Questions tagged [jquery]

A free and open source JavaScript library that is used by Web developers to navigate HTML documents, handle events, perform animations and add Ajax interactions to Web pages.

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Is there a way to make google charts repond to extent of map in CartoDB?

I have figure out how to make a google chart responsive to a click event (view sample code here) and also responsive in an infowindow (view sample code here) but is there a way to make it respond ...
SiennaAvrilPearl's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Json not loading from GeoServer into Leaflet?

I'm creating an web map application using Geoserver and Leaflet. I'm trying to load a few Json feature through an WFS service.The problem is that nothing is being displayed on the final map, the ...
Ricardo Oliveira's user avatar
1 vote
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Waiting on AJAX result in main JS function

So .... my main init()Javascript function has these 3 lines: sarea = GetArea(Uname,UIDfield,Table, document.getElementById("Source").value); darea = GetArea(Uname,UIDfield,Table, document....
Omar Sarhan's user avatar
2 votes
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Hide/Show route layer in Leaflet when click on button (Easy Button plugin)

I have a Leaflet map with button (Easy Button plugin When click on button on map added route layer (plugin
spatialhast's user avatar
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Display problem while using openlayers with jquery

I want to use jquery with openlayers for rich interface. I have used layout-master for simple layout. But the problem is, when I add simple map using openlayers 'map' will not display at the center.! ...
Rushya's user avatar
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Leaflet controls are not appearing with Promise function

I am not receiving any errors in the console either. I am attempting to use the Promise function instead of callback. var map; var centerlatlng = L.latLng(38, -98); var aDiv; var geojsonfeatures; $(...
Geoffrey West's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS Javascript API on Wordpress 4.1

SOLUTION: For everyone interested: turned out the solution was moving all files that use DoJo beneath the jQuery UI files, so that jQuery UI is fully loaded before any DoJo stuff loads. Moved them all ...
Dennis Hunink's user avatar
1 vote
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Geoserver GetCapabilities and CORS [duplicate]

Using WMS I do a GetCapabilities request on a GeoServer instance. This works in FireFox, but not in Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer. The point is that in the web.xml from the server I did add: ...
user41394's user avatar
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1 answer

cartodb Feature Click with two overlapping layers

We are using Google MAP API V3 and CartoDB. I am trying to create the custom info box window as user clicked on CartoDB points marker. We have two layers on Google map first one for UK wide ward area ...
Nil's user avatar
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2 answers

Openlayers 3: Drag -draw bbox with form

Is it possible to drag/draw a bbox in Openlayers 3 and have the coordinates from this function auto fill-in a form field(s) on the same page?
Dean's user avatar
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unselect all Features with jquery dialog close button openlayers 2.13

how can one unselect all Features with jquery dialog close button function in openlayers 2.13? View Entire Project Here (some buildings are not yet clickable) incorrect code: OpenLayers.layer....
Mason's user avatar
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Using OpenLayers 3 spyglass?

I would like to use OpenLayers 3 spyglass example inside my project. The problem is when I want to use selection for layer, which will be inside spyglass circle. I can't get it working, I don't know ...
dkocich's user avatar
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How to append result to Geocoder text box using ArcGIS JavaScript API?

I want to append result of a custom search in a Geocoder text box in ArcGIS JavaScript API by overriding the default result. I have written the below code for this, but I am not getting a ...
Er. ßridy's user avatar
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OpenLayers - Click on a panel triggers a map click but it should not

I added a panel to a map that is contained inside an IFrame. Then I attach a click handler to the div of this panel with JQuery to toggle a control. However, I notice that a click on the panel also ...
Below the Radar's user avatar
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How to open overlay content from leaflet popup

I am currently working on an interactive leaflet map. I managed to display markers from a database via php (create an array). Now I want users to create markers with a click on the map. To add a ...
Hannes Bl's user avatar
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Why do I have to reload the page, to show the Map correctly?

I added a map, in the way I'm supposed to, but why do I have to reload/refresh the page, to get the map (almost) as I want to? This is, what I mean: Map before reloading the page: Map after reloading ...
ArmandoS63's user avatar
4 votes
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Leaflet - how do you get individual markers from a featurelayer?

In Leaflet, if I have a feature layer filled with markers, how do I get these markers back from the layer? I want to apply different popups to each individual marker, instead of the entire set. I can'...
yesman's user avatar
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Get info from WMS layer with OpenLayers mobile jQuery? [closed]

How to do a GetFeatureInfo request on a WMS layer (GeoServer)? I am using OpenLayers jQuery mobile. I've already called the WMS in jQuery mobile, but how to get feature information when clicking the ...
wan's user avatar
  • 31
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Add Jquery UI Dialog Box to OpenLayers 3 overlay

I'm trying to create a custom popup overlay using Openlayers 3 and Jquery UI dialog boxes. (I want use the dialog box as a popup window). I'm a bit stuck though as my Jquery coding isn't good. I was ...
user29976's user avatar
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Updating leaflet L.imageOverlay using jquery serialize without page refresh?

I am developing an application that fetches and displays raster/image maps (png, tif), into a leaflet map. However, I didn't like the page and the map refresh upon form submission. In addition, I ...
wondim's user avatar
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Leaflet: how can I update content of popup by jQuery

in my popup is a spinner with class=spinner and an empty container for addon informations. I want to hide after successful ajax. I want to add some html in a container. I tried this: ~~~ map....
Rainer Schleevoigt's user avatar
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Determine size of screen/map to limit number of markers displayed

I am writing a JQuery Openlayers javascript web application that connects to a API, which exposes a million geo located points plus metrics and information about the points. One metric is a points ...
MichaelStoner's user avatar
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How to change dialog box with jQuery Mobile on OpenLayers

I have a problem with dialog box made with jQuery Mobile on OpenLayers. I want to make a popup box instead of a dialog box, but when i click the point the info for the point appears at different ...
wan's user avatar
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Can 3rd party javascript libraries be used with CartoDB?

I'd like to build some functionality (search, sliders, etc.) in a 3rd party javascript library (jquery mobile), and integrate it with CartoDB. Can this be done? Are there any examples available or ...
user3123116's user avatar
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Inserting full bleed images in browser background instead of maps using CartoDB?

I am building a product that will utilize high fidelity photography. I would like to show my photos in a slideshow format that takes up the entire area of the browser. CartoDB and the Odysssey.js ...
Josh's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I cycle through the available overlays and base layers using OpenLayers

I would like to have my map cycle through the display of loaded overlays and base layers using JavaScript or jQuery. I would like to do this with a delay of 5 seconds between cycling. Does anyone ...
GIS Student's user avatar
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How to create styled markers with custom marker tooltip

How to create custom markers and when mouseover on marker I need a tooltip. Can any one suggest to me how to do these type of markers? I need markers like in the below image:
user30544's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Make InfoTemplate moveable but still highlight attributes

I’m using the esri/InfoTemplate in the Javascript API to identify features. However, it gets anchored to the mouse click and cannot be moved around. Based on this answer I used dojo/dnd/Moveable to ...
user avatar
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Adding attributes contained in JSON data to OpenLayers popup?

I am working on a website using jQuery, Javascript, and OpenLayers. I am adding markers to an OpenLayers Vector layer using the following code: var pointLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("POI ...
GIS Student's user avatar
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Adding multiple OpenLayers Vector Layer markers to map using AJAX, JSON, and jQuery?

I am attempting to parse a JSON file and place markers on an OpenLayers based map application. I am using jQuery to perform the AJAX and iteration on the JSON file. I am having a problem with the ...
GIS Student's user avatar
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Leaflet Drag and drop to change existing markers

I'm working on a project where the user should be able to drag an image to a pre-existing marker and have the marker update color if the value of the marker (a value w/in the geojson) and image (a ...
user2154066's user avatar
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how to display the coordinates of a openlayers map with a jquery in my textbox?

this is my initmap.js OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, { defaultHandlerOptions: { }, initialize: function (options) { this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(...
wissam's user avatar
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Populating D3 Graph with Cartodb

I have been looking at D3 and following along with their basic tutorials. In the documentation you can use json files to create graphs, however I am confused on how to make the connection from my ...
CrazySpatial's user avatar
7 votes
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Make sidebar div active on Marker click (and vice versa)?

What's the best way to change an element to active when you click on a marker. For example, when you click on a marker on a Leaflet map, how to make it so the sidebar element that's related to it ...
Kyle Pennell's user avatar
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Esri GIS Bookmark but with out a dijit

I need to create a "Bookmark" like drop down on my site. Inspiration comes from samples:1) and 2) https://developers....
HPWD's user avatar
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only one popup displayed on the openlayers

The issue is that i only one popup on the map is dispalyed. I can see all the points but popup can see only on the last point of the list. Please check my code I'm stack ...
bucek's user avatar
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Validate coordinates in DMS format in a Textbox

I have to validate a textbox which is taking coordinates in Degree Minutes and Seconds or Degree and Minutes or in Degrees format divided by a space between them.
صفي's user avatar
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OpenLayers map add combo in panel

I just want to add combo box on OpenLayers map panel. I don't know how to add combo to the OpenLayers panel so currently I have set absolute location to combobox, like this ...
Amit's user avatar
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Passing Feature ID into Variable using OpenLayers and GeoServer WMS

I have a WMS PostGIS-based polygon layer served by GeoServer, and whenever I click on any feature I want to get its gid value, so I can pass this value to the DOM. Unfortunately, I could not find a ...
Andy's user avatar
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Can individual feature properties be retrieved from the CartoDB.js API?

I'm building an application that uses CartoDB to show users how a proposed redistricting plan would affect them. The user enters an address and that fires a ST_Intersects query to CartoDB, the result ...
Bill Morris's user avatar
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jQuery element value to js object ID

I am trying to set the visibility of a layer in Openlayers map according to a checkbox status with a class ".layercheck" and value is the name of the Openlayers layer. So here is my HTML: <input ...
user3178519's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't get simple map to show up on my test site using CartoDB

So I'm trying to get a simple test-site setup but it's not working. Whenever I load the site I can very quickly see the controls flash on the screen then go away. The when not doing local testing, ...
Sempus's user avatar
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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : when using ajax

I try to call json data from geoserver, but when i try to run it in chrome, it return this following error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" This is my code, function initialize(){...
Dea Venditama's user avatar
0 votes
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jQuery tabs into OpenLayers switcher layers [closed]

How can I put jQuery UI tabs in openlayers layerswitcher? I can not imagine how this can be done ...
Jonh's user avatar
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Use new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical from OpenLayers into jQuery

I've a small GIS app, displaying stations on a map. Very simple. At start, none of the stations are displayed, even if its layer is enabled. What I want, when I click on a div, is to display one the ...
Stranded Kid's user avatar
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How to animate .olControlLayerSwitcher with Jquery?

Not know much about css but some how got strucked in setting css property. I am using Openlayers .olControlLayerSwitcher class. Here without using !important keyword, LayerSwitcher will not get move. ...
venkat's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API: Zooming with mouse wheel/double-click forces pan

I have a map that I'm initializing off-screen and sliding in using jQuery. For some reason zooming in with the scroll wheel or by double-clicking causes the map to simultaneously pan down (or pan up ...
bertday's user avatar
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OpenLayers Vector polygon and jQuery Droppable

How can I use jQuery Droppable to drag and drop an Icon over an openlayers polygon vector and select the polygon while over on hover? I have managed create a create a popup when over a div element, ...
Haydlew's user avatar
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Texture overlay in d3 map

D3 map can be drawn and colored as shown in this example : I need to overlay a texture or image within the boundary of a given country. Is ...
Prabhash Jha's user avatar
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Looking for ArcGIS API for javascript and Jquery samples

I'm new in ArcGIS javascript API .I found tons of samples of ArcGIS javascript API and DOJO . it was very interesting for me but i know Jquery and i'd like to use Jquery to develop webgis.Is there ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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