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White patches on exporting band composite landsat 8 level2 image

I am using google earth engine and want to export landsat 8 (band- 2 to 7) composite but in earth engine image is clear but when i export and open image to arcgis its appear white patches there. What ...
Raja Usama's user avatar
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Ploting a landsurface time series using Landsat8 images on Google Earth Engine

The original code was for MODIS data, but I would like to do a time series with Landsat8 Tier 2 Level 2, which already has the LST values, you just have to apply the scalling factor. I modified the ...
Isabel de Carvalho's user avatar
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Calculate land surface temperature in GEE

I want to calculate the land surface temperature, but when the equation is run, there is an error in the PV equation. var emissivity = pv.expression('(0.985 *pv)+(0.960 *(1-pv))+ 4 * 0.01 *(pv(1-pv)))'...
user222721's user avatar
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GEE Temporal Collection Landsat 8 C2L2T1 : Error: map(ID=0) Image.multiply: If one image has no bands, the other must also have no bands. Got 0 and 1

I am struggling with an Error of missing Bands from a temporal Landsat8_C2_L2_T1 Image Collection while retrieving the temperature over a time range.(tried it with 1 year and 10 years. same problem.) ...
Mine's user avatar
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Downloading .csv file with time series of Landsat 8 EVI2 from multiple points using Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download a .csv file with a time series of Landsat 8 EVI2 from multiple points using GEE according to the following code: var roi = ee.FeatureCollection([ ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([...
Marcio Cure's user avatar
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Cloud Masking for Landsat 8 (LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2) in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to mask clouds in Landsat 8 surface reflectance imagery but I am getting a white output (Left image below) - the expected imagery is on the right. Below are the lines of code. var image = ...
Godwin Oluwaseyi's user avatar
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GEE Error : (intermediate value).rename is not a function for extraction of Temperature Condition Index

I'm trying to calculate Temperature Condition Index with LST for a year of 2020. But for the last step my code was error for function .rename. It was in line 127 for .rename('TCI') and the result is: ...
Aulia Sabita's user avatar
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How to the image date/ metadata used when using the .median filter in GEE?

I am processing LST, NDVI, NDBI, & UHI data in a 1 year period. I used the .median filter function for filtering the dates. My question is, how do I know what images to use? I've tried the ...
primamuliaa's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Error: "Layer error: No valid training data were found"

I make a classification of landcover for 13 years from 2010 to 2022, but in 2022 I get "Layer error: No valid training data were found" //Pemunculan SHP var shp = ee.FeatureCollection("...
Paulus Mendeita Gurning's user avatar
-2 votes
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Land cover analysis GEE

I want to do a time series analysis analysis for land cover classification. For 2024 I am using this dataset COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED
Sonia Das's user avatar
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How to download 5000 Cropped Images From GEE with Dynamic Names?

I have a CSV dataset where 5000 sat image data has been given lat, long, path, row, Date, and Landsat Name. I want to filter out images using date, path, row. Cropped out a 27*27 patch centered around ...
soma's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Landsat NDVI

I'm trying to map deforestation using Landsat NDVI time-series. But unfortunately I can't find the data from 2022 - 2023, on the other side data before that year is available. Can someone explain me ...
MapperIndo's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Error is not function

I'm trying to display landsat 8 with Google Earth Engine that are clipped with my shapefile but there's an error. Is there something wrong with my script? // Function to mask clouds using the ...
MapperIndo's user avatar
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Understanding Landsat 8-9 Pixel Quality Assessment (QA_PIXEL) Value Interpretations

Table 6.3 here describes the Landsat 8-9 Pixel Quality Assessment (QA_PIXEL) Value Interpretations. Value 54596 contains both "clear" and "cirrus". What am I to make of it? A pixel ...
user88484's user avatar
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Get monthly NDVI and NDWI median for a year, from Landsat collection Google Earth Engine (GEE)

I am trying to get NDVI and NDWI per month, based on the median of the images in one month. For this, I am using Landsat8 collection an year 2018. I keep getting empty bands for the var monthlyStats. ...
Valentina Bravo's user avatar
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Using cloud confidence to create cloud mask from Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL

I want to use the Landsat QA_PIXEl from this dataset to create a cloud mask in GEE. I only want to mask out the areas where there is high confidence that cloud cover is present. Looking at the ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
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Timelapse in GEE

This code is working and the video is active but only images are there. I couldn't add the date (year) to the images. How can this step be accomplished? // Define your collection var collection = (ee....
user233587's user avatar
3 votes
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Mask Clouds and Cloud Shadow on Landsat 8 images using Google Earth Engine

I'm creating a composite image using Landsat 8 as I want a monthly composite of an area without clouds. I'm having trouble with masking the clouds. I'm using this dataset and I am applying the code ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
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Calculating LST from Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine display a blank image

Why is it that when the following GEE code is used to calculate the lst of landsat8, the data statistics are correct, between 29°C and 55°C, but the output image is blank and the file is only 14.9MB? ...
Thomas Taylor's user avatar
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Topo correction

How can I address the problems associated with the hills shadows in GEE, as shown in the screenshot attached? It brings a lot of complication. AN IMAGE USED // Filter to 2019 Landsat 8 images over ...
orlando's user avatar
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Missing Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Data [duplicate]

I was downloading surface reflectance data from GEE from March 1st 2017 to October 31st 2017. I should be getting data every 16 days because of the nature of Landsat 8. However, there is no data in ...
MJG's user avatar
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Missing Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Data From August 2017

I was downloading surface reflectance data from GEE from March 1st 2017 to October 31st 2017. I should be getting data every 16 days because of the nature of Landsat 8. However, there is no data in ...
MJG's user avatar
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Downloading EVI from Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download images from Landsat's EVI collection off of Google Earth Engine. I saw another similar post here: EVI or NDVI collection image download that talked about the same issue. One ...
Lavendarfire's user avatar
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Visualize mean NDVI for the past 4 years Jan to Dec to distinguish cropland in GEE [closed]

My goal is to perform supervised classification in a large area using Landsat 8 images. Since the area has a lot of vegetation, it is challenging to accurately distinguish agricultural areas. To make ...
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Scaling satellite imagery before using it in GEE

I want to conduct an analysis on satellite imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission using Google Earth Engine, and after some research I made, I saw that the data always have to be scaled first before ...
GISGeekpro's user avatar
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Band calculations and sorting within a specified geometry

I am working on a small geographic area (< 50 km sq.) and am trying to find the 5-10 least cloudy Landsat images for my specified area. The issue I have is that if I simply use: imageCollection....
user225452's user avatar
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Illogical Land Surface Temperature value from Landsat 8 Level 2 Collection 2 Tier 1

We have been working on a research about urban heat using Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Google Earth Engine. We analyzed the LST pattern in 2021 by using Landsat 8 Level 2 Collection 2 Tier 1. ...
Bagas's user avatar
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Mask out non-bare soil pixels in Landsat8

I aim to create an Landsat8 image for bare-soil (no vegetation). To do this, I plan to derive the quantile of the bare soil index for each pixel and mask out pixels where the bare soil index has a ...
maarvd's user avatar
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NDSI handling of areas that cross over a pixel

I am using GEE to calculate the NDSI on Landsat8 using a polygon area of 500m. Since Landsat8 has a 30m pixel resolution, I wondered how the partial pixels are handled in the calculations. Are they ...
Fernando Fuentes Martins's user avatar
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Calculating LST from Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine not showing correct values?

I'm trying to write a code for Land Surface Temperature (LST) from Landsat 8 images in the google earth engine. I have successfully calculated the following steps, NDVI, fractional vegetation (fv), ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
4 votes
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(GEE) Constant value in Chart after applying scaling factor to LANDSAT

After applying a scaling factor to my LANDSAT collection 2 level 2 data the values seem to be off. var addNDVI = function(image) { var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['SR_B4', 'SR_B5'])....
N_LLC's user avatar
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Does USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance need cloud mask before NDVI computation

For computing the NDVI I want to use USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA does it need cloud masking or any other form of ''cleaning'' before I can use it?
N_LLC's user avatar
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NDVI values of Landsat 7 and 8 differ for same location and year (GEE)

The NDVI values for the same location and same year differ between Landsat 7 and 8. Even though I would expect a small difference the difference I found is too high. var collection1 = ee....
N_LLC's user avatar
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No data in collection LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR for 2022 [closed]

LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR data for year 2022 is not available. what is reason and when it can be available in Google Earth Engine?
Ajay Godara's user avatar
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"Exported bands must have compatible data types; found inconsistent types: UInt16 and Int16." how to solve?

I am new to GEE and processing satellite imagery. I am trying to download Landsat 8 Raw Imagery with the max. cloud coverage. I get the following error when running the task: Error: Exported bands ...
wgrc's user avatar
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Get rid of those masked tiles to continue with data processing

I have masked tiles in my Landsat images for my area of interest, so I merged a sentinel 2 image to fill the gaps. However, after merging and continuing with the classification, those tiles are still ...
Samar Tarek's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine - problem using math functions

I am using Landsat 8 C2L2 images, and I would like to multiply Band 10 with 0.00341802 and then add 149.0 in order to get land surface temperature in Kelvin (this is explained by the second image from ...
Chris's user avatar
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Converting Landsat 8 RGB bands to 8-bit colors

I generated composite images of Landsat 8 SR images using this Google Earth Engine collection, and for a machine learning project now I need to transform the RGB bands of these images to 8-bit colors. ...
Nicolas Suarez's user avatar
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Calculate and plot time series of tasseled cap from Landsat8 in GEE

My goal is to calculate TC for every image in the image collection and add it as another band to those images. (especially TCW and TCG). Then I would like to plot a scatter chart of the average TCW/...
proch's user avatar
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Image exported from GEE is pixelated when open in ArcMap

I am in my final step of exporting filtered images from Google Earth Engine. Exporting params like so // batch.Download.ImageCollection.toDrive(roilist_0_g_2016_2020_col, 'Landsat07', {scale: 30}); ...
Sihao's user avatar
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geetools:batch not working in 2022 Google Earth Engine (GEE) (solved)

I am pretty new to GEE, but somehow find my way to get an imagecollection that I want to export. Then I find geetools:batch with this answer Link. Objective and Problem: what I want to do is to ...
Sihao's user avatar
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How to remove duplicate Images from a Landsat8 Image Collection

I am very new to Google Earth Engine and coding. My goal is to run statistical analysis on a study & control area looking at Vegetation productivity loss across a time period. I downloaded the ee....
Abdirahman Ahmed's user avatar
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Export median yearly Landsat 8 bands and indices to Google Drive using Google Earth Engine

I am trying to export yearly median Landsat 8 bands and indices to Google Drive. I can do that for monthly images but I'd like to do that for yearly images. In the example below, I downloaded monthly ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Weird artifact on Landsat 8 image downloaded from Google Earth Engine

I am trying to download images from google earth engine for the Netherlands from 2013 through 2021. For the years 2013, 2017, and 2019, the images I'm getting have a weird white artifact on them, as ...
Srinath's user avatar
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LANDSAT 7 Surface Reflectance Missing Data For Large Swaths of Area

I am attempting to calculate the Green Chlorophyll Index across districts in Mali during the growing season(5/1-10/1) for the years2010 to 2019. I use Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance data for 2013-2019(...
Matt's user avatar
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How to blur Landsat 8 image using a gaussian smooth filter with specified sigma value before downloading using Google Earth Engine?

I would like to add gaussian blur with sigma = 'some value' to Landsat 8 images before I download them using Google Earth Engine (GEE). So far I managed to simple download the images without adding ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Earth Engine: Landsat 8 QA_PIXEL issues with cloud, shadow, and land masking

Using the QA_PIXEL band in Landsat 8 to mask out clouds, cloud shadow, and land often masks out large areas of water. The QA_PIXEL band identifies these water areas as land and cloud shadow, when this ...
Matt's user avatar
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Landsat 8 Collection 2 cloud-free mosaics in Earth Engine

I am trying to get cloud-free mosaics from 6-months periods of Landsat 8 Collection 2 Surface Reflectance. So far I've used geetools. My code consists of multiple modules so I can't paste it all here, ...
Jan Pisl's user avatar
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ArcGIS is not showing all the colors of TIFF image exported from Google Earth Engine

I am doing supervised classification in Google Earth Engine then export the output in .tiff format image. For prediction works, I need to import those .tif images in the ArcGIS. But ArcGIS / ArcMap is ...
Shahriar Mim's user avatar
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Land cover classification using Google Earth Engine, and involving SAVI and EVI indices

I'm trying to do a land cover classification using Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS. However, I want to involve indexes (SAVI, and EVI) in this classification process. I don't know how to solve this problem. Is ...
Asy'Ari Sanggo's user avatar