Questions tagged [kernel-density]

A raster-based operation that spreads point values throughout their neighborhoods.

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Having trouble with the Heatmap's (Kernel Density Estimation-KDE) interpretation in QGIS 3.10

i wanted to generate a density/concentration map of a parameter, in this case Carbon percentage in a water sample. The dataset in csv file looks like these : So, I imported the csv file then plotted ...
asheef_ik's user avatar
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Making informative legend for Kernel Density Estimate in QGIS?

I have used heatmap (kernel density estimation) in QGIS 3.0.1 to make a heatmap of boat counts. In my point data-each point is one boat. Then, in my kernel, I have used a 500m radius, with 500m pixel ...
Louise's user avatar
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2 answers

Tools to conduct Kernel Network Density estimation in an ESRI environment

Are there any tools or resources to conduct Network Density Estimation using ArcGIS 10.5 or ArcGIS Pro? I've found this tool but it only works on version 9 - 10.2.
tigerwoulds's user avatar
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Choosing bandwidth and scaling factor for Kernel Density Estimate in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have some points that represent animal locations over the course of a few months at the scale of ~20 sqkm. I am emulating the work of previous researchers in this field, but I'm having trouble ...
PIJA's user avatar
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Showing specific kernel density contours using QGIS Animove?

This is more a graphics question (I calculated all the important stuff in R), but is it possible to edit the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) output layers given by the Animove plugin to show only the ...
Isabella's user avatar
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R code for Kernel Density Estimation

During the process of doing kernel density in R, using UK crime data as data set. Below is the work I have done so far but encounter some issues: library(ks) library(raster) data1<-subset(data,...
Wan Yu Lo's user avatar
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Calculating Kernel Density output values based on parameter value in ArcMap? [closed]

I am generating a map where I have sentiment value for geo-tagged data. I want to show a heat map based on the sentiment of location. I am using kernel density to generate this map. I am having ...
Harshit Bhatt's user avatar
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How do I calculate kernel density using cases and controls in QGIS?

I have a dataset with approx 1250 geolocated points - approx 150 are cases of a disease and the rest are controls. My area of interest is around 20km by 20km with wide variation in population density. ...
user62435's user avatar
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Comparing two kernel density rasters for areas of interest?

The background to my question is that I have unit sales for Product A aggregated by city. I also have unit sales for Category A aggregated by city. The goal is to compare areas where Product A ...
JohnB's user avatar
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Normalization of Kernel Density Estimate rasters in ArcGIS 10

I've been told by several GIS instructors that the pixel values of a Kernel Density Estimate raster output by the point KDE tool in ArcGIS 10.1 represents the probability of encountering a point, not ...
Dan's user avatar
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How does changing the kernel density search radius affect the units expressed in the map legend? [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand how ArcGIS 10.1 handles kernel density values and how these values are reported in the legend. For example, the following parameters were used for the KDEs in the attached ...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to Calculate Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) in ArcGIS

I'm interested in calculating the overlap of home ranges (=utilization distributions in my case) of a bird species using sighting coordinates. This article introduced UDOI as the best index for such ...
user18314's user avatar
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Meaning of legend value in Kernel Density? [duplicate]

I have done some analyses on the spatial distribution of traffic signs using kernel density, I used SQUARE_KILOMETERS in area unit, the output is good and clear, but I don't understand the meaning of ...
ayoub GIS's user avatar
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4 answers

R Spatial Kernel Density Estimation

I am new on spatial kernel density estimation with r and need some suggestions. Saying, I like to estimate the density for some event occurring at a location, for example, the probability of ...
user2037892's user avatar
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Calculate employment density using LEHD Census Data in ArcGIS

I have data from the Census Bureau's LEHD files that record number of jobs within blocks groups. I want to convert the number of data in the LEHD into a feature that I can use to calculate block ...
Dr.Apell's user avatar
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Kernel density and polygons

need a work around to produce a kernel density map of polygons (national parks system) layer at 30m grid cell and 500m bandwidth. the kernel density tool in ArcGIS 10 does not work with polygons. ...
Haytham Abuzayd's user avatar
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Explain the output of ArcGIS Pro Kernel Density tool

I am using this tool. I am an experienced GIS analyst and have read the documentation, but I can't seem to understand the output of the tool. In my data, there is a remote area that only has 5 points. ...
yeet_man's user avatar
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Kernel density plot in R, plot discreet values on map for specific grid cells

I am trying to highlight single 1x1 degree grid squares on a map. It works highlighting individual grid squares for the first 1 squares but after highlight the 4th square it begins to highlight ...
J_S_Moss's user avatar
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OpenLayers: Change point colour to indicate number of overlapping points

I would like to have a heatmap that represents the number of overlapping points, basically to achieve the exact same thing as in this post, but in OpenLayers. At the moment I'm using opacity as an ...
Riverendell's user avatar
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Interpret a kernel density map for pollutants

I currently have a grid of values (concentration in ug/m^3) for a certain pollutant. I then converted each grid to a point to use as an input to the Kernel density analysis tool in ArcGIS pro. The ...
meteo_96's user avatar
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Making 95% Volume Contour on ArcMap without Hawth's Tools or GME?

I have some points that represent animal locations over the course of a few months. I am emulating the work of previous researchers in this field. I'm still new to GIS, so I previously thought that I ...
PIJA's user avatar
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Determining search radius used in Kernel Density analysis?

When conducting kernel density analysis in ArcGIS (10.2) if you leave the search radius field blank I realise it uses a default based on an algorithm. Is there any easy/quick way to find out what ...
user2547368's user avatar
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Simplifying land cover classification in QGIS?

I have recently completed a land use classification using over 100 ROIs for 5 different land cover classes and it has developed what looks like a highly specific spectral signature for each class. ...
Archie Fisher's user avatar
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Kernel density estimation

I am using ArcGIS 10.2.2, I am trying to run Kernel Density Estimation on roads to Identify Car Crash hotspots, with ArcGIS 9.3 there is an option "Analysis mask" that one can use so that the analysis ...
Simon Sheya's user avatar
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How can one retrieve all the raster cell values for Kernel Density output?

This question is related to the replies in this earlier thread (How to interpret GRASS v.kernel results?). I am new to GIS mapping (arcGIS) and have been trying to work with the Kernel Density output....
KJDavidson's user avatar
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How to do Network Kernel Density Estimation Analysis in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I am looking at doing some analysis of road traffic collisions. Obviously collisions occur on stretches of roads and I was researching the best methodology to take into account the network element of ...
Olive's user avatar
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KDE looping in GME

I can not get this for loop to run in GME because i is being changed to 1 and , out is not recognized: wd <- "C:\Users\name\Desktop\KDE\2011\"; for (i in 1:15) { kde(in="C:\Users\name\Desktop\KDE\...
EJrandom's user avatar
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Elongation problem with Seaborn's Kdeplot

I am currently working on creating a Kernel density estimation (Seaborn's Kdeplot) visualization of point cloud data between two countries. However, I have encountered a problem for which I need some ...
Micki's user avatar
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Data extraction from imagery in Google Earth Engine using neighborhoodToArray

I am new to Google Earth Engine and I'm working with a dataset contained multiple points with lat/lon coordinate. I want to query these points and extract the band value in the form of 2D array of ...
Việt Nguyễn Đức's user avatar
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Choosing tool to create raster with probability of occurence on each cell using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two different datasets: 1) seal occurence (point data) 2) fishing boat tracks (line data) First, I need to create two density maps, i.e. one for each dataset. ...
YioKe's user avatar
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Calculating Kernel Density within defined region?

I am attempting to calculate a Kernel density raster dataset from a point dataset within a defined regional boundary. However the output dataset generated is in a large square that cuts off one of the ...
Emma's user avatar
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Saving output in ArcPy?

The loop runs once, then i get this error message. Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 17, in <module> File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\...
Lutz's user avatar
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How to Iterate Across Fields as Inputs for a single tool (Kernel Density) in ArcGIS ModelBuilder [duplicate]

I am trying to make Employment Distribution of map of a given area in ArcGIS. All the employment information is in this one point shapefile from Census. Different fields show different number of ...
Bowen Liu's user avatar
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Near analysis by group

I am performing a Near analysis by group ( on points: Points following each others linearly represent structures. They have same attribute. ...
JrCaspian's user avatar
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for loops in GME

I creating home ranges for wolf packs utilizing the kde, isopleth, and cliprasterbypoly tools in GME. I have no problem running through these one at a time; however, I would like to get the process ...
Brent's user avatar
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GME: could not open input point data source

I can not get this for loop to run in GME because i is being changed to 1 and , out is not recognized: wd <- "C:\Users\name\Desktop\KDE\2011\"; for (i in 1:15) { kde(in="C:\Users\name\Desktop\KDE\...
EJrandom's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating Centroid Long and Lat points for each Kernel Density cell

I am trying to create a point raster file of the highest (red) kernel densities (figure 1), which places one GPS location at the centre of each of the cells within the highest kernel density bins. I ...
Mr Angus's user avatar
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How to find highest kernel density point

I've been using spatstat to analyse point patterns in R. Here's an example to put this in context: library(spatstat) library(maptools) # to convert sp class to ppp Some point data: set.seed(1985) x ...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
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Measuring averages of a seperate layer with kernel Density overlay

How can I get an average of another layer in a kernel density plot? I have bathymetry underlying my kernel density plot and need to know how to gain an average of bathymetry for a 80% kernel. Does any ...
Mr Angus's user avatar
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Connecting to Excel spreadsheet through ArcPy giving ERROR 000582

My ultimate goal is to automate kernel density analysis on xy data from a table. I am trying to learn Python but I am very new. I built a simple model to take table data and display xy data. When I ...
Chris's user avatar
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extract contours based on percentiles from QGIS heatmap

I have created a heatmap/kernal density estimation in QGIS. I now want to extract contours for the 75th and 90th percentile. How would I go about doing this? I have attached an image of what my KDE ...
Ami Jess Northam's user avatar
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Edge correction for density estimation and point pattern analysis by R [closed]

I have point data and coordinates for study area. By using R, I need to investigate: Density of data by using kernel method (quartic kernel). Choose the best bandwidth by using Mean Square Error (MSE)...
MertBakirZC's user avatar
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Gaussian_KDE contour density/km^2

I am currently using gaussian_kde to do KDE on a set of coordinate points (each point represents a case). I am able to get out contours which is great; however, when I look at the actual contour level ...
js9938's user avatar
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Heatmap with Contour Polygons

I have point data off the coast of Oahu. Someone else used these same data to create two polygons (approximated by me in the figure below with the green and red hand-drawn boundary lines). I believe ...
Mark Miller's user avatar
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Spatial kernel density in Python

I have the data of the volume per area for Madrid. from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable def setColorbar(ax, colormap, vmin, vmax): divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ...
emax's user avatar
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Kernel Density Estimate on point data in degrees (scikit-learn)

I am estimating point density, where I am having point coordinates in degrees, I need a raster(over the extent of these points) which provides a density estimation on each cell. I have tried on R but ...
Nitin kandpal's user avatar
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Created heatmaps are not displayed

I created a few heatmaps based on 2 different shapefiles( point layers). Then I joined the data from the 2 shp files, the joined file looks perfectly fine. I created a view heatmaps based on the new ...
Tina's user avatar
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Using kernel density estimates as attributes for point data? [closed]

I have spatial point data (say addresses of all inhabitants of a metropolitan area or larger region) with context data for each point like age, gender, employment status, and so on. For each spatial ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Unique values from Kernel Density

I have calculated Kernel Density for feature class "fc" using following code: dens = KernelDensity(fc,"NONE", 1, SearchRadius, "SQUARE_METERS", "DENSITIES", "PLANAR") The raster attribute table: I ...
Philip Srnck's user avatar
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Modelling habitat heterogeneity in space: R function

I'm working on spatial landscape simulations and I would like to simulate a landscape where habitat quality varies in space. I did already some simulations assuming a landscape with higher habitat ...
CafféSospeso's user avatar