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Questions tagged [labeling]

Rendering values from attribute tables as text on maps near their feature. For questions about legend labels use the [legend] tag instead.

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Labels defined with QGIS Expression and custom function not rendering in QGIS

In QGIS 3.34.5 I have a vector layer in QGIS with a large amount of attributes. I want to generate labels that only show relevant attributes. To do that, I define a PyQGIS function that takes a ...
xsmet's user avatar
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Setting labels to be the "Blocking" type using PyQGIS

I'm trying to apply the Blocking label on a layer using PyQGIS but with no success. I also would like to be able to set the obstacle weight as well. Here is my code so far: from qgis.core import ...
Allan_Nascimento's user avatar
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QGIS - Convert labels to annotation

I have the following question: In QGIS 3.26, is there an option to convert labels to annotations, just like ArcMap does? I have searched and have not found an answer to my question. What I found was ...
MrShaggy87's user avatar
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Preventing labels from being placed too close to other features in the same layer in QGIS

I am working on a QGIS project where I need to prevent labels from being placed too close to features within the same layer. My aim is not just to avoid label overlaps, but to ensure that labels are ...
Matt_Geo's user avatar
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QGIS Label Placement Engine Ignoring Straight Lines

I've been digging into the label placement engine in the new QGIS version (3.38.2-Grenoble) and it's doing something odd: It doesn't seem to even suggest candidates on certain parts of line strings, ...
wklumpen's user avatar
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In ArcGIS Pro I wish to bold numeric values in my label based on if they are above a certain number [closed]

I wish to bold numeric values in my label based on if they are above a certain number in an ArcGIS Pro feature class. I am currently using vbscript for my labeling expression but am open to Arcade, ...
Bear's user avatar
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QGIS : "Labels settings" vs "text font" symbol libraries : how to use them distinctively?

Using the QGIS symbol manager, I defined a green text font : I defined as well a red buffer label settings : And now, i want to use them in my project : I used the red buffer label settings. All is ...
francis's user avatar
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Position labels dynamically based on their point feature values

In QGIS I go to the layer properties and in the labels/positioning section in the 'Offset X, Y' field I click on 'Defined data overwrite' and enter the following expression: 'array("...
Wolverine's user avatar
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Sequential numbering with a prefix by grouped attributes [duplicate]

I need to label different groups of attributes sequentially. So for example I may have attributes with IDs A,B and C and I need to be able to pick out the 'A' group and number them with the same ...
Oxo's user avatar
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Using the "tab distance" feature in QGIS labels

I want to define the distance between two fields in a label. It seems like "Tab distance" would be helpful for this but I don't know how to call the tab value in the label. Screenshot of ...
sidapo_cartisan's user avatar
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Extent Indicators and labels using ArcGIS Pro

I am looking for a way to show labels without extent indicators cutting through them in layout view. My current workaround is to transform to text and move manually. Is there another way?
user27404's user avatar
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Drawing line defined by start and end points within attribute table in QGIS

I am creating a map with multiple labels. For these, I am using Points with Symbols because I have to be able to control the placement very strictly. I would like to add attribute fields to the Point ...
Helena's user avatar
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When labeling, "Wrap on character" drops the wrap character

At 3.34.8, I have a polygon layer field containing the names of numerous Wilderness Areas, such as: Sierra de las Uvas Wilderness Broad Canyon Wilderness I would like to label these polygons so that ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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QGIS crashes when I set the labels

I'm writing a script for QGIS, using the Python console. I noticed that when the script processes the rows about the label settings, when I delete the layer "terrFiltrati", QGIS crashes and ...
Salvatore Diolosà's user avatar
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Show settlement labels on a map based on population and settlement density in different areas

Is it possible to show settlement labels based on population and settlement density in QGIS 3.36? I have two layers of settlements: Biggest Cities Layer: This layer contains the largest cities, which ...
Filip's user avatar
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Arcade labels not drawing in ArcGIS Online

I have a hosted feature service view that I would like to customize a label expression for. I want to concatenate an abbreviation of one field with another field. I'm doing this in the Visualization ...
Rob Matthewman's user avatar
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QGIS Labeling expression to format a values list in a series of 2 columns of 2 records

From a layer of overlapping points (identical coordinates) containing the field "RC", I'm using the following expression to make the label of unique values: array_to_string(array_distinct(...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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Adding data-driven command in PyQGIS

I want add to my code line which add option placed label based to data. I would use string in_mask(0) as string, because i want hide labels under the mask. layer = QgsProject().instance()....
szoon's user avatar
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Labeling a multiline layer in QGIS

is there any methode to create a line next to my multiline feature indicating where it starts and ends and display the length (available as one of my fields) on it at the same time? Since my line is ...
Juan Sebastian Barajas Narvaez's user avatar
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Place labels as close to centroid as possible without collision in QGIS

In QGIS, I want to print a map to a PDF and use labels for my polygons with the following criteria: Show all labels The labels do not collide The labels are placed as close to the centroid of the ...
00koeffers's user avatar
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Change labeling font color for different unique values in the same label class using ArcGIS Pro

First of all I am very new to ArcGIS Pro and it's my first GIS software. I'm aware you can change the symbol for unique values in a label class, but can you change the color of the labeling so that it'...
EXiao's user avatar
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Can't set different font sizes for labels in QGIS

I use the Easy Custom Labeling plugin to draw lines along which inscriptions are placed (curves). The font size is set by itself, although I set certain parameters, and the size is displayed as it ...
GeoEth's user avatar
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Truncating seconds on label

I am trying to label points with hh:mm but the default for Q-GIS just lets me hh:mm:ss.sss, with a string of 5 useless digits. How can I truncate the last 5 digits?
Virginia Noel Fernandez Cano's user avatar
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How to make annotations follow the latitude lines in QGIS?

If my map is in EPSG:4326, the text annotation is normal. However, if the projection is transformed, such as EPSG:102017, the text label does not change. I want the text label information to be ...
smilecc's user avatar
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QGIS count and list address codes for every house

I have a point geometry layer called 'PORTA' that representing the entrances of the houses. On the other hand, I have a attribute table called 'NUCLEUS' that represent the addresses that are inside ...
Ingrid Ingravida's user avatar
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How to export labels with callout/leader from ArcGIS to CAD (Microstation)?

I need to export labels with leader/callout from ArcGIS Pro to CAD (Microstation). First I Convert Labels To Annotations and then use Export To CAD and attach the CAD file in Microstation. This works, ...
MREG's user avatar
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Curved labeling of rivers in QGIS doesn't always work

I need to label some rivers using curved placement. Sometimes the labels appear, sometimes they do not. I'm sure part of my problem comes from the rivers being divided up into short sections as ...
Joshua E. Vines's user avatar
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Labeling each sub-part of multi-part geometry with its part number using QGIS

I want to label each sub-part of a multi-part geometry with its part number shown using Identify -> Derived. In Layer Styling there is the variable geometry_part_num available as used like in this ...
Hans Wurst's user avatar
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Display point labels alternatively to left and right

I am working in QGIS and I have a point layer whose labels are to be displayed left or right of the point. The formula I tried to make it work is, in label placement, selected Offset from Point mode, ...
Trikelians's user avatar
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Formatted labels' multiline text will not align left

Using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2, I'm unable to get a particular feature class to have its multiline labels' text aligned left. They only come out centre-aligned. I have found that the horizontal alignment ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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Retrieving label boundaries within QGIS Layout maps

Some time ago, I created a custom Python expression function to retrieve the boundaries of manually placed labels in QGIS: from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from qgis.utils import iface @...
christoph's user avatar
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Adding underscores to specific letters in attribute-driven label using ArcGIS Pro

I need to make labels that contain different formatting for specific characters to represent pronunciation. Specifically, I need to underscore some letters in a label but not all. The attribute ...
user25644's user avatar
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qgis label straight line

For a map, I would like to align the labels on a single line. I've changed the label co-ordinate settings to X = $x and Y to a fixed value. The only problem is that I'm using LAMBERT coordinates and I ...
pasqal's user avatar
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Mid_point label placement using Geometry Generator in QGIS

I've tried to place a label at the start, end, and middle of my lines in QGIS using the Geometry Generator. This post, place-label-along-line-near-start-and-end-of-line-in-qgis, got me the start and ...
Nick_Jo's user avatar
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How to offset labels in Leaflet using field-based rotation & offset?

I have a small dataset displayed as points in Leaflet. Each point has 3 arrows (right, left, head) coming out of it and they are rotated based on 3 separate fields (rhead, lhead, head). i want the ...
massivedaikon's user avatar
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Get or set layer display parameters using Python (reading documentation general question)

I'm having issues with finding data in QGIS Documentation so I wanted to ask how to access display parameters of layer (get existing values and change/update them). I know that layer symbol can be ...
svn's user avatar
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QGIS Labels: Accessing Values that were created in the Geometry Generator as MultPointM

I have a LineStringM layer, and needed to create a kind of river mileage. Therefore I was using the geometry generator in the Label-Tab. So far I was able to get the MultiPointM, but can not access ...
Julian W.'s user avatar
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Faulty Show/hide Labels and diagrams

I am attempting to clean up some road name labels manually in a map I am creating. There are too many of the same ones along the roads. I have been through everything in label properties: Rendering, ...
Maja Thuren Jørgensen's user avatar
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Label anchoring and placement settings (geometry generator label placement by plugin)

I'm trying to set up a plugin applying custom labels for lines created by Geometry Generator. I want the labels to be "on line", something that's easily set manually: Based on documentation ...
svn's user avatar
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QGIS 3.28.11 Layout-View extremely slow and laggy when text is in the center of view and when moving label elements

When I'm working out a layout in QGIS i normally don't use the built in legend function as I don't like it. I create label elements and place them as i want them. When these are quite big and I'm ...
Hallensis's user avatar
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QGIS: Labeling text out side of map?

I have some grid lines which have attributes (map 1). Those attribute need to show outside of map area in layout section where arrow is (map 2). How to do that?
Mickeler's user avatar
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Dimensions with QAD

i would like to use QAD plugin to make polygons with dimensions in QGIS, i came across a problem (that's what i think it is). When i set the text layer for dimension style i can't make it to align ...
dcatalin's user avatar
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Aggregate/group points by value, and label aggregated point with aggregate expression (QGIS)

Problem Statement I have a layer of multiple points, and I am trying to: Aggregate/group the points by their attribute values, so that one point is drawn for each group of points with matching ...
MarcusR's user avatar
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Repeating label of line shapefile does not work

In QGIS, I have a river which I want to label multiple times. When changing the settings in the placement section of the label setting, it does not make a difference. It still displays the label once. ...
Lina's user avatar
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Ignore labeling when field has specific word - ArcMap 10.8

Looking to add a function of my labeling expression to not label feature with the word 'TO". For example, some roads are named '5th TO I-10'. I am using Python as the parser with advanced checked....
AFang's user avatar
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Display symbols only when labels are displayed

On the map I have symbols (points) and labels for all municipalities with more than 10.000 inhabitants. Due to the fact that some parts of the desired area don't have municipalities with more than 10....
Filip's user avatar
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Expression Builder/Data Defined Labels Equally Spaced along Y Axis

I want to create a series of labels that are organized vertically but equally spaced so they do not overlap. I am using some data defined expressions to organize them along the X axis just fine. ...
Rami Stucky's user avatar
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QGIS: Displaying labels outside polygons for line features inside using field values

How can I display labels for line features in a QGIS line layer, where the label should appear outside a polygon if the line feature is inside the polygon, and otherwise appear as it is? I have ...
Anup Kumar Mohapatra's user avatar
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How do I insert labels or annotate the points in a plot with multiple things?

I'm trying to make a simple study area map which consists of basin boundary shapefile, sampling points and river shapefile. Here's the dataframe of the sampling points: And here's the code to plot ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
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Why QGIS expression display double at concave sections?

I am trying to display the vertices of a polygon with vertex number. In symbology, I have used the Marker line and font marker. . When the Line offset is -5 positive the text 'P7' is displayed far ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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