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What should be different variogram model in kriging [closed]

In ordinary kriging algorithm in QGIS (Saga algorithms provided in QGIS) there is field for Variogram model which by default is given as 'a + b * x' what does it signify and what are other options to ...
sudhanshud's user avatar
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Variogram model - SAGA on QGIS Processing

QGIS 2.14 (Win) comes with SAGA 2.12, which Ordinary Kriging supports 6 variogram model options. However, if I run SAGA Ordinary Kriging from QGIS Processing Toolbox, there is no drop down menu. Only ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
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R kriging in QGIS

I'm trying to work with the R Kriging script in QGIS (processing toolbox). I have installed R before directly to C:. I also have installed the packages raster, rgdal, sp and automap. When I'm starting ...
Pimpel's user avatar
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How to interpolate (ordinary kriging) large files with QGIS processing

I'm using the Saga ordinary kriging tool as apart of different processing models. The biggest issue I have is the very slow performance. My point shape files have mostly more than 200.00 points (some ...
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Performing Ordinary Kriging in SAGA via QGIS SEXTANTE Plug-in?

I'm trying to learn how to apply the kriging analysis in QGIS using the SEXTANTE plug-in and SAGA tools. It appears that I have my SEXTANTE and SAGA folders configured properly according to the user ...
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