a batch job for the Intersect(Analysis) tool in ArcMap 10.3, but when I do for 20 intersects, it brings back this error: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output. However, when I do an ...
user88964's user avatar
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Highlight areas without overlapping Shapefies in QGIS 2.16

I have a dataset with several hundred shapefiles and need to ensure that there is at least double overlap throughout. I need a way to extract the areas without double overlap, or at least a way to ...
McFraser's user avatar
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Identifying rasters with specific attribute value that intersect polygon using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have numerous raster files that each contain an attribute field "VALUE" that can take on the values 0 or 1. How can I identify rasters that have any of their "VALUE=1" cells intersecting a focal ...
Sarah H.'s user avatar
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Create junction raster from stream and road rasters

I have converted two vector polyline datasets to raster format. One represents streams, and one represents roads. I need to create a third raster layer that contains cells where there are stream ...
Matt's user avatar
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Double Iteration Intersect in Model Builder

I need to intersect two highly-overlapping shapefiles, the first with 60 polygons (ponds), the second with 3000 (lilly pads). A straight-up intersection does not work (60 x 3000 -- it runs for hours ...
woot's user avatar
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How much Vector Grid is intersected by another polygon layer using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a grid 5X5 sqkm and another vector layer with 2 different land cover type (let's say "forest"/"no forest"). I wish all the squares composing the grid to get a value ranging from 0 to 1 ...
Lollo's user avatar
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Python QGIS reliable intersection/overlap check between points and lines

In my script I need to check, whether a point I created stored in a memory layer lies on a polyline, which is in another memory layer. I am certain, that the point does overlap/intersect the line, ...
Julian_P's user avatar
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Why the "Union" tool doesn't work as the "Intersect" tool, even though the two polygon are the same?

I am using QGIS for some basic activities with the land cover vector layer. I clipped the land cover layer using the mask of a polygon (administrative region) from another layer. Then I used the Union ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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Aggregating by geometry using ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to get the sum of an attribute for overlapping features that have the same geometry yet they are individual features. In QGIS I could use the Sum Line Lengths tool. In ArcGIS Pro this tool ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Change detection in ArcMap

I tried to do change detection using ArcMap. To do this I followed the following steps. Convert from raster to polygon via "value" field (aware as I have 7 classes) Dissolve through ...
Samuel Mekonen's user avatar
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Determining if feature occurs between single point and polyline using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I'm looking to perform an analysis that outputs whether or not something lies between two points. This specific example would be: does a stream occur between a point of interest ...
ben's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro can't count overlapping polygons because of self-intersection

I'm trying to use the Count Overlapping Features tool in arcgis pro, but it keeps failing due to 'invalid topology'. Some research points out this has to do with invalid geometries, so I do check ...
Beardedant's user avatar
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Intersect tool of polygons results in empty layer - QGIS

I have a shapefile with polygons and a line. They are in the same CRS and they do intersect. But when I run the intersect tool, it results in an empty layer (though there is no error message). I have ...
Beardsley's user avatar
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R library or tool to do spatial apportionment

Please tell me there is a package to do spatial apportionment. I find spReapportion on GitHub that's 7 years old and this tutorial, which was made with R 3.0.1 (May 2013). I'm trying to script the ...
Mox's user avatar
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PyQGIS: .disjoint() and .equals() do not work

I have to clean a data set for research. It is just one layer, but I need to remove features that are registered several times or have a geometry that is somehow faulty. The dataset is too large to do ...
Homerun_'s user avatar
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Clip/extract the specific cells in a raster that are intersected by a line feature

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I have some trail data (line) and some slope data (raster). What I want is a raster layer that is only the cells of the slope layer that are intersected by the line feature. ...
geoPrice's user avatar
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Select polygons that intersect points in QGIS using WFS data

How to select polygons that intersect points in QGIS using WFS data? I am trying to select polygons from a WFS remote database that intersect a local point shapefile. The selection by location does ...
Mael Jézéquel's user avatar
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Selecting unclassified road line (One layer) that miss survey data (another layer)

I am working on QGIS 3.10. My goal is to select all the Unclassified road that do not have any scheme. For that I need to overlap the two layers (Unclassified road network and schemes) together in ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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Why do clip and intersect give different results (geometry)?

I have a boundary (clipper) and street data (lines, clipee). I calculate the sum of the street length within the boundary for communities. From a performance perspective this is faster to do over many ...
Ben the bear's user avatar
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Attributes for points created by Intersect tool

Scenario: I am using ArcMap 10.3.1 to find the locations where an animal crosses a road from GPS data and the associated attributes such as X and Y (which I can calculate) and the date and time of ...
Joanne Moore's user avatar
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Using Intersect with arcpy.GetParameterAsText() and ArcMap

I'm trying to use the intersect tool, with one of my inputs being from a get parameter as text. As I don't have an advanced licence I have to iterate through the list to run the intersect on each item ...
Michael's user avatar