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White patches on exporting band composite landsat 8 level2 image

I am using google earth engine and want to export landsat 8 (band- 2 to 7) composite but in earth engine image is clear but when i export and open image to arcgis its appear white patches there. What ...
Raja Usama's user avatar
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Top of Atmosphere of Landsat 8 bands

I am trying to calculate the Top of Atmoshpere using the corresponding coefficients. The raster calculator in ArcGIS however is giving me incorrect results. The formula I am using is ((0.00002 * .tif ...
Andrew Rickard's user avatar
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LST calculation from Landsat 8 and 7 shows really different output

I am trying to calculate LST for my region using ArcMap 10.5, but it shows different output and resolution. The first image is Landsat 7 (2012) and the second one is Landsat 8 (2022). So, logically ...
Zon Zahidan's user avatar
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Different NDVI values with and without scale/offset

Bellow there are 2 different NDVI values, before and after applying scale/offset on bands 4 and 5. Which is correct, the one with scale/offset being applied or the other? I used a Landsat 8 L2SP image,...
Chris's user avatar
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Remove pixels from one raster to another

In the following images, the first one has only 2 classes of pixels. I would like to remove Image's 1, class 1 (white pixels) completely from Image 2. As a result, Image 2 will have null values in the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Valid range of Landsat L2SP

I am using ArcGIS Pro. The given band 4 of a Landsat 8 L2SP product has a range of 75-62460, but in table 6-1 the valid range is 7273-43636. What is this range and also, should I exclude values for my ...
Chris's user avatar
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Do I need to convert OLI bands DN values to reflectance and TIRS bands DN values to radiance?

I know that this a very trivial question. I downloaded some Landsat 8 images from the USGS website that have the following format (I deleted the processing date): ...
RIM's user avatar
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Resolving land use/land cover misclassification

I'm relatively new to RS, I've been using Landsat Collection 2 Tier 2 data for my land use maps in ArcGIS Desktop. The problem is that my AOT has scarce rural built up area, due to which other barren ...
Ayushi Sharma's user avatar
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Removing cast shadow from Landsat 8

I've got Collection 2, level 2 Landsat 8 dataset which contain mountains. The problem is the cast shadows from the mountains, so that I can't classify these pixels well. These pixels have much lower ...
GeoKapor's user avatar
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I have Landsat 8 level 1 data in different date to cover entire region after mosaicking the complete images there is found to be distinct color

How can I find a proper solution?
Sandeep Jha's user avatar
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Landsat 8 band combinations aren't appearing the way they should in ArcMap

I did all the right steps of combining 7 of Landsat 8 bands into one .tif in ArcMap but the combinations aren't just appearing the way they should, attached picture related.
Mohammed Imad Eddine Alliouche's user avatar
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Generate classification schema in ArcGIS Pro using labeled raster - fail

Trying to do supervised classification of L1TP Landsat 8 OLI bands using USDA Crop Data Layer .tif file through ArcGIS Pro. The Crop Data Layer file has one band, with labels like "Corn", &...
sbab's user avatar
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Calculating EVI in ArcMap for Landsat 8 Image gives values ranging from 55155 to -23235 [closed]

How do I calculate EVI in ArcMap for Landsat 8 Image? My values are ranging from 55155 to -23235. I have tried using the formula: 2.5 * [(band 5- band 4)/ (band 5 + 6*band 4-7.5* band 2) + 1] I ...
Arpan's user avatar
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Landsat 8 Cloud Cover [duplicate]

I downloaded Landsat 8 imagery from Earth Explorer for a particular area. I tried to get it with no cloud cover, but it did not show any results. The least amount of cloud cover that I could get was ...
EBee's user avatar
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Deleting polygon defined area from multi band raster layer in ArcGIS Desktop?

This is a similar question to Deleting polygon defined area from raster layer in ArcGIS Desktop?, but I need the answer to be able to apply to multi bands since I am working with a RGB file. I have a ...
Binx's user avatar
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ArcMap Raster Calculator SetNull not changing value?

I am having issues with the "SetNull" function within the Raster Calculator in ArcMap. I have a landsat 8 image that I separated the bands into their own raster (only working with 6 of them), bands 2-...
Binx's user avatar
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How can I set multiple values to null in one raster and replace all other values with another raster?

I am working with Landsat8 cloud data (BQA.tiff). I would like to set all medium and high confidence cloud/cloud shadow values (values listed below) to null and replace all other values in this image ...
Drew's user avatar
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Calculating indices such as NDVI or NDSI on Landsat 8 imagery whose pixel type is 16 bit signed integer?

I am trying to calculate an NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index) using Landsat 8 OLI level 1 imagery atmospherically corrected in ERDAS ATCOR using raster calculator in ArcMap. NDSI is used to to ...
Deshawn Brown's user avatar
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Landsat 8 bands of 432 looks too dark in ArcGIS

I have created a composite map using the combination of Landsat 8 bands of 4, 3 and 2 (I read this combination gives true natural color) to see the scene in true color in ArcGIS, but it looks too dark....
Vandka's user avatar
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Finding Land Surface Temperature in/across 4 continuous images in ArcMap

I'm trying to find Land Surface Temperature of 4 continuous Landsat8 images in ArcMap 10.4. I was able to calculate them as individual panels (using these two videos as guidelines:
ekorman's user avatar
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RGB values in Landsat 8 image

When I click on "information" of a Landsat 8 image (bands 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are combined), I get three RGB values: 10928, 10137 and 10265 respectively. What do these values mean? They don't ...
Ric_02's user avatar
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Landsat 8 mosaic

When I tried to mosaic two Landsat-8 images in ArcGIS 10.4, I found overlaps area after mosaic and it appears as sharp line and it looks like two images with different colors. I want to make them as ...
Wael Fathi's user avatar
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Incorrect values of NDSI index after TOA correction

I would like to calculate NDSI index (Normalized-Difference Snow Index) which basically is the same as NDVI but presents snow not vegetation :). As in NDVI the range of values for NDSI should be <-...
barbrka's user avatar
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Extracting some part of a satellite image using mask?

I'm trying to extract some part of a satellite Landsat-8 image. using another image. I have the following satellite image: and I want to keep only the areas from the satellite image which are ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Extracting pixel values in satellite images using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm trying to extract the pixel values(intensity values) of Landsat-8 satellite images using ArcGIS, I have an image and a crop data layer(CDL). Then I only kept the data for one crop, and got the ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Converting Landsat 8 to TOA for NDWI calculation

I am trying to use Landsat to identify small-scale water bodies in Eastern Africa. I first pansharpened a composite image of bands 2-7 to improve the resolution. Bands 2-4 are now at a resolution of ...
J. Eisma's user avatar
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How to remove clouds with the cf_mask.tif file provided from landsat 8 surface reflectance data?

I just downloaded my first group of landsat 8 surface reflectance data files. In this package contains sr bands 1-7 (I hope to use some of these to create an NDVI) as well as numerous files called: ...
Redskies421's user avatar
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How to create an annual NDVI from Landsat 8 imagery [closed]

I am relatively new to GIS. I am studying wildlife (I have collar data that lasts a year) and my supervisor and I would like to create an annual NDVI map for my projected area. I was able to ...
Redskies421's user avatar
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How to attach latitude and longitude values to pixels values in ArcGIS?

I am trying to create space time cubes of LANDSAT 8 images in ArcGIS. The space time cubes can be created using only feature classes, so I need to convert from TIFF to pixel values with Dates and ...
gaurav tripathi's user avatar
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Landsat 8 OLI Tasseled Cap Transformation Calculation ArcGIS 10.3

I need to calculate the TCT greenness for Landsat 8 OLI imagery and having a hard time finding a tool. All the python scripts I have found do not work and I am not experienced with Python at all. ...
nnash1980's user avatar
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Comparison of wildfires areas using NBR index obtained by Landsat 8 for 2 dates?

My aim is to compare two images of NBR index obtained by Landsat 8 for two dates: April the 1st and October the 26th (the beginning of the wildfires period and the ending of the period). After that I ...
Bulsara's user avatar
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change detction for landsat-8 and landsat-5 images

Can anyone help me in suggesting methods for change detection for landsat-8 and landsat-5 images? The software that I am using is ArcMap 10.2 and i need to find the increase in builtup area from the ...
user55059's user avatar
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How to compute NDSI in ArcGIS for Desktop?

How do I compute a Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) in ArcGIS's Raster Calculator? I have a Landsat 8 scene (hdf4 format) that contains derived surface reflectance band-by-band. Each band is a ...
user3052817's user avatar
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Landsat 8 dataset processing in batch?

I´m trying to open Landsat images at Geotiff with metadata in ENVI. I have a dataset of 101 Landsat 8 images and I want to open all the images and then save them to do some band math either on ...
jpdelped's user avatar
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Stacking Band ratio on Landsat 8?

I have a question about Landsat 8 I am going to work on... I am thinking about stacking all the bands however there are 15 m, 30m, and 100m Do you stack all together ? This is to give the end-user ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Removing cloud cover on LandSat 8 imagery using ArcGIS for Desktop? [closed]

How can I remove cloud cover on landsat8 imagery? using ArcGis10.2
حسن ابوالخير's user avatar
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Landsat 8 to the temperature map (in ArcGIS 10.0 -10.2.2 or ENVI 5.0) [closed]

I need to create a temperature map from Landsat 8. I found an algorithm that explains how to do it in ArcGIS:
natalia's user avatar
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Zooming into landsat-8 produces pixellated view

I am working on a project were I am using LANDSAT 8 images for remote sensing. The issue that I have is that when I zoom into them the photo is pixellated. I can not see a thing. When I zoom out ...
Paul Carlson's user avatar