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Questions tagged [land-use]

Land use is the human use of land including built environments such as fields, types of houses and settlements. It is different from [land-cover].

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Split a Polygon into multiple polygons dependent on land use category [closed]

I would like to divide a polygon, which represents the boundaries of a community, into several polygons depending on the percentage distribution of land use, for example settlement area, arable land, ...
Lars Möller's user avatar
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Pulling percentages of each land use type from individual buffer zones on QGIS

In QGIS 3.30 I have a map of ponds and am looking to find the surrounding land use of each pond within 100 metres. I have created buffer zones around each pond and have a land use map of the area. I ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Calculating percentage of land cover type within a buffer

I am trying to calculate the percentage of each land cover type (raster data) within a buffer area in ArcGIS. So far I have attempted to use the summarize within function. This appears to work but I ...
Josae Samp's user avatar
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Legend in meta data for land cover / land use codes (e.g. Corine Land Cover) (python)

I am working with Corine Land Cover Data. Is a legend stored in the meta data or somewhere else which shows the meaning and the official colorcodes of the different land uses? The product user manual ...
tofri's user avatar
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How to plot single land use / land cover classes on a map in python

I want to analyze Corine Land Cover data. It is raster data in a .tif file. Currently, I am using rasterio to handle the raster data. Question: How can I plot only a single land use on a map? My goal ...
tofri's user avatar
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How can I extract colours from a palette band to create seperate layers?

I downloaded land use maps of Australia as TIFF files. Since the country is very large (and the map is very detailed), I had to download multiple files that align together. I want to make separate ...
Adriaen's user avatar
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Affect on classification for two different Sentinel images taken at the same time with slightly different color values

I am running a supervised land-use land-change classification across multiple Sentinel images. These images were taken at the same time of different but overlapping areas. However, despite being taken ...
Ceiba's user avatar
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Exporting Large Classification Image on GEE

I am new to GEE. I am trying to export a large land cover classification map on GEE, derived using Landsat 5 data through random forest classification. The classified map has 7 classes represented ...
TG_'s user avatar
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Modify 500m MODIS landuse data based on 30m Landsat 8 data

I am using WRF real case to study urban breeze. I used MODIS 15s 500m resolution data for landuse. There are 378x378 grids. This data underestimates the urban area in my study area. I made a ...
Abeda Ruhee's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculating percentage of landuse type within buffer using Python [closed]

I have two polygon shapefiles: buffers and landuse types. I want to calculate the percentage of each landuse type within the respective buffer. The problem is that the landuse type polygons are bigger ...
Lina's user avatar
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How do I define landuse & postalcode for massive data?

I have a PostgreSQL table named points where I store nearly 5.6 million rows of my ping data from a ride-hailing service for AI research purposes. Some of its fields are latitude, longitude, landuse, ...
amari's user avatar
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Categorical land use raster to continuous values raster in R

I would like to transform categorical land use rasters from ESA CCI ( to rasters with continuous values. The crs is lon/lat WGS 84 and I would like ...
c roc's user avatar
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Transforming categorical land use raster to raster with continuous values

I would like to transform categorical land use rasters from ESA CCI ( to rasters with continuous values (% of cover of each land use class in each ...
c roc's user avatar
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Using existing GeoTIFF as training points for random forest classifier (Landsat 7)

I am new to R and GEE. I am trying to establish a link, using time series analysis, between land use change (different classes) and evapotranspiration (if possible also temperature, precipitation and ...
0 votes
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Change detection for raster layers

I'm working with multiple raster layers representing LULC data, Corine maps, from various years. My goal is to identify the pixels that have undergone change and determine the specific transitions ...
Gencergis's user avatar
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Exclude areas with building from a map

In ArcMap, I'm trying to create a site suitability map for a solar farm but I have issues with the building footprint file. I'd like to exclude areas with buildings but I have no idea how to go about ...
Yfunfur's user avatar
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Combine and reduce land cover and MODIS collections with different IDs

I need to add the information from Land cover Image Collection (2015-2019) to MODIS Image collection. In practice should be merged fuve land cover images with MODIS images for the whole five year long ...
Anastasiia's user avatar
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Visualize mean NDVI for the past 4 years Jan to Dec to distinguish cropland in GEE [closed]

My goal is to perform supervised classification in a large area using Landsat 8 images. Since the area has a lot of vegetation, it is challenging to accurately distinguish agricultural areas. To make ...
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Display Landsat images on Google Earth Engine

I am working on a land use land cover analysis using GEE. I have written my code to visualize the area of interest imagery in my map. The image shows on my map layers but it is not loading one my UI. ...
Kelvin Nyabuti's user avatar
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Why process takes too much time with topology analysis?

My task is to vectorize a standard landuse map (PROBA-V discrete classification) for extent 118.747182 54.231218 124.946218 60.060467 degrees. Raster is too detailed for me, so I generalize it. I use:...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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R.regression.multi land-use data not enough valid cells

What I want: run r.regression.multi between land-use change and bumblebee occurrence. What I did: X coefficients: cov_all.0 of North, East, South and West SSP1 -4 layers in total. (I projected the ...
kar-g's user avatar
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Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Group values" tool

I have LULC 8 classes. I want to group them in QGIS into five priority score classes in Symbology, just the same as the function in ArcGIS "Group values". But I can't find the same tool in ...
Bokhir Alikhanov's user avatar
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GEE - random forest doesn't classify my whole image

I'm new to GEE and I'm trying to do a machine learning supervised classification using random forest. it turns out that I made a code taking different parts of other codes and it works well for small ...
Alexandre Messias Reis's user avatar
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Detecting Land Use Land Cover Changes from Copernicus Corine Maps in GEE - Calculating Areas of LULC Change Pairs

I'm trying to detect land use land cover (LULC) changes between 1990 and 2000 using the Copernicus Corine land cover maps in Google Earth Engine (GEE). However, I'm unable to find change maps in the ...
Gencergis's user avatar
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" Pattern 'blue' did not match any bands" error during LULC change detection using Earth Engine

I've been working on LULC change detection using Earth Engine. When I run to export any of the TIFF file I'm getting the same error. This is the error I get every time Error: Collection.toList: Error ...
Sai Sunil's user avatar
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Creating a series of buffers along a stream polygon at set intervals in ArcGIS Pro

I have a set of streamlines and a polygon layer showing the extents of water outwards from those lines. I will be buffering out 50-ft from the polygon layer to gather information about land-use in the ...
nles's user avatar
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Failing to calculate land use in buffer zones around points using ArcGIS (ArcMap)

I have a raster layer of land-use in my country, and a set of points I'm interested in calculating the land use around (in 1km, 5km, etc., buffer zones). I have read through some of the related posts ...
mirrror's user avatar
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Filter pixel values from a list in every Image in an ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine

The context I am using the MODIS Land Cover image collection ("MODIS/061/MCD12Q1") to calculate land use change area over 20 years. I am using the "LC_Type1" classification and I ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Get class with highest probability from bands in GEE

I'm trying to use Google's Dynamic World classified rasters to get a land/water map for another tool I've built. I'm having trouble doing so. So far, I have essentially copied this code (in Python ...
Nick Brady's user avatar
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Trying to Calculate Built-up Class area using ESA LULC

I am trying to calculate the Built Up class area but not getting the correct result. I am using ESA 10 Meter LULC. ''' var area = ee.FeatureCollection("users/Muhammad_Waqas/District_Boundary"...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Creating land use layers

I have a land use layer which includes 36 different individual classes. Using the raster calculator I have been able to extract 1 of the different classes and make a new layer (landuse=[number of the ...
Mcdoo's user avatar
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ArcGIS is not showing all the colors of TIFF image exported from Google Earth Engine

I am doing supervised classification in Google Earth Engine then export the output in .tiff format image. For prediction works, I need to import those .tif images in the ArcGIS. But ArcGIS / ArcMap is ...
Shahriar Mim's user avatar
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Land cover img. file - Conversion to TIFF file

I have a land cover data with 4 classes in .img format. Since I cannot upload it to Google Earth Engine assets because of its format, I needed to convert it to TIFF. format. I tried 'export data' in ...
Stud17's user avatar
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Removing changed pixels in land use time series (MCD12Q1) using ArcGIS Pro

I have 20 rasters of my study area land use which is from MCD12Q1. I want to remove the changed pixels in 20 years. I tried to use ArcGIS Pro, but I could distinguish only two rasters with raster ...
jackywang's user avatar
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Using ArcMap to calculate percent for each pixel

I am using ArcMap. I have a land use file in TIFF format with 10 meter resolution. I would like to know in 30*30 square meter of my file how can I calculate which percent of each pixel of my file is ...
seti's user avatar
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Can I use Copernicus Land Services data on Open Data Cube?

I need to use Copernicus Land services data (that I can take from the official website of Copernicus land: on Open Data Cube. How can I do it? How can I index this data?
Cormogolov's user avatar
9 votes
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Using CASE statements to sort multiple values in QGIS Field Calculator

I am working with land use data in QGIS and have multiple values in a field (let's call the field "zoning") that I would like to categorize into a broader parent field called "land_use&...
vee_grave's user avatar
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Adding additional Class to Landuse Map in ArcGIS Pro

I'm using ArcGIS Pro. I have a landuse raster with 8 unique classes. I have another raster with 1 unique class which I would like to go over my main raster (replacing everything on top of it) to ...
Tino M's user avatar
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Appropriate CRS for land-use change within EU?

I'm currently studying coordinate reference systems and using ArcGIS Pro 2.8 to find appropriate CRSs for different circumstances. To conduct an analysis of land-use change in the EU, would the best ...
saltytooth's user avatar
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Importing landuse (raster) to polygon using ArcGIS Pro

I have a raster file (Landuse classes) and a polygon file (administrative units). How can I import the raster landuse classes to the administrative limits so I can find what landuse classes are in ...
gis1234's user avatar
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Resolving land use/land cover misclassification

I'm relatively new to RS, I've been using Landsat Collection 2 Tier 2 data for my land use maps in ArcGIS Desktop. The problem is that my AOT has scarce rural built up area, due to which other barren ...
Ayushi Sharma's user avatar
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Calculating land use change using two raster layers

Using QGIS, I am trying to calculate the land use change of 35 classes/values between two raster layers (1990 and 2013) for the same area. 1990 2013 The output I am trying to achieve is a table that ...
JohnGIS's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Pro to measure change in land use over time (dynamically evolving maps)

How can I use ArcGIS Pro to record change in land use over time? I am working with this landuse dataset for London. I would like to know what use any given polygon was being put to each year between ...
lasoon's user avatar
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Working with just one band to get a new map

I need to create a new image using a dataset that have just one band ranging from 0 to 30. The new image that I need must have just 2 pixels value (0, 1) with 0 being deforested between 2010 - 2020 ...
Ricardo Zwarg's user avatar
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Using R to sum raster pixels of specific values

I have a land use raster (lu_raster) and several thousand shapefiles (counties). Within each county, I'd like to calculate the proportion of agricultural land use. So, I think I need to find a way to ...
pfadenhw's user avatar
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I have a satellite image. I want to sample all the trees and vectorize them at once

I have a satellite imagery. I want to vectorize all the trees at once by color sampling. How to do it? I used Photoshop to sample the all the various color ranges of trees [Green] to distinguish ...
IRA_01's user avatar
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Doing spatial join in QGIS between land parcels and zoning map, how can land use with biggest overlap give its attribute to parcel?

The parcel might have some small overlaps (or intersections?) from other land uses if the alignment of vertices is not perfect, I want to make sure the land use covering the largest part of the parcel ...
Philippe Morgan's user avatar
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Why using buffers in land use / land cover classification task?

I am following the tutorial How To: Land-Use-Land-Cover Prediction for Slovenia and I would like to understand why they used a positive buffer (expanding boundary limits) in the first part of the ...
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
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Sentinel-2 images

I am going to use Sentinel-2 images for crop type classification, and I am new to remote sensing. I want to know if there is an added value when using both L2A and L1C images. From what I understand, ...
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
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Identifying the position of a building footprint on a land parcel [closed]

I am looking to try classify where a building footprint falls on a land parcel. I have identified the amount of free space that is available on a land parcel and am looking to try quantify this ...
Stevedup's user avatar