Questions tagged [kmz]

KMZ is the compressed (zipped) file format of a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file. Related files (images, styles etc) may be included inside the compressed file.

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How to convert .OBJ 3D Mesh Georeferenced file generated from OpenDroneMap to .kmz format for Cesium?

I have Open Drone Map Output of a 3D Mesh Object file in .obj extension. I want to convert it into .kmz format to put it into Cesium Ion. How can I convert the files in the picture to a .kmz format ...
Sifat Muhammad Abdullah's user avatar
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How to scale, rotate and translate a KMZ file in Google Earth

I'm a GIS software developer. I would like to adjust manually a KMZ over Google Earth images scaling, shifting and rotating it. What I'm wondering is a tool like the one in Google Earth to add a ...
kiks73's user avatar
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Opening KML Network Link in QGIS

If it is possible to open and visualize a KML Network Link in QGIS, then what are the steps involved? KML Network Links are described at Google Earth Network Links Explained and at Using Network Links ...
Joao's user avatar
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Saving shapefile as one file retaining symbology

I have used Python inside QGIS 3.24 to create many contour maps from data. The contour maps are in the format shp, and I saved the graduated symbology as a qml file with the same name as the shapefile ...
Mohammad ElNesr's user avatar
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TIFF to KMZ passing altitude data

I am currently trying to create a KMZ from a GeoTIFF by using gdal_translate. This Works fine and I am accomplishing this by using by using this command gdal_translate.exe -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY c:\in....
Drew's user avatar
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KMZ file displays correctly in Google Earth but not inside Google Maps

I have a KMZ file that contains many placemarks inside. When opened in Google earth the file displays the placemarks correctly. I can click on them and see the data for each placemark. See screen ...
Kristen's user avatar
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Convert GPX/KMZ to google maps directions

Is there a way to convert a set of waypoints in a GPX/KMZ file to driving directions suitable for Google Maps. There are numerous sites listing community generated routes which I am unable to load ...
Levon's user avatar
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KMZ from QGIS won't display in Android Google Earth - raster images?

Trying to get a KMZ working in the Google Earth Android app... works fine on Google Earth desktop... I think maybe it's because it has images in it? Any ideas? Error I get is: Error: 1 Parse ...
Kapanther's user avatar
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MS Access to Google Earth Pro

I am embarking on a new project and hoping for some pointers. I am reasonably tech savvy but definitely in the "advanced beginner" category for coding... but keen to test myself. I am trying to find ...
Christography's user avatar
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How can I get a web-hosted kmz file to project correctly when added as a layer to an arcgis online map?

I have a kmz file hosted on dropbox that I would like to display in a map through arcgis online. The kmz file was generated from an esri grid raster. I have tried altering the raster projection prior ...
Timm's user avatar
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Looking for a good solution to have GPS position on KMZ files on Android platform

I'm looking for the best solution / app on the android platform to show my GPS position over a KMZ file, possibly offline. Here is what I've tried to do: Google Earth Android app I downloaded KMLZ ...
kiks73's user avatar
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Create kmz file out of Illustrator maps?

I'm migrating my ERP from an old-style mapping system which relied on jpg files and coordinates on the file to locate my assets, to a vectored system which uses KMZ files. I'm new to this - I'm here ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Accessing Network Link layers through Google Earth API

When creating a Network Link, in ArcGIS Manager, I am able to add multiple layers to the KMZ. Is there a way to access each of the layers separately using the Google Earth Plugin API?
Rie Mino's user avatar
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Julia - Write KMZ file with transparency

I'm trying to save a .kmz file from a dataset representing a DEM of an area stored in a GeoTiff file. My code is reading the DEM, transforming the CRS to UTM, and defining a subset based on ...
Stefano Moro's user avatar
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gdal_translate of KMLSUPEROVERLAY issues making nodata transparent

I'm trying to use gdal to make a superoverlay KML / KMZ from a single band .tif (GTiff / GeoTIFF) which I created in ArcGIS. I want the nodata region to be transparent, but it has been showing up as ...
mTy's user avatar
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How to control naming of the nested parts of the KML using ArcPy LayerToKML

Using the ArcPy Layer To KML (Conversion) tool, how can I control the naming of the nesting in the KMZ structure? My code gives me this: I don't know why it chose the field that has the name "...
a11's user avatar
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Google Earth KMZ file converter to GeoTIFF

Any easy KMZ to GeoTIFF converters? Mygeodata converter works perfect but its limited to 3 files per month. I also can use QGIS to convert from KMZ to TIFF, it just takes a few extra steps. Does ...
jack's user avatar
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Opening KMZ files using QGIS

I am using the KML tools pluggin to import kmz files but I get: "Failed to open file Failed to open file Execution failed after 0.01 seconds" What could be causing this error?
sudofizz's user avatar
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Adding the image file to KML file using simplekml

I have made simple tool to convert CSV file containing latitude and logitude to KML file. Adding the image using the relative path is can be done easily for each location using following code: pnt....
Devenepali's user avatar
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Using gdalwarp and gdal_translate to create a KMLSUPEROVERLAY with a trasparent background from a GeoTIFF

I attempting to create a KMZ file with an image overlay that has a transparent background. I'm using a GeoTIFF exported from the CoastWatch Utility Link to TIFF file:
Chris_NSB's user avatar
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Using Google Earth KMZ file in Power BI, vector and Earth images combined

I have a Power BI project that contains a KML file from Google Earth (kmz file). I just need the Power BI to show the shape in the same way Google Earth shows it. When I try to put it in Power BI I ...
Jacques Henrique Dias's user avatar
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How to convert FEMA flood map (FEMA NFHL v3.2 kmz) to GeoJSON

TLDR: Using Python, how can I convert a kmz file to GeoJSON? It appears that the kmz file makes web service calls. Details: I downloaded the FEMA_NFHL_v3.2.kmz file from FEMA here: https://hazards....
alfonso's user avatar
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excluding KMZ layer in ogr2ogr PostGIS import

I'm trying to script the import of a KMZ file into my PostGIS 2.2.1 enabled PostgreSQL 9.5.1 database and am running into a problem where it's not importing all of the (several dozen) layers. I think ...
Matt's user avatar
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Using 3D KML (Line Based) in QGIS

I'll prefix this with stating that my abilities in GIS are lackluster and I'm still learning, it is also my first time doing any 3D work in QGIS. I have a KMZ file that contains Z Values (Created in ...
Noah's user avatar
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Input KMZ files into leaflet map

Is it possible to input a zipped .kml file (.kmz) int Leaflet? I was trying the code: fetch('Cov.kmz') .then( res => res.text() ) .then( kmltext => { // Create new kml ...
Geographos's user avatar
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How to get feature class name using ogrinfo

I am importing kmz into postgres $ogrCommand = 'ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" -a_srs "EPSG:4326" PG:"host='.env("DB_HOST").' port='.env("DB_PORT").' user='.env("DB_USERNAME").' dbname='.env("DB_DATABASE")...
Awais Khan's user avatar
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Global Mapper (improving KMZ quality):"raster_export-KMZ" batch script creates a poor quality .kmz compared to the "raster export - KMZ" manual comm

I'm sure it's something I'm missing... In Global Mapper (GM) I've got my workspace loaded.. and I run a script that does nothing more than "EXPORT_RASTER" to KMZ. The orgin rasters loaded in GM will ...
Paolo Pen's user avatar
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KMZ import does not create columns in attribute table

I would like to import a KMZ file with data on basin internal evaporation recycling into QGIS. However when I import the KMZ file into QGIS, the relevant data (Bier-jan, BIER-feb, ...) is not added ...
Stücke's user avatar
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How to perform reverse geocoding to custom area on the map?

I know there are services that perform reverse geocoding, given a pair of lat-long and return an approximate address, city, etc. The problem I have is that given a lat-long, I want to return the ...
Bazinga's user avatar
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GeoTIFF to KMZ using gdal_translate produce imagery with bad colors

I have a TIFF file which is georeferenced in UTM coordinates. So as a first step, I convert the UTM TIFF into a WGS84 TIFF using gdalwarp. On the next step, I used gdal_translate to convert a TIFF ...
Lionel's user avatar
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KMZ with local image reference not working in Google Earth web viewer

I'm developing an iOS geospatial application that can export to KMZ. Geotagged photos are bundled along side the KML into a zipped KMZ. Here is a snipped of the placemarks description tag: <![...
Christopher's user avatar
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Query data within KML

Bing Maps v8 will not load multiple or complex KML files and allow me to query data within these shapes. Is there a work around for this?
Greg Burger's user avatar
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Converting .kmz/.kml to .shp using QGIS?

I have a file of 3d buildings created in SketchUp that I need to convert to shape format. Tried to export the file as .kmz and importing it to QGIS for the conversion, but when the .kmz file opens in ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Editing Code to save files as KMZ

I want to edit the code I have below to save vector files as vectors and also save vector files as KMZs. The code I have does a mass save to my temporary folder but only for rasters. myDir = r'C:\...
Shub's user avatar
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How to host kmz file for Google Earth Pro network link

I have a repository consisting of a large number of image overlays, polygons, and 3d polygons in Google Earth Pro. The image overlays are linked to and stored on a windows web server and it works fine ...
kakess's user avatar
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QGIS Point Features and Labels Not Appearing in .KMZ/Garmin

I want to produce a Garmin custom map for use with my Etrex 20x. I'm working with QGIS 2.14.3-Essen using the GarminCustomMap, version 1.1, plug-in to produce the output .KMZ on a Mac running OS X ...
QuickerClicker's user avatar
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Feature Class to KMZ with Subfolders Conversion Messes Up Attributes' Customization

I want to convert a feature class with customized attributes to kmz and want the kmz-file to show 2 levels of subfolders, which I can select/deselect in GE. Using ArcGIS 10.3 I convert a feature ...
Anna's user avatar
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Embed mp3 in infowindows of kmz file?

Is there a way to embed audio files (mp3) into the infowindows of markers in a kmz so that the audio is available offline? I'd like the files to be in the kmz so the kmz can be downloaded as a whole ...
MistaGill's user avatar
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KML Layer Watermark Removal

Hello right now I have a google maps page with KML Layers from multiple online resources. However all of these layers especially those from noaa have giant watermarks that take up large portions of my ...
user3856234's user avatar
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Why does KMZ to GPX reverse the objectid?

I am working on KMZ to GPX conversion and every time I use the data interoperability extension and quick export it seems to reverse the objectid, now my 1st waypoint is the last placemark point of the ...
Confused_User's user avatar
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Mapwindow and XTools error: XSI is an undeclared namespace

I have tried MapWindow and XTools and have gotten this same error both times when trying to import a KML file into Shapefile format. Does anyone know how I can eliminate this error message? "There ...
Ryan's user avatar
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raster-derived KMZ cannot display in google map api v3

I got some raster(tiff)-generated KMZ files, but they cannot be displayed at all in googe map api v3. However, all of my shapefile-generated KMZ files can be displayed properly. Anyone faced the ...
Mingshu's user avatar
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Placemark that pulls information off an excel sheet row and display's the data in the description part of the Placemark

I am trying to find out if a certain function is available to link an excel sheet with a kmz. What i need to happen is have a Placemark that pulls information off an excel sheet row and display's the ...
shane's user avatar
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KMZ Quality: Desktop vs Plugin

Is there a reason why the quality of KMZ images, when added to a website using the Google Earth Plugin, drop in quality (it appears blurry) compared to when the same KMZ is seen through Google Earth ...
Rie Mino's user avatar
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Why does KMZ refrence FID attribute with Layer.# from GeoSever to Google Earth and how do I change it to reference another attribute?

I am publishing data to GeoServer, from QGIS, to create network links to display in Google Earth. When I create the a new layer in Google Earth the attribute names of the states are lost. For example, ...
justin landolt's user avatar
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How to merge two KML files of different sizes (one is continent scale and other is small catchment) and then convert it to shapefile

I am using geological map of South America (source: to extract the geological map for a small catchment. Initially I converted the KMZ file ...
Hydra's user avatar
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How Google Earth Pro computes the projection of GeoTIFF files

I got an elevation dataset in .asc, I wanted to display it into Google Earth Pro so I made a Python script to convert it into GeoTIFF. To my demise importing all the GeoTIFF at once only displays the ...
sliders_alpha's user avatar
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How to add Revit toposolid from GIS KMZ data?

I am new to Revit but I am having trouble importing GIS data (KMZ format) into a toposolid. The KMZ file contains contours, parcel and building footprint information. I have tried several tools and ...
John R's user avatar
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Convert to gpk a KMZ layer with information that is connected to a server

I need to use the information from a KMZ file, that is anchored to an online server, when I save the place on my local server and open it, it keeps connecting to the server preventing me from using ...
user220030's user avatar
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Bulk update KMZ tags

I have a KMZ folder and I want to update all the tags/KMZs in the folder. I want to add lat lon data to each KMZ tag. Currently I'm adding it one by one but this would take too long. How would I bulk ...
Chace Carpenter's user avatar