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Questions tagged [jaxa]

Use this tag when referring to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency content as related to GIS.

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Using band epoch to obtain date time stamp of data from a specific location

I would like to use JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR/YEARLY/SAR_EPOCH' V2 for HH HV backscatter values and have tried to use epoch band to display date of observation using: var obsdate ='epoch') I was ...
gymo5FLG's user avatar
2 votes
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Adding JAXA weather map tiles in Leaflet

Is there any way I can add JAXA rainfall layer as a Leaflet layer. If not what other options are available for rainfall/ppt layer other than OpenWeather map?
Dinesh Neupane's user avatar
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Extracting DEM from PRISM data?

I have PRISM data which is in the following format. Are there any ways (software and methods) to extract the DEM or elevation information from these data files?
S.JP's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Reducing image collection to get daily sum from hourly precipitation and extraction of polygon data?

I'm using GSMaP image collection in Google Earth Engine, which has hourly precipitation data from 2000 to present. I have a script which helps getting mean pcp data (as a table) from polygon from each ...
Sarvarbek Eltazarov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Reading JAXA GSMaP data in QGIS?

I'm trying to process the daily rainfall data provided by Jaxa The documentation says that the format of the dat file (say: gsmap_nrt.20170514.0.25d.daily.00Z-23Z.dat) is: 4-byte float plain binary,...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar