Questions tagged [lambert-conformal-conic]

Lambert Conformal Conic projection

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Convert GPS for NOAA national snowfall analysis

I'd like to get snow accumulation data for specific GPS coordinates (hiking peaks in the south east) using netCDF4 data from NOAA's snowfall analysis available here. According to the metadata (at the ...
Graeme Prentice-Mott's user avatar
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CRS for georeferencing TCP flight maps of Spain

I want to georeference TCP flight map of Spain. It says: Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 41dg 20' and 46dg 40' Convergence factor 0.69491 QGIS does not offer this CRS and even ...
Vladimir Z.'s user avatar
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EPSG for ETRS89 / Lambert Conic in Spain?

Official projections in Spain are based on ETRS89 / UTM. A royal decree says Lambert Conic Conform should be used for small scales. I found a paper that describes well the parameters of that ...
Gilles's user avatar
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Mathematical formula to convert lat-lon to Lambert Conformal Conic

I want to manually convert coordinates (latitude-longitude in degree decimals) data into Lambert Conformal Conic (more precisely, EPSG:3347). I already know how to use GIS software functions for ...
Bastien's user avatar
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Cordex precipatation values reproject to WGS84 from Lampert Conical

I have to calculate some precipitation indices for a region, and for this I have to reproject the dataset to WGS84. I have the following code to obtain the datasets: import cdsapi import rioxarray as ...
Dio Nik's user avatar
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Which software was used to generate this type of map?

I have been struggling to find the software from which these maps are generated. It seems like they are created using the same software but I could not find which one. I want to plot variables such ...
T. J.'s user avatar
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Convert Google Maps coordinates to projected EPSG:2154 CRS: RGF93 v1 / Lambert-93 with the sf R Packge

This is the data I have in input: > points # A tibble: 4 × 2 latitude longitude <chr> <chr> 1 49.5150946 3.4798894 2 49.6635237 3.2990396 3 49.1200986 3.3175965 4 49....
pietrodito's user avatar
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How to convert lat/lon to x/y in Lambert conformal conic projection using Python

I am trying to convert some lat and lon to x and y with projection Lambert conformal conic. I am trying the Python package pyproj for that but getting the wrong values. The issue is that the ...
lsr729's user avatar
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Transform Lambert 2008 to GPS (EPSG:4326) in javascript

I'm a basic programmer and would like to transform Lambert 2008 coördinates (EPSG:3812) to GPS (EPSG:4326 or WGS84). I prefer having a formula to do this, because then I can implement it in JavaScript....
gunniemar's user avatar
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Georeference a map with lambert conical orthomorphic projection

Could you Please help me with the issue of georeferencing, I have an old map of the city of Tripoli, I want to georeference it. What type of projector should I should use? in the image the lambert ...
Mohamed Glaiow's user avatar
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Error in projecting to Lambert Conformal Conic with One Standard Parallel in ArcMap

I am trying to project a polygon from UTM 46 N to Lambert Conformal Conic (1SP) in ArcMap using the following .proj file. PROJCS["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP", GEOGCS["...
Padmanabha's user avatar
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Converting Lambert conformal conic to Lat/Lng

I'd like to convert the following geographic representation to Lat / Lng (I guess this is called Lambert conformal conic, but it's the first time I've ever seen this). Projection: Lambert conformal ...
Winston's user avatar
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When using GeoPandas in Python, using the gdf.to_crs() method with the built-in method gives an innacurate transformation

I am trying to use GeoPandas to run some coordinate transformations and I am getting an inaccurate transformation when using the to_crs() method. Here is the code sample: import geopandas as gpd ...
mikraso's user avatar
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Mercator vs Lambert Conic Conformal Projection

I am using coordinates in WGS 84 (coordinate reference system EPSG:4326). Unfortunately I am not very familiar with the different projections and currently do not see the wood for the trees. Is EPSG:...
Hannes's user avatar
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How exactly does Lambert Conformal Conic projection work?

I need to transform geographical positions, given as latitude and longitude in WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) (EPSG-Code: 4326) into MGI / Austria Lambert (EPSG-Code: 31287). And I also need to ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
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Geographic coordinates system to Lambert Conformal Conic projected CRS using a transformation matrix

Given a LCC projection with two standard parallels, is it possible to define a transformation matrix to map any given lat/lon in the covered area into the projected CRS (e.g. similar to a rotation ...
metamatic's user avatar
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Converting NetCDF WRF weather forecasts from a custom Lambert Conformal Conical projection to WSG84

I'm having some trouble reading a WRF weather forecast prediction file where the coordinates are in a custom Lambert Conformal Conical projection. My final goal is to get the weather forecast a a ...
QuestionsAboutWeather's user avatar
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How to project Lambert Conformal Conic to WGS84 in Python?

I am using pyproj to re-project Canada's Census Tract boundary shapefiles that are currently in "PCS Lambert Conformal Conic" system. I want to convert them to latitude and longitude WGS84 ...
Shahzeb Naveed's user avatar
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How to transform the Lambert conformal conic projection to latitude/longitude coordinates (WGS84)?

I need to convert Lambert conformal conic projection to lat/long coordinates. My coordinate in Lambert is like this: (7678236.84856942, 1280719.40571689) and I expect to have a coordinate like Google ...
parvij's user avatar
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Trying to set custom projection for shapefile in QGIS

I'm trying to open and use a dataset (in the form of a shapefile) ( with QGis. The readme of the dataset says ...
Nick L's user avatar
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What would be a good way to test data in different projections have identical locations?

I have 2 sets of files for which I want to compare the coordinates of ~3000 plots I have a 38 shapefiles of surveyed plots in different regions of Northern Canada. Some of them are projected in ...
canderson156's user avatar
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What is this coordinate system from ESRI and how do I convert it to regular coordinates for GeoJSON Mercator?

I downloaded the ArcGIS health region boundaries file in ESRI Lambert Conformal Conic format here: Using I ...
crockpotveggies's user avatar
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QGIS crashes when changing projection to South Pole Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area

I can change the projection to every projection I have tried successfully except for South Pole Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area. When I click apply the loading bar appears in the bottom of QGIS and says '...
Riley Hughes's user avatar
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Lambert-Conic projection - GPS of corners

I have an 2D image in Lambert-Conic projection. I know the bounding box of coordinates, but I want to calculate the coordinates of image corners. They don't have to be the same as bounding box. How ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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MGI_Lambert to WGS48 UTM33 transformation problem

I tried to reproject a raster (DEM) with MGI_Lambert Projection (Austria) into WGS48 UTM33 Zone. I did it with ArcMap 10.6 using the recommended MGI_To_WGS_1984_3 transformation aswell as a ...
KoHo's user avatar
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Proj4 give always a false answer [closed]

I'm trying to use Proj4 (dll) to convert from Lambert93 to WGS84 but it always give a wrong answer: // EPSG:2154 : Lambert 93 definition: const char*...
user144553's user avatar
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Problem with gdal_translate when converting a GeoTiff with spherical datum to a netCDF

I have a raster file with LCC projection and spherical datum. It actually has the following proj4 parameters: +proj=lcc +lat_1=45 +lat_2=22 +lat_0=38.7 +lon_0=20 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000 +...
Nat's user avatar
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Transforming Lambert Conformal Conic to EPSG:3857

I have a map file in a tiff format that is not geo-referenced, but I know the following projection information: +proj=lcc +lon_0=10.856 +lat_0=51.322 +lat_1=42 +lat_2=57 +datum=WGS84. I would like to ...
yaronh hnoray's user avatar
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Projecting Lambert WGS 84 using QGIS?

I am currently preparing raster layers in QGIS to be fed into MaxEnt to run a species distribution model. I downloaded climatic variables in ascii format from I downloaded from Adaptwest (https://...
Nayeli Carvajal's user avatar
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Convert Latitude/Longitude to Lambert Conformal Conic in SQL

How can I convert coordinates from Latitude/Longitude to Lambert Conic Conformal using SQL? I've been working on project that will require me to convert between NZTM And LCC projections. It's related ...
Sir Swears-a-lot's user avatar
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Lambert Conformal Conic (One Standard Parallel) - Choosing 'Latitude of Origin/Standard Parallel'

From The Lambert Conformal Conic Projection With Two Standard Parallels: The standard parallels are usually chosen at one-sixth and five-sixths of the total length of that portion of the central ...
Kanchu's user avatar
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Convert Coordinates of ASC File

I am trying to put the Solar Radiation data into QGIS with my current projection of EPSG:27700 but even when I change the projection, the data is well off the mark. The data comes from here: http://re....
Mathew Bayley's user avatar
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Conversion of French Lambert 1 Nord to Lat/Lon

I have used two different online coordinate converters to convert Lambert coordinates 386.1/1185.0 to Lat/Lon and receive an answer 47.42715241/-5.62147696. This reference is 426 kms on a bearing of ...
Simon's user avatar
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Transform from Lambert Azimuthal "old" to ETRS89_LAEA

I'm currently struggling to convert a small .asc dataset with no defined projection. The projection that has to be first applied is Lambert Azimuthal "old" projection: In PROJ.4 +proj=laea +lat_0=48 ...
GeoBar's user avatar
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Lambert conformal conic isn't actually conformal?

Mathematically a conformal map has the property that the Jacobian of the transformation is a scaled version of a rotation matrix. The transformation involved in a spherical Lambert conformal conic ...
Dave's user avatar
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Lambert conformal conic projection - Europe

I am trying to calculate map of Europe in Lambert projection. I am using formula from Wikipedia (Lambert wiki), but calculation is very slow in comparison with Mercator. I know, there are sin, cos, ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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What's the correct transformation for Lambert Conformal Conic for Mexico?

I have a shp archive without the .prj file. I don´t know the proyection of this shp, but I think it is in lambert conformal conic. Can anybody helpme to proyect this shp? i´ve tried to proyect it in ...
user15177's user avatar
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Lambert projection with one or two standard parallels and proj4

I'm sure there is a gap in my understanding, but I haven't been able to identify where it is, nor how to fill it. My issue is this: I'm transforming lon lat coordinates into a lambert conformal conic ...
lcorbet's user avatar
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Export GPS file in Lambert 93 for Illustrator manipulation

In Illustrator, I use some French IGN maps (1/50.000 scale) Lambert 93. I want to put on some GPX files to the right position for sure. I use QGIS to import the GPX file, I modify the reference to ...
ced's user avatar
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Calculating surface using Lambert correction?

I'm using Lambert conformal conic, so we have distortions along any given parallel, I would like to get the area used to solve this distortion. I have calculated the area using Shoelace formula, ...
geogeek's user avatar
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How to transform Lambert coordinates in C#?

I want to transform Lambert (EPSG:3035) coordinates to EPSG:4326 in C#. I have tried this: var lambert = cf.CreateFromWkt("PROJCS[\"ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA\",GEOGCS[\"ETRS89 \",DATUM[\"...
np00's user avatar
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Transforming Lambert to WGS84 in SQL Server

Need to create a SQL view of calculated Lat/Lon values from an existing SQL view of County Coords. Loaded up SQL Server Spatial Tools and registerd CLR types. Lambert generated a resource error. -- ...
kanderson's user avatar
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Lambert cylindrical projection support in PostGis

Does PostGis support Lambert cylindrical projection or is there a way to add support for it? I'm probably searching the wrong terms, but google isn't bringing up anything useful. Any help is ...
ilia choly's user avatar
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Convert Lambert Conformal Conic to WGS84

I am trying to convert my "Lambert Conformal Conic map with 2 standard parallels" to the basic/standard WGS84 projection that Google Maps use. I have 30 of these maps which I need to convert. They ...
Pangolin's user avatar
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Converting Lambert Conformal Conic to WGS84 using Proj.4

I am attempting to transform data from Lambert Conformal Conic lat/long and I am having some issues with the results. The shapefile I am attemtping to transform can be found here:
Aaron's user avatar
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