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Clip a SpatialGrid using a SpatialPolygon

In order to perform kriging methods using automap::autoKrige I need to provide a SpatialGrid for which values can be predicted. I would like to reduce the rectangular grid to the actual area (in this ...
M.Teich's user avatar
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Ordinary Kriging: "Warning message: In fit.variogram(data.var, vgm("Mat")) : No convergence after 200 iterations: try different initial values?"

I am trying to fit a variogram for kriging using the sp and gstat packages in r, but when I fit the variogram using a mattern fit, I get this warning message: Warning message: In fit.variogram(data....
s_o_c_account's user avatar
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Error message with Krige function: Error in as.character.default(X[[i]], ...) : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector

I am trying to run the Krige function but I keep receiving NA values for var1.pred and var1.var. After using the warning() command, it says: Error in as.character.default(X[[i]], ...) : no method for ...
Ric's user avatar
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After I give kring command, this error comes up: data item in gstat object and newdata have different coordinate reference systems

> library(gstat) > library(readxl) > library(sp) > library(rgdal) #2013(FATALITIES) data <- read.csv("C:/Users/sbs/Desktop/Study/RA/Accident analysis/New folder/Iowa total crashes ...
Sudhanshu Tyagi's user avatar
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Kriging example with sf object

I am new to geo spacial analysis. I would like to learn kriging from a simple example. Say, we have four points with some z value. library(sf) library(gstat) library(tidyverse) dt<-tibble::...
Jacek Kotowski's user avatar