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Questions tagged [land-use]

Land use is the human use of land including built environments such as fields, types of houses and settlements. It is different from [land-cover].

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3 answers

Calculate land cover for grid cells in QGIS

I have a raster containing information on the land cover type in a region. I also have an ESRI shapefile consisting of a grid composed of 2500 cells. I would like to calculate the percentage cover of ...
cosalofa's user avatar
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Slow processing in ArcMap

I am working with the vector files: Landuse classification shapefile for a certain area with 4 landuse categories - builtup, vegetation, water and open spaces. (area bounds = 95sqkm). I classified a ...
Anam Khalid's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting Land Use data from National Land Cover dataset

I'm downloading data from the National Land Cover database using the get_nlcd tool from the FedData package. Here is an example for documentation for this package library(FedData) vepPolygon <- ...
Vint's user avatar
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Convert output of Image Segmentation/Classification (From land-use classification) into different shapefiles

I am performing the Landuse Classification on satellite imagery. I have classified my image into different categories. I have the shapefile of the original image, now I want to create the separate ...
Hariom Ahlawat's user avatar
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How to convert Google Earth KML to Raster with classes for Fragstats

I have digitized the Google Earth imagery for a 117 sq. km. area and have classified the land-use into forest and non-forest sites. I need to use this map for fragstats and calculation of landscape ...
Keerthi Krutha's user avatar
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Working/Functioning of "sampleRegions" function in Google Earth Engine

I am doing land use classification in Google Earth Engine. I am using three different classes(forest, building, water) for classification. For each class, there is a shapefile containing polygon ...
Hariom Ahlawat's user avatar
2 votes
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Summarize Land use changes over time with Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to detect how many times land type has changed between 2001 and 2018 (inclusively). For example, suppose a pixel that was: Forest from 2001 to 2003 Bare ground from 2003 to 2010 ...
user150401's user avatar
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2 raster files, find suitable area [closed]

I have done this with vector before, but now I have 2 raster layers: 1 raster layer that refers to land use: urban, forest, water, agriculture 1 raster layer that was classified in 3 classes for ...
gis1234's user avatar
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Replacing values of raster in R to produce landuse-like raster map?

I have a raster Z with elevation values (0, 0.12, 2.12), which I created myself in R. I want to produce a land-use raster from these elevation values, i.e. if Z<0.12, I assign land-use class 1 to ...
M Terry's user avatar
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1 answer

JS libraries that work with land use maps? [closed]

I'm incredibly new to GIS, but not to web development. I have two land cover maps for two islands, which I'm spatializing data on top of for a web app. This data is agnostic of any real location data ...
Tinstar's user avatar
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Landcover Legend

When I download landcover, the legend for pseudocolouring is always a number rather than the actual legend which was shown where I downloaded the data. How would I go about getting the actual land use ...
BPal's user avatar
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How to mask an area in ArcMap and run supervised classification on unmasked area?

I would like to just run supervised classification on my area of interest (all along the coastlines) and would like to know how to do this in ArcMap. I have created a polygon to mask out the area out ...
Lavs's user avatar
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Maxent error: Error projecting, two layers have different geographic dimensions

When I run climate data (signed 16 bit) and land use data (unsigned 8 bit) on Maxent, I got an error message: Error projecting: Files bio6 and alt in directory D:\WorldClim\...
Md Akbar Shah's user avatar
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Correct translation of Norwegian landcover classes derived from WMS?

I am making a map of the study site located in Norway. I have accessed the awesome and free WMS data regarding landcover (I guess: N250 Arealdekkeflate)
maycca's user avatar
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Merging fields within attribute table ArcMap

I have an image file open in ArcMap of an area of land and its land use categories. I would like to combine some of these categories together in order to simplify the map. For example, there is 4 "...
butterdog's user avatar
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Determining amount of forest in overlapping buffers using ArcMap?

I'm using the multiple buffer tool around a series of points for buffer distances 250 m, 500 m and 1000 m around each point. I am then using the tabulate area tool to determine the amount of forest ...
Jordan Rogan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Combining two different layers of the same area to see the differences over time

I have two different layers containing different polygons and I need to combine them to see the differences over time. So the output has to be a layer containing the attribute of interest of layer one,...
Kripson's user avatar
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Comparing yearly changes in TaxLot land use in NYC (mapPLUTO) - tax lots change through time

I am trying to build a database for NYC in which, for specific boroughs of the city, I track changes per tax lot unit in terms of land use and other attributes, both qualitative and quantitative. For ...
Pablo Herreros Cantis's user avatar
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Orthophoto land use classification in QGIS

I am using a CIR orthophoto and tried to make a land use classification with the use of Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin in QGIS. I work in QGIS 3.2 but I get errors that my ROI are too small (...
Eva 's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Calculating block statistics from land cover raster using R?

I have a raster (5 x 5 m resolution) representing land cover. Each cell contains a integer value (from 1 to 10) representing a total of ten land cover classes (e.g. 1-forest; 2-agricultural areas; 3-...
André Lourenço's user avatar
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Changing land use land cover classes in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a tiff file containing raster data of land use land cover (LULC) classes. Each pixel has a pixel value in the form of RGB values of the corresponding LULC class, need to change the pixel ...
Dark_Knight's user avatar
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Computing area of different pixels classes in a multiple areas raster?

I work on forest data. My raster is a binary file : 0 is forest and 1 is non-deforest. I have multiple ROIs in which I would like to know the area of forest (so pixels of value 0 in the ROIs). I ...
Zab's user avatar
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2 answers

Sentinel 2 Bands + Deep Learning

I am trying to classify 9 different classes of Land use deploying Resnet Architecture. Sentinel images come with 13 bands and in RS we normally combine different bands for different classes for ...
MKJ's user avatar
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Merge adjacent polygons into a land use map

I illustrate my problem: in practice I have a land use in vector format that is also made up of polygons irrelevant from a dimensional point of view but that I would like to delete for a question of ...
Giuseppe Cillis's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get R to recognize a discrete raster layer

I am trying to work with discrete data on land use in Australia. I load up the file as follows: library(raster) dat<-raster("C:\\Users\\Douglas\\Desktop\\GIS Project\\LandUse\\Land use of ...
Douglas's user avatar
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How to assess significant land cover changes using Chi-square test?

I have a series of land use maps at different times as a result of a classification process on Landsat images. I am mapping 3 different thematic classes : bare soils, vegetation and croplands. I ...
Roland Y.'s user avatar
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Extract one class from global LULC in google earth engine

I am trying to extract one LULC class (e.g. cropland) for the entire globe from the MODIS global lulc. How it can be done? Code I am using to display global lulc is: var cover = ee.Image('MODIS/...
Alexia k Boston's user avatar
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2 answers

Seeking land use map in London and UK?

I am looking for the land use data of London in vector format, preferably in polygons. I am interested in whether a building / an area is residential, office or retail use, like this one (https://www....
Lap Pan Chong's user avatar
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QGIS saga supervised classification [closed]

I'm using QGIS 3.0 with the expanded SAGA options. I created a training file in SAGA standalone that I am using, but would prefer the GRASS kappa comparasion options. I have already performed the ...
Elizabeth Painter's user avatar
2 votes
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Is Landsat 30m resolution satellite images accurate enough to map land cover on a 40 km² watershed? [closed]

I am trying to remote sensing land cover features (bare soil, water, vegetation, cultivated areas) on a 40 km² watershed, located in the Sahel (semi-arid west africa). I am heavily interested in their ...
Roland Y.'s user avatar
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1 answer

interpreting Normalized Differentiated Bareness Index and Normalized Differentiated Impervious Surfaces Index? [closed]

I've tried looking for various sources to help me interpret NDBaI and NDISI indices but I've not found anything particularly helpful. Does anyone know how to do it or have any literature that might ...
Samii123's user avatar
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Percentage of area within a buffer in QGIS [closed]

I have a layer containing the land use of a specific area,and a buffer. I would like to calculate the percentage of each category contained in the buffer. For example in the picture i want to know the ...
Marco's user avatar
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Avoiding overestimation in impervious mapping using raster/shapefile training data?

I have tried several methods including unsupervised classification, supervised classification, random-forest classification, and spectral indices methods to estimate the amount of impervious surface ...
Kaleab Woldemariam's user avatar
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QGIS, Buffer, and Land Use around coordinate points

I have a large data set with many columns of data where each row has data from a different lat/lon coordinate. I would like to add land use at each site to this data set. I was thinking of using ...
Heliornis's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculate land use percentage within an area?

I'm interested in calculating land use percentage for three layers (forest, agriculture and urban) within the context of a water basin area. I've managed to merge the land use layers with Union tool ...
Mutumba's user avatar
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Random Forest Classification of Landsat8 Image gives invalid/noise output

In my previous question (memoryerror in Supervised Random Forest Classification in Python sklearn) encounter further issue on random forest classification output. The python code runs fine, but the ...
Kaleab Woldemariam's user avatar
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Telling Tabulate Area to use custom textual labels for column names?

I have a land use raster with unique values of 1-8 and the appropriate label names for the land use are defined under the symbology tab. When I process that raster with the Tabulate Area tool in ...
Sparkler's user avatar
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Where on-line can I find a GIS land use .lyr that shows standard colors for each land use code?

I have been looking on-line for a GIS land use layer file that shows all the standard colors that represents each land use code. I have not been successful in finding that. Would you please direct ...
user216051's user avatar
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Reclass a landuse shapefile based on another shapefile using R

I have a landuse shapefile that I want to modify based on another shapefile. In this example I have three classes in landuse shapefile A. Say I'd know that everything within one of the small ...
telegott's user avatar
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Molusce crashes QGIS when starting the changes raster calculation

I am doing a simulation of land cover changes with Molusce 3.0.13 in QGIS 2.18.9. I am using 2 Corine landmap uses (2006 and 2012, with minor changes on the area, 12 same categories in both), road ...
mazinga's user avatar
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What's the difference between classification/clustering and zoning?

A week ago I had an exam and there was a question: What are the main steps of zoning in a GIS? I didn't understand the question and asked the instructor what does she mean by zoning (in ...
Sepideh Abadpour's user avatar
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How do I classify a highly heterogeneous built-up area?

I am using Landsat 8 imagery for supervised classification. I have used maximum likelihood classifier to classify separate classes such as forest, grassland, agriculture, plantation, water body and ...
Adrian Lyngdoh's user avatar
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Seeking - Gurugram, (Haryana India) tehsil land use\Land cover statistics

I need landuse and land cover statistics for GURUGRAM district's four tehsils named- Gurugram, Manesar, Sohna, Farrukhnagar. LULC layers may be like Agricultural land, Builtup area, Open area, ...
Gopal Krishna's user avatar
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How to use qgis to get fraction of different vegetation types in a grid?

I have a vector file having different land use type. I have to create grid in that and the grid should be similar to a raster file. Finally I have to calculate fraction of each land cover type with a ...
user85517's user avatar
8 votes
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Cellular Automata Markov for forecast LULC in R software

I would like to forecast land use changes by implementing the Cellular Automata (CA) Markov Chain models in R software. I have the classified LULC maps from 3 times periods (1992,2003,2014), and also ...
Nery's user avatar
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Clipping out polygon into buffer layer so that buffer layer shows dominant feature from polygon layer? [duplicate]

What I am trying to do is clip out a land use layer for the city of Boulder, CO within the confines of a 500ft buffer that I have created for a bunch of road segments. Beyond that I'm trying to get ...
GeoPDX's user avatar
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Collecting training data for land cover classification

I want to begin mapping various land cover such as coconut and pine. My issue is I do not have much experience in terms of collecting land use information or analyzing satellite imagery and analysis. ...
Rex_01's user avatar
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Seeking land use/ land cover map, population density map for states of Gujarat and Maharashtra (in India)?

I need to find land use /land cover and population density layers for the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra in India.
Sandeepan Roy's user avatar
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Crop data for Europe / Germany

I am currently working on the effect of land use on streams in very small catchments (<30km²) in Germany. We have accurate data (ATKIS) on general land use patterns (forests, agriculture, urban ...
andschar's user avatar
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Simplifying land cover classification in QGIS?

I have recently completed a land use classification using over 100 ROIs for 5 different land cover classes and it has developed what looks like a highly specific spectral signature for each class. ...
Archie Fisher's user avatar