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Questions tagged [landsat-8]

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White patches on exporting band composite landsat 8 level2 image

I am using google earth engine and want to export landsat 8 (band- 2 to 7) composite but in earth engine image is clear but when i export and open image to arcgis its appear white patches there. What ...
Raja Usama's user avatar
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Ploting a landsurface time series using Landsat8 images on Google Earth Engine

The original code was for MODIS data, but I would like to do a time series with Landsat8 Tier 2 Level 2, which already has the LST values, you just have to apply the scalling factor. I modified the ...
Isabel de Carvalho's user avatar
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Calculate land surface temperature in GEE

I want to calculate the land surface temperature, but when the equation is run, there is an error in the PV equation. var emissivity = pv.expression('(0.985 *pv)+(0.960 *(1-pv))+ 4 * 0.01 *(pv(1-pv)))'...
user222721's user avatar
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GEE Temporal Collection Landsat 8 C2L2T1 : Error: map(ID=0) Image.multiply: If one image has no bands, the other must also have no bands. Got 0 and 1

I am struggling with an Error of missing Bands from a temporal Landsat8_C2_L2_T1 Image Collection while retrieving the temperature over a time range.(tried it with 1 year and 10 years. same problem.) ...
Mine's user avatar
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Downloading .csv file with time series of Landsat 8 EVI2 from multiple points using Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download a .csv file with a time series of Landsat 8 EVI2 from multiple points using GEE according to the following code: var roi = ee.FeatureCollection([ ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([...
Marcio Cure's user avatar
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Landsat8 level 2 ST_B10 values don't make sense

I downloaded 24 ST_B10 files from Earth Explorer, but the values in QGIS make no sense for them to be in Kelvin, as I expected them to be. For example, File ...
Taylor Rubin's user avatar
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Landsat 8 C2 L2 FOR NDVI

When I download Landsat 8 C2 L2 image from USGS and apply directly NDVI formula the value is ok it is in range -1,+1 while where I am applying scale factor which is (0.0000275)-(0.2) for each band ...
abdulrahman's user avatar
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Value changes when merging Landsat bands to a multiband image using Rasterio in Python

I have two separate image bands from Landsat (L2SP) and would like to merge them into one multiband image (.tiff). I use rasterio package in Python in order to perform this task (see code below). The ...
Ilias Machairas's user avatar
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Cloud Masking for Landsat 8 (LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2) in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to mask clouds in Landsat 8 surface reflectance imagery but I am getting a white output (Left image below) - the expected imagery is on the right. Below are the lines of code. var image = ...
Godwin Oluwaseyi's user avatar
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GEE Error : (intermediate value).rename is not a function for extraction of Temperature Condition Index

I'm trying to calculate Temperature Condition Index with LST for a year of 2020. But for the last step my code was error for function .rename. It was in line 127 for .rename('TCI') and the result is: ...
Aulia Sabita's user avatar
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How to obtain Thermal index (TI) from landsat 8 or 9 images and then overlay them over shadow Index (SI) to obtain advanced shadow index?

I was trying to figure out the forest canopy density of a region through the methodology which I have found in certain papers such as "INVESTIGATION OF FOREST CANOPY DENSITY CHANGES IN HYRCANIAN ...
Vivek Krishna's user avatar
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How to the image date/ metadata used when using the .median filter in GEE?

I am processing LST, NDVI, NDBI, & UHI data in a 1 year period. I used the .median filter function for filtering the dates. My question is, how do I know what images to use? I've tried the ...
primamuliaa's user avatar
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Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) wrong

I'm trying to retrieve a turbidity indicator from a Landsat 8 using NDTI : NDTI=(Red-Green)/(Red+Green). The problem is the result is not consistent with the reality. Here is a RGB visualization where ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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Problem downloading images via landsatxplore.api

I use landsatxplore python package to download some landsat images. I have used it to download images taken one year before and it worked. I have written some Python code to download the images via a ...
Ilias Machairas's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Error: "Layer error: No valid training data were found"

I make a classification of landcover for 13 years from 2010 to 2022, but in 2022 I get "Layer error: No valid training data were found" //Pemunculan SHP var shp = ee.FeatureCollection("...
Paulus Mendeita Gurning's user avatar
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Most effective Landsat 8 band combination for differentiating between urban and barren land areas for Land Use and Land Cover classification?

I am doing Land Use Land Cover Classification in GEE using Landsat 8 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 dataset. While collecting training points in the composite image, The challenge I am encountering is ...
Ahmadh Nabhan 's user avatar
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Land cover analysis GEE

I want to do a time series analysis analysis for land cover classification. For 2024 I am using this dataset COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED
Sonia Das's user avatar
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How do I calculate albedo in QGIS from a Landsat 8 image downloaded from EarthExplorer

I'm using QGIS and I'm struggling to calculate the albedo from the images. I don't understand how to use GRASS as every time I use it, I get something that doesn't make sense. Sor far, I have ...
GISNewbie2024's user avatar
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How to download 5000 Cropped Images From GEE with Dynamic Names?

I have a CSV dataset where 5000 sat image data has been given lat, long, path, row, Date, and Landsat Name. I want to filter out images using date, path, row. Cropped out a 27*27 patch centered around ...
soma's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Landsat NDVI

I'm trying to map deforestation using Landsat NDVI time-series. But unfortunately I can't find the data from 2022 - 2023, on the other side data before that year is available. Can someone explain me ...
MapperIndo's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Error is not function

I'm trying to display landsat 8 with Google Earth Engine that are clipped with my shapefile but there's an error. Is there something wrong with my script? // Function to mask clouds using the ...
MapperIndo's user avatar
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Understanding Landsat 8-9 Pixel Quality Assessment (QA_PIXEL) Value Interpretations

Table 6.3 here describes the Landsat 8-9 Pixel Quality Assessment (QA_PIXEL) Value Interpretations. Value 54596 contains both "clear" and "cirrus". What am I to make of it? A pixel ...
user88484's user avatar
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Get monthly NDVI and NDWI median for a year, from Landsat collection Google Earth Engine (GEE)

I am trying to get NDVI and NDWI per month, based on the median of the images in one month. For this, I am using Landsat8 collection an year 2018. I keep getting empty bands for the var monthlyStats. ...
Valentina Bravo's user avatar
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Landsat 8 - eleven bands and corresponding files

Landsat 8 zipped file downloaded via EarthExplorer consists of several files. Which of the files correspond to the band 8, 9, 11? LC09_L2SP_x_y_z_02_T1_ANG.txt LC09_L2SP_x_y_z_02_T1_MTL.json ...
Vladimir Z.'s user avatar
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Using cloud confidence to create cloud mask from Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL

I want to use the Landsat QA_PIXEl from this dataset to create a cloud mask in GEE. I only want to mask out the areas where there is high confidence that cloud cover is present. Looking at the ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
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Timelapse in GEE

This code is working and the video is active but only images are there. I couldn't add the date (year) to the images. How can this step be accomplished? // Define your collection var collection = (ee....
user233587's user avatar
3 votes
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Mask Clouds and Cloud Shadow on Landsat 8 images using Google Earth Engine

I'm creating a composite image using Landsat 8 as I want a monthly composite of an area without clouds. I'm having trouble with masking the clouds. I'm using this dataset and I am applying the code ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
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Calculating LST from Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine display a blank image

Why is it that when the following GEE code is used to calculate the lst of landsat8, the data statistics are correct, between 29°C and 55°C, but the output image is blank and the file is only 14.9MB? ...
Thomas Taylor's user avatar
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Topo correction

How can I address the problems associated with the hills shadows in GEE, as shown in the screenshot attached? It brings a lot of complication. AN IMAGE USED // Filter to 2019 Landsat 8 images over ...
orlando's user avatar
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Different NDVI Values for Landcover classes for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8

I created a classified image of my study area using random tree classifier method as shown:- Fig 1: Classified Image of Landsat-8 Fig: Classified Image of Sentinel-2 I now want to classify image ...
Pushkar's user avatar
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Missing Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Data [duplicate]

I was downloading surface reflectance data from GEE from March 1st 2017 to October 31st 2017. I should be getting data every 16 days because of the nature of Landsat 8. However, there is no data in ...
MJG's user avatar
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Missing Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Data From August 2017

I was downloading surface reflectance data from GEE from March 1st 2017 to October 31st 2017. I should be getting data every 16 days because of the nature of Landsat 8. However, there is no data in ...
MJG's user avatar
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Correction for Satellite Images

I have found that some Landsat images undergo image corrections like: TOA Radiance, Satellite Brightness Temperature and other corrections. What are some of the image corrections required mandatory to ...
Pushkar's user avatar
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Landsat from Planetary Computer unexpectedly turns up all no data in some regions

Using some code that gathers Landsat 8 collections from Microsoft Planetary Computer into Open Data Cube xarray using a stac search works fine in some regions but in others returns all nan values. ...
jeremyg19's user avatar
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Top of Atmosphere of Landsat 8 bands

I am trying to calculate the Top of Atmoshpere using the corresponding coefficients. The raster calculator in ArcGIS however is giving me incorrect results. The formula I am using is ((0.00002 * .tif ...
Andrew Rickard's user avatar
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Downloading EVI from Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download images from Landsat's EVI collection off of Google Earth Engine. I saw another similar post here: EVI or NDVI collection image download that talked about the same issue. One ...
Lavendarfire's user avatar
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Visualize mean NDVI for the past 4 years Jan to Dec to distinguish cropland in GEE [closed]

My goal is to perform supervised classification in a large area using Landsat 8 images. Since the area has a lot of vegetation, it is challenging to accurately distinguish agricultural areas. To make ...
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Difference in Index Value for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8

I am working on bamboo distribution mapping using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 based on Bamboo index on ArcMap. The formula used is i.e. (BI) = (NDVI-SI)/(NDVI+SI); Where NDVI equals Normalized Difference ...
Pushkar's user avatar
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Landsat 8 geometry of image

I'm trying to find actual geometry of the Landsat 8 image. I retrieve Landsat data from ONDA service using EODAG. Onda provides Landsat 8 images in TIF files in epsg:4326. And it looks so: Also, in ...
Nikita's user avatar
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Scaling satellite imagery before using it in GEE

I want to conduct an analysis on satellite imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission using Google Earth Engine, and after some research I made, I saw that the data always have to be scaled first before ...
GISGeekpro's user avatar
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Band calculations and sorting within a specified geometry

I am working on a small geographic area (< 50 km sq.) and am trying to find the 5-10 least cloudy Landsat images for my specified area. The issue I have is that if I simply use: imageCollection....
user225452's user avatar
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Illogical Land Surface Temperature value from Landsat 8 Level 2 Collection 2 Tier 1

We have been working on a research about urban heat using Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Google Earth Engine. We analyzed the LST pattern in 2021 by using Landsat 8 Level 2 Collection 2 Tier 1. ...
Bagas's user avatar
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Mask out non-bare soil pixels in Landsat8

I aim to create an Landsat8 image for bare-soil (no vegetation). To do this, I plan to derive the quantile of the bare soil index for each pixel and mask out pixels where the bare soil index has a ...
maarvd's user avatar
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LST calculation from Landsat 8 and 7 shows really different output

I am trying to calculate LST for my region using ArcMap 10.5, but it shows different output and resolution. The first image is Landsat 7 (2012) and the second one is Landsat 8 (2022). So, logically ...
Zon Zahidan's user avatar
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Not able to add all Landsat8 data folders to Mosaic dataset in ArcGIS Pro

I have a set of folders from Landsat data, each folder is of a different year. When I add all these folders to add rasters to the mosaic dataset tool. The final output shows me data for only one year ...
Pratiksha Chalke's user avatar
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NDSI handling of areas that cross over a pixel

I am using GEE to calculate the NDSI on Landsat8 using a polygon area of 500m. Since Landsat8 has a 30m pixel resolution, I wondered how the partial pixels are handled in the calculations. Are they ...
Fernando Fuentes Martins's user avatar
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Calculating LST from Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine not showing correct values?

I'm trying to write a code for Land Surface Temperature (LST) from Landsat 8 images in the google earth engine. I have successfully calculated the following steps, NDVI, fractional vegetation (fv), ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
4 votes
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(GEE) Constant value in Chart after applying scaling factor to LANDSAT

After applying a scaling factor to my LANDSAT collection 2 level 2 data the values seem to be off. var addNDVI = function(image) { var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['SR_B4', 'SR_B5'])....
N_LLC's user avatar
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Does USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance need cloud mask before NDVI computation

For computing the NDVI I want to use USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA does it need cloud masking or any other form of ''cleaning'' before I can use it?
N_LLC's user avatar
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NDVI values of Landsat 7 and 8 differ for same location and year (GEE)

The NDVI values for the same location and same year differ between Landsat 7 and 8. Even though I would expect a small difference the difference I found is too high. var collection1 = ee....
N_LLC's user avatar
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